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1、作文提纲一、教育类The ultimate goal of education is to cultivate students who are able to ruminate well on some essential questions of life:who are we,whats the essences(nature)of science and art, how can humans 1. 教育&3,35,137Educational institutions have a responsibility to dissuade students frompursuin

2、g fields of study in which they are unlikely to succeed.建议类教育机构应该为学生的职业发展提供必要的指导,尤其是当学生有误入歧途的可能性的时候,这无疑是教育机构的责任之一。但是教育机构不应该因为学生的职业梦想看似无法就劝阻他们去努力。(建议的不可行性)一个个词抠教育机构无法哪些事情无法(unlikely),今天的很多成就但是当初看起来不可能完成的。 怀特兄弟人们的视野和想象力的问题这就是为什么那些伟大的人物超过常人的地方 thats the very reason why.教育机构对。的定义(succeed)可能会有问题。教育机构对的定义


4、并不是劝阻,而是鼓励学生地追求写的和梦想;当然此过程中,教育机构也应该有意识地进行引导,以免学生误入歧途。2. 教育&lucrative 15,35Educational institutions should actively encourage their students to choose fields of study that will prepare them for lucrative careers.追求回报丰厚的职业无可厚非,大学教育本身需要大量的金钱和时间的投入(students invest a large amount of time and money in

5、to education to shape their career futures,so its natural for them to expect a profitable return),因此自然也会期待较高的回报。从上来看,能获得丰厚的可以提高个人的生活质量,提高个人的幸福感;从层面上来看,只有个人的生活标准提高了才能减轻贫困(lower levels of poverty),同时也能为创造更大的税收,减少对转移支付的依赖(decrease demand on social transfer program thus curtailing public budget deficit)

6、,从而减少财政赤字。(建议的可行性)从时间变化的角度分析,从个人特点不同的角度分析(有case by case 的意味)教育机构无法准确地哪个行业具有回报丰厚。一方面,由于和条件的不同,分工高度精细化、职业调整越来越频繁,各个行业的平均回报水平在不断地变化(lucrative 难以确定),很有可能现在赚钱多的行业未来就不那么赚钱了(准备表示时间变化的句子),也很有可能现在不赚钱的行业未来却有很大的利润空间。另一方面,即使平均意义(fields)下某个行业赚钱较多, 但是行业内部也存在着很大的不同,即使再冷清的行业也有人能够获利丰厚,再热门的行业也总有人回报寥寥,这和个人自身的特点也有关系。(个

7、人的能力特点和应该作为主要观点)(实行建议的结果)本行业+其他行业(此彼分析) 可以多用反问以显示荒谬(准备反问句)如果所有的人都进入到获利丰富的行业,那么将会造成很糟糕的结果:一方面,原本获利丰厚的行业可能因为劳动力供给过剩而变得整体收入下降,这无疑和教育机构的初衷不符合 computer science finance ;另一方面,其他看起来收入不那么高的行业可能因为的缺乏而失去发展机会,但是很可能这些职业本身对于人类的稳定发展也非常重要。(例如清洁、环卫)educationsanitation workers(折衷的方案)(新的观点和老的观点都要注意)教育机构在指导学生的时候应该充分考虑

8、学生,也应该鼓励学生大胆地追求的梦想,同时应该提醒学生注意提升自身学习能力,以适应的变动和发展。但是对于希望获得高收入以实现自身价值的人,则也可以鼓励其进入高收入行业,但是也应该注意行业发展的前景。3. job availability&interest.talents 20,32,39,97,129,136,14020. Some people believe that college students should consider only their own talents and interests when choosing a field of study. Others

9、 believe that college students should base their choice of a field of study on the availability of jobs in that field.要求同 14032. College students should base their choice of a field of study on the availability of jobs in that field。要求同 13639.College students should be encouraged to pursue subjects

10、that interest them rather than the courses that seem most likely to lead to jobs.describe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.98.Educational institutions should actively encourage their stud

11、ents to choose fields of study in which jobs are plentiful.possible consequences of implementing the policy and explain how these个性特点和能力个人层面consequences shape your position.129.College students should base their choice of a field of study on the availability of jobs in that field.要求同 39136.Education

12、al institutions should actively encourage their students to choose fields of study in which jobs are plentiful.be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.140. Some people believe that universities should require every student to take

13、a variety of courses outside the student's field of study. Others believe that universities should not force students to take any courses other than those that will help prepare them for jobs in their chosen fields.Write a response in which you discuss which view more closely aligns with your ow

14、n position and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developingand supporting your position, you should address both of the views presented.写作要注意:a. 双方观点都要说,应该在让步段,包括 job availability 与variety 和 interest和 talents 的对立b. 要有反方的性的例子或者,也应该放入到让步段c. 要有具体的情况建议 advantageous or not advantageous

15、 的情形,应该放进不可行性或者可能产生的结果?(让步)考虑工作前景确实重要。生存是人最需要优先考虑的,如果难以获得一份稳定的工作,那么可能生活问题都解决不了。如果一个人连生存问题都解决不了,难以向贡献出的价值。幸福感低的例子?个人层面身体不健康违背了教育的初衷 theability to seek happiness and achievements 层面不稳定(建议的不可行性)not advantageous 的情形要说清楚(准备描述具体情形的句子)至少在以下两种情况教育机构无法准确地哪个行业的就业情况较好。一方面,由于和条件的不同,分工高度精细化、职业调整越来越频繁,各个行业的就业情况在不

16、断地变化(lucrative 难以确定),很有可能现在容易就业的行业未来却趋于饱和了(准备表示时间变化的句子),也很有可能现在难以找工作的行业未来却因为发展和政策的刺激变得具有活力。另一方面,能否找到工作还和个人的能力有关,即使平均意义(fields)下某个行业机会较多, 但是行业内部也存在着很大的不同,即使再冷清的行业也有人能够找到不错的工作,再热门的行业也总有人失望而归,这和个人自身的特点也有关系。(个人的能力特点和应该作为主要观点)如果所有的人都进入到容易就业的行业,那么将会造成很糟糕的结果:一方面, 原本容易就业的行业可能因为劳动力供给过剩而变得饱和,反而难以找到工作, 这无疑和教育机

17、构的初衷不符合;另一方面,其他看起来不太容易就业的行业可能因为的缺乏而失去发展机会,但是很可能这些职业本身对于人类的稳定发展也非常重要。(例如清洁、环卫、历史、文科)(折衷方案)和工作都很重要没有工作。没有。 更看重哪个取决于个人的追求教育机构应该鼓励学生大胆追求的和梦想,实现自身的价值。但是教育机构也有责任为学生提供就业方面的指导,为学生决定学习领域提供帮助,在指导的过程中应该注意和的发展,同时应该鼓励学生提高自身学习能力以应对的变动和发展。4.variety13,46,140,70,102,11213.Universities should require every student to

18、 take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study.be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could be used to challenge your position.46.Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study.describe

19、 specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position.140.Some people believe that universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study. Others beli

20、eve thatuniversities should not force students to take any courses other than those that will help prepare them for jobs in their chosen fieldsyou should address both of the views presented.70.Claim: Universities should require every student to take a variety of courses outside the student's maj

21、or field of study.Reason: Acquiring knowledge of various academic disciplines is the best way to become truly educated.Write a response in which you discuss the extent to which you agree or disagree with the claim and the reason on which that claim is based.102.Universities should require every stud

22、ent to take a variety of courses outside the student's field of study.In developing and supporting your position, you should consider the possible consequences of implementing the policy and explain how these consequences shape your position.112.Requiring university students to take a variety of

23、 courses outside their major fields of study is the best way to ensure that students become truly educated.you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.注意:1.让步段 仍然要提到对方可能进行反驳的例子或者落)(准备让步段2. 可行性的段落仍然要具体到哪些情况不行 哪些

24、情况可以3. 结果段落肯定要有4. 和论断如何统一契合(观点)有保留地同意该观点(正面)正面特征与一般逻辑推理。The most distinguished aim of formal education is to allow individuals to think well and deeply about the mechanism of the world and make satisfying decision.Every academic(scholarly) discipline has been constructed over the years to equip stud

25、ents with the some particular systematic ways of investigating, thinking and integrating, ways proved exceptionally effective.但是世界就像一,各种因素相互纠缠,要想发掘复杂现象背后真正的机制和规律就必须要从不同的角度去探索不同的因素,这就要求人们能够利用不同的学科去思考现象。而且随着现代科技和人类智能的进步,人们处理的问题越来越复杂,越来越要求人们能够进行跨学科的研究。例如为了确定政府是否应该新建一座水坝(a dam project),需要有地质学家(geologist

26、)去勘测(reconnoiter)当地的 geological(geographical) conditions,需要有生态学家(ecologist)去研究水坝会对当地的环境造成怎样的影响,需要有经济学家去评估整个项目的成本和,需要有土木工程师(civil engineer)去设计水坝。尽管不可能一个人完成所有的工作,但是要想各个部门协调配合大家必须尽可能地能够知道必要的其他学科的知识。多学科方法能够帮助人们认识世界和进行决策,因此给学生开设不同种类的课程是非常有帮助的。未来越来越多的跨领域合作需要培养基本素质(转折) 让步 不能过度但是,its hard to say a multi-dis

27、cipline eduation is the best way to enable students to be truly educated.一方面, 如果我们过于采用这种建议, 一味地 cram mass of abstruseknowledge into students,可能会对学生的发展产生影响。To knoweverything is to know nothing;学生的时间和精力有限,不可能掌握所有的知识,并且大量的能会 discourage from further study另一方面,education 的效果不仅仅在。如果学生对某一学科完全不感学科,更加在于学生自身的天

28、赋和,那么强制他们学习这一门科目很可能会浪费他的时间。例如一个好朋友,他对于数学完全不感,但是对于文学很感,但是学校仍然要求他学习数学,这给他造成了很大的困扰。但是他不懂数学并妨碍他实现成为一个作家的梦想。因人而异总而言之,应该鼓励学生学习多样课程,并且为学生的选择提供机会和指导。但是也应该保持充分的弹性,照顾到学生的和天赋。73. Colleges and universities should require all faculty to spend time working outsidethe academic world in professions relevant to the

29、courses they teach.Write a response in which you discuss your views on the policy and explain your reasoning for the position you take. In developing and supporting your position, you should consider the possible consequences of implementing the policy and explain how these consequences shape your p

30、osition.(正面)教员在职业领域工作是有好处的。(抽象:理论与实际)1. 对于来讲,能够提供大量的素材,提升教学的效果和质量统计学在 security company 工作大量的 data能够更好地讲述统计技能、估计和推断我们都非常感2. 实践是检验真理的唯一标准。实践中可以加深对理论的认识和理解。3. 实践可以激发新的灵感,促进和指导理论的产生。学理论 有效市场假说计量学进行实证检验efficient markets hypothesisEugene Fama4.()1(. 不可行性)并不适用与所有的学科。例如思辨和理论性质比较强的学科,理论数学、理论物理、哲学等(特殊情况下不行)2.

31、(不利性)如果采用建议太过火。那么教员将要付出大量的时间和精力在professions 上,很可能会影响教学。(情况下不行)(本质)同时也不应该忽视学科发展的其他因素,只是在 profession 的领域里面工作还远远不够。学科的积累和学术氛围、良好的教学科研环境( 只有其不行要考虑其他因素)(观点)应该鼓励教员花适当时间在职业里面工作,但是最重要的是应该注意各个学科不同的特点。同时应该去的一个平衡二、政治类学科积累! 大量的观测Lucrative/job availability/interest and talents/variety/success只考虑和才华而不考虑毕业后的就业前景,毕

32、业后就业有可能会遇到困难。人的所有之中,生存的是最需要考虑的。但反过来,如果学生将的的学习和研究领域仅仅用就业的前景框限起来,就个人而言,人生失去了乐趣,就而言,很可能因为的淹没而损失了创新精神与活力。和 lucrative 一样的分析折衷The ultimate goal of education is to cultivate students who are able to ruminatewell on some essential questions of life:who are we,whats the essences(nature)of science and art, ho

33、w can humans A dozen of years should yield students who can think well about the essential questions of life :who are we ,where do we come from ,whats the world made of , what have humans achieved and what can we achieve ,how does one lead a good life?The distinct contribution of formal education is

34、 to equip students with the ways of thinking. The scholarly disciplines that have been constructed over the years to allow individuals to think well and deeply about these questions and some viable answers.Basic skills are the means for acquiring the disciplines ,just as the disciplines(and ultimate

35、ly interdisciplinary amalgams)provide the means for thinking well about important issues.I favor instruments that actually determine whether adisciplined way.can think in a三、28.The surest indicator of a great nation is represented not by theachievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists, but by

36、tits people.eral welfare ofways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explainhow these considerations shape your position.113. Claim: The surest indicator of a great nation is not the achievements of itsrulers, artists, or scientists.Reason: The surest indicator of a great nation i

37、s actually the welfare of all its people.120.Claim: The surest indicator of a great nation must be the achievements ofits rulers, artists, or scientists.Reason: Great achievements by a nation's rulers, artists, or scientists will ensure a good life for the majority of that nation's people.12

38、1.Some people claim that you can tell whether a nation is great by looking atthe achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists. Others argue that thesurest indicator of a great nation is, in fact, teral welfare of all its people.which you discuss which view more closely aligns with your own pos

39、itionyou should address both of the views presented127. The surest indicator of a great nation is not the achievements of its rulers,artists, or scientists, but teral well-being of all its peoplebe sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could beused to challenge your positi

40、on.145.The general welfare of a nation's people is a better indication of thatnation's greatness than are the achievements of its rulers, artists, or scientists.be sure to address the most compelling reasons and/or examples that could beused to challenge your position.85.Some people believe

41、that in order to thrive, a society must put its ownoverall success before the well-being of its individual citizens. Others believethat the well-being of a society can only be measured by tall its people.eral welfare of因果类:必须要即谈到结论又谈到这里的因果关系包括:not achievementwelfare of all its people Achievementsens

42、ure a good life for the majority of nations people1.要谈到反驳 general welfare 的对立方的例子和welfare 的缺点,必须要指出 general2.现有观点:General welfare整体福利水平高,才会有向心力和凝聚力Achievements of elite: 1.在现代意义上的关系。那时一个强大的2.但是对于现代意义的出现之前,和处于和被的表现为 elite 的成就。而言,与的关系是对等、服务的关(包括科学家和艺术家)系,集中在的受众。指标是的福利程度、水平、创造能力。和的凝聚力和向心力、的创新和3. Scient

43、ific and technological achievements serve in the first place toenhance a nations general welfare.(Advance in medical treatment, transportation, communication, etc)科学家的职责:Artistic achievements could not be neglected, though. They help to make a nation a better place to reside. (Provide inspiration, l

44、ife peoples spirit and bring about creativity and imagination, all of which spur us to make more accomplishments.)艺术家的职责 inspiration,spirit,creativity,imaginationThe military and diplomatic accomplishment of its leaders could neither beignored in teral welfare of a nation. (The War of Independence)军

45、事和外交的职责3. 但是也要注意科学技术不能损害 welfareGreat power the ability to exert its influence on a global scaleHard power& soft powerOverall success VS individual well-beingOverall success 意味着一种假设:世界上存在利益。于成员之外的Great nation的定义, prosperous in economy, democratic in politics , affluence in cultures.词汇:people pub

46、lic mass citizen folk成就注意:A 是 B 的 indicator 意味着因果关系,也就是由 A 可以推出 B,同样地由非 B 可以推出非 A;如果要反驳,那么就要证明有 A 不一定有 B(寻找其他因素),或者非 B也可能推出 A同意群众的福利是衡量伟大程度的重要指标,但是成就可以提高群众的福利,因而也是重要的指标。两者并不对立,反而密不可分。(让步/对立方观点)历史上的很多伟大的和,之所以令我们赞叹往往地是因为achievements。例如古埃及璀璨的艺术品和金字塔 pyramid,中国的四大发明 thefour great inventions of ancient C

47、hina,希腊的、文学戏剧、甚至是政治也是 rules 的成就;再例的以军事著称,如下的、拿破仑下的无坚不摧的法兰西。同时一个伟大的也体现在其国际影响力上,而.成就就是一个最为直接的标准,因为其影响力往往由精英体现(diplomatists)。可能由此会推出只是。但是不容忽视的是的利益也很重要(正面)由组成,只有(陈列正面特征) 福利好:a.多的税收,造福整体福利高,才有可能强大。(从定义入手)能够更加投入到工作,创造出的,缴纳更(构架因果,因中间结果最终结果)b.更加稳定,(取非相反地,在导人(削弱)率下降 c.积极参加公益事业,造福整个)如果不能过上幸福的生活 可能会投票使领两者并不反而是

48、相互和谐的。从个人的角度上看,上述三种人也属于,他们能取得成就,运用自己的才能实现的理想,获得一定的回报,本身提升了的福利。从层面上来讲,上述三种人的成就从整体上促进了福利的增加。举例:三种人分别的职责。Artistfree peoples imagination and creativityInspire the sympathetic emotions deeply rooted in people mind Guide people to appreciate the beauty of humaand nature Enable people to lead gracious and

49、felicitous liveslaunch technique innovations to boost social productivity so material wealth is produced to better satisfy peoples increasingScientistthat more demandsbreakthroughs achieved in various scientific researches not only facilitate peopleslife and provide insights into tackling problems w

50、hich puzzle people for years such as famine crisis, energy shortage and so on.Rulerslead the nation on right course and ensure the social justTo create a democratic and orderly environment wherepeople can assume their responsibilities and enjoy their rights很难说哪个更重要,只有既。又。的才能真正称得上伟大59.科技Scientists an

51、d other researchers should focus their research on areas that are likely to benefit the greatest number of peopledescribe specific circumstances in which adopting the recommendation would or would not be advantageous and explain how these examples shape your position有保留地同意同意:1. 科学本身应该为人类服务,那些对人类发展进步

52、有着显著益处的学科确实应该着重发展科学的一个使命支持者多2. 对于一个非洲的问题威胁到大多数人的福利 应该优先解决饥荒 famine而不是 载人航天plague 饮水卫生 safe water cutting-edge3. 这种准则可以避免科学有害的一面保留(建议的不可行性和不利性):1. 不可行性:难以确定究竟哪些学科是能够最有益于大多数人的很多时候真正的用途还有待人们的发现和利用Up to people to take advantage .尤其是冷门、纯思辨性 case by case情况即便是量子力学 看起来和人们的日常生活很远太阳能电池2. 不直接和人们的生活相也影响人们的生活科学的

53、重要之处还在于探索自然的奥秘 促进人和自然的和谐相处探索宇宙的奥秘 满足人类的好奇心Manned space flightProject Apollo3. 不利性:所有研究者都到哪些所谓最有用的学科上面(1) 忽视科学家本身真正的天分,盲目追求热门(2) 部分看起来没有更直接 benefit 的学科可能因此而失去发展机会,但是这些学科同样都是人类智慧的结晶,甚至也可能创造出有利于人类的成果。(积累表达不可行和不利性的句子!)折衷方案应该鼓励任何方向和领域的科研活动,鼓励科学家人尽其用,在的研究上不懈努力,除非这些科研活动会明确危及人类生命安全道德秩序。其次,对于那些惠及多数人的科研项目应该给与

54、大力的财力支持。举例?有保留地支持的模板I agree insofar as 支持的程度Yet, if strictly followed, the speakers recommendation(suggestion) would have aharmful(detrimental)effect on research and new knowledge().拯救濒危动物31.Society should make efforts to save endangered species only if the potential extinction of those species is t

55、he result of human activities.consider the possible consequences of implementing the policy and explain how these consequences shape your position.63.There is little justification for society to make extraordinary effortsespeciallyat a great cost in money and jobsto save endangered animal or plant s

56、pecies.you should consider ways in which the statement might or might not hold true and explain how these considerations shape your position.67. Some people believe that society should try to save every plant and animal species, despite the expense to humans in effort, time, and financial well-being. Others believe that society need not make extraordinary


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