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1、英语演讲与辩论复习重点一、三种演讲的定义Introductory speech: The speechis written in manuscript form and is designed to fulfill two purposes.Thefirst is to give you a brief, initial exposure to speaking before an audience.The second is to provide a piece of original prose that can be used to help diagnose your strength

2、s and weakness as a writer.Informative speech :is the one in which the speaker provide the audience with new and/or useful information about a significant topic.Persuasive speech: This is a speech designed to persuade the audience for or against a question or policy.二、演讲稿三大板块1、 Introduction Relate t

3、opic to the audience Present the topic to the audience Attract attention Build credibility Present main points2、 Conclusion sum up3、 Body(1) Informative speech 1) Visual aidsA. Kinds of visual aida. Objects and modelsb. Photographs and drawingsc. Graphsd. Chartse. Videosf. The speakerg. PowerPointB.

4、 Tips for preparing visual aidsa. Keep visual aids simpleb. Make sure visual aids are large enoughc. Use fonts that are easy to readd. Use color effectively2) Organization patterna. Chronological order 时间顺序b. Spacial order空间顺序c. Topical order话题顺序(2) Persuasive speech1) Question of fact.话题顺序2) Questi

5、on of value3) Question of policy (passive agreement & immediate action)a. Problem-solution pattern order问题出路法问题成因出路法b. Problem-cause-solution orderc. Comparative advantages order优惠对比法(pros&cons)d. Motivated sequence动机序列法(seek immediate action and more detaile dFive steps of motivated sequenc

6、ei. Attentionii. Need 'iii. Satisfactioniv. Visualizationv. Action三、Supporting material的运用(分析题会用到)Problems:1. Foreign languages,foreign laws,customs and regulations2. Exchange rates varies3. Numerous cultural differences4. First-hand accurate information is comparatively hard to obtain.Brief exa

7、mple 简单例证1. ExamplesExtended example 延展例证Hypothetical example假设7 / 7Single statistics2.StatisticsMultiple statisticsa. Use representative statisticsb. Identify the sources of statisticsc. Use statistics from reliable sourcesd. Round off complicated statisticse. Explain statisticsf. Use visual aids t

8、o clarify statisticsExpert3.TestimonyPeela. Decide whether to quote or paraphraseb. Quote or paraphrase accuratelyc. Use testimony from qualified sourcesd. Use testimony from unbiased sourcese. Identify the people you quote or paraphrase四、简答1、 Intercultural competence2、 Mental dialogue3、使用visual aid

9、s的好处'4、为什么确定 specific purpose特另U重要5、为什么道德标准很重五、 Methods of persuasion1. Building credibility1) Factors of credibilitya. Competenceb. Character2) Enhancing your credibilitya. Explain your competenceb. Establish common ground with your audiencec. Deliver your speeches fluently.expressively and wit

10、h conviction2. Using evidencea. Use specific evidenceb. Use novel evidence新颖的)c. Use evidence from credible sourcesd. Make clear the point of your evidence3. Reasoning(is a process of drawing a conclusion on the basis of evidence)l. Reasoning from specific instance(from a number of particular facts

11、to a general conclusion (归纳)a. Avoid generalizing too hastilyb. Make sure the instances you present are fair, unbiased and representative.c. Reinforce your argument with statistics or testimony.m. Reasoning from principle(from a general principle to a specific conclusion)(演绎)注意:A. Causal reasoningB.

12、 Analogical reasoningC. Fallaciesn. Red herring 转移话题(熏青鱼)( A fallacy that introduces an irrelevant issue to divert attention from the subject under discussion)o. Ad Hominem 人身攻击(A fallacy that attacks the person rather than dealing with the real issue in dispute)p. Bandwagon 主流思想谬误(A fallacy that assumes that because something is popular,it is therefore good,correct or desirable)d.Slippery slope 斜坡谬误(不合理地使用连串的因果关系)(A fallacy that assumesthat taking a first step will lead to subsequent steps that cannot be prevented)4. Appealing to em


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