



1、American Westward MovementU.S. Westward Movement is a long and sustained process of development. Back in the United States prior to independence, the Americans began to expand to the western North American continent, but until the United States after independence, the United States westward movement

2、 was more active and planned, and continues to the present. Throughout the American West in the history of westward movement can be divided into the following period. Agriculture is the main period of initial development From the War of Independence to the Civil War is the American West during the f

3、irst period, mainly agriculture-based initial development period. Land on the western economic development after independence the United States has a special significance, not open to the west is not todays America. Seven years after the war ended, Britain and France, the United Kingdom from France

4、won the west of the Appalachian Mountains of Canada and the east bank of the Mississippi River until the vast area; the same time, the United Kingdom announced that the Appalachian Mountains to the west of all land belongs to the British royal family, which be triggered anti-British colonists in Nor

5、th America one of the factors. Bourgeois desire for expansion of the national territory, land speculators attempt to derive profits, farmers, artisans, and put the western land of immigrants, as from oppression, the only hope for a new life. Integrated development of the industrial period From the C

6、ivil War to World War II is the American West in the second period, mainly based on industry-based, integrated development period. The end of the Civil War, especially after the reconstruction of the South, the South won the largest capitalist economy, the development of plantations in northern and

7、southern main bourgeois compromise, there have been relatively stable political situation. At the same time, the second industrial revolution is rapidly rising, the United States began the country from an agricultural to an industrial transformation. Thus, the westward movement of this period, based

8、 on industry-based, integrated development. Development of high-tech times the depth of the main From the end of World War II to the present is the American West in the third period, mainly in the depth of the main development of science and technology development period. After the end of World War

9、II, the United States first occurred in a computer network technology, nuclear technology, biotechnology, space technology, space and an important symbol of the third technological revolution. Western United States full use of its scientific and technological revolution in the hotbed of the geograph

10、ical advantages, to science and technology development as the main use of advanced technology to transform traditional industries, develop new industries, greatly promoted the development of the western United States and the prosperity of the entire U.S. economy and strong support for development of

11、 knowledge economy of the United States.Sport nature A constant migration to the west, the process of territorial expansionAmerican Westward Movement, is a constant migration to the west, the process of territorial expansion, and migration to the west, only a prelude to the United States territorial

12、 expansion, was the result. First, illegal immigration into the west, and then, the government will map these areas into the U.S., then followed that the influx of large numbers of Reclamation. Independent United States of America, the region is very small, only 13 states Atlantic coast. After indep

13、endence, large numbers of people flocked to the Wild West. Initially, immigrants mainly settled in areas to the east of the Mississippi. Early 19th century, the United States through the purchase of armed subversion and means of waging war for territorial expansion. In 1803, while Napoleon was busy

14、with the U.S. government war machine in Europe, bought Louisiana from France. 20 years since the 19th century, immigrants migrated to the west of the Mississippi River, a large number of Americans who moved to Texas a division of Mexico, a pioneer of Texas annexation. 40 Americans over the age of th

15、e Rocky Mountains, along the Pacific region flocked in groups, setting off the Oregon Fever and California fever and led to the U.S. territory of coverage of these areas. The same period, the Eurasian region of the shortage of large disaster and war, a large number of European and Asian immigrants f

16、lock to the United States. 1857 The first global economic crisis in the eastern U.S. large numbers of workers facing unemployment, a large number of hungry people wandering in the country, many people with great desire to flock to the western land. In 1862, Lincoln government promulgated the Homeste

17、ad Act, the Westward Movement to a new climax. According to statistics, from 1815 to 1860, immigration has 500 thousand people; from 1861 to 1914 half-century, migration of more than 2,700 people. A large number of European and Asian immigrants, many come to seek a way out gold or laborers. In human

18、 history, like the U.S., scale, scope, length of time, the deep social impact of immigration movement is rare, making the United States as the worlds most typical, dynamic nation of immigrants. The contribution of immigrants is apparentAn economic development process American Westward Movement, is a

19、n industrial revolution go hand in hand, the coordinated development of industrial and agricultural economic development process. The vast expanse of the western region is rich in mineral resources, water resources and forest resources, has a long coastline and excellent harbor, has the right climat

20、e, suitable for agriculture Yi Mu. It provides a superior American industrial conditions and broad market prospects, but also for the development of U.S. agriculture provides the vast world. The 19th century, 60 years, the Ohio River and the Mississippi River north of the development of a kingdom of

21、 wheat, the Mississippi River as Cotton Kingdom. The rise of agriculture as the economic prosperity of the United States provides a good foundation for the eastern industrial and urban population with ample raw materials, food. The American Industrial Revolution of the unique characteristics ofWeste

22、rn development means the expansion of the domestic market. Tens of millions of immigrants gradually came to settle in Western business, production and labor required for the basic necessities of life are required to purchase materials, market capacity of large, unprecedented. This promoted the devel

23、opment of manufacturing industry in eastern, but also to keep them westward. Large land area, the need to improve traffic conditions in the 19th century built 20 to 30 years and the Ohio Erie Canal - Erie Canal, the Mississippi River, the Great Lakes and the Atlantic Ocean linked together. In partic

24、ular, from 30 years onwards, the government encouraged and funded the construction of railways in the country set off a boom in decades has built a transcontinental railway lines 5, formed the backbone of the national railway land and water transport system. Accelerate the development of the transpo

25、rt industry the process of industrial revolution in the United States, while it is also an important result of the industrial revolution the United States to promote the mechanization of agriculture production. The process of pioneering the American people Westward Movement is the process of pioneer

26、ing the American people. To face various difficulties and obstacles, the United States abandoned the people of all stereotypes, overcome difficulties and forge ahead, thereby fostering the formation of the American nation reality, optimism and courage of the national character, which is an inexhaust

27、ible wealth of a life time. Flooding also killed the movement of indigenous Indian American Westward Movement, is also a drive to kill the movement of indigenous Indians, the Indians a history of hardship. But from the perspective of the evolution of human civilization, it is the United States, the

28、process of capital accumulation, in the form of modern civilization. Advanced capitalist mode of production extended to the western region, making it the capitalist world-system components.Rating: For the American Westward Movement, which is in a free market economy and the territorial expansion against the backdrop of large-scale population movements as the basis for the pilot transport, industry, agriculture and animal husbandry as the main point, in order to promote regional development in growth centers socio-economic development process. The results of the American West, complete the e


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