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1、1 / 6考点跟踪突破 39 日常交际用语1. Would you like to go to Shan ghai Disn eyla nd C . rm sure ni have a great time there.A. rm afraid not B . It does nt matterC. That sounds like fun2. _C_? (2016,昆明)Great ! Every one had fun.A. How often do you exerciseB. Did you ride a horseC. How was your school trip yesterd

2、ayD. Can you do the dishes3. The box is heavy.Could you please help me carry it?_A_! (2016,龙东)A. My pleasure B . You are kiddingC. Good idea4. rm very n ervous the ni ght before the big exam. A . rm sure you can make it. (2016,鄂州)A. Take it easy B . Take your timeC. Go ahead D . Enjoy yourself5. Wou

3、ld you help us make a pla n to explore Tibet?B (2016,恩施)A. No, thanks. B . Yes, of course.C. Its very kind of you.6. Our head teacher is resp on sible for his work.He spe nds most of his time with us. _C He always com muni cates with our pare nts in his free time.( 2016, 黄冈)A. I hope so! B . What?C.

4、 Thats for sure. D . Why?7. Would you like to play basketball with us this after noon? D , but my mother is ill.(2016,武汉)A. I dont care B . Its very nice of youC. Of course not D . My pleasure8 . I had a pleasa nt wi nter vacati on with my family in the no rth._D . (2016,武汉)A. Oh, thats nice of you

5、B . Enjoy yourselfC. Well done D . Glad to hear that9. I thi nk stude nts can have mobile phones to help with their studies.? It opened this June.(2016,厦门)2 / 6 B . They often use them to play games. ( 2016,武汉)A. I thi nk so B . I dont agreeC. No problem D . Thats a good idea3 / 610. Attention , ple

6、ase ! I have good news for you about your flight. _D_? (2016,宜昌)A. What are they B . Where is itC. How are you D . What is it11. Excuse me.Is there a bus to the Olympic Cen ter?_B_. You can take the No.111 bus. (2016,宜昌)A. Yes, it is B . Yes, there isC. rm not sure D . Sorry , I have no idea12. I ha

7、ve nt bee n back to my hometow n for years._C_! Your parents must miss you very much.(2016,郴州)A. Of courseB. No problemC. What a shame13. Would you please help me do the dishes, John?_B , but rm busy cleaning my room. (2016,长春)A. Youre welcome. B . rm sorry.C. It does nt matter. D . Thats right.14.

8、Steve , I hear that Peter has won ano ther champi on ship.It s not surprising._B_. He practices the hardest in the team.无锡)A.Every dog has its dayB.No pain , no gainC.Many hands make light workD.Actions speak lounder than words15. What about going to Shan ghai Disn eyla nd Park next month C ! Well h

9、ave a lot of fun there.(2016,连云港)A. Good luck B . Never mindC. Sounds great D . Certainly not16 . (on the mobile pho ne)Where are you ? I cant see you here at the theatre._C . rm just one block away. (2016,南京)A. Good idea B . My pleasureC. rm coming D . Nice talki ng to you17 . Nice to meet you , Mr

10、.Green.l m Sandy and this is Brad , _C_ .(2016,安徽)A. See you later B . You are welcomeC. Please to meet you all D . You have a point there18 . Which sign of the following means“No Smoking ”? (2016,(2016,Harry?Ken and Emily.宿迁)_B4 / 6A.B.C.5 / 6D.19. The wome n badm inton players won the Uber Cup.卫(2

11、016,宿迁)A. What a pity! B . With pleasureC. Never mind. D . rm glad to hear that.20. May I go out for a short break, Mr.Smith? A . Lets continue the meeting when you come back.( 2016,包头)A. Go ahead B . It dependsC. Never mi nd D . Forget it21. I came first in the long jump._C , rm so proud of you.(20

12、16,呼和浩特)A. Good luck B . Have funC. Well done D . Youre joking22. You won the first prize in the physics competiti on. 旦 I made several terrible mistakes.(2016,西宁)A. I think so. B . Are you kidding?C. You are welcome. D . It does nt matter.23 . _B_Where there is a will , there is a way.Thanks , Mr.L

13、i.Ill try my best to improve my English.(2016,滨州)A. Best wishes B . Never give upC. Have a good trip D . What a pity24 . Excuse me , where is the Moonlight Hotel?A. Im a stranger myself. (2016,上海)A. Sorry , I dont know B . No, I dont think soC. It does nt matter D . Thank you all the same25 . The Ar

14、t Festival is comin g.Were going to watch the play Twelfth Night.D . (2016,上海)A. Thats all right B. Never mind6 / 6C. Youre welcome D . Enjoy your time26 . I tried to pass the driving test, but I failed._C_. Good luck to you next time. (2016,天津)A. Thats great B . Its interestingC. Thats a pity D . G

15、lad to hear that27. Hi, Diana , how was your summer holiday?_D_! I enjoyed myself in the sea very much.(2016,天津)A. Good idea B . Wait a minuteC. Thats too bad D . Pretty good28. Maybe you can catch the last bus.D . If not , Ill have to walk home. (2016,重庆)A. Good job B . Just so -soC. Not at all D .

16、 I hope so29. Shall we go to Alberta for the summer holiday?_A . Its one of the worlds cleanest cities.(2015,温州)A. Sou nds great B . Not at allC. Youre kidding D . Youre welcome30 . Tomorrow my pare nts will take me to Hongkong Disn eyla nd._C (2015,梅州)A. Best wishes to you! B . Its a good idea.C. H

17、ave a good day! D . Good luck to you!31. Hi ! Mr.Zhang , I am enrolled (录取)by an important senior high school.Really ? _B_! (2015,百色)A. Thank you B . Con gratulatio nsC. Never mind D . I dont hope so32 . How is it going these days?_A_ . (2015,崇左)A. Not bad. B . Not at allC. Thats right. D . Youre we

18、lcome.33 . rm really tired because I studied un til midni ght last ni ght._B_(2015,贵港)A. No problem.B . Why dont you go to bed earlier toni ght?C. Youre welcome.D. You can study for a test by tak ing no tes.34 . Would you like to go out for dinner with me?B , but I have to finish my homework first.(2015,贺州)A. Yes, I can B . Sure, Id love toC. Sorry , I cant D . No, I could nt35 . I will have


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