



1、用心爱心专心1Module 10Un it 1 How do I write my homework n the cmputer课型:听说课【学习目标】a)熟悉本课所学新词汇;b)能用How do I write my homework n the cmputer ?c)通过学习电脑方面的词汇提高学生对英语的学习兴趣, 会大大提高学习英语的积极性。【课前准备】1、A.下列关于电脑的单词,你能记住吗?看谁记得又快又对!keyboard mon itor mouse prin ter computer能在电脑上指出他们么?B.这几个词是什么意思呢?print,connect,switch on,u

2、se,click,save他们都是动词,在使用电脑时,可是大有用处啊!2、在课文中找出下列词组:用电脑 _打开一个新文件夹 _点击“新文件夹” _使用键盘 _在你身后 _3、语言点导学:观察:-How do I write my homework on the computer?我怎么用电脑写作业?-How do I save the docume nt ?我怎么保存文件?-Where do I write the name ?我在哪里写名字?-How do I print it ?我怎么打印?-Wheres the printer ?打印机在哪里?思考:上边这些句子,叫做特殊疑问句。How

3、, when , where等叫做疑问词,除去这些疑问词之后的句子叫_。4、尝试:A将下列句子改为特殊疑问句。1)Do you open a new document ? (how)2) Does he play computer games ? (where)3) Do you listen to music ? (when)4) Does the tiger come from ? (where)B你能用本节课所学单词再造几个类似的特殊疑问句吗?C问题准备:通过预习,你还有哪些词、句存在问题?请在书上做记号或记录下来。【课堂活动】1、 交流检查课前准备部分,师生互问探讨解决问题。这一句型造

4、句及其回答; 特别是对电脑感兴趣的学生写作业 _使用鼠标_在文件夹里 _点击“保存” _打印作业 _用心爱心专心22、 口头练兵场:1) 看图说活:-Whats this?-Its a computer.-Whats this?-Its a.2)两人一组操练以上句型:3、 听录音,完成Activity 1 and Activity 3.4、Activity41)一听,回答下面两个问题:What does Lin gli ng want to do on computer?Who is good at the computer ?2)二听,做Activity 5。3)三听,做Activity 6

5、。4)两两问答Activity 7。5、Liste n and do Activity8 Activity9 .6、 学习成果展示:怎样用电脑做作业呢?通过本课的学习,你会了吗?同时你可以在其中使用firstthen,next,fin ally,again等单词吗?到前面来,告诉我们吧!(可以多叫几个同学,让他们都来说一下;也可以进行小组间的对抗赛。)7、课堂练习舞台Workbook Exercise1a nd Exercise3 8、当堂小节反馈:回想本课所学内容,你学到了哪些,还有哪些疑问?Unit 1 How do I write my homewoek on the computer?

6、练习题I、请将下面的英文表达与相应的汉语意思搭配起来,并将序号填入题前的括号中。A.使用鼠标B上网C打开电脑D保存文件E连接显示器和电脑F点击“新文件”()1. Swich on the computer()2. connect the mon itor to the computer()3.use the mouse()4. click“new document”()5. save the docume nt()6. go on li ne用心爱心专心3II、词汇A)根据句意及首字母提示补全单词。1. Your teacher can teach you how to s the new d

7、ocume nt .2. What do you usually do at the w ?3. Please say that a.4. You must switch on the computer . Then Ill tell you what to do n5. I want to go to Beigi ng by t_B)用所给单词的适当形式填空。6. -D0 you want to go to the park ?-No , Ill finish my work(one).7. How many(grandchild) do your gran dpare nts have ?

8、8. You must(check) your homework now .9. What can a(print) do , do you know ?10. Mike usually(use)acomputer to finish his work .II、从方框中选择适当的选项补全下列对话。(D=Daming , T= Tom)D: Do you have a computer at home ,Tom?T: Yes , I have one .D:I have one ,too . (1) Can you help me ?T: Of course .D:How can I do my

9、 homework oon the computer ?T:_(2)_D:Whats the mouse ?(3)_T: Yes , it looks like a mouse .And you write your homework in the docume nt . D:And the n how canI save the docume nt ?T: You just click“save”, and write a name for it .D:(4)_T: In the box ,(5)_D:Tha nk you .T: Youre welcome .A.Is that it ?B

10、.First,use the mouseand clickanewdocume nt”C.But I cant use it .D.And the n click“save”aga in .E.Where do I write the n ame?III、根据要求改写句子。1. You can click“print”and“OK”to print the document .(t thedocume nt ?就划线部分提问)用心爱心专心42. We make travel plans on the computer .(改为一般疑问句)pla ns on the computer?3. My father uses the computer in the evening . (_就划线部分提问)_ father the computer ?_4. We often play Tomb Raide


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