Dragons: Riders of Berk《驯龙记:伯克岛的龙骑手(2012)》第一季第五集完整中英文对照剧本_第1页
Dragons: Riders of Berk《驯龙记:伯克岛的龙骑手(2012)》第一季第五集完整中英文对照剧本_第2页
Dragons: Riders of Berk《驯龙记:伯克岛的龙骑手(2012)》第一季第五集完整中英文对照剧本_第3页
Dragons: Riders of Berk《驯龙记:伯克岛的龙骑手(2012)》第一季第五集完整中英文对照剧本_第4页
Dragons: Riders of Berk《驯龙记:伯克岛的龙骑手(2012)》第一季第五集完整中英文对照剧本_第5页
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1、我们走,伙伴Let's go, bud.耶,酷!哇哦Yeah. Cool. Wow.哇哦,厉害。他太棒了。Wow, nice.He's pretty good.在飞行生涯当中,知道谁是你值得信任的或是不值得信任的。As you fly through life, it's always good to know who you can trust.总是一件好事and who you can't.干得好,伙伴。就是差那么一点点Nice catch, bud.Little close.我知道我总是可以信任无牙I know I can always count on

2、Toothless.并且更重要的是,他也知道And it's important for him to know无论发生什么,他也可以信任我。that no matter what, he can count on me.轮到你了,跳!我才不要跳It's your turn. Jump! I don't wanna jump.你得相信她会接住你的.这是个信任训练.You have to believe she's gonna catch you. It's a trust exercise.那可真是多谢你了,我倒宁愿在地面上训练.I like to do

3、 my trusting on the ground, thank you very much.胆小鬼,像我这样学着点.喔吼吼吼Like this, chicken legs. Whoo-hoo-hoo-hoo!所以.我们要不要提醒一下钩牙?So should we mention something to Hookfang?容我考虑下.钩牙,去接住他!Let me sleep on it. Hookfang, get him!我没有感觉到信任!Not feeling the trust!我太激动了!I'm coming in too hot!米尔度!啊Mildew!Aah你会为此付出

4、代价的!哦!You'll pay for this!Ooh!哦.我对此有不详的预感.Oh. something tells me we're gonna hear about this.又是屋顶的房♥板?Shingle again?我们没有别的什么材料能去盖屋顶了吗?Didn't we have roofing material for dinner last night?这是个意外,爸爸.It was an accident, Dad.我确信米尔度肯定对此夸大其词了.I'm sure Mildew is making it sound w

5、orse than it is.一条龙和一个肥胖的,惹人厌的男孩撞破他家的屋顶.两回.A dragon and a huge, obnoxious boy crash through his roof. twice.好吧,当然,听上去是糟糕了点,如果你要.说实话的话.Well, sure, it sounds bad if you're gonna. stick to the facts.岛上那么多房♥子,但这龙非要去毁了米尔度家的屋顶Of all the houses on the island,a dragon had to crash through Mil

6、dew's.你知道他比任何人都要讨厌龙族.You know he hates dragons more than anyone else.我知道.或者你该跟他谈谈他的态度问题.I know. You might wanna talk to him about his attitude.听我说,卡嗝Listen to me, Hiccup.我将训练龙族的重任交给你.I gave you the responsibility of training those dragons.所有人都知道这一点.所有的眼睛都在瞅着你,我的儿子.Everyone knows that.All eyes ar

7、e upon you, son.无论这些龙做了什么都反映了你的教导Whatever those beasts do reflects on you,而无论你做了什么同样也反映了我的.and whatever you do reflects on me.对不起,老爸.你说得对.I'm sorry, Dad. You're right.你和你的朋友们必须回米尔度那里You and your friends are gonna go back to Mildew's把屋顶修好.不要带你们的龙去.and fix that roof.Without your dragons.你可

8、以休息下了,伙伴.-哎!别那么急.You caught a break there, bud.- Ah! Not so fast.你是不是忘了点什么?Aren't you forgetting something?今晚可是靴子之夜,我的靴子需要透透气。Its boot night.They need to be aired out.我觉得这双靴子需要的可不只是。空气Think its gonna take more than.Air.呕T0T.我讨厌靴子之夜。er.I hate boot night.呕!呕,为什么他左脚的靴子Ugh!Ugh, why is his left foot总

9、是比右边那只更臭?always so much smellier than his right?恶.哦,不.Uhh. oh, no.我的靴子去哪了?唔?Where are my boots?Hmm?你们的靴子哪去了?Where are your boots?所有人的靴子都被偷了个干净。一只都没留下。They've all been stolen. Every last one.哦,难怪我的脚那么冷。Oh, that explains why me feet are so cold.谁会做出这种事来?Who could have done such a thing?我只知道犯人留下了巨大

10、的脚印。All I know is they left a mighty big footprint.哦,这些都是双头龙的脚印。Oh, those are Zippleback tracks.你可以从这些半圆形的曲线中看出来?You can tell by the half moon-shaped arches.哦,伙计,这可是龙族须知。我可不想在这个时候给你普及知识.Well, that's dragon 101, guys.I don't gotta fill you in on that.所以。昨晚有头龙经过这里。So a dragon walked through he

11、re.按我朋友小鱼脚的说法,这是一条双头龙A Zippleback, according to my friend Fishlegs.但这不能说是它偷了大家的靴子啊。But that doesn't mean he took everyone's boots.好啊,那么眼下只有一个办法能够找出小偷。跟着脚印。Well, there's just one way to find out. Follow the footprints.双头龙旁边的确堆了一堆靴子。-那并不能意味着。So there's a bunch of boots piled around a Z

12、ippleback.- That doesn't mean.哦,好吧,好吧。是它偷了这些靴子。Yeah, okay, fine.He took the boots.在这种鬼天气里没了靴子How are we supposed to do any work in this weather让我们怎么工作!太过分了!without our boots?- This is outrageous!在搞定这帮畜生之前,史图伊克,你还需要多少时间?How long before something is done about these creatures, Stoick?我们到底还要忍&h

13、earts;受多久!How much more can we stand?!听听你们自个儿都在说些什么。"我的脚冻死了T0T"Listen to yourselves."My feet are cold."你们可是维京人!维京人的一切都是冷冰冰的!You're vikings.Everything is cold!我会修好所有的靴子。你们很快就能回去工作了。I'll fix your boots for ya.You'll be back to work in no time.大家都听到戈伯说的啦。You all heard Go

14、bber.你们将会拿回崭新的靴子。You'll be getting your boots back as good as new.这就完了?对这些龙的惩罚呢?That's it?No consequence for these dragons?他们只是拿走我们的靴子而已,米尔度。又不是世界末日。They took our boots, Mildew.The world isn't coming to an end.哦,别那么肯定。龙可是些粗暴的畜生Oh, don't be so sure.Dragons are wild beasts.天知道背着我们他们会干出

15、什么事来。There's no telling what else they'll do behind our sleepin' backs.他们不是存心搞破坏的。They don't destroy things on purpose.啊.不过你的确说到点子上了,米尔度。Ah.But you do have a point, Mildew.呃.啥?他们确实是野兽。Eh. what?They are wild animals,所以需要我们看着他们and they need us to keep an eye on them.放心吧。我们会这么做的。And res

16、t assured, we will do just that.你能离开这么?Would you get outta there?我们要开展夜间巡逻。We're going on night patrol.夜间巡逻?我爱死这个了!那是啥?Night patrol? I love it!What is it?就是晚上巡逻。为了看好这些龙。It's where we patrol. At night.To keep an eye on the dragons以及确保他们不会再因为什么乱七八糟的事而受责备。and make sure they don't get blamed

17、 for anything else.呃。你跟我们的父母说过了嘛?0皿0Um. have you cleared this with our parents?因为我们当中有些人可能晚上得准时回家。Because some of us might not be allowed out after a certain hour.门禁.还是你害怕了?-嘿,怪事总是在晚上发生的。Not allowed. or afraid?- Hey. Things happen after dark.伙计们,我们不得不这么做。Guys, we have to do this.你们都听到米尔度是怎么说的了。他想驱逐这

18、些龙。You heard Mildew.He wants the dragons banished.必要时刻,先斩后奏!Permission to shoot first and ask questions later.必要时刻,直接斩不用奏。Permission to skip the question.我们就是巡逻而已。没什么斩不斩的。We're just patrolling.Nobody is shooting anyone.我有个问题。那有什么好玩的?I have a question.What's fun about that?巡逻可不是为了好玩的。It's

19、 not supposed to be fun.这就是个小嗝嗝方案。-千真万确。哈?It's a Hiccup idea.- Exactly. What?你好,先生.呃.呃.夫.夫人?Hello, sir.Uh. uh, m-ma'am.我是亚丝翠,同时我也是驯龙联合监察大队的成员My name is Astrid, and I'm with the "Dragon united monitoring brigade".傻子大队?(队名的缩写)是的,完全正确。不是我的错。DUMB?Yes. That is correct. Not my idea.不

20、过这很好记。But it is easy to remember.如果您有任何跟龙有关的问题,请跟我们联♥系♥If you have any dragon-related problems, contact us.只需将手置于嘴边环做杯状,Just cup a hand on either side of your mouth,用力深吸气一口。大喊。and at the top of your lungs, yell.傻子大队.Dumb.停下!谁在那?猜猜看Halt! Who goes there?Take a wild guess.我可不认为我喜欢

21、你的态度。同感。I don't think I like your attitude.Right back at ya.是啊。不过我才是有肩带的那个。Yeah.But I'm the one with the sash.让我仔细瞅瞅。"傻子大队"恩,跟你太配了。Let me take a closer look at that."Dumb." Well, that suits you.好吧,我想我们没什么问题了。Okay, I think we're done here.哦!谁在那!Oh! What was that?哦。哦!Oh

22、.Oh!哇哦 哇哦。Whoa.Whoa.你看到我吓着他了吗?(同声)Did you see me scare him?不,他是被我吓到的!No, I scared him.不,是我!不,不,不,是我!No, me!No, no, no, it was me!是我♥干♥的!不!绝对是我♥干♥的!I did!No! Clearly me!看见的人都会说是我♥干♥的。-不,我才是那个吓走他的人。Everyone looking could tell it was me.

23、- No, I was the scary one.恩,米尔度要是知道龙在晚上干了些什么,肯定会很开心。Well, Mildew will be happy to know what dragons do at night.他们和大家一样都在睡觉。They sleep like everyone else.到底是谁干出这种事来的?Who could have done such a thing?哦。要我说看上去像是一头龙干的。Oh. Looks like a dragon to me.我们还不能确定,小鱼腿。-我们当然能确定了。看看这些爪痕。We don't know for sure

24、, Fishlegs.- Sure, we do. Look at these claw marks.显然是一只烈焰狂魔。这些爪子的间距完全符合。It was obviously a Monstrous Nightmare.The spacing of the talons is dead-on.再次感谢你,小鱼腿。-哦,没什么。就是些基本常识。Once again, thank you, Fishlegs.- Oh, stop. It's just basic stuff.但是这到底是怎么发生的?But how could this happen?我们一直在关注着所有的龙。对吧伙计们

25、?We had every dragon accounted for at all times. Right, guys?当你说“一直”以及“所有的龙”的时候,你到底什么意思?When you say at "all times" and"every dragon," what exactly do you mean?好,发生什么了,鼻涕虫?-呃,当时我正在扣押一个Okay, what happened, Snotlout?- Well, I was detaining a suspect没有对肩带表现出足够尊重的嫌疑犯。who wasn't s

26、howing sufficient respect to the sash.我想我对一个写着“傻子大队”的肩带已经表现的够尊重的了。I think I showed sufficient respect to a sash that says "dumb."我们得改改队名。-反正,当我在审问那个嫌疑犯的时候We gotta change that name.- Anyways, as I was questioning said suspect,钩牙可能。我可没说是他干的。Hookfang may have.and I'm not saying he did.但他有

27、可能到处乱转了那么一小会儿。but it is possible he wandered off for a few.几秒?-几分钟?Seconds?- Minutes?-_-几小时。Hours.哦,这可不能算一小会儿。Oh, that's way longer than minutes.哦,不!Oh, no!是真的。大礼堂。那么多的回忆。It's true. The Great Hall.So many memories.我的三个婚礼。她们三个的葬礼。My three weddings.Their three funerals.哦。那些葬礼。-龙族一定在到处横冲直撞。Oh.

28、the funerals.- A dragon must have gone on a rampage.我讨厌这么说,史图伊克,但是你必须得。I hate to say it, Stoick,but you're gonna have to.我知道我该做些什么,戈伯。-我也是I know what has to be done, Gobber.- So do I.从今晚开始,每天晚上Starting tonight and every night,所有的龙都将被锁在学院里面。I want all the dragons put in the Academy under lock and

29、 key.什么?就这样?看看他们都做了些什么!What? That's it?Look what they did!这样做毫无意义。This just doesn't make any sense.龙不可能无缘无故来这里搞破坏的。A dragon wouldn't just come in here and destroy the place.我是说,食物都没有被动过。I mean, none of the food was even touched.我不知道龙为什么这么干I don't know why dragons do what they do,但是我不

30、能再让他们来捣乱了。but I'm not gonna let them do any more damage.史图伊克,你必须把这些龙都关在笼子里,别无选择。You had to cage the dragons, Stoick.You had no choice.我知道。但对卡嗝来说,当我在惩罚这些龙的时候,好像是在惩罚他一样。I know. But to Hiccup, when I punish them, I'm punishing him.是啊。那个孩子觉得这些龙没有错。Yeah. That boy thinks the dragons can do no wron

31、g.我只是希望他能理解I just hope he understands父亲总是为了儿子好that when a father does what's best for his son,但作为一个族长,我只能为村子着想。a chief must do what's best for the village.睡吧,小肉球。躺在你的床上Sleep, little Meatlug in your bed ?美味的小石头在你的梦中跳舞 where yummy little boulders dance in your head平时都有用的啊。我们整个睡眠习惯都被打乱了。That us

32、ually works.Our whole bedtime routine is upset.她甚至连我的脚都不来舔一下,多亏了。She won't even lick my feet, thanks to.看好了,小鱼腿。Watch it, Fishlegs.至少我的龙不需要摇篮曲和小毛毯At least my dragon doesn't need a lullaby and a blankie.事实上,都是你的错。害得我们的龙都要睡在监狱里。Actually, it's your fault that all our dragons have to sleep i

33、n jail.是啊,你可没看到我们的龙到处横冲直撞搞破坏。Yeah. You don't see our dragon going on a rampage and wrecking stuff.好吧,至少没破坏什么重要的东西。Well, not any good stuff.我不认为是龙破坏了大礼堂。I don't think a dragon wrecked the Great Hall.或者偷了靴子。-我们没人这么想过。Or stole the boots.- None of us wants但是卡嗝,你都看到那些证据了。to believe it either, Hic

34、cup,but you saw the proof.什么证据?你也看到了那些脚印。What proof? You saw the footprints too.也可能是双头龙干的。They were supposed to be made by a Zippleback,但是那些脚印还没有我的脚印深。but they were no deeper than mine.看看这个。我都能躺进去了。Look at these.I could lie down in them.好吧,关于为什么龙会留下浅浅的脚印我们可以有很多解释。Well, there could be a lot of explan

35、ations why a dragon made shallow footprints.比如,你好他正准备偷偷摸摸的做点啥Like, hello!He was trying to be sneaky.好吧,那你怎么解释大会堂的事?All right, well, how do you explain the Great Hall?小鼻涕虫,拜托做点什么让他冷静下来。我们都在想办法呢。Snotlout, do something about him, please. We're trying to think over here.好吧。我放弃思考了,思考可真“开心”。-_-Yeah, I

36、 gave up thinking.Never been happier.鼻涕虫!-我可不是他的老大。Snotlout!- I'm not the boss of him.他生气的时候都会这样。He always does that when he gets angry.或者说还有横冲直撞的时候。Or goes on a rampage.这就能解释大礼堂的事了。我得告诉爸爸去。That's how I can explain the Great Hall!I gotta tell my Dad about this.请听我说完,爸爸。Just hear me out, Dad.

37、当一个烈焰狂魔抓狂的时候When a Monstrous Nightmare gets mad,他的身体会迸发出火焰。看看这些墙壁his whole body bursts into flames.Look at these walls.没有一点烧焦的痕迹。-卡嗝,在我得到确凿的Not one single scorch mark.- Hiccup, until I have solid proof也就是别的什么证据之前,这些龙都要被锁起来that it was something else,the dragons stay where they are.着火了!Fire!是军&hea

38、rts;火♥库!拿些水桶来!The armory!Grab some buckets!无牙?Toothless?就是他!他把军♥火♥库点着的!It was him!He set the armory on fire!无牙?Toothless?我们所有的武器都烧没了!Every one of our weapons, gone!普鲁登斯!我亲爱的小可怜,对不起。Prudence!My poor darling. I'm so sorry.你本该有一个漫长的嗜血生涯。You should have had a long, b

39、loodletting life.她本不该死,戈伯。She didn't have to die, Gobber.卡嗝的龙害的我们手无寸铁。Hiccup's dragon left us utterly defenseless.噢!-哦,不!Aw!- Oh, no!太可怕了!-爸爸,你知道无牙不会做这种事的。This is awful!- Dad, you know Toothless wouldn't do this.当然,史图伊克,听听你儿子说的,就因为这我们才陷入了这么大的麻烦中!Sure, listen to your boy, Stoick.That'

40、s what got us into this mess.看看你把龙单独留在外面等的时候他都干了些什么See what happens when you leave your dragon all alone to wait outside?你说什么?赛迪!What did you say?Sadie!哦,我猜你的抹(别人的)脖子生涯结束了。Oh, I guess your throat-slicing days are over.唉。这些龙已经搞了这么多破坏了。Ahh. These dragons have done too much damage.让他们继续留在博克岛上实在太不安全了。It

41、's no longer safe to have them on Berk.我想让他们离开。-什么?I want them gone.- What?终于等到这一天了!Finally!把他们召集起来,带他们去龙之岛。Round them up, and take them all to dragon island.最迟到明天晚上,博克岛上将再没有龙的存在。By the end of the day tomorrow,there will be no more dragons on Berk.哦!未来的生活多么美好啊Oh!What a glorious day that will be.

42、开派对啦!Party at my house!就是现在!It's about time!别忘了,小伙子。在你把龙都驱逐之后Don't forget, boy.Right after you drop off your dragon,你还得来修我的屋顶。这么做是不对的。you'll be fixing my roof.This is wrong.我知道。这糟透了。这是我人生中最糟糕的一天。I know. It's horrible.It's the worst day of my life.不,亚丝翠,有些事不大对头。No, Astrid. Somethi

43、ng here doesn't add up.我只知道我快要失去我的龙了。All I know is I'm losing my dragon.目前来看,暂时是这样。但是我。我需要时间去处理这一切。For now. Yeah, okay.But I-I just need time to fix this.你到底在说些什么?都完了。What are you talking about? It's over.忘了它吧。都结束了。-是啊,忘了它吧。Forget it. It's over.- Yeah. Forget it.我会想你的。I'm gonna miss you.好吧,小肉球。Okay, Meatlug.如果饿了,这儿有好多石头可以吃。There's plenty of rocks if you get hungry,还有,不要吃石灰石。and don't


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