Dragons: Riders of Berk《驯龙记:伯克岛的龙骑手(2012)》第一季第四集完整中英文对照剧本_第1页
Dragons: Riders of Berk《驯龙记:伯克岛的龙骑手(2012)》第一季第四集完整中英文对照剧本_第2页
Dragons: Riders of Berk《驯龙记:伯克岛的龙骑手(2012)》第一季第四集完整中英文对照剧本_第3页
Dragons: Riders of Berk《驯龙记:伯克岛的龙骑手(2012)》第一季第四集完整中英文对照剧本_第4页
Dragons: Riders of Berk《驯龙记:伯克岛的龙骑手(2012)》第一季第四集完整中英文对照剧本_第5页
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1、我们走,伙计Let's go, bud.耶。哇哦Yeah. Wow.哇哦,真厉害。Wow, nice.made by PeneloPe0just for fun跟上。Follow me.低级规避姿势。来吧,伙计Low-level evasive maneuvers.Come on, bud.当你骑在一头龙的背上的时候,沟通可是关键。When you're riding a dragon,communication is key.你几乎得读出对方的每个小心思You almost have to read each other's minds.要不然的话Or else.嘿!

2、你干什么呢!Hey! What are you doing?你想杀了我吗?Are you trying to kill me?我们得回去了We gotta go back.你刚错过了一根树枝I think you missed a branch.现在懂了Got it.你还得心胸豁达一点And you have to have an open mind,因为有的时候,他们可比你明白多了because sometimes, your dragon knows better than you.风飞,快上去!Stormfly, up!啊!Aaaah.你做得对,风飞。该下去才对。You were rig

3、ht, Stormfly.It was down.哦!我差点就死了Oh! I almost died.你才差点?我都半截入土了。Almost died?I would have died.呃。-你这么看上去挺不错的。Bleh.- That's a good look for you.嘿,有谁看见过小鱼腿吗?Hey, has anyone seen Fishlegs?我昨天见过他。算不算?I saw him yesterday.Does that count?哇哦。你在这啊小鱼腿。你还好吗?Whoa. There you are, Fishlegs.Are you okay?挺好。就是挂

4、这儿下不来了。I'm fine.Just hanging out.这可不是什么坠龙事故。It's not like I crashed, or anything.好吧,我就是坠毁了。好吧,我说过的。Okay, I crashed. There, I said it.啊哦。-现在连尊严也没了。Oops.- And there goes my dignity.好吧,你卡的还真结实Yeah, you're pretty stuck.我想我知道该怎么把你弄下来,呃Think I know how to get you down, uh,不过你一定得保持住姿势别动。but you

5、 have to stay perfectly still.为什么?你想干嘛?Why? What are you gonna do?小心点,伙伴,他现在可是光著屁♥股♥careful,bud,hes not wearing any pants.哈?稍等Huh? Wait a second.这跟我穿没穿裤子有什么关。What does my lack of pants have to do.哦!Oooh!谢谢Thank you.我想这是我的I believe those are mine.现在,我们得做点什么好让小肉。Now, what are we

6、gonna do about Meat.球?lug?你能别告诉别人是她毁了这些树吗?Can you not tell the others that Meatlug broke the trees?她有点介意她的体重She's sensitive about her weight.这到底是怎么回事?How did this happen?我不知道,当时我们就是天上飞飞,I don't know, I was just flying along,在植物和动物身上做做标记什么的。taking notes on the flora and the fauna.就是做些一般人会做的那些

7、事。typical guy stuff.然后突然有个奇怪的东西从灌木丛里跳出来then something weird jumped out of the bushes.它看上去就像.就像一只燃烧著的松鼠.It was like a.like a flaming squirrel.真的假的?一只燃烧著的松鼠?或者是花栗鼠Really? A flaming squirrel?Or a chipmunk.或者是其它什么易燃的啮齿类动物Or some other flammable rodent.我不知道,卡嗝。我们都被它吓坏了,行了吧。I don't know, Hiccup. It sc

8、ared us.Isn't that enough for you?你听见他怎么说的了吗?一只燃烧著的松鼠Did you hear that?A flaming squirrel.谁都知道没有什么会燃。Everyone knows there's no such thing as a.燃烧的松鼠!flaming squirrel!哇哦!你看见了,对吧?Whoa!You saw that, right?嘿,小家伙。你是谁?Hey, little guy.Who are you?哦,冷静点,大家伙Ooh, settle down, big fella.我还从来没见过这种龙呢。Nev

9、er seen anything like it.你这么做可帮不上什么忙。You're not helping.好吧,我想我们可能发现一个新龙种了。You know, I think we may have discovered a new species here.哇哦!嘿,无牙。Whoa! Hey, Toothless.你怎么了?What has gotten into you?看上去他受伤了啊Looks like he's hurt.别担心。我没有恶意Don't be afraid. I'm a friend.看这儿Here.没事的。这就是些龙薄荷It&#

10、39;s okay. It's just a little dragon nip.嘿,拜托。友善点好吗Hey, come on. Play nice.啊!Ah!龙小蹄子可不小。Little dragon, big claws.来吧,我们走。我们会照顾你直到你恢复健康为止的。Come on, let's go.We'll fix you right up.太不可思议了!这完全是一个新龙种。This is so exciting!It's a whole new species.它看上去可不像什么燃烧的松鼠Doesn't look like a flamin

11、g squirrel to me.我们都不知道他能做什么We have no idea what it's capable of.更别提他会做什么了。-来给爷烧一个看看。(PP:我恶趣味)There's no telling what it might do.- Flame. Do it.啊!把他拿下来!把他拿下来!快把他拿下来!Ah! Get it off!Get it off! Get it off!啊!Ah!啊!啊!Ah! Ah!嘿,这倒挺有趣的Hey, that is funny.拜托,伙计们,这事很严肃好不好Come on, you guys, this is ser

12、ious.我们得弄清楚怎么才能帮到他。他受伤了。We have to figure out what to do with him. He's hurt.他受伤了?-他就是很害怕。He's hurt?- He's just really scared.他会安静下来的。-呃,还记得吗,新品种He'll settle down.- Um, new species, remember?我们确实不知道他会做什么We actually don't know what he'll do.好吧,得有人把他带回家Well, somebody's got

13、to take him home.好吧,大家伙,你兄弟我在这儿呢Well, big guy,here's your somebody.不,不,不No, no, no.他不能呆在这儿。对我来说家里有一条龙就够了He's not staying here.I've got a one dragon limit.哦,拜托,他就是条小龙而已Oh, come on, he's not a very big dragon.你把他想成只燃烧著的松鼠就好了Think of him more like a flaming squirrel.燃烧的松鼠我也不想要Don't

14、want one of those either.无牙,你还愣著干吗Toothless, what are you waiting for?啊,看起来你这个火炬被他给点了Ah, looks like you got torched.哦,顺便说一句,这就是他的名字了:火炬Oh, that's his name,by the way: Torch.他能留下了?So he can stay?好吧,先不用把他扔出去了,我才刚给他起了名字Well, can't throw him out now, I just named him.好来。这一大堆是你的,而这条是你的。Okay.100 f

15、or you, and one for you.吃吧,小伙子们。这可是你们第一次共进晚餐There you go, boys.Your first supper together.哇哦,无牙Whoa, Toothless.你今晚确实很饿,对吧,伙计You're sure hungry tonight, aren't you, bud?好了,火炬Okay, Torch.你在这儿睡This is where you're gonna sleep.哦,快看,他把这儿当做自己的家了Aw, look at that.He's made himself at home.无牙

16、,我想你不会介意分点地方给他睡觉吧?Toothless, you don't mind sharing your bed for the night, do you?希望他能睡得安稳,他几乎没怎么吃东西。Hope he sleeps through the night. He hardly ate.还有你,睡觉去And, you, go to sleep.好啦,火炬。让我们来弄清楚你到底是什么品种吧All right, Torch.Let's figure out what you are.哦,这太让人激动了Oh, this is so exciting!将一个全新的物种记录在

17、册,学习有关他的知识Documenting a whole new species,learning all about it.慢著,还得学习?-谢谢,不用了Wait, learning?- No, thanks.龙之书里从未记载过像他这个样子的龙种There's nothing in the Book of dragons that looks anything like him.我们甚至可以给他命名We even get todetermine what it's called.呃,这。这可责任重大啊Huh, that is. that is a really big re

18、sponsibility.我都不知道我准备好了没有I don't know if I'm ready for that.要我说,我就以鼻涕来给他命名I am, I'm gonna name the snot out of it.翼长20英寸 -这翅膀还真是长。20 inches for the wings.- That's a big wingspan.大翅?大条?大条翅?"Big wing"! "Big span"?"Big wingspan"!不知我是否有幸来执行爪部测试?May I have th

19、e honor of administering the claw test?看看这些爪子,锋利的和剃刀一样Look at these talons.They're razor-like.利爪!剃刀脚!利爪剃刀脚!"Sharp claw"! "Razor feet"!"Razor sharp claw talon feet"!等下,他认真的?Hold on. Is he serious?你知道接下来该做什么,对不对?-呃,不是很清楚You know what's next, don't you?- No, no

20、t really.这项可以测出龙对鳗鱼的反应的独一无二的终极测试。Only the single most important test to determine a dragon's reaction to eels.也就是鳗鱼反应大测试The eel reaction test.他吃了!他把鳗鱼给吃了!He ate it!He ate the eel!鳗鱼捕食者!上帝,这名字跟他是绝配啊"Eel eater"!Come on, that's perfect.小鱼腿,以前有过龙不惧怕。Fishlegs, has there ever been a drag

21、on who wasn't afraid of.在有记载的历史中从未出现过这种龙Never in recorded history.这可是探索与发现的时代啊,我的朋友We're in uncharted waters, my friend.你听见了吗,火炬?你是独一无二的You hear that, Torch? You're one of a kind.-现在我们得试著让他飞飞看 -也许可以让无牙先给他做个示范- Now we need to get it to fly.- Maybe if Torch saw Toothless fly.无牙!让我们带他一程,伙计T

22、oothless!Let's take a ride, bud.无牙!Toothless!你这训练做的也就这么回事吧So much for the dragon trainer.我们来搞定他。We've got this.学著点。Watch and learn.钩牙!Hookfang!啊!Aah!哦!Oooh!啊!Aah!哇哦Whoa.好吧,轮到你了Okay, your turn.你要是学著我们这么飞,恐怕小命得不保But don't think you have to live up to that.他在干什么?-我觉得不大对劲儿 What's he doin

23、g?- I think something's wrong.哦,兄弟,我们对他期望太高了。-他可能根本不会飞Oh, man, we broke him!- Maybe he can't fly.哦,我的上帝Oh, my dear!你可真让人不可思议啊You are one incredible little dragon.哇哦。快看那些烧焦的印记Whoa. Look at that burn mark.哈,看看这个烧焦的印记Huh, and look at this burn mark.你看到他是怎么飞的了吗?他旋转著。就像台风一样Did you see how it flew

24、? It spun like. like a typhoon.然后他就像个回旋镖一样飞回来了And he came back just like a boomerang.热力回旋镖,燃烧飞还器"Hot spinner.""Flaming come-backer."不No.风之回旋者"Typhoomerang."风之回旋者?呃,我可不太喜欢这个。"Typhoomerang"?Nah, I don't get it.好了,火炬,别动Okay, Torch, hold still.我在试著把你画下来。你将会在书中

25、拥有属于自己的一章I'm trying to draw you.You're getting your own chapter.吼Rowr!吼!吼!Rowr! Rowr!吼!Rowr!吼吼吼Rowr! Rowr! Rowr!无牙,看看你都做了些什么Toothless, look what you did.现在我得再找些炭笔了And now I've got to get more charcoal.无牙,我不在的时候拜托你表现好点Toothless, you behave yourself while I'm gone.嘿,好的,小家伙。我马上回来。Hey, i

26、t's okay, big guy.I'll be right back.无牙!Toothless!这儿发生什么啦?What. what is going on here?无牙,你为什么要这么做?你到底怎么啦?Toothless, why did you do this?What is wrong with you?无牙,等等!Toothless, wait!没事的,小家伙。他现在肯定也开始担心我了。It's okay, big guy.He's starting to worry me too.这可真够怪的。无牙好像在吃醋一样It's weird. I

27、t's like Toothless is jealous.真棒,我第一个女朋友是头龙。(PP:- -你还有什么不满吗先生)Which is great, so. my first girlfriend is a dragon.这是我们的另外一个共通点。Another thing we have in common.有些事不能光看表面Something must be going on under the surface.龙可是一种复杂的生物,卡嗝Dragons are complex creatures, Hiccup.他们有许多种情感They operate on many emo

28、tional levels.至于我?我就只有一种情感Me? I've only got the one.哇啊,好了,无牙Whoa, okay, Toothless!你看见了,我说什么来著You see, this is what I've been talking about.无牙,冷静点Toothless, settle down.戈伯,抓住他!Gobber, grab him!想跳舞吗小男孩?You want to dance, big boy?我可穿好舞鞋等著了'Cause I've got my dancing shoe on.抓住啦!哇啊,哇啊!Got

29、cha!Whoa, whoa!哦!Oh!我的排箫!现在我又能组个乐队了My panpipes!Now I can get the band back together.无牙!Toothless!退后。Back down.这可什么忙也帮不上-抱歉Not helping.- Sorry.我不知道你到底怎么了,可是我不喜欢这样I don't know what's gotten into you, but I don't like it.又怎么了?What?哇哦!哇啊!Whoa! Whoa!无牙!海湾在这边!Toothless!The cove is this way.你要去

30、哪?Where are you going?不!我们得去海湾。No! You're going to the cove.好吧,你就呆在这儿yeah, you've got to stay here.我从未想过把火炬带回家会变成这样I never thought bringing Torch home would lead to this.在我弄清楚到底发生了什么之前,你们得分开I've got to separate you two until I can figure this out.无牙,我没跟你开玩笑。你就给我呆在这儿Toothless, this is ser

31、ious.You've got to stay here.好吧,一头抓狂失控的龙现在挡住了我的去路Okay. A crazy, out-of-control dragon blocking my way out.哈!挡不住Huh! Or not.你这么做是对的。You did the right thing with Toothless.他会振作起来的He'll snap out of it.好吧,可要是他一直消沉下去呢?那时候你可就没龙骑了。Yeah, but what if he doesn't?Then you won't have a dragon to

32、 ride,如果你没有龙骑and if you don't have a dragon to ride,那你就不再是这个学院的头了!then you can't be the leader of the Dragon Academy!哈!-是啊,到那时我就是头了。Ha!- Yeah. Then I'd take over.你想尝尝我的厉害吗?Do you really want that?你们绝对不敢相信我们刚刚看见了什么You guys would not believe what we just saw.拜托,我们正在进行权力的角逐Excuse me, we'

33、;re having a power struggle.这儿可没什么角逐We're not having a power struggle.整片森林都被彻底的毁坏了The whole forest.Ultimate destruction.它以前多美啊,现在都付之一炬了It was beautiful.The whole thing was torched.付之一炬?Torched?带我去看看Show me.就像我们说的那样,彻底的毁坏了Like we said, ultimate destruction.我们以前见过这种烧焦的印记 -但没这么大We've seen that

34、burn mark before.- Not this big.你知道这说明什么吗?巨大的烧焦印记意味著这儿有。You know what this means?Big burn mark.更巨大的“风之回旋龙”Big Typhoomerang.他看起来很生气啊He looks really mad.呃,不是他。她是母的。Uh, it's not a he.It's a she.她一定是火炬的妈妈。-火炬是她的宝宝。That's Torch's mother.- Torch is a baby.这就是无牙一直在试图告诉我的事了That's what Toothless was trying to tell me.无论是谁,敢在这对母子之间插足Whoever gets between that mother and this baby都会被烧的稀巴烂is gonna get fried!你拿著。我才不要You take it.I don't want it.我们把他留在这儿,赶快离开吧Just leave it, and let's get out of here.哦-哦Oh-oh.趁现在,哦,到你妈妈那边去Now, uh, go home to y


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