1、Its a universal dream to fly like a bird.像鸟儿一样飞翔是普通人的梦想To soar on wings into the heavens.在天空中展翅翱翔But its nothing compared to the reality.但梦想怎可比拟现实This is our planet seen as never before.让我们对地球做一次前所未有的体验A birds-eye view.鸟瞰世界Theirs is a journey that covers the world.本次旅程将会环绕整个世界Filled with astonishing
2、 natural events.充满了惊人的自然事件Extreme challenges.极限的挑战And hard-won rewards.和来之不易的收获This is the world on the wing.这是翼之世界Tierra del Fuego in Patagonia.在巴塔哥尼亚的火地岛The southernmost tip of South America.南美洲的最南端The Andean condor reigns supreme over this remote wilderness.安第斯神鹰统领着这片遥远的荒野Its a world dominated by
3、 glaciers and icy lakes.这是由冰川和结冰的湖泊主宰的世界A huge contrast to the lush rainforest found in the continents interior与在大♥陆♥内部发现的 茂密的热带雨林形成巨大的反差Here, the deep ravines and crevasses在这里 深深的沟壑和裂隙sometimes trap the unwary,有时是粗心大意者的陷阱 and might provide the king of scavengers with a meal.并可能成为拾荒者之王
4、的盘中餐Its an ever-changing world.这是一个不断变化的世界Lumps of ice as big as apartment blocks carved from glaciers.如同从冰川切割下来的巨大冰块Theres no food here today.现在这里没有食物But condors think nothing of travelling 100 miles in search of carcasses但神鹰并不把飞行100英里 搜索动物死尸当回事For a male with a hungry youngster to feed,雄鹰有一只饥饿的幼鹰要
5、喂食the best chances lie further inland.最好的选择是深入内陆The condor soars on wings that are larger than any other birds.神鹰展翅翱翔在空中 体型比其他鸟类都大His pin-sharp vision is second to none.他锐利的视觉首屈一指And he knows just where to look.他知道最佳的搜索地点The breeding grounds of the guanaco.原驼的繁殖地These wild relatives of the llama这些美洲
6、驼的野生近亲live in herds in the mountainous regions of much of South America.成群地生活在南美洲的大部分地区Condors watch for opportunities as males fight it out over females.在雄驼为雌驼拼力奋战之时 神鹰在观察机会Their below-the-belt techniques他们不择手段include attacking each others genitals.包括攻击对方的生殖器Their defence is to sit on their assets.
7、他们的防御手段是将生殖器坐在屁♥股♥底下All this machismo causes casualties,所有的这些雄风展示都会导致伤亡 and opportunities for a scavenger.为拾荒者提供了机会Caracara birds arrive first at every carcass.卡拉卡拉长腿鹰总是率先到达死尸旁边They are the condors food tasters.他们是神鹰的食物试吃者Once theyve eaten and not come to harm, he knows hes safe to lan
8、d.如果他们吃完后没有出现损害 神鹰知道他可以安全着陆了Once down, his natural majesty disappears.一旦着陆 他天生的威严消失殆尽He becomes a 14-kilo turkey.他变成了14公斤重的火鸡The caracaras tuck in while they still have the carcass to themselves.卡拉卡拉长腿鹰在死尸还属于他们自己时 大吃特吃Once the first condor feeds, others are quick to follow.一旦第一只神鹰开始进食 其他的神鹰也迅速跟进Male
9、s, recognised by the comb on their head,雄鹰靠他们头上的肉冠来识别 are usually first on the scene.通常首先抵达现场Females, who lack the flamboyant headgear, arrive next.缺乏华丽头饰的雌鹰跟着到达Brown juveniles are at the bottom of the condor pecking order.棕色年轻神鹰处于进食顺序的底层Everyone knows their place. Its all very civilised.每个人都了解自己的位置
10、 他们高度进化Families feed happily, side by side.一家人愉快地并排进食But as they eat, someone is always on sentry duty.但是在他们进食的时候 总有一个在站岗The Patagonian fox has spotted the commotion. He hunts birds.巴塔哥尼亚狐狸引发了骚动他捕食鸟类The first condor to feed is now at a disadvantage.第一只进食的神鹰目前处于劣势Hes carrying 1.5 kilos of excess bagg
11、age in his crop.他背负重1.5公斤的肉冠Take-off isnt easy at the best of times,在情况最佳时 起飞也不容易but its just got a whole lot more difficult.但现在更加困难He finally makes it. on a wing and a prayer.他终于做到了. 几无可能600 miles east on the Patagonian coast,巴塔哥尼亚海岸以东600英里 a giant petrel is also looking for a meal.巨鹱也在寻找食物Seal col
12、onies are this scavengers favourite stomping ground.海豹领地是这种拾荒者最喜欢的落脚地点But to find a meal, he needs a partner in crime.但是他需要一个同谋去找到食物Killer whales.虎鲸The seals greatest enemy, but friend to the petrel.海豹最大的敌人 却是巨鹱的朋友Young seals are innocent to the danger.幼海豹还没意识到危险The petrel shadows the whales, waitin
13、g for them to attack.巨鹱侦视着虎鲸 等待他们的攻击He looks for likely victims.他寻找可能的牺牲品The whales rely on speed and surprise.虎鲸依靠速度和出其不意Before she can try again,在她再次尝试前 she has to get seven tonnes of blubber off the beach.她必须将七吨♥重的鲸身挪离海滩No easy task.绝非易事A killer whale calf is learning the technique.一头虎鲸幼仔在
14、学习技术Only two whale families in the world know how to hunt like this.地球上 只有两个鲸鱼家族掌握这种捕杀技巧At the end of the seals breeding season, they get lots of practise.在海豹繁殖季节即将结束前 他们有许多实践的机会Success for the whale means a feast for the petrel.虎鲸成功就意味着巨鹱有了一顿食物And these whales can kill several times a day.而且这些虎鲸每天要
15、捕杀数次Today, theres plenty to go round.今天到处都是食物The petrels may only get the leftovers,即便巨鹱只能得到残羹剩饭 but theres still enough to be worth fighting for.这也足以值得他们去争抢The interior of the continent is covered by the vast Amazon jungle.大♥陆♥内部覆盖着广袤的亚马逊丛林Scarlet macaws understand the many secrets fo
16、und within.金刚鹦鹉知道其中的许多秘密They are highly intelligent and travel as a family,他们智商非常高 一家人一起飞行 teaching their young the ways of the largest rainforest in the world.并教导年轻的一代 如何在地球上最大的雨林生存The jungle covers 40% of the continent,40%的大♥陆♥被丛林所覆盖 and macaws inhabit every part.正是金刚鹦鹉栖息之地The birds
17、migrate to wherever the best food can be found.鸟类迁徙到可以找到理想食物的地点The macaws know which trees are producing seeds金刚鹦鹉知道什么树结果 and when fruits are ripe for the taking.并知道什么时候水果成熟可以采摘But not everything they eat is so delicious.但他们进食的并不总是美味佳肴Many plants protect themselves with poisons.许多植物为了保护自身会产生毒素After
18、a morning feeding on toxic seeds and forbidden fruit,吃了一早晨有毒的果实和水果 the race is on to find something to settle their stomachs.必须及时找点什么来清理他们的胃The macaws detailed knowledge of the forest金刚鹦鹉非常了解森林tells them just where to go.知道该去往哪里Along the riverbank are special sites沿着河岸有些特别所在where a natural remedy ca
19、n be found.在那里可以找到一些天然的补救措施Smaller parrots have beaten them to it.体型较小的鹦鹉已经先期抵达了Mealy parrots are joined by rose-crowned parakeets.玫瑰冠长尾鹦鹉加入到斑点亚马逊鹦鹉The macaws are naturally cautious.金刚鹦鹉天性谨慎They use the little parrots as bait to see if any predators are around.他们把小型鹦鹉当成诱饵 试探周围是否有猎食者These parrots are
20、 here for the same reason as the macaws.这些鹦鹉来到此地的原因与金刚鹦鹉一样The healing qualities of the clay.粘土具有治疗作用This special mud neutralises the toxins theyve acquired这种特殊的泥浆能中和他们摄入体内的毒素through a less than perfect diet.跟一顿饭大致相当The macaws are still too nervous to join the gathering.金刚鹦鹉过于紧张 还不肯加入集♥会&heart
21、s;Monkeys have arrived, putting them on edge.猴子到了 他们又紧张起来But the spider monkeys are more a distraction than a danger.但蜘蛛猴只是一段小插曲 而非是一种威胁He weighs up the risks.他在权衡风险.and takes his chance.已做出选择Times up for the flocks of smaller parrots.小型鹦鹉的时间结束了With the competition gone,竞争者走了 the rest of the macaws
22、feel brave enough to come down.剩下的金刚鹦鹉敢于落地了The clay settles their stomachs, but it also works as a vitamin pill,粘土缓解了他们胃部不适 但也可以像维生素药片那样 providing sodium and calcium supplements.补充钠和钙But the macaws wont get the chance to take their medicine.但金刚鹦鹉没机会吃药了A harpy eagle, their living nightmare.哈比鹰是他们生活的梦
23、魇The eagle kills.哈比鹰杀戮成功了But its a monkey hanging from its talons.但丧命于鹰爪下的是一只猴子South Americas greatest aerial predator has a hungry chick to feed.南美最大的空中统治者 有一只饥饿的雏鹰要抚养Fortunately, their favourite food is monkeys.幸运的是 他们最喜欢的食物是猴子The macaws are safe this time,这次 金刚鹦鹉安全了 but they must find their medic
24、ine elsewhere.但他们必须到别处寻找药物Back in Patagonia, the condor returns to his nest site.让我们回到巴塔哥尼亚地区 神鹰返回了他的巢址His youngster is excited.他的雏鹰兴奋不已The condors throat crop bulges with stored food.神鹰具有膨胀的喉囊 可以储存食物The male is a devoted father.雄鹰是一个称职的父亲Condors mate for life,神鹰终身为伴 and usually have one chick at a
25、time.通常一次抚育一只雏鸟They care for their single child for two years他们花费两年抚养一个孩子until its old enough to survive on its own.直到其长大可独自生存This couple have chosen an ideal spot to bring him up.这对夫妻已选择了一处理想地点 来抚育幼鸟The sheer cliffs create huge updrafts,悬崖峭壁产生了巨大的上升气流 perfect for lifting the condors huge bodies in
26、the air.正好可将神鹰庞大的身躯送入空中The rock face creates a perfect apartment block,岩石表面创建了一个完美的公♥寓♥大楼 with holes that seem made to measure.其中的空洞如同量身定制At six months old, their youngster is ready to fly.他们六个月大的雏鸟准备起飞了.She just needs some gentle encouragement.她只是需要一些小小的鼓励Flight school begins with her
27、 father showing just how it should be done.她父亲启蒙她的飞行课程 向她展示该如何去做She isnt keen to follow.她并不想跟随Its hardly surprising.这不足为奇Throwing yourself into a 200 metre drop requires a huge leap of faith.让自己降落200米需要巨大的勇气Her mother makes the choice for her.她的母亲替她做出了选择Shes in flight, but still getting the hang of
28、it.她起飞了 但依然摇摆不定.and heads straight back to safety.直接飞回了安全地带Dad encourages her to try again.爸爸鼓励她再试一次She has another go, but its hardly any better.她又试了一次 但几乎毫无长进Finally, she gets the idea.最终她掌握了要领Shes looking more confident,她更有自信了 and even executes an impressive flyby.又进行了一次意义深刻的飞行Her father joins th
29、e new air cadet他的父亲加入了一个新的航♥空♥队列and they fly together in perfect formation.他们一起飞行 队列整齐Despite an unpromising start,尽管开头不顺利 her maiden flight has gone well.她的首航还是很不错She joins the more advanced aviators in the thermals.她加入到热气流上的高级飞行队列She has earned her wings!她学会了如何掌控双翼!Macaws are still s
30、eeking the medicinal clays they need.金刚鹦鹉还在搜寻他们所需的治疗性粘土The jungle is mostly impenetrable,丛林几乎不可穿越 and macaws either stay in the canopy金刚鹦鹉或在树冠上飞行or follow rivers that wind their way through.或跟随蜿蜒的河流以找到他们的路线But deep in the forest is another clay-lick,但在丛林深处有另一处可舔舐的粘土and the macaws know just where it
31、can be found.金刚鹦鹉知道该去哪里寻找But here, the clay lies on the forest floor但在这里 粘土就在森林地面上a risky place for a tree-living bird to land.对于栖息于树上的鸟儿来说 着陆很危险Butterflies are after the same minerals that attract the macaws.蝴蝶和金刚鹦鹉一样 也被同样的矿物质所吸引They, in turn, provide a snack for the sun bittern.他们反过来成为了太阳鹭鹚的甜点She
32、uses the salty mud as a dipping sauce.她把含盐淤泥当作蘸酱It also helps them slip down more easily.这也有助于他们下咽Just as the macaws are about to risk it,就在金刚鹦鹉准备冒险着陆时 a strange new creature appears.一个陌生的新生物出现了Its a tapir a distant relative of the horse这是貘马的远亲that lives in the deepest forest.生活在森林深处A rare sight eve
33、n for birds that have seen it all before.虽然鸟类以前常见到他们 但如今也难得一见Tapirs use these jungle pools as mud-wallows.貘在这些丛林池塘中泥浴Somewhere to cool off in the heat of the day.可以或多或少地洗去白天的热量Tapirs might be harmless, but macaws have reason to be cautious.貘可能是无害的 但金刚鹦鹉不得不谨慎They arent as nimble as the smaller parrot
34、s,他们不如小型鹦鹉灵活 and so its risky to land on the ground.所以在陆地会有风险But if the macaws dont take their medication,但如果金刚鹦鹉不服食药物 they will suffer the consequences,他们将后果自负 and, unfortunately, black spider monkeys have jumped the queue!不幸的是 黑蜘蛛猴插队了!This is the busy season at the clay-lick.现在是舔舐粘土的繁忙季节Ripe fruit
35、 is scarce and the alternatives are hard to digest.成熟的果实罕见 而替代品难以消化This is one time no-one minds taking their medicine.这个时间没人会拒绝服药But the macaws are still weighing up the risks.但金刚鹦鹉还在权衡风险In the jungle, everyone is continually on edge.在丛林中 人人都总是紧张不安But its the nervousness of the monkeys但正是猴子的不安情绪tha
36、t could give the macaws the break they need.让金刚鹦鹉得到空隙去采食所需A final few checks.最后略微的检查.But then more visitors arrive.但是更多的访客来了Peccaries, wild relatives of the pig野猪 猪的野生近亲that roam the jungle in gangs up to 100 strong.成群地漫游于丛林中 最高达100多只This is not the macaws lucky day!今天不是金刚鹦鹉的幸运日!Like other jungle an
37、imals, the peccaries also use mud与其他丛林动物一样 野猪也利用淤泥as a health supplement, but even they wont eat for long.当作保健品 但他们也吃不长A jaguar.一只美洲虎The macaws were wise to be cautious.金刚鹦鹉的谨慎是明智的They have survived, but at the cost of a stomach-ache.他们侥幸逃脱 但代价是需忍♥受胃痛They must look elsewhere for a cure.他们必须找寻
38、其他地点治疗胃痛On the rivers edge, black vultures are scavenging on a carcass.在河边 黑美洲兀鹫在打扫动物死尸They are the condors smaller cousins,他们是神鹰的小表亲 replacing them in low-lying areas away from the Andes.在远离安第斯山脉的低洼地区 取代了他们But the owner of the carcass isnt far away.但死尸的拥有者离得不远The vultures are used to this game.兀鹫业已
39、习惯于这种游戏The trick is not to be intimidated.诀窍是不要被吓倒The jaguar saves her energy美洲虎节省了她的力气its not worth the effort.这不值得他大费干戈Good things come to those who wait, and, like the macaws,对于金刚鹦鹉之类的等待者来说 机会来了 patience is a virtue in the jungle.在丛林中 耐心是一大优点And there are plenty of ways to pass the time.有很多方式来打发时
40、间As they chill out,当他们放松时 a giant otter and her pups feel brave enough to show themselves.一只巨型水獭和她的幼崽 在勇于展现自我They travel around in family groups他们以家庭为单位在到处巡游and are found in waterways throughout the Amazon.并见于整个亚马逊地区的水路As the hot sun takes its toll on the jaguar,炙热的阳光使捷豹疲惫不堪 the otters vanish as qui
41、ckly as they came.他们一来 水獭就消失的无影无踪Vultures live for moments like this, grabbing what they can while the jaguars distracted在猎豹分心之时 秃鹫停留了片刻 尽可能地抢吃Its tough being a scavenger,做拾荒者很难 but black vultures can last two weeks without a meal.但黑秃鹫可以两周进一次食There are plenty of other places to explore.还有很多其他地方可以去探索
42、A favourite vulture location is Iguassu Falls,秃鹫最喜欢的地方是伊瓜苏瀑布 one of the worlds greatest waterfalls.世界上最大的瀑布之一It straddles the border between Argentina and Brazil,它跨越阿根廷和巴西之间的边界 and is made up of 275 separate falls.由275个孤立的瀑布构成Half the water funnels into a vast chasm known as Devils Throat.一半的水量泄入巨大的
43、裂隙 著名的魔咽峡谷The vultures love the turbulent winds created by the cascades,秃鹫喜欢瀑布下落产生的紊流 and many make Iguassu their home.许多鸟儿把伊瓜苏当作自己的家园But some birds live even closer to the falls.一些鸟儿特别喜欢紧邻瀑布生活Dusky swifts miraculously vanish as they arrive at the curtain of water.乌雨燕一接触水幕 就奇迹般地消失Its a mesmerising t
44、rick这是一场迷人的魔术that involves flying through the cascades to reach the cliffs behind.需要飞越瀑布到达后面的悬崖Theres method in their madness, for this is where they build their nests.他们疯狂的行为是因为 那里是他们筑巢之地The wall of water acts as a force field,水墙就像一堵保护屏障 stopping predators in their tracks.挡住了猎食者的跟踪In the early morn
45、ing,在清晨 the birds leave the falls behind as they set off to catch insects.鸟儿离开瀑布 出发去捕捉昆虫But the cascades attract plenty of other birds但是瀑布也吸引了许多其他鸟类that never leave its mist-filled canyons.他们从未离开过雾气弥漫的峡谷Hummingbirds love the flowers that flourish among the spray,蜂鸟喜欢喷雾间盛开的花朵 and visit them like cloc
46、kwork.并定时拜访Their brain may only be the size of a pea,他们的大脑可能只有一个豌豆大小 but it can remember the location of every flower但它可以记住每朵花的位置and the precise times they produce nectar.以及它们产蜜的确切时间At every feed, their brain starts an inbuilt stopwatch,每次进食 他们大脑的内置秒表就开始定时 telling them when the flower will next rest
47、ock its supplies.提醒他们明年花儿什么时候会供应食品They do this for hundreds of flowers,他们为数百种鲜花定时 creating a time management schedule that humans would struggle with.创建一个时间管理计划 即便人类也要绞尽脑汁They need to be efficient他们高效运转的翅膀wings that flap 70 times each second eat up energy.需每秒扇动70次 耗尽能量But all this careful clock-watc
48、hing would be an utter waste of time但所有的这种小心的定时计划 也可能完全浪费时间if others steal their precious nectar.如果其他鸟儿偷窃其珍贵的花蜜Competition is intense.竞争是激烈的Arguments are common as the hummingbirds fight for possession.当蜂鸟为占有权而战时 往往会发生争议Ear-feathers flash a warning to rivals.耳羽闪闪发亮是警告对手As the ultimate deterrent, the
49、y wield their bill like a sword.他们挥舞着利剑一样的长喙 是极大的威慑After a day of marking time and arguing with the neighbours,经过旷日劳作以及与邻居的争斗 a cold shower goes down a treat.洗一个冷水澡很受欢迎Its now that the dusky swifts also return to the falls,现在 乌雨燕也返回了瀑布 gathering in their thousands聚集在一起 有成千上万before plunging through t
50、he cascades to roost.然后冲过下落的瀑布到达巢穴Prime spots attract hundreds of birds最初的地点吸引了数百只鸟儿all crammed together for warmth and protection.挤在一起互相取暖和保护The relentless roar of the water can be heard several miles away,几英里外就能听到轰鸣不息的水声 but to the birds, its like a lullaby soothing them to sleep.但对于鸟儿来说 就像抚慰他们睡觉的
51、催眠曲They rest easy,他们高枕无忧 knowing that few predators dare face the raging torrents.知道罕有掠食者敢面对奔腾的水流Now that the condors youngster can fly,现在神鹰的孩子会飞了 the family are able to move to a new location.一家人可以搬到一个新地方It doesnt get much better than this没有什么地方能赶得上这里huge cliff buttresses offer perfect roost sites,
52、巨大的悬崖峭壁提供了完美的筑巢之地 and the birds can simply step off the edge to soar into the heavens.鸟儿易于飞离岩壁 飞上天空A single condor is a rare sight,很少会见到独只神鹰 but here, dozens take to the air together.但在这里 几十只一起飞入空中The adolescent joins these early warm-up flights幼鹰加入到先期的热身飞行队列before setting off with her parents to fi
53、nd a meal.然后与其父母出发寻找食物The condors rarely stray far from the Andes神鹰很少偏离安第斯山脉as they need its winds for soaring,因为他们需要飙升的风 but few carcasses can be found at this altitude.但在这个高度 几乎发现不了动物死尸Instead, they use the mountains as a springboard to the plains below.因此 他们利用下方的平原做跳板Here, meals can come from the
54、 most unexpected places.在这里 食物可能来自最意想不到之地Even Santiago. the capital city of Chile.甚至圣地亚哥. 智利首都.offers opportunities for condors.也为神鹰提供机会Its five million human inhabitants generate vast quantities of rubbish.其500万的人类居民产生大量的垃圾Even here, the rules of the wild still apply.即使在这里 野生动物法则仍然适用Caracaras are f
55、irst to find the food.卡拉卡拉长腿鹰率先发现食物They just have to dodge the garbage trucks.他们只不过要躲避垃圾车But feeding among rubbish could be dangerous for the rare condor.但稀有的神鹰在垃圾间进食可能是危险的So the landfill operator provides decoy carcasses因此 填埋场运营者提供诱饵尸体at the edge of the site放在填埋场的外周to lure condors away from anything that could endanger their health.引诱神鹰远离可能危及他们健康的一切They prove irresistible.他们证明不可抗拒的This unruly scrum consists of over 40 individuals.这场不羁的混战由40多只鹰组成It may look like a free-for-all,它可能看起来像一场混战 but even here a strict hierarchy applies.但即
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