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1、学生年级次数第次科目英语教师日期时段课题五U U12讲义教学 重点1 .课文重要单词、短语讲解;2 .描述路线的用语。教学 难点掌握描述路线的用语教学 目标掌握U12重要单词、短语,熟练运用描述路线的用语。教 学 步 骤 及 教 学 内 容一、课前热身:大声朗读课文 Reading部分。二、内容讲解:知识点一、课文单词短语过关;知识点二、重要句型掌握:1. John and Joan were standing in front of their house and John looked at his watch.John和Joan正站在他们的房子前,John看着他的手表。2. John s

2、aid to Joan and he started to walk quickly.John跟Joan说元,就开始快步走。3. To get to the cinema, John usually turns left out of their house. Then he takes the first right, goes straight ahead and takes the second left.为了到电影院,John常常是走出他们的房子后向左转。然后在第一个路口向右转,一 直往前走,并在第二个路口向左转。知识点三、课文中的那点讲解:1.描述线路的用语:2.in ten min

3、utes,在十分钟以内。in+时I可段,表小“在某段时间以内”,3 .get there:到达那里。如果是到达一个具体的地方,要用get to。但是到豕是gethome;4 .to用于表目的。三、课堂回顾:四、课外作业;一对一个性化辅导教案管理人员签字:日期:年 月日1、学生上次作业评价:。好 。较好 。一般备注:作业布置2、本次课后作业: 完成讲义后练习。课堂小结家长签字:日期: 年 月五下U12讲义、单词记记:捷径站手表迟的rru攵外面在 外 面take过去式通过突然相信及时在第一个 路口右转、词组考考:在 前回在十分钟内到达那里到达电影院开始赶快走从他们的房子走 出来一条不同的路大街主干

4、道走路穿过公园三、句型双基:1 .John and Joan were standing in front of their house and John looked at his watch.John和Joan正站在他们的房子前,John看着他的手表。2 .John said to Joan and he started to walk quickly.John跟Joan说完,就开始快步走。3 .To get to the cinema, John usually turns left out of their house. Then he takes the first right, g

5、oes straight ahead and takes the second left.为了到电影院,John常常是走出他们的房子后向左转。然后在第一个路口向右转,一直往前走,并在第二个路口向左转。课、课文重难点:1.描述线路的用语:Turn right/left out of从出来后向右/左转Take the second right® 二个路 口处右转。Take him a different way带他走一条不同的路。Cross the main street® 穿过主街。Turn left/right into the 向左/右转进入Walk through步行穿

6、过Walk out of the front of gate.从前门走出来。1.1 n ten minutes在十分钟以内。in+时间段,表示“在某段时间以内”,如:We will get there in half an hour.我们半小时内会至U那里。She finished the book in three months也三个月就完成了这本书。3 .get there至I达那里。如果是到达一个具体的地方,要用“get to”。但是到家是get home如:When can we get there我们什么时候可以到达那里?Please call me when you get hom

7、麻至 U 家了 给我打电话。I usually get to the school at 7:45我通常 7:45 到达学校。4 .to用于表目的,如:To get to the cinema, John usually turns left out of their hous要去电影院,John 出家门后通常左 转。To make a robot, you need to be good at science.制造机器人,你得学好科学。5 .take后面跟人时,表示带某人,如:My friend will take me to the Great Wall. 我朋友要带我去长城。Let me

8、 take you there我带你去那里。五、课堂综合练习:选择不同类的单词,把其字母编号写在题前的括号内。() 2.1. A. bankA. numberB. EnglishB. twelfthC. hospitalC. third) 3.A. turtleB. scienceC. rabbit) 4. A. rightB. leftC. direction) 5.A. matchB. standC. miss把其字母编号写在题前的括号内。选择最佳答案,把其字母编号写在题前的括号内。) 1. The two boys plan to meet the school gate.A. inB.

9、 onC. at() 2. My father usually home at five in the afternoon.A. comes back B. comes to back C. come back() 3. Can you tell me the new school?A. the way ofB. the way to C. the name to() 4. The classroom is your left.A. atB. onC. in() 5. You must and then turn right.A. go ahead straight B. goes strai

10、ght ahead C. go straight ahead() 6. Take the right, then you can see the hotel.A. thirdB. three C. two() 7. I know the to the park.A. cut short B. short cutC. shorts cut() 8. The girl can a bus to go there.A. takesB. byC. take() 9. The postman works in the -.A. post office B. bank C. cinema() 10. My

11、 mother starts dinner at five every evening.A. cook B. coos C.to cook 根据实际情况回答问题。1. How do you usually go to school on weekdays?2. Do you know the short cut to your school?3. How long do you need to get to the school in the morning?4. Does your mother often go to the cinema on Saturday?5. Can you ge

12、t to school in time every day? 看图指路。A : me,could you tell me the way to the?B:Yes.Goahead,take the .A:Is it on theor on the?B:It s on your.A:Thank you very much.B:welcome.六、课外练习: 单项选择。() 1. There are big buildings in our school.A. threeB. thirdC. the third() 2. Go straight ahead. Then turn rightthe

13、second crossing.A. forB. inC. at() 3. Is the TV station on the left on the right?A. andB. orC. but() 4. It s the third building on your left, .A. you can goB. you can t miss itC. watch out() 5. right out of the building, please.A. TurnB. GetC. Make() 6. Could you tell me howto the hospital, please?A

14、. getB. to getC. getting() 7. right out of the train station.A. TakeB. GetC. Turn() 8. To get to the cinema , Ben usually turns left out their house.A. ofB. fromC. to() 9. I m sorry I .A. am late B. am hereC. am on time() 10. How Janet get to Children s Palace at the weekend?A. areB. isC. does() 11.

15、 We are very happy we are .A. timeB. at that timeC. on time() 12. The film starts ten minutes.A. onB. inC. for() 13. Go straight ahead and take right.A. firstB. the firstC. the one() 14. A: Howdo they need to get to swimming pool?B: About forty minutes.A. oftenB. manyC. long根据上下文,从方框中选择合适的词,将句子补充完整。

16、how, go, second, on, welcome, turn, to, by, take, excuse, of, left A: me. Could you tell me the way Dongfang Hotel?B:right out your house. Then straight ahead, and take theright.A: Is the hotel the right or on the?B: It s on the left.A:can I get there?B: You can get there bus?A: Which bus can I take

17、?B: You can a No.2 bus to get there.A: Thank you very much!B: You 're.根据句子意思填空。1. I usually play volleyball with my family Sunday.2. We have an art lesson ten olock eleven 6clock.3. What time do you usually get up weekdays?4. How long do you need to get to the zoo foot?5. We should get to school

18、 time.6. In China, the shops are sill open late at night.7. Can the toy dog talk us?8. Janet likes reading stories after dinner Saturday evening.选词补充对话。lost, ten, miss, straight, take, me, beside, film, cinema, leftA: Excuse, I'm. I want to see a. Could you tell me how to get to the ?B: Yes, go

19、ahead,the second and it is on your right.A: Thank you.B: There is a Children" s Palace the cinema. You need about minutes to get there.You can't it.A: All right, thank you very much.阅读短文,选择最佳答案。Our school is big. In front of the school gate there are two big flowerbeds. Some different kinds

20、 of beautiful flowers are in it. Our school has four buildings, a playground and a swimming pool. The first building is the biggest of the four. It has two big teacher rooms, three computer rooms, two big meeting rooms and two libraries. One of the libraries is for the teachers and the other one is

21、for the pupils. The pupils' s library is smaller than the teacher teache rs The playground is in the middle of our school. It s very beautiful and clean. I like sports. I always play badminton there. So I like the playground best.()1. Our school is.A. oldB. bigC. small()2. There are buildings and playground in our school.A. four, two B. four, oneC. five, two()3. The building is the biggest of all in our school.A. firstB. thirdC


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