



1、六年级一般将来时练习(一)be (am, is ,are)going to =will 翻译为“将;将要”一、概念:表示将要发生的动作或存在的状态句中一般有以下时间状语:toni ght, in the future,tomorrow, n ext day(week, mon th,year),so on, the day after tomorrow (后天),this morni ng,this after noon二、基本结构:主语+be going to + do 主语+will+ do.三、否定句:在 be动词(am, is, are)后加 not.I' m going to

2、 have a picnic this after noon. I' m not going to have a picnic this after noon.四、对划线部分提问。一般情况,一般将来时的对划线部分有三种情况。1问人Who!' m going to go to New York soon. Who is going to go to New York soon?2问干什么 What , do.My father is going to watch a match with me this after noon.What is your father going t

3、o do with you this after noon?3.问什么时候When.She is going to go to bed at nine.When is she going to go to bed?五、同义句: be going to = willI am going to go swimming tomorrow. = I will go swimming tomorrow.一、完成句子。1. 我打算明天和朋友去野炊。Ihave a picnic with my frie nds.=Ihave a pic nic with my frie nds.2. 下个星期一你打算去干嘛

4、?我想去打篮球。Whatnext Mon day?Iplay basketball.=Whatyou do n ext Mon day? Iplay basketball.二、选择答案。()1. -I am goingmy gran dmother and gran dfather.A. visitB. to visitC. visit ing()2.Whatyou want to be? A. are B. does C. do()3. -I'm going to the scie nee museum.A. What are you going to do this after n

5、oon? B. What are you doing? ()4. -On foot.A.Do you go to school by bike everyday?B.How do you go to school every day, Hele n?()5.I usually read books.A. What are you doing? B. What do you do in the eve ning?三、选择填空。whe n what where how what time which who- are yougoi ng? - I am going to the Great Wal

6、l.- are they going to school? -Theyre going to go to school by bus.- are yougoing to the museumTomorrow after noon.- are yougoing to buy?Ve are going to buy some fruit.- is she going with?-She is going to Beiji ng with her mum.四、连词成句。1. you, are, do, to, this, eve ning, going, what2. my, clean, goin

7、g, room, am, to ,I3. by, am, I going, train4. visit, are, going, we, aunt, my, tothis, theme, park, I'm, to, going, after noon , the五、用提示词回答问题,答句要写完整。1. Where are you going this evening (the cinema2. When are you going to take a trip?( tomorrow)3. How are you going to the US?( plane)七、改句子。1、Nanc

8、y is going to go camping 、(改否定)Nancygoing to go camp ing 、2、I am going to go and join them 、(改否定)Igojoin them 、3、rm going to get up at 6:30 tomorrow、(改一般疑问句)to get up at 6:30 tomorrow?4、We will meet at the bus stop at 10:30、(改一般疑问句)meet at the bus stop at 10:30、5、She is going to listen_to_music after_school、(对戈U线


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