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1、Module 7 ComputersUnit 1 How do I write my homework on the computer?课 型Listening and speaking教材分析本模块以电脑为主题。该单元则是以对话的形式谈论如何用电脑完成作业,让学生能听说有关电脑方面的基本词汇,并就电脑的操作使用进行简单的问答。内容既接近生活又能激发学生学习的兴趣。语言知识目标1. Key vocabulary: keyboard, mouse ( pl. mice ), screen, connect, turn, turn on, learn, document, click, use,

2、save, box, finally, print, paper2. Key structures: wh-question in Present simple imperative sentences.语言技能目标1. To understand conversations about how to use a computer2. To learn how to give instructions情感态度目标1. Raise students interest to learn English and get to know more knowledge about computers i

3、n English.2. Prompt students to explore new knowledge autonomously.3. Through experiencing, participation and practice, encourage students to be cooperative and learn from each other.教学重点1. Names of computer items2. Conversations about how to use a computer教学难点How to give instructions of writing hom

4、ework on the computer教学设备与教具Tape recorder, CAI, blackboard教学过程教学步骤设计意图教师活动学生活动Step 1 Greetings相互问候,拉近师生的情感距离Greet the studentsGreet the teacherStep 2Presentation1结合图片,根据学生已有的水平教授单词。2将单词放入词组中学习,为稍后的学习作好铺垫,同时学生通过活动开动脑子学习单词词组,激发学生的学习兴趣。3学生模仿操练,通过交流合作进一步巩固所学内容。1. Show the pictures of a computer. T: Can

5、you tell different parts of computer?对学生不懂的电脑部件单词进行新教授。 2. Ask the students to listen to the tape of activity 1 and number the words as they hear them, and then label them.Play the recording for them to number the words, then check with the partner. Keys: 1. screen 2. keyboard 4. mouseLabel the part

6、s of the computer.1. Learn the new words about computer.2. Listen and number the words as they hear them.3. Label the parts of the computer.Step 3 Activity 31. Use pictures to teach the word and phrase2. Ask the students to complete the sentences with the word and expression they learned.3. Play the

7、 recording again, then check together.Keys: 1. connect 2. connect 3. turn on1. Complete the sentences with the word and expression.2. Check together.Step 4 Listen, read and write1提供新的语言环境 ,通过听力感受要学内容。2小组讨论能解决层次问题并增强学生的合作能力。1. Play the recording to number the instructions as you hear them. a) Write y

8、our homework. b) Print your document. c) Open a new document. d) Save the document. e) Put some paper in. Keys: a. 2 b. 5 c. 1 d. 3 e. 42. Play again, have the students listen and do Activity 5.3. Pair work and check the answer together.1. How do you open a new document?2. Where do you write your ho

9、mework?3. How do you save the document?4. Where do you write its name?5. How do you print the document?Keys: 1. You click the mouse on “new document”. 2. I write it in the new document. 学生初步认识新单词和词组,并能结合所学知识拓展应用词组use the mouse/ keyboard /printer click: click the mouse /document3. You click “save” an

10、d write name for the document.4. You write it in the box.5. Put the paper first and then click “print”.4. Play the 3rd time, and pause after each phrase, asking the students to repeat, and then do Activity 6.5. Pair work and check the answer together.Keys: 1. learn 2. Save 3. paper 4. print 5. Final

11、ly 6. Find the words from the box in the conversation. Write Write the words they go with. the words they go with.1. I want to _ how to print a document.2. _ your document and write a name for it.3. Put some _ in there to print your document.4. Click “_” and “OK”.5. _, go and get your document.7. Pa

12、ir work and check the answer together.Write the words they go with.1. the mouse/ the keyboard2 the homework/ a name for a document3. the document4. the document1. Listening.2. Reading.3. Act it out.4. Number the instructions in Activity 4 as you hear them.5. Check together.6. Answer the questions in

13、 Activity. 7. Check together.8. Complete the sentences with the words from the box in Activity 6.9. Check together.10. Find the words from the box in the conversation. Write the words they go with in Activity 7.11. Check together.Step 5 Language points让学生掌握重点单词或短语。1. First, connect the screen to the

14、 computer. connect v. 连接 connect . to . 把与接通;连接起来 e.g. Please connect the screen to the computer.2. Finally, _ the computer. 最后,打开电脑。 turn v. 转动 e.g. Turn left when you see the hospital. 看见医院,你就左转。turn on 打开 如果其宾语为名词(短语)时,该名词(短语)位于turn on后面或者turn与on之间;如果其宾语为代词时,该代词应位于turn 与on之间。e.g. Please _/ _. 请打开

15、电视。 The blender is here. _3. First, . Next, . Finally, .first意为“首先”, next意为“其次”,finally意为“最后”。 Finally, .来说明活动的顺序。根据上下文选择恰当的单词填空。finally, next, first_, I get up at half past six. _, I wash my face. _, I have breakfast. quickly. 搅拌机在这。快点打开。3. First, . Next, . Finally, . first意为“首先”, next意为“其次”,finall

16、y意为“最后”。我们常用First, . Next, . Finally, .来说明活动的顺序。根据上下文选择恰当的单词填空。finally, next, first_, I get up at half past six. _, I wash my face. _, I have breakfast.4. How do I save the document? 我如何_文档? save v. 保存;储存 e.g. How can I save the document on the computer? 我如何在电脑上保存文档?我们常用First, . Next, . Finally, .来说

17、明活动的顺序。4. How do I save the document? 我如何_文档? save v. 保存;储存 e.g. How can I save the document on the computer? 我如何在电脑上保存文档?save还可意为“节省(时间)”。e.g. My parents always have lunch in a restaurant to save time. save还可意为“储蓄;攒钱”。e.g. My cousin wants to save 100 yuan for his favourite bag.save还可意为“挽救”,常构成短语sav

18、e ones life,意为“挽救某人的生命”。e.g. The doctor wants to save this boys life.Step 6 Pronunciation and speaking语音训练,纠正学生的发音。1. Play the recording once without stopping.2. Play the recording again and stop at the end of each line. Ask the whole class to repeat.3. Play the recording again and stop at the end o

19、f each line. Ask individual students to repeat.4. Ask the students to practice the sounds in pairs.1. Listen to the recording.2. Repeat after the recording.3. Practice the sounds in pairs.Step 7 Work in pairs 积极开发课程资源,给学生提供贴近生活的与课文相关的材料,学生在老师的指导下,通过小组的讨论与合作等方式解决问题,进一步提升学生运用语言的能力。在课件上提供几个文件:绘图,购物,写作业

20、,发邮件。1. Choose one of the documents; operate the computer, saying how to do it. 2. Choose the document again, ask the students to say how to do it with the teacher.3. Ask students to do pair work, then check.学生小组讨论。以小组为单位,自由选择喜欢的文件,初步运用所学的知识,用英语简单的表述如何用电脑操作。Step 8 Grammar学生初步学习一般现在时的特殊疑问句特殊疑问句 = 特殊疑

21、问词(What, Where, When, Which, Who, How ) + 一般疑问句1. How do you open a new document? (How怎样)2. Where do you write your homework? (Where什么地方)3. How do you save the document? (How怎样)4. Where do you write its name? (Where 什么地方)5. What do you do next? (What 什么)6. How do you print it? (How 怎样)7. When do you

22、 get up every day? (When 什么时候)8. Who is your English teacher? (Who谁)Step 9 ExercisesA.重要短语:1.把连接 2.打开电脑 3.在电脑上 4.建立一个新文件5.使用鼠标 6.使用键盘 7.点击新文件 8.写下你的作业9.保存文件 10.放一些纸到那里 11.打印文件 12.关上电脑Keys:1. connectto 2. switch on/ turn on the computer 3. on the computer 4. open a new document 5. use the mouse 6. us

23、e the keyboard 7. click the new document 8. write your homework 9. save the document 10. put some paper in there 11. print the document 12. turn off the computerB.根据课文内容,完成下列句子。1. First, _ the monitor to computer.2. Then, _ the computer.3. Next _ a new document. _ the mouse and _ “ new document”.4.

24、Next _ the keyboard to _ a composition in the new document.5. Then you _ “save”, and _ a name in the box for it. OK, then _ “save” again.6. Finally, _ “print” and “OK”.Keys: 1. connect 2. switch on 3. open, Use, click 4. use, write 5. click, write, click 6. clickC. 综合填空:Hello, Im Mike. Im from Ameri

25、ca. Im a middle school s_ (1) like you. I have a computer. I use it every day. Because we do our homework on our c_ (2). Do you know how we write our homework on the computer? Its very easy. F_ (3), use the mouse, c_ (4) “new document” and o_ (5) a new document. N_ (6), you write your homework in th

26、e new document. U_ (7) the keyboard, you click “s_ (8)” and write a name for it in the box. T_ (9) click “save” again. F_ (10), Click “print” and “OK”. Keys: 1.student puters 3.First 4. click 6.Next 7.Use 9. Then 10. FinallyStep 10 1. 拓展学生的知识面2. 让学生在实际中运用本节课所学的知识3. 调动学生的积极性Do you know

27、who invented paper? Find some information about him on the Internet, and print your document.Unit 2 When do you use a computer?教 学 设 计课 型Reading and writing教材分析The main topic of this unit is computer. Students can learn about how people in different places of the world use computer.教学目标1. About know

28、ledge: to understand questions and answers.2. About ability: to improve listening, speaking, reading and writing skills.3. About attitude: to be active to study and be confident.知识与能力1. Key vocabularies: customer, Australia, game, share, company, often, Internet, check, train, travel, plan, ticket,

29、music, movie, night, search, information, email, send, sometimes, visit, cinema, clothes2. Phrases: buy tickets, check email, go on the Internet, make travel plans, play games, share a computer, talk to customers, search for information, watch movies, work for a company 3. Through reading, listening

30、, speaking and writing exercises, be able to ask and answer questions with the new phrases in this unit and write a report in Present Simple.过程与方法Guide the Ss to find out the answers by themselves.Set up different activities to reach the teaching goals.情感、态度与价值观Be active to take part in the activiti

31、es. Cooperate in a group. Be confident.教学过程教学过程教学步骤活动目的教师活动学生活动Step 1 Lead-inKnow the useful expressions in the passage in order to understand the passage easily.1. Show some pictures to introduce the new expressions in the passage. 2. Ask the students to read the new words.1. Guess the meaning of t

32、he phrases with the help of the pictures.2. Read the new phrases.Step 2 ReadingActivity 11. Get the general ideas of each paragraph in the text.2. Learn to find out the support for the answers.3. Cooperate in a group.4. Learn the important words and phrases in the text.5. Cooperate to check the answ

33、ers.6. Try to use the questions and the phrases.7. Be more familiar with the content of the text.1. Ask the students to read through the passage.2. Read the passage again and match the questions with the people who answer them in Activity 1. 1. Who can use the computer on Sundays? 2. Who shares a co

34、mputer with his father? 3. Who has a friend in Australia? 3. Check with a partner.4. Call back the answers from the whole class.Keys:1 Mike can use the computer on Sundays. 2 Jack shares a computer withhis father. 3 Alice has a friend in Australia. 1. Read through the passage.2. Read the passage aga

35、in and match the questions with the people who answer them in Activity 1.3. Check with a partner.Step 3 Reading Activity 21. Ask the students to read the passage again.2. Check () the true sentences in Activity 2. 1. Jacks father uses the computer every Friday night. 2. Alice checks emails at home.

36、3. Mike likes playing computer games. 4. Mike and his parents use their home computer. 3. Check with a partner.4. Call back the answers from the whole class.Keys: 1. × 2. × 3. 4. ×1. Read the passage again.2. Check () the true sentences in Activity 2 with a partner.3. Check the answer

37、s with a partner.Step 4 Reading Activity 31. Ask the students to match the words and expression in Column A with those in Column B.2. Check with a partner.3. Call back the answers from the whole class.Keys: tickets2. check email3. go on the Internet4. make travel plans 5. play games 6. share a

38、 computer 7. talk to customers 8. search for information 9. watch movies 10. work for a company4. Ask the students to read the phrases together.1. Match the words and expression in Column A with those in Column B.2. Check with a partner.3. Read the phrases together.Step 5 Reading Activity 41. Ask th

39、e students to read the words in the box.check customer information Internet movie plan search send share ticket2. Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box. You can use your computer to do lots of things on the (1) _. You can (2) _ for (3) _ about things to do. Are you (4)

40、 _ an evening at the cinema? What time does your (5) _ start? You can (6) _ on the Internet. What about shopping? Many (7) _ buy books, clothes and many other things on the Internet. And do you want to visit friends or family? Many people buy train (8) _ on the Internet. You can also (9) _ emails or

41、 speak to friends. But remember to (10) _ the computer with your parents!1. Read the words in the box.2. Complete the passage with the correct form of the words from the box.3. Check with a partner.4. Ask the students to read the passage together.3. Check with a partner.4. Call back the answers from

42、 the whole class. Keys:1. Internet 2. search 3. information 4. planning 5. movie 6. check 7. customers 8. tickets 9. send 10. share5. Ask the students to read the passage together.Step 6 Language points1. and my father and I share it. share v. 共用;分享 后可接名词(短语)或代词作宾语。share sth. with sb. 与某人分享某物 e.g. M

43、y brother often shares his toys with his friends. 我弟弟经常和他的朋友们一起玩他的玩具。Tom, here are some candies. You can _ Sally.  汤姆,这儿有一些糖果。你可以和莎莉一起分享。Our flat is not very big. I have to _.  我们的公寓不大,我不得不和妹妹共用一个房间。2. make travel plans, and buy tickets.观察例句中plan的用法,补全结论。Do you have a plan for the coming w

44、eekend? She is making a plan now. plan做名词时,意为“计划;规划”,是_ (可数名词/不可数名词)make a plan 做计划I plan to go back tomorrow.When do you plan your vacation?plan做动词时,后面常接_ ,意为“计划做某事”;也可以接名词(短语),意为“_ ”。请根据汉语意思完成下列英语句子。1) 周末你有什么计划? Whats your _ this weekend?2) 孩子们计划去动物园。 The children plan _ to the zoo. 3) 他们正在制定计划吗?

45、Are they _?3. I search for information search v. 搜寻;搜索;查找 search for sb./sth. 搜寻某人或某物 e.g. Most people use the search engine to search for information on the Internet 大多数人用搜索引擎在网上查找信息。 They searched for the missing boy everywhere. 他们到处搜寻那个失踪的男孩。 information n. 信息 不可数名词不能用an, many等词修饰,但可用much, a lot

46、of, some, any等修饰。一条信息 a piece of information根据句意选择恰当的单词填空。My teacher has _ (some / many) information about this subject.4. I send email to my friends and play computer games. send v. 发送 send sb. sth.或send sth. to sb. (发)送给某人某物 e.g. They _ every year. / They _ every year. 他们每年寄给我一张卡片。 5. Many custome

47、rs buy books, clothes and many other things on the Internet. clothes n. 是衣服的总称。 e.g. Coats, shirts, sweaters and shorts are all clothes.clothes前面不可以用不定冠词a / an及指示代词this / that修饰,但可以用定冠词the及指示代词these / those修饰。clothes总是用作复数,在句中作主语时,谓语动词用复数形式。如:The / These / Those clothes are for my father. clothes前不能

48、直接用数词修饰,但可以用many, some等表示不确定数量的词修饰。如:Susan has many / some clothes. 根据句意选择恰当的单词填空。(1) The clothes _ (is / are) Bettys.(2) There are _ (some / three) clothes in this room.Step 7 Writing Activity 51. Review the affirmative and negative in Present Simple.2. Language output training I: oral training.3.

49、Language output training II: writing training1. Ask the students to answer the questions. 1. Does your father / mother use a computer?2. What do you do on a computer?3. When do you use a computer?4. Do you play computer games? What games do you play?2. Write sentences about their answers.1. Answer t

50、he questions.2. Write sentences about their answers.Step 8HomeworkWrite a short passage about computer. Use the title“I have a computer at home.”Unit 3 Language in use课型Revision and application教材分析本单元是一个练习单元,是通过练习和活动,对学生在本模块一、二单元中所学的电脑方面的基本词汇、一般现在时的特殊疑问句和答句等知识进行复习和巩固,使学生能更为透彻地理解、更为准确运用所学知识。语言知识目标1 语

51、法:复习巩固一般现在时的用法,尤其是本模块所学的一般现在时特殊疑问形式2 词汇:生词:holiday 复习本模块所学的有关电脑方面的词汇语言技能目标1 听:能听懂所学的有关电脑方面的词汇;听懂一般现在时的特殊疑问句2 说:能就电脑的使用进行简单的问答;能运用一般现在时特殊疑问形式进行问答3 读:能读懂简单的特殊疑问句及其回答4 写:能结合本模块所学的语言知识,准确运用所学句型结构写出相关的表达学习策略目标1 认知策略:联系、归纳、推测等技能。如能通过观察、应用,总结归纳出一般现在时特殊疑问句的用法2 调控策略:从同伴处得到反馈,对自己在叙述及书写中的错误进行修改3 合作学习策略:同学之间互相学习,取长补短文化意识目标了解不同国家和地区的人们使用电脑的情况情感态度目标通过学习电脑方面的词汇提高对英语的学习兴趣任务设计一个有关电脑方面的问卷教学重点1 复习巩固一般现在时的用法,尤其是本模块所学的一般现在时特殊疑问形式2 复习巩固本模块所学的电脑词汇及一些动宾搭配的使用。教学难点较熟练地运用本模块中所学的词汇和句型,区别应用助动词do, does教学方法任务教学法教学设备录音机;多媒体课件教学过程教学步骤设计意图教师活动学生活动Step 1 L


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