已阅读5页,还剩14页未读 继续免费阅读




1、CONTENTS1. Applicable Terms and Conditions适用条款2. No Standard Provision非格式条款3. Affiliate Company关联公司4. Warranty质保5禁止抵消 No offest6. Resale of Product货物转售7. Retention of title and transfer of risk所有权保留和风险转移8. Force Majeure不可抗力9. Exchange Rate Risk汇率风险10. Inspection and Claim检验与索赔11. Confidentiality保密条款

2、12. Liquidated Damages 违约赔偿13. Termination合同终止14. Intellectual Property知识产权15. Disclaimer and Limitation免责与责任限制16. Amendment and Waiver修订和弃权17. Transfer of Contract合同转让18. Severability可分割性19. Notices通知20. Applicable Law and Settlement of Dispute适用法律与争端解决21. Prohibition of Commercial Fraud and Briber

3、y禁止商业欺诈和贿赂22. Miscellaneous其它约定 1. Applicable Terms and Conditions适用条款1.1 Unless otherwise agreed by both Parties, all Goods supplied by Seller to Buyer are sold only on the provisions of the Sales Contract, the General Terms and Conditions, Limited Warranty for PV Modules (hereinafter collecti

4、vely referred to as (“the Contract”).除非双方当事人另有约定,卖方出售给买方的产品仅适用销售合同、通用条款、太阳能光伏组件有限质保书(以下统称为“本合同 ”)。 1.2 In the event of any discrepancy between the provisions set forth in these documents abovementioned, the provision set forth in the Sales Contract shall prevail.如上述文件条款存在任何冲突,应以销售合同条款为准。 2

5、. No Standard Provision非格式条款2.1 Both Parties acknowledge that they have read and fully understood the terms and conditions hereof.双方当事人确认其已经审阅并完全理解本合同的条款。 2.2 Both Parties further acknowledge that the Contract is the result of friendly negotiation between the Parties under the principle of good

6、 faith and shall not be construed as the standard terms and conditions of a Party, therefore, no unfavorable interpretation shall be made against the Party who prepares and provides it.双方当事人进一步确认合同条款是合同双方本着诚信原则谈判的结果,合同条款不应理解为任何一方当事人的格式条款,因而不得对合同提供方做出不利解释。 3. Affiliate Company关联公司Sellers affilia

7、te company may have the right to perform this Contract according to the provisions hereof.卖方的关联公司可以按照本合同约定的条款履行本合同。 4. Warranty质保The warranty terms for the quality of the Goods shall refer to Annex: Limited Warranty for PV Modules.产品的质量保证条款见附件:太阳能光伏组件有限质保书。 5禁止抵消 No offest Any payment

8、 receivable to the Seller is free of any offset.卖方的应收货款不得被抵消。 6. Resale of Product货物转售Under any of the following circumstances, Seller may, at Sellers sole discretion, postpone delivery of the Goods, or resale the Goods to any third Party or terminate the Contract without prior notice to Buyer

9、and shall not be liable for any damages or losses of whatever kind thus caused to Buyer:在以下任何情形下,卖方有权无需事先通知买方,自行决定延迟交货、转售货物给任何第三方并终止合同,且不承担由此给买方造成的任何损害或损失: a) Buyer fails to make full payment as agreed herein, or买方没有按照本合同约定及时付款;或 b) Buyer falls into arrears of any payables to Seller under

10、any previous contract between the Parties hereto and such payables have not been fully paid to Seller at the time when the Goods under this Contract arrives at the destination, or)买方与卖方此前签订的任何合同项下之任何欠款,在本合同项下的货物到达目的地前买方仍未付清;或 c) Buyer fails to take delivery within 3 days upon the arrival of Goo

11、ds at the port of destination.买方没有在货到目的港后3天内及时提货。 7. Retention of title and transfer of risk所有权保留和风险转移Unless otherwise agreed by both Parties, Seller shall be entitled to retain the title to the Goods until Buyer has fully fulfilled its obligation of any and all payments under the Contract. Tra

12、nsfer of risk will take place according to the Trade Term (Incoterms 2010) as stipulated in the Sales Contract.除非双方另有约定,在本合同项下买方履行全部付款义务之前,货物所有权仍属于卖方。风险转移与销售合同中约定的贸易术语(适用国际贸易术语解释通则2010年版本一致。 8. Force Majeure不可抗力8.1 “Force Majeure” means all events that cant be foreseen at the time of the execut

13、ion hereof, whose occurrence and consequence cant be avoided or, that take place after the effective date hereof and affects any Partys full or partial performance hereof, including earthquake, typhoon, flood, fire, war as well as any other unforeseeable, unavoidable or unconquerable event.不可抗力是指在在订

14、立合同时不能预见,在合同生效后对其发生不能避免,对其后果不能控制且影响任何一方全部或部分合同履行的事件,包括地震、台风、洪水、火灾、战争、及其他不能预见、不能避免、不能控制的任何事件。 8.2 If due to any force majeure event,one Party is unable to perform its contractual obligations (except for payment obligation), the affected Party shall notify the other Party within 3 days upon the o

15、ccurrence thereof, and shall present certificate issued by local competent authority within 15 days, specifying the nature and duration of the force majeure event. If the force majeure event lasts for over 3 months, both Parties shall have the right to terminate the Contract upon written notice to o

16、ther Party without bearing liabilities hereunder.如果发生不可抗力事件导致一方当事人不能履行合同(付款义务除外),受影响方应在不可抗力事件发生后3天内通知对方,并在不可抗力事件发生后15天内递交将当地相应机关的证明文件。如果不可抗力事件持续超过3个月,双方均有权以书面通知形式终止本协议,而不承担责任。 9. Exchange Rate Risk汇率风险9.1 The Parties mutually agree that the price agreed herein shall be adjusted accordingly in c

17、ase the fluctuation of foreign exchange rate between USD/EURO(depending on the payment currency defined in the Contract) against RMB exceeds 3% during the performance hereof.双方当事人同意,如在本合同履行期内美元或欧元(依照本合同约定的付款币种来确定)对人民币的汇率波动超过3%,本合同约定价格应做出相应调整。 9.2 In case that Buyer fails to make payments within

18、 the time limits under the Contract, all losses arising from exchange rate fluctuation thus caused to Seller shall be assumed by Buyer,which losses of exchange rate shall refer to the devaluation of USD/EUR against RMB based on official exchange rates announced by Bank of China at the time when the

19、payment is due under the Contract to the time when the delayed payment is actually made.如买方未能按照本合同约定的时限及时付款,因此而给卖方所造成的汇率风险损失概由买方承担,该等汇率损失系指在买方根据合同约定的应付款日至实际支付欠款日期间发生的根据中国银行公布的美元/欧元对人民币官方汇率的贬值损失。 10. Inspection and Claim检验与索赔In case of quality discrepancy, claim should be filed by Buyer within 3

20、0 days after the arrival of the Goods at port of destination, while claim for quantity discrepancy should be filed by Buyer within 7 days after the arrival of the Goods at port of destination. Buyer shall be obligated to notify Seller of its claim, if any, together with evidentiary supporting docume

21、nts within foregoing time limits; otherwise it shall be deemed that the goods delivered to Buyer under this contract conform in all respects to the specifications and quality standards set forth under this contract. Seller shall be obligated, within 20 business days upon receipt of the claim togethe

22、r with evidentiary documents from Buyer, to double check and respond to in writing if it accepts such a claim. In cases where both Parties fail to settle the dispute over such claims, then the claims shall be referred to arbitration in pursuance of arbitration clause set forth herein. It is understo

23、od that Seller shall not be liable for any discrepancy of the Goods shipped due to causes for which the Insurance Company, Shipping Company, other Transportation Organization or Post Office are liable. Notwithstanding the forgoing, Sellers liabilities will not exceed the scope of liabilities as stip

24、ulated in the Limited Warranty for PV Modules.如买方提出索赔,凡属品质异议须于货到目的港之日起30 天内提出,凡属数量异议须于货到目的港之日起7 天内提出。如有索赔事宜,买方应在上述时限内向卖方提出并附送相应的证据支持文件,否则视为本合同项下交付给买方的货物完全符合合同约定的规格和质量标准。卖方应在收到买方的索赔主张及证据文件后20 日内完成复核并以书面方式回复其是否接受该索赔主张。如双方对前述索赔事宜未能成一致,则该等争议应按本协议约定提交仲裁。对所装货物所提任何异议应由保险公司、运输公司或相关运输机构或邮递机构所负责者,卖方不负任何责任。无论如

25、何,卖方承担的责任都不会超过太阳能光伏组件有限质保书规定的责任范围。 11. Confidentiality保密条款Each Party undertakes that it and its employees shall keep confidential and protect from disclosure all confidential information (“Confidential Information”) obtained from the other Party in connection with the Contract or any purchase o

26、rder unless otherwise expressly authorized by the other Party in written or unless otherwise required by applicable law or regulation. Each Party shall use such confidential information only for its performance under the Contract. Upon a Partys written request, the other Party shall return all such

27、confidential information to the requesting Party or make such other disposition thereof as is directed by the requesting Party. This clause survives after the termination of the Contract.合同各方均承诺自身及其雇员对因本合同或任何订单从对方当事人处获得的一切保密信息(“保密信息”)保密,除非相关法律、法规要求披露或取得对方当事人的明确书面授权。各方当事人应仅为履行本合同之目的使用该信息。经一方当事人书面请求,另

28、一方当事人应归还所有该保密信息,或按照请求方的指示处置该保密信息。本条规定在合同终止后仍然有效。 12. Liquidated Damages 违约赔偿12.1 Unless otherwise provided herein, in the event of delay on payment by Buyer beyond the agreed payment schedule, Buyer shall pay to Seller liquidated damages, and not as penalty, at rate of 0.2% of the delinquent am

29、ount for per week of delay.除本合同另有规定外,买方逾期支付货款的,则应按每周 0.2%的逾期货款向卖方支付违约金。 12.2 The foregoing liquidated damages address late payment only and are independent of and in addition to Seller corresponding ability to recover damages, for Buyers failure to satisfy its obligations under this Contract.上述

30、违约金条款仅解决逾期付款问题,如买方未履行其在本合同项下的义务,卖方仍有权采取其他措施追偿损失。 13. Termination合同终止13.1 Unless otherwise provided herein, neither party is entitled to terminate the Contract unilaterally. The party that terminates the Contract without obtaining prior written consent of the other party shall be fully liable fo

31、r all damages thus caused to the other party.除本合同另有规定外,任何一方不得单方面终止本合同。如一方在没有征得另一方的事先书面同意情况下终止本合同,则需对由此造成另一方的全部损失承担赔偿责任。 13.2 If Buyer fails to pay to Seller any payment as required hereunder and such failure continues for ten (10) days after written notice thereof has been given to Buyer by Sel

32、ler, Seller may terminate this Contract.如买方未按照合同约定付款给卖方,且未在收到卖方书面通知后十( 10)天内补正,则卖方有权终止合同。 13.3 If Seller fails to supply Goods as required hereunder and fails to remedy the breach within a period of 30 days upon receipt of written notice from Buyer, Buyer may terminate this Contract.卖方没有履行其在本合同

33、中规定的供货义务,并且在买方提出书面要求后30天内未对其违约行为做出补救,则买方有权终止合同。 13.4 In case either Party hereto becomes insolvent, or petitions for bankruptcy, or undergoes corporate reorganization, or files any application of similar nature, or comes into the process of liquidation, the other Party shall be entitled to term

34、inate the Contract upon notifying the Party in question.遇有本合同的任何一方破产,或者提出破产申请,或公司进行重组或提出何类似情况的申请,或者正在停业清算的情形,另一方有权书面通知该方后终止本合同。 13.5 In case the Contract is terminated in accordance with Article 13.4 hereof, the Parties hereto shall settle the part of the Contract that has already been performe

35、d in a timely fashion, the rest of the Contract shall be relieved.在本合同依据第13.4条款终止的情形下,双方应及时就已经履行合同的部分进行结算,尚未履行合同的部分应予解除。 14. Intellectual Property知识产权14.1 All intellectual property rights subsisting in or used in connection with the Goods, including all documents and manuals relating thereto, a

36、re and shall remain the sole property of Seller and/or its possible licensor(s). Buyer shall not, during the term of, or at any time after the expiry or termination of the Contract, in any way question or dispute the ownership of such intellectual property rights of Seller or its licensor(s).产品固有的或与

37、产品相关使用的一切知识产权,包括有关知识产权的一切文件和手册,现在是,以后仍然是卖方和/或其可能的许可人的独家财产。在本合同期间或合同届满或终止后任何时候,买方不得以任何方式对卖方或其许可人的该等知识产权的所有权提出质疑或异议。 14.2 In case the Goods provided by Seller infringes the intellectual property of any third party, Seller shall reimburse Buyer for all direct losses and damages arising out of or i

38、n connection with Sellers supply of Goods to Buyer, provided that Buyer shall promptly notify the Seller in writing of any such claim.如卖方供应给买方的产品侵犯了第三方的知识产权,卖方应补偿买方与此相关的所有直接损失和损害,前提是买方应迅速以书面形式通知卖方任何该索赔。 14.3 Under no circumstances shall Seller assume any liability or responsibility for:以下情况下卖方不

39、承担责任: (a) any extraordinary use of Sellers delivered Goods by Buyer which may infringe intellectual or proprietary rights of a third party, or买方非正常使用卖方交付的产品,而由此产生的侵犯第三方知识产权的情况;或 (b) a violation of an intellectual property right of a third party which is caused by Buyers modification of Goo

40、ds provided by Seller, or买方改造卖方产品导致侵犯第三方知识产权的情况;或 (c)Buyers use of Goods in combination with any other goods, products or materials which, when used in that way, infringes any intellectual or proprietary right of a third party.买方在将卖方产品与其它产品或材料同时使用时而引发侵犯第三方知识产权的情况。  15. Disclaimer and

41、Limitation免责与责任限制In no event shall Seller be liable for any consequential, special, indirect, incidental, punitive or exemplary damages, costs, expenses, or losses (including, without limitation, loss of profits and opportunity costs). Both parties agree that Seller shall not be liable to Buyer for

42、any actions, damages, claims, liabilities, cost expenses, or losses in any way arising out of or relating to the Goods provided hereunder for an aggregate amount in excess of the Contract Amount paid by Buyer for the Goods provided hereunder.在任何情况下,卖方均不承担后果性的、特殊的、间接的、附带的、惩罚性的或惩戒性的损害赔偿金、费用、支出或损失(包括但不


44、            16. Amendment and Waiver修订和弃权The Parties hereof may amend or waive any provision of the Contract through mutual negotiation at any time. No amendment to or waiver of any provision or any Right of the Contract shall be valid unle

45、ss the same shall be in writing and signed by all of the Parties. No waiver by any Party of any default, misrepresentation, or breach of warranty or covenant hereunder, whether intentional or not, shall be deemed to extend to any prior or subsequent default, misrepresentation or breach of warranty o

46、r covenant hereunder or affect in any way any rights arising by virtue of any prior or subsequent such occurrence.本合同当事人可于任何时间通过协商对本合同条款进行修订或放弃。对本合同约定的修订和放弃必须采用书面形式并由各方当事人签字盖章方能生效。任何一方放弃任何违约、错误陈述或违反本合同项下保证或承诺行为(无论是否为故意行为),不得视为放弃先前或之后的违约、错误陈述或违反本合同项下保证或承诺行为,亦不影响因任何先前或之后出现之该等行为引起的任何权利。 17. Transf

47、er of Contract合同转让Neither Party may assign any of its rights or obligations hereunder to any third Party without the prior written consent of the other Party. Otherwise, such default Party shall be responsible for any and all unfavorable consequences caused thereby.本合同的任何一方未经另一方事先书面同意,不得将其在本合同项下的任何权

48、利与义务转让给第三方。否则,由此产生的任何不利后果概由该违约方承担。 18. Severability可分割性Should any provision in the Contract become invalid, illegal or unenforceable, the Parties agree to amend such provision in order that it may restore its validity, legality and enforceability. The validity and enforceability of the remainin

49、g provisions of the Contract shall not be affected thereby.倘若本合同的任何规定因任何原因变得无效、不合法或不可强制执行,本合同各方同意修改该规定,以使其成为有效、合法并可强制执行的规定。本合同其余规定的效力和强制执行性将不受影响。 19. Notices通知19.1 Notices and other communications between the Parties shall be written in English or Chinese and shall be delivered by hand or couri

50、er service or sent by facsimile transmission to the address for the receiver as indicated herein. Such notices shall be deemed to have been effectively given on the following date:双方当事人之间的通知或其他通讯应以英文或中文书写,以专人递交、快递递送或传真发送至本合同载明的收件方地址。通知以如下日期视为有效送达: Notices delivered by hand shall be deemed to ha

51、ve been effectively served on the date of personal delivery;以专人递交的,递送之日视为有效送达; Notices sent by courier service shall be deemed to have been effectively given on the fifth (5th) working day after they are sent out; and快递递送的,交付快递后的第五(5)个工作日视为有效送达; Notices sent by facsimile transmission or e-

52、mail shall be deemed to have been effectively served on the date of transmission thereof.以传真或电子邮件发送的,发送之日视为有效送达。 19.2 During the term of the Contract, either Party may change its mailing address at any time, provided that the Party making such change shall forthwith notify the other Party in wr

53、itten thereof.在本合同期间,双方均可在任何时候变更其通信地址,但变更地址的一方应立即书面通知另一方当事人。 20. Applicable Law and Settlement of Dispute适用法律与争端解决20.1 Execution, effect, interpretation, performance hereof and dispute settlement in connection hereof shall be governed by the United Nations Convention on Contracts for the Intern

54、ational Sale of Goods and Incoterms 2010 of the International Chamber of Commerce. If any specific matter is not covered by the law above-mentioned, general international business practices shall apply.本协议的签署、生效、解释、履行及争议的解决适用联合国国际货物销售合同公约、国际商会的国际贸易术语2010。如果出现以上法律文件未能包括的特殊情况,应依据国际商业惯例处理。 20.2 Al

55、l disputes arising out of the execution of, or in connection with the Contract, shall be settled amicably through friendly negotiation. In case no settlement can be reached through negotiation by both Parties within thirty (30) days upon the occurrence thereof, such disputes shall be referred to Chi

56、na International Economic and Trade Arbitration Commission, hearing in Shanghai, for arbitration in accordance with then applicable Rules of Arbitration of China International Economic & Trade Arbitration Commission. The arbitration tribunal shall consist of one arbitrator. The language of the a

57、rbitration proceedings shall be Chinese. The arbitral award shall be final and binding upon both Parties. The Arbitration fee shall be borne by the losing Party. During the period a dispute is being resolved, each Party shall continue to perform the Contract in all respects other than the matter(s)

58、in dispute.所有与合同有关或合同执行中出现的争端,双方应友善的协商解决。如双方当事人未能在争端发生后三十天内友好协商解决此争端,则此等争端应提交中国国际经济贸易仲裁委员会(在上海仲裁 )按申请时有效的仲裁规则程序进行仲裁。仲裁庭应由一名仲裁员组成,仲裁程序应当以中文进行。该仲裁委员会的裁决为终局性的,对双方均有约束力。仲裁费用由败诉方承担。在争议解决间,除有争议的事项外,各方应继续全面履行本合同。 21. Prohibition of Commercial Fraud and Bribery禁止商业欺诈和贿赂22.1 If Buyer, in violation of go

59、od faith, provide false registration information, false certificate of qualification and the other false information to Seller or conceal the truth to deceive Seller, it shall pay liquidated damages to Seller at the rate of 20% of the Contract amount. If all losses thus caused are more than the foregoing 20%, the default Party shall be obligated to compensate for any such additional losses of Seller. This article will not affect other liability of breach that Buyer might bear in accordance with other terms where applicable.如买方违反诚实


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