



1、东师大学英语(二)专升本 15秋在线作业2一、单选题(共 22 道试题,共 66 分。)V1.  If you did something that you now(regret), you feelA. sorry about what happened.B. bored with what happened.C. good about what happened.      满分:3  分2.  People who win awa

2、rds often say they feel “proud but _” They want to get across the idea that winning hasnt made them feel like big shots.A. humbleB. flexibleC. logical      满分:3  分3.  If you (recognize)several classmates from fifth grade, that means that youA. like t

3、hem.B. remember them from your school days.C. forget who they are.      满分:3  分4.  Sirens screaming in the night always _ my children. They become so scared that I have to sit up with them until they fall back to sleep.A. selectB. noticeC. alarm 

4、;     满分:3  分5.  If a turtle is (helpless)when it is on its back, that means that itA. is especially strong.B. is sleepy.C. cant help itself by turning over.      满分:3  分6.  When your teacher _ something b

5、y writing it on the board, be sure to get the point down in your notebook.A. protectsB. cancelsC. emphasizes      满分:3  分7.  A (portion)is:A. all of somethingB. nothingC. a part of something      满分:3  分8. 

6、; If you are (uncertain), you are:A. not interestedB. sureC. not sure      满分:3  分9.  From your (standpoint) this may be important, but from mine it is not.A. insightB. outlookC. partD. point of view      满分:3 

7、 分10.  My son seems to have a real _ for the trumpet. Just two weeks after he started lessons, he could play several songs very well.A. conclusionB. talentC. rival      满分:3  分11.  The people in town _ the governments plan to build a g

8、arbage dump near their homes.A. opposedB. satisfiedC. protected      满分:3  分12.  The opposite of (separate)is:A. danceB. jumpC. join together      满分:3  分13.  It makes me angry when my kids leave _ to

9、wels lying on the bathroom floor.A. comfortableB. dampC. popular      满分:3  分14.  If you (achieve)something, you:A. lose itB. have trouble with itC. reach a goal      满分:3  分15.  The opposite of (irri

10、tate)is:A. make happyB. forgetC. ask      满分:3  分16.  The news that he had been admitted to the Yale quickly (circulated)around the small village.A. permeatedB. enlargedC. spreadD. scattered      满分:3  分17.

11、0; Last winter, the flu was so _ that several schools and businesses closed their doors because so many people were sick.A. seldomB. commonC. delicate      满分:3  分18.  To (increase)means:A. to make smallerB. to make greaterC. to get rid of 

12、     满分:3  分19.  I (predicted)that both my roommates would move out by the end of the year. In other words, I saidA. what I thought they would do in the future.B. what I wished they would do.C. that I was angry about what they planned to do.  &#

13、160;   满分:3  分20.  The hungry teenagers _ a box of crackers and a jar of peanut butter while putting away the groceries.A. devouredB. introducedC. created      满分:3  分21.  There used to be only one long-distance tel

14、ephone company, but now companies like MCI, Sprint, and AT&T all _ to get peoples business.A. disgustB. containC. compete      满分:3  分22.  He couldnt write freely about it now, but there were (hints)in his letters.A. indicationsB. notionsC. advic

15、esD. tips      满分:3  分二、多选题(共 2 道试题,共 4 分。)V1.  Do you know the date _ is my birthday?A. whichB. thatC. /D. what      满分:2  分2.  “THE STARS OF LAST NIGHT” is the very film _ I want

16、 to see.A. /B. thatC. whomD. which      满分:2  分三、判断题(共 6 道试题,共 30 分。)V1.  To (misinterpret) my instructions,” said the teacher, “listen carefully.”A. 错误B. 正确      满分:5  分2.  Dont (

17、exaggerate) when you fill out a job application. If you were a store clerk, for instance, dont say you were the manager.A. 错误B. 正确      满分:5  分3.  I think it is (brutal) to keep chickens in crowded conditions and then cut off their beaks to keep them

18、 from pecking one another.A. 错误B. 正确      满分:5  分4.  Many people dont eat much breakfast because their hunger in the morning is (intense).A. 错误B. 正确      满分:5  分5.  It is impossible to cut the steak with these plastic forks and knivesthey are so (flexible) that they snap into pieces as soon as you press hard o


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