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1、 外文参考文献翻译题 目: 城市之星客户服务管理浅析 学院: 经济管理学院 专业:工商管理 班级: 0601学号: 200607080130 学生姓名: 雷月茜 导师姓名: 胡 琳 完成日期: 2010年04月23日 一、外文参考文献原文 All too often, marketers of homogenous products fail to identify their competitive advantage, resulting in dismal results. Similarly, SME participants find it difficult to identify

2、 such competitive advantages. Fortunately, the Franchise Model facilitates the notion of being in business for yourself, but not on your own. The reason for this case is to facilitate competitive advantage within a Home Entertainment SME Franchise environment, enabling participants to successfully c

3、ompete with the corporate environment. The outcome is to identify and implement Service Profit Chain (Heskett et al, 1997) initiatives, linking customer service to long term profitability and growth.The home video industry is a product of technology. Prior to the introduction of the home VCR in 1976

4、, there was no way to watch movies at home, except as shown on broadcast television, and no one had thought of a retail store where movies could be rented for the night. In the course of the past quarter-century, those VCR's and those video rental stores became the foundation for a US$ 17 billio

5、n industry.This study researches the Home Entertainment Video Rental industry, consisting predominantly of SME home entertainment outlets. The particular analysis is in a leading South African Franchise system, consisting of family owned Franchisees.The service profit chain will centre on analysis f

6、rom the 'gurus' on the topic, specific reference to " The Service Profit Chain- how Leading Companies Link Profit and Growth to Loyalty, Satisfaction, and Value, as depicted by Heskett. J, Sasser. W, Schlesinger. L, (1997). Concepts, models and frameworks will also be researched from le

7、ading customer service oriented organizations, including Southwest Airlines, Xerox, Wal-mart, Taco Bell, Au Bon Pain Restaurants, British Airways, and other relevant leaders in their respective fields.The service profit chain will be analysed from the above sources, whereby customer satisfaction, cu

8、stomer loyalty and customer value are linked to the long term profitability and growth of Blockbusters Video.CRM systems have become the rule for customer service centers. Now managers are taking the next step; to arm their agents with a knowledge base that can deliver fast, accurate answers. They a

9、re reaping the benefits of integrating a true knowledge management system with CRM - such as decreasing escalation rates, shorter call times and increased first call resolution. Customer relationship management (CRM) solutions have been widely accepted by global enterprises seeking to improve custom

10、er satisfaction and retention. But it takes more than just technology to maintain customer relationships. It takes improved business processes and a method for providing customers with the information that they demand in an efficient and effective manner. This is where knowledge management (KM) come

11、s in to play in the customer interaction center. Today, industry experts recommend customer service and support knowledge bases as a critical component of successful CRM. According to Tim Hickernell, senior analyst with the META Group, "Service strategies that include knowledge bases, accessibl

12、e to both agents and customers across all deployed points of interaction, can optimize cost of service and increase customer satisfaction by providing a more consistent customer experience." META concludes that by 2004, companies seeking customer service superiority will add cross-channel knowl

13、edge bases and escalation capabilities .Knowledge management is often an enterprisewide initiative.a discipline that encompasses managing and sharing knowledge across all departments within an organization. However, quite often organizations choose to kick-off KM on a departmental basis. With custom

14、er satisfaction as a mission-critical driver for all businesses, especially today when repeat business from existing customers can make or break a company, many companies are choosing to invest in knowledge management for their customer contact centers. Other common implementations occur within IT h

15、elp desks, human resources departments and sales organizations. It's important to remember that organizations must tailor KM processes and tools to the specific needs and goals of each department. Today, knowledge management is not just for agents accessing a knowledge base. Allowing customer ac

16、cess to self-service knowledge bases is a must. The bonus of Web self-service (also referred to as e-service or online self-help) is that customers are happier with your company if they can quickly and easily find answers without having to contact the call center, and companies can reduce operating

17、expenses by deflecting queries to the Web. It's not enough, however, to put the information on the Web and ask your customer to go find it. You need to make the information timely, accurate, easy to find and in the format that most customers want. By knowledge-enabling your online customer servi

18、ce, you empower customers to find answers quickly through dynamic FAQs or knowledge search engines. Both FAQs and search engines must generate dynamic responses in order to be useful, meaning that they must learn and adapt from usage. This type of technology is referred to as a self-learning search

19、engine. To be considered a true self-learning search, the system must learn from previous experiences had by customers with similar issues. It must be self-organizing, in that it is always moving the most relevant information to the top of the search results. It also must be tied into a reporting sy

20、stem that monitors knowledge usage - which items in the knowledge base are being used most frequently and which are not being accessed. At its simplest, customer service is being influenced and revitalized by information technology. Regardless of how one visualizes customer service, either from a lo

21、gistics or marketing perspective, information technology now assumes an important role in customer service. Information technology is a powerful tool or enabler in the arena of customer service. Information technology is essentially in the process of migration, from the support function to the front

22、-line functions where the customer is served, as indeed is customer service itself.In particular, the degree of marketing orientation and its relationship to both customer service and information technology requires further quantitative measurement. A greater understanding would facilitate marketing

23、 managers in identifying other areas in which information technology may be of use.One of the most remarkable features of the debate on workplace skills over the last few years has been the increasing emphasis placed on soft skills and attitudes. In part this is because work itself is changing. The

24、rise of the service sector has meant that increasing numbers of people in employment are (at least in part) delivering a service and are themselves part of the process being sold. This is perhaps most dramatically apparent where the service is itself entertainment. In Disneyworld staff are expected

25、to be physically attractive, friendly, helpful, smiling and able to follow scripted exchanges (Van Maanen, 1991). But these dramatic elements and the emphasis on aesthetic and emotional skills are not restricted to the entertainment industry, rather they are increasingly accepted as a normal aspect

26、of service work (Hancock and Tyler, 2000). So staff in restaurants, bars and hotels are hired on (and groomed in) aspects of their looks (Nickson et al., 2001); flight attendants are monitored on looks, weight and consistent helpfulness (Hochschild, 1983); and call centre workers are expected to inf

27、use their voice with appropriate emotions (Callaghan and Thompson, 2002; Wray-Bliss, 2001; Taylor and Tyler, 2000). Even official reviews of the state of the nations skills emphasis personal qualities and attributes (Skills Task Force). Work, it seems, is increasingly about appearing, being and feel

28、ing as well as doing.The picture presented in these organisations is not one of opening the public sector to market forces or responsiveness to customers but of confusion. Here additional levels of monitoring and new performance measures are introduced and customer service was emphasised often over

29、areas where those serving have little control. As might be predicted, the implications for employee skills are also mixed. At one level training, at least in areas relevant to customer service, is increasing at others technical skills still needed to complete the work are not being reproduced and it

30、 is difficult to see, rhetorical or structurally, many incentives for them to be developed in the future.Most chief executives say that customer satisfaction is a number-one priority for their companies. Given a little background information on what has really transpired in their companies, however,

31、 many will admit that pressures for short-term results create thinking processes and decisions that often negatively impacts customer service. Management needs to carefully and critically assess how their companies have performed at developing and implementing a customer-focused service strategy.Too

32、 many companies limp along with less than top-notch customer service. Well-intentioned goals to achieve and sustain a high level of customer service often exist. Yet, customer service is often one of those perpetual problems in the process of being solved, but without measurable results. Executive m

33、anagement is often very frustrated with the seeming inability to solve the customer service competitive dilemma once and for all.Customer service is a competitive weapon that can easily differentiate one supplier from another. A lot of talk today is centered on quality, new processes and systems, co

34、ntinuous improvement and the like, but it must be aimed at customer satisfaction or it isnt worth much over the longer term. The same old way of doing business is just not good enough; the complex job of redefining and implementing new processes, policies, systems and measurement are mandatory to so

35、lidify your companys future.In most industries, customers have become more sophisticated and demanding of their supply chains. Suppliers that offer the most in customer-defined quality products, pricing and quickorder turnaround will outperform their competitors and easily gain more marketshare in t

36、he future as customers clamor for more. For management, a high level of customer service must become a measurable result.The discipline to adhere to a good customer service and operational strategy can create substantial rewards. A notable example of effective strategy and disciplined adherence is D

37、ell Computer. Dell provides its customers with a quality product, flexible product configurations, quick response and a reasonable price. The marketplace responded by buying more and more product from Dell and its stock went up 10.000 percent over the past five years.World class companies have taken

38、 more market share by providing notably better customer service. Executives know that to stand out in a crowded field of competitors, customer service is a very critical component in achieving and maintaining a high level of customer satisfaction. When pressures move the organization to meet only pe

39、rformance goals and measurements such as overhead absorption, shipping dollar targets, labor efficiency, purchase price variance and the like, however, customer service often takes a back seat to these other concerns. The result can be a plunge in customer satisfaction and ultimately, if allowed to

40、continue, an erosion in market share.Finally, and in broad terms, the evolution and revolution of customer service will continue and therefore deserves further investigation. Specifically, empirical research should aim to crystallize the transitional process and variables necessary for an organizati

41、on to broaden its definition and understanding of customer transaction service to customer relationship service. This should assist marketing academics and managers face the competitive challenges of a new century. 二、外文参考文献翻译很多时候,营销的同质产品不能确定自己的竞争优势,在令人沮丧的结果产生。同样,中小企业参与很难确定这些竞争优势。幸运的是,特许经营模式促进了'的


43、有的'加盟'组成。该服务利润链将集中于分析从大师的主题,具体提到“服务利润链,如何领导公司利润和成长链接忠诚,满意度和价值,如赫斯克特描绘年。j震荡波。瓦,施莱辛格。L时(1997年)概念,模式和框架也将研究从领先的客户服务为主的组织,包括西南航空公司,施乐,沃尔玛,塔可钟,金朋疼痛餐厅,英国航空公司,以及其他有关在各自fields.The服务利润链领导人将分析来自上述来源,让客户满意,客户忠诚度和客户价值与长期盈利能力和增长的大片视频。CRM系统已经成为客户服务中心的统治。现在,管理人员正在采取下一步;武装与知识基础,能够提供快速,准确的回答他们的代理人。他们收获的CRM -

44、 升级如降低利率,缩短通话时间融入一个真正的知识管理系统的好处,先增加呼叫解决。客户关系管理(CRM)解决方案已被广泛接受,设法提高客户满意度和忠诚全球性企业。但需要不仅仅是技术,以保持更多的客户关系。这需要改进提供的信息,他们以高效率和有效的方式要求客户的业务流程和方法。这就是知识管理(KM)来以发挥在客户交互中心。今天,行业专家建议客户服务和客户关系管理作为一种成功的关键因素支持的知识基础。据蒂姆希克内尔,META Group的高级分析师,“服务战略,其中包括基础知识,接触到不同客户的推动者和所有已部署的互动点,可以优化提供了一个更一致的客户体验的服务成本,提高客户满意度。 “中继的结论是


46、务自助)是客户与您的公司更快乐,如果他们能够迅速和容易地找到,而不必呼叫中心联系答案,公司可以降低运营费用由偏转查询网站。这还不够,但是,把网站上的信息,并要求你的客户去找到它。您需要的信息及时,准确,易于查找和格式,大多数客户想要的。由知识,使您的在线客户服务,让客户找到你通过动态常见问题的答案或知识搜索引擎很快。常见问题和搜索引擎都必须产生动态反应,以便将是有益的,这意味着他们必须学习和适应的用法。这种技术被称为一个自我学习的搜索引擎。需要考虑的一个真实的自我学习搜索时,系统必须学会从客户已经与以前类似问题的经验。它必须是自我组织的,因为它始终是最相关的信息移动到搜索结果的顶部。它也必须是打了一个报告系统,监控知识的使用 - 这在知识基础项目是目前使用最为频繁的,哪些是不被访问。在其最简单的,客户服务正在以信息技术的影响和活力。不管如何从一个可视化的物流或营销的角度来看,信息技术的客户服务,不论是现在假设一个客户服务的重要作用。信息技术是一个强大的工具或在客户服务领域创造条件。信息技术主要是在移民过程中,从功能的支持前线的地方,顾客服务职能,确实是客户服务本身。特别是,市场营销方向和程度的关系,以客户服务和信息技术需要进一步的定量测量。一个更大的理解将有助于查明其他信息技术在哪些领域可以使用的营销


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