1、七夕,古今诗人惯咏星月与悲情。吾生虽晚,世态炎凉却已看透矣。情也成空,且作“挥手袖底风”罢。是夜,窗外风雨如晦,吾独坐陋室,听一曲尘缘,合成诗韵一首,觉放诸古今,亦独有风韵也。乃书于纸上。毕而卧。凄然入梦。乙酉年七月初七。-啸之记。 弃我去者,昨日之日不可留乱我心者,今日之日多烦忧托福口语万能例子|托福口语万能套用例子环保 Theres no trees, no grass in my community. It's very bare. So I have decided to give several hours each month to plant trees and gras
2、s in my community. After several years, there will be a lot of trees and grass in my community. It's very charming environment. You can imagine how comfortable it can be, just relax yourself on the grass, when sun is setting down and birds in the trees are singing. Second, Air pollution and nois
3、y pollution are serious in my community. Planting trees and grass can reduce pollution. 健康 运动: Doing exercise every day is helpful to students' health. I think health will go with us for a long life if we insist on exercising everyday. It is helpful for us to focus the energy on study and work.
4、Second, doing exercise is the best way to relax. It helps us to reduce stress and release tension. 听音乐: Music is also the best way to help me escape stress and trouble. You know, stress is the biggest enemy of the health. Music can bring me lots of pleasure and turn my blue mood to a bright one. Whe
5、n I am listening music, I can forget all the difficulties of stress life. 合作与交流: To succeed in the world, we should cooperate with others. The ability and the knowledge of one person are limited. How to cooperate with others is important to our success. 增长知识和扩大视野: It may be helpful to increase our k
6、nowledge and widen our views. 减少压力: The games can also reduce the stress and pressure of the adults. Great pressure may cause lots of illness, for example, high blood pressure, physiological problem, and so on.Through the game, the adults can feel easy and happy. 发展能力: Playing games can be helpful t
7、o develop some skills, such as how to cooperate with partners, how to get along with others and so on. All of the skills are the key qualities needed in our daily lives. 难忘的事: Well, one very important event in my life is a camping trip to countryside. If I could go back there, I really appreciate it
8、. 互相帮助: We can help each other. We I fall in trouble, I can get help from my companion in time. The most important is that my companion can provide me some useful advice to avoid some accidents. 重要人物: If I could create a new holiday to honor a person, I would honor Edison. He is one of the greatest
9、inventors that I respect. He is very brilliant. You know, he invented thousands of useful products, such as light bulb, phonograph, storage battery, telegraph system and so on. Without light bulb, we maybe live in a dark world at night. He has done great contribution to human. If I could meet a famo
10、us athlete, I would choose to meet Yao Ming. Firstly, he is an excellent angel for china. In a sense, he brings the beautiful aspects of China into the world. Second, he is very nice and funny. in interviews you can see his good characteristics. He is always good temper. He seldom was angry for litt
11、le thing. Furthermore, recently, he subscribes amount of money for SARS research. He has set a perfect example for all young people, both in china and the rest of the world. 计算机: First, while traveling, It's necessary to communicate with my friends, my parents and my lover. You know, telephone b
12、ills are more expensive than internet communication. Taking my notebook computer can save me a lot of telephone bills. Second, I can save my pictures in my notebook computer after taking a picture. When I'm back home, I can share them with my family and friends. Third, a year is a long time. I n
13、eed to spend part time on work and study. Without my notebook computer, I dont know how I kill my time. 旅游地方 I think, he should go Su Zhou Park. It has very beautiful environment. There are lots of trees, grass and fresh air. You can imagine how comfortable it can be, just relax yourself on the gras
14、s, when you are tired. Around the park, there are many famous restaurants that offer the best food in the China. The most important, is that the people in city are very nice and friendly. When the foreigner needs help, they would like to help him. Thus, I strongly recommend that foreign visitors sho
15、uld visit Su Zhou Park. 新事物 increase knowledge and widen my view If I dont make some changes, I won't make a progress. Without trying new things and taking risks, we will never be successful. 人: 1 Open mind 2. good temper communicate easily 3. manage thing very well 4, obtain much information fr
16、om them=> 5, practice to communicate with many people => to improve my ability to get along well with all kinds of people, which is vital for my future life. 6, obtain more help when I meet with difficulty. 人 : 1>the good quality of a couple for marriage: The most important quality for marr
17、iage is understanding their responsibility for the marriage and family. Each member understands well their responsibility for the marriage, for the home, their life would be full of love and harmony. 1,Each member should be loyal to the other and be far away from unethical behavior, such as behavior
18、 out-of-marriage. In this case, there would not be so many divorces each year. As we all know that many young adults risk breaking up their marriage to try out-of-marriage behavior, which results in a large amount of divorce. 2,They should work hard for the maintainance of the family, to pay for foo
19、d and clothes, to pay for education fee for their children, and cooperate with each other to face difficulty. 3,They also should know their necessary to spend time to teach their children basic skills, such as communicating with other people and working hard. = The most imporant quality for marriage
20、 is that each member can communicate with each other frankly. In this way, they could understand each other well, and can get along harmoniously with each other, and their life would be full of pleasure and love, and would be far away from quarrel and physical abuse, far away from out-of-marriage be
21、havior. During the leisure time, they would go shopping or go swimming together, hand in hand, even when they are old. How romantic the marriage is! When in difficulty, they would try their best with each other to solve problems. the most . is responsible for their marriage. reasons are following. T
22、he first reason is that they have responsiblity to be far away from unethical behaviors and illegial behaviors, such as extramarital love and robbery. In this way, their marriage would be far away from divorce. Secondly, they should understand their responsibility to work hard to keep the maintenanc
23、e of the family, to buy food and pay for education fee for their children. They also should try their best to get through difficulties with each member when their family face troubles, or even catastropha. In this way, their love to each other would be more deep. 人的 good quality: 老师 : intellegent: k
24、now how to teach their students in their class, so that students could learn knowledge efficiently and effectively. They act as role model for students and Students could learn the excellent ways of thinking from their teacher. and it is very important for students' future academic life. When st
25、udents meet with troubles, they could quickly these problems. For example, my chemistry/physics teacher is very smart, and his class is very easy to follow because of his remarkable teaching method. I learn from him not only knowledge, he gives me some excellent advices on how to do experiment and d
26、o research. 子女品质 : showing respect to their parents: 1,work hard to earn enough money for food and other objects to bring up children, to pay for education fee for children 2,they have spent lots of time to teach their children important skills for surviving, such as working hard and communicating w
27、ith others. They teach their children how to say words, how to walk. 3,they also help children out of trouble when they meet with difficulties. Without their parents, no one would survive in the society. The quality will never be outmoded. 同学 : intellegent: study with him, and learn new way of think
28、ing that I do not know, => it will do good to my academic life. When I meet problems in my study, I could conveniently obtain some help from him. And there is no need for me to spend time to go to teacher's office to consult teacher. For example, my roommate/friend/students/brother: usually s
29、tudy with him, and I learn a lot from him. Due to his help, my grade has been improved significantly. I really appreciate his help and like to be the roommate of him. 跟别人有关 : information out of class/about the background of the music/about the famous places. => broaden our horizon. learn ways of
30、thinking: to open our minds. help: questions in our study/ meet with trouble->advices / => on how to prepare for TOEFL efficiently. more opportunities: employment opportunities, or others => provide me some information on part time job. ability: communicating with others, ability of express
31、ion. enjoy more pleasure: by talking with something interesting, such as plan for future or a trip to Hongkong, or some news on Hongkong => relax myself throughly, forget everything unpleasant. 一个人还是几个人一块 : 几个人 : 1,enjoy more pleasure from talking with friends, we could talk something interesting
32、 so that our friendship is improved. On the other hand, I will feel lonely and helpless if I travel .alone. 2,obtain more information from friends, such as knowledge about the place we are going to or about the background about the movie or concert or musician. 3, obtain help if I meet with some tro
33、uble when I was enjoying the movie/travelling. 换地方 : make life full of excitement. enjoy new culture, new food, new climate, beautiful landscape or seascape, make more friends, more oppotunities. On the other hand, .be tired of it. social/political news: A new railway station will be constructed in
34、our city next year. I am excited about this news. There are several reasons. 1, it will brings great convenience to local resident. We can travel to other city to splend our vacation by train. it is faster and safer than cars 2, more investment will be attracted to our city to improve the economy .
35、and with new companies, more employment opportunities will be provided for local people, so that their living conditions can be improved and more young people will be able to afford to enter into universities. 大一生应该住在全部都住大一生的宿舍楼里,还是住在有其他年级学生的宿舍楼好? ( freshmen live together or with other grades. ) The
36、y can obtain advice for study, so that they can study efficiently and effectively. They can get advice about choosing useful courses. eg, I usually consult them about choosig courses at the beginning of a term/semester, and they always give me practical information about these courses, for example,
37、they can tell me which course is very important for future study, or which course is easy to pass. Furthermore, freshmem can obtain some information on how to do research help. information ability computer: computer: 1, use computer to do research: I write program in computer and use it to do simula
38、tion and experiment on my research to justify whether my new idea can work. Due to its help, I make several discoveries in my area. 2, I use computer to connect with my friends. I write, send and receive email to communicate with my friends conveniently. Now I usually write about 5 emails every day.
39、 3, use it to relax myself, to watch movie during the weekend, to play music when I am tired. 4, use it to store all kinds of information, such as digital photographs, movies, music and scientific papers. 是说的在 life 里面学到的更重要还是在课堂上学的更重要 (其实我觉得这个意义上不 能说课外学的和课内学的 我个人感觉是要描述 life 的经历给的启示)。 Do you agree or
40、 disagree: ”The most important lesson cant be learned in class.” = experience: take a part time job I agree with the statement. There are something more important that knowledge we learn in class. I once took a part time job and learnt a lot that can not be learnt in class. by taking the job, I earn
41、ed some money to pay for my tuition fee, so that I learnt to be independent and responsible. I also improved my ability of communicating with others and getting along with adults, ability of expression. I also obtained useful working experience and practical skills, and knew what knowledge is import
42、ant industry. These can not be obtained in class. / => 转化为 practice is more important 其他的如 : swimming, driving, sociality. 你最喜欢的学科,你是怎样 become 喜欢它的( which subject in school is your favorite one, why ?) wireless communication: 1, useful: it is used for mobile phone. Nowdays, the mobile phone is wi
43、dely used, and it is very convenient. and with the development of technique in this area, mobile phone can access the wireless internet, to send and receive email, to download pictures from the internet. it is amazing. 2, it brings more employment oppotunities to me, since there are many opening pos
44、itions in large companies in this area with high salary and better working conditions. 你喜欢在城市还是乡下度假,为什么? I would like to spend vocation in the countryside, especially near the beach along the sea. reasons: 1, Firstly, the air in the countryside is very fresh, while the air in city is serious pollute
45、d by so many cars and factories. 2, Secondly, the scene in the countryside is very beautiful there are more trees and wide flower in the mountains in countryside, kinds of wild birds in the forest. there are also clean river in the country, I could go fishing. 3, Furthermore, the countryside is very
46、 quiet, especially at night. I do not worry about being waked up and could get a nice sleep every night. On the other hand, the car horns are always crying in the city. It is awful. So that, I could relax myself throughly in the countryside. 自己做过的事情里面最 enjoyable/memorable 的事情 : 喜欢用 pencil/pen 一次尴尬经历
47、 : In a english clacc, the english teacher let me present a 5-minute speech in front of all the students, in english. I was so nervous that my leg kept trembling, my face turned red deeply, and I can not speak out few words. The teacher found the situation, and told me to be composed. I told myself
48、to be calm, But it does not help. I was so embarassed. 托福口语万能例子|托福口语万能套用例子run for the president of student union, because I want to become a politician one day. On that day, I made an election speech in front of about 1000 people, including my friends and teachers. I explained my opinion about the c
49、urrent situation and my possible policy to improve the efficiency of student union, and so on. I was so nervous that my leg kept trembling and my face turned red. But I told myself to be calm and hold on. At last, I won a big applaud and won the election. Bicycle, automobile, airplane 哪种更 enjoybale,
50、 给 reasons+examples. bicycle: much cheaper, I have a bicycle, but can not afford a car, let alone airplane. riding bicycle is good for our health. Everyday, I ride a bile from school to university, so that I am in good shape, and seldom catch a cold. driving car makes people prone to be laze and rel
51、uctant to do exercise. does not cause environmental problems. The air is serious polluted by the cars, causing global warming and many species extinct. convenient, I do not worry the parking place for my bike. But sometimes there is no place to park cars. easy to ride a bicycle. But to drive a car,
52、we have to obtain a driving liscense, let alone to drive a airplane. 学生在工作之前应该做 part-time job 或者 summer intern 来确定自己是否合适那份工作,同意否? I agree with the statement. By taking a part-time job before they take the job formally, they would know something more about the job, so that they can make a more correc
53、t decision on whether to take the job. I once took a part time job in a large company. Although I was paid a good salary, I found that the job is too boring and no challenging, and it is not suitable for me. So I would not take the job when I graduate. Without the part-time job, I might make incorre
54、ct decision. 你认为的 good school 应该有的 character 或者 component library: a good school should have a large library, with a large amount of books in many areas. Students could open their mind and broaden their eyeshot by reading books in the library. For example, I like to borrow books in wide areas from l
55、ibrary and read them, and I learn a lot from them. By reading books in history, I knew more about the Independent War, such as the Boston tea party, which was the trigger of the Independent War. By reading books in wireless communication, I learn a lot of knowledge in this area, and know the princip
56、le of mobile phone, and I also know how a notebook could access to the wireless internet. 去旅游前应该搜集 enough information or not I think it is necessary to collect lots of information before we take a trip, Otherwise, we might meet with troubles. For example, last year, I took a trip to Mountain Huang w
57、ith my friends. But when we reached there by train, we found that we can not find a room to live in Because all the rooms in all hotels had been booked by other people. As a result, we have to spend the night in our car. It is really awful. If we collected enough information, our trip would be enjoyable. 说下你最尊敬但你自己并不想从事的职业,为是么? a: 最尊敬的职业 : teacher: The most respectful profession
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