1、“世都大厦”写字楼租赁合同(英汉)ChengDu “ShiDu Mansion”Office Building Leasing Agreement“世都大厦”写字楼租赁合同
2、 (Contract NO. ) (合同编号: )THIS LEASE is entered into between:本合同甲乙双方Party A (Landlord): (以下简称甲方)Legal representative:法
3、人代表:Address:注册地址:Telephone: 8628-电话:(028)传真:(028)Postal Code:邮政编码:Party B (Tenant):Cadence Design Systems Asia Ltd. (以下简称乙方)Legal representative:法人代表:Address:注册地址:Telephone:电话:传真:Postal Code:邮政编码:Whereby, on the
4、 basis of equality, voluntaries and consensus, Party A and Party B have entered into the following Lease concerning the lease of Chengdu “ShiDu Mansion”office building which shall be jointly observed by both parties.双方经协商一致立此租约,并就下列各项条款达成协议:1. Leased Unit一、 租赁楼
5、宇地点:1.1 Party A agrees to lease and Party B agrees to take the office unit , floor, total unit, ShiDu Mansion and its facilities, Building lies No.58 BeiXin street ChengDu SiChuan.甲方将位于四川省成都市北新街 号 楼
6、0; 单元,共 套的房屋出租给乙方。1.2 The Leased Architecture Area is square meters (the location of the unit is highlighted in the floor plan set out on Schedule A hereto; the plan is for reference only). 租用建筑面积为
7、0;平方米(附楼层平面图)2. age of the Leased Unit二、 楼宇用途:2.1 Party B shall use the Lease Unit wholly and exclusively as an office and shall not use the Leased Unit for any other purposes. 乙方所承租的房屋只能作为商业办事处或办公机构地,而不能用作其他任何用途。3. Term三、
8、60; 租赁期限3.1 The lease term is from . 经双方商定,租赁期限为 年,即从
9、0;年 月 日起承租至 年 月 日止。3.2 Party A agreed to offer days to Party B for the purpose of internal decoration and the decoration period shall be exempted from paying rent.
10、 Party B shall take possession of the premises in the capacity of a “License”and the licensees period shall last up until the official commencement date of the lease term stated in clause 3. During this period, the Party B shall pay property management fee.甲方为乙方免费提供 天免租装修期,租赁方有权提前进入单元装修
11、,在此期间乙方应交纳物管费。4. Rent四、 租金:4.1 Party B agrees that during the Term, the rent for the Leased Unit shall be determined as commencing from (month/day/y
12、ear), the monthly Rent for the Leased Unit shall be RMB . 乙方同意由 年 月 日起租,租金每月 元。4.2
13、; The Rent is payable in the following time and manner: 租金交付方式: (1) The Rent shall be payable in full by terms. Every months shall be one term, total RMB per term.
14、 租金每 个月为一期,每期计人民币 元,(2) The Rent of the first term shall be payable in full by Party B to Party A on or before the 7th day of the contract effectiveness date, and the
15、 Rent of each of the subsequent terms is payable on or before the day before the last term expiry.Party B shall settle all Rent and Other Charges on or before the 7th day after receipt Party As notice. 首期租金于签定合同七日内付清。其余各期租金应于上期期满前 &
16、#160; 日内支付。乙方应在收到甲方的帐单后七日内付清。 (3) Party B shall make payment of the Rent to the following account in accordance with the aforesaid Clause租金以支票或转帐方式存入甲方以下银行帐户。Bank:开户行:Account Name:帐户名称:Account Number: 帐 号:5. Deposit五、
17、60; 履约保证金5.1 Party B shall pay to Party A an amount equivalent to months Rent(including management fee), in a total amount of RMB as Deposit to secure the due performance and observance of the terms a
18、nd conditions on the part of Party B contained in this lease. 乙方自签约之日起 日内须向甲方交付相当于 个月租金的款项人民币 元(大写: )作为履约保证金(包括管理费)。5.2
19、The Deposit shall be refunded to Party B (without interest) within 10 days after the return of the Leased Unit by Party B in accordance with this Lease to Party A and the settlement of all outstanding Rent and Other Charges upon the expiry of the Term. 如乙方履行本合同各项条款至合同期满,乙方不再续租,并将完好房屋归还甲
20、方,甲方在确认乙方已结清各种费用后十日内将保证金(不计利息)返还乙方。6. Internal Fitting Out六、 房屋装修6.1 Party B may fit out the Leased Unit during the Term provided that it shall complete fitting-out formalities with Party A before the commencement of the fitting-out works. Party B sh
21、all bear all the costs in fitting out the Leased Unit. The procedures of fitting-out formalities, cost rate and other requirements are set out in the “Fitting Out Manual”provided by Party A.6.2 Party B shall not cause any damage to the exterior and internal structure of the Property and i
22、ts ancillary facilities when fitting out the Leased Unit and shall strictly comply with safety and otherwise regarding decoration designs, construction, inspection and acceptance. 乙方可在承租期内对承租房屋进行装修。乙方开始装修前,向甲方办理装修手续,乙方自己承担装修费用,有关装修的手续、费用和要求以甲方提供的装修手册为准。乙方在装修中不得改变或损坏大厦的外观、内部结构、及期附属设施设备,并
23、严格遵守装修手册的相关规定。乙方应对承租单元的消防安全、装修设计及建造负责并接受检查。7. Other Charges七、 其它费用7.1 party B shall bear the indoor electricity charges incurred by its use of the lighting and other electricity consuming facilities of the Leased Unit according to the actual electric
24、ity consumption measured by the separate electricity meter installed therein. Party B shall make payment of such charges payable to the ShiDu Mansion Property Management Office direct. 乙方须负担所租用房屋的室内用电费用,有关电费乙方每月按水电表读数,向大厦管理处缴付。7.2 Party B shall during the term pay all charges
25、 any deposit required to be payable to the Telecom Department arising from and in connection with the application and use of the telephone or fax lines applied by Party B directly from Telecom Department and shall observe the regulations of the Telecom Department for using of telephone and fax lines
26、. 乙方在租赁期间须对其所使用的电话、传真费用及接驳费负责缴纳,并遵守电信管理部门的相关规定。7.3 Party B shall during the term pay all property management fee at RMB15.00/sm/month of the leased unit and deposit required to be payable to ShiDu Mansion Property Management Office. 乙方在租赁期间须缴纳其房屋的物业管理费和保证金,物业管理费为
27、每月每平方米人民币15元正。7.4 Party A shall pay all taxes arising from the performance of this lease in accordance with the laws of Peoples Republic of China. 有关因租赁房屋所发生的政府税项(包括但不限于所得税、营业税及房产税等)由甲方承担。7.5 Lease registration fee shall be equally shared by both parties.若需办理该合同备案登
28、记,应由甲方负责办理,该费用甲、乙双方各自承担一半。8. Repair and Maintenance八、 维修保养8.1 Party B shall notify Party A forthwith if the internal structure and the central air-conditioning system of the Leased Unit require and maintenance.8.2 Such repair and maintenan
29、ce shall be carried out by and at the cost and expense of Party A, provided that for any damage to the internal structure, central air-conditioning system or fire system is caused by reasons attributable to party B, the corresponding repair and maintenance shall be carried out at the expenses of Par
30、ty B.8.3 Repair and maintenance required for the interior decoration, equipment and facilities within the Leased Unit shall be carried out by and at the sole expense of Party B. 承租房屋内部结构及中央空调系统需要维修保养(除乙方装修改动部分)时,乙方应及时通知甲方。上述维修保养由甲方进行并承担费用,若由于乙方原因对承租房屋的内部结构或中央空调系统、消防系统造成损坏,则由乙
31、方承担相应责任和费用。承租单元内的室内装修、设施设备等的维修保养由乙方自行负责。9. Force Majored九、 不可抗力:9.1 If either party fails or is unable to perform its obligation under this lease for over 30 consecutive days as a result of war, natural disaster or any force majored event not forese
32、eable, avoidable and surmountable by any party, or the Leased Unit is rendered not useable and restorable for 30 days as a result of destruction of the Premises or substantial part thereof due to force majored, this Lease shall be terminated.9.2 In the event of termination of this Lease
33、for force majored, the Lease shall be deemed as terminated upon expiration of its term. However, neither party shall be discharged from any liability arising from any default committed by it prior to the termination of the Lease. Party B shall settle all outstanding rent and other charges within 10
34、(ten) days after the termination of this Lease. Party A shall refund the Deposit to Party B within 10 days of such termination. Neither party shall be required to compensate for the damages caused by force majored.承租期间,如因法律明确规定之不可抗力导致承租房屋毁损,导致乙方不能完全使用该房屋,乙方不需支付发生不可抗力后至承租房的修复期间的租金,若不可抗力事
35、件维持一个月以上仍未解决,乙方可以提出终止合同。承租房屋租金只须交付至发生不可抗力事件的前一天止。乙方结清所有费用后,甲方应于十日内退回乙方履约保证金及多交的房屋租金,双方均无须对因不可抗力造成的损害承担任何赔偿责任。10. Termination of the Lease十、 租约的终止:10.1 This Lease shall be terminated upon occurrence of any of the following:本合同将因下述任何一事件发生而终止:(1)
36、 The expiry of the Term. And after the term expiry, under the same condition, Party B have precedence right to lease the unit.承租期届满。承租期届满后,同等条件下,乙方有优先续租权。(2) Performance or continuous performance of the Lease becomes impossible due to the force majored
37、stipulated in this Lease during Term;在承租期内,因本合同约定的不可抗力事件出现而致使本合同无法或不能继续履行。(3) Party A agreed when the Lease performed 9 months, Party B may be allowed to terminate this Lease by giving months prior written notice to Party A without any penalty.
38、 在承租期内,乙方可以 个月书面通知,提前终止租赁而无须付终止合同罚款。但乙方必须在履行本承租合同九个月后方能行使本条款。11. Return of the Leased Unit十一、房屋交还11.1 Upon early termination or expiration of this Lease, Party B shall reinstate the Leased Unit to its original condition
39、(normal wear and tear excepted) and return it to Party A. 乙方租赁期满或退还终止租赁时,须交还房屋及恢复房屋原状(房屋及其设备因自然磨损除外)给甲方。12. Other Obligations十二、违约责任:12.1 During the term, if Party B break the contract and make damage to Party A, Party A shall be entitled to deduct dam
40、age amount from deposit, and Party B shall complement the amount in 10 days. Party A can withhold part or all deposit to offset the damage. If Party B doesnt complement the deposit, Party A shall have the right to terminate the lease, and forfeit the residual deposit. 在合同履行期
41、间,乙方如违反合同规定,造成甲方经济损失,甲方有权从履约保证金中扣除实际损失费,乙方应在十日内补足保证金。甲方可以扣留部分或全部保证金抵付乙方造成损失的费用开支。如乙方没在规定时间内补足保证金,甲方有权终止本合同,并不退还剩余保证金。If the case of early termination of the lease is caused by Party B, Party A shall be entitled to forfeit all deposit paid by Party B. If the Deposit or any part of it has been deducte
42、d by Party A in accordance with this Lease, party B shall make up for the deducted amount and settle all amounts in arrears. If the case of early termination of the lease is caused by Party A, Party A shall return all the deposit to Party B as well as compensation amount equivalent to the Deposit.如果
43、因为乙方的原因导致租约提前终止,甲方有权没收乙方的履约保证金,若保证金已在租赁期间扣除且尚未补足,乙方应补足保证金并付清所有欠缴费用;如果因为甲方的原因导致租约提前终止,甲方应返还乙方履约保证金并支付相当于保证金金额的赔偿金。12.2 In the event of any accident happening within the leased Unit due to Party Bs default and causing any damage or injury to the property or third party, Party A shall be ent
44、itled to claim against Party B for any actual losses suffered by itself or third party. 如乙方在装修期间和租赁期间,因管理或使用不当造成火灾或其他损失,应承担由此给甲方和其他各方的赔偿。12.3 If any Rent or Other Charges becomes overdue for 30 days, Party A shall have the right to withhold the Deposit paid by Par
45、ty B, charge late payment penalty of 0.1% per day on the overdue amount, terminate the Lease and discontinue the supply of electricity and central air-conditioning service to the Leased Unit. 乙方未按本合同约定的时间交付租金及其他相关费用的,每逾期一天,按照月租金的0.1%交纳违约金,逾期30日不交租金的,甲方可以单方解除合同,追究应付租金,并中止中央空调
46、、供电等服务。乙方的履约保证金作为支付甲方的违约金不予返还。12.4 If any property management fee or other charges payable by Party B becomes overdue, Party A shall have the right to discontinue the supply of electricity and central air-conditioning service to the Leased Unit. Party B shall pay a late payment penalty of
47、 0.1% per day on the overdue amount until the property management fee or other charges payable have been settled by party B. 乙方未按本合同约定的时间交付物业管理费及其他相关费用的,每逾期一日,按照应交费用的0.1%交纳违约金,同时甲方可以中止中央空调、供电等服务。12.5 During the term, Party B shall not transfer in whatever manner o
48、r create any security upon the lease right under this Lease; sub-let or permit the use of the whole or part of the Leased Unit to or by any third party; or share the use of the Leased Unit with any third party. 在合同履行期间,乙方未经甲方同意,不得擅自将租赁房屋的全部或部分转租与乙方无关联的公司。12.6 Duri
49、ng the term of the lease, Party B should observe the Building Management rules & regulations. 在合同履行期间,乙方应遵守世都大厦物业管理规定及管理。Governing Law and Dispute Resolution争议解决12.7 This Lease shall be governed by the laws of the Peoples Republic of China. 本合同是根据中华人民共和国法律制定。12.8 Any dispute arising in connection with this Lease shall be resolved in the first instance through amicable discussi
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