1、一、单项选择题。本大题共40个小题,每小题 2.5 分,共100.0分。在每小题给出的选项中,只有一项是符合题目要求的。1.What a poor job Ive done!_ 2. ( D )1.Do it again.2.3.You can do it.4.5.Do your best!6.7.Dont be upset. No one can do it better than you.8. 3.Are you doing anything special on Friday, Bill?_Oh, what a pity!4.
2、60;( B )1.No, nothing special2.3.Yes, I have promised to call on some friends4. 5.Yes, of course6.7.No, Im not sure. Why?8.1.Id like to make an appointment with Mr. White. _ 2. ( C )1.Sorry, he is busy at the moment.2.3.Why didnt you call earlier?4.5.Certain
3、ly. May I know your name? 6.7.Sorry. He doesnt want to see you.8.1.This is the worst film ever produced. Do you think so? _ 2. ( B )1.Youre wrong2.3.I dont think so, Im afraid4. 5.Not at all6.7.No, thats not real8.1.My dear! I
4、made a mistake again._ 2. ( B )1.Be careful.2.3.Dont worry. We can do something to make up for it.4. 5.What a pity!6.7.You should worry about it.8.1.Unbelievable! I have failed the driving test again!_. This is not the end of the world. 2. ( B )1.
5、;Good luck2.3.Cheer up4. 5.Go ahead6.7.No problem8.1.Excuse me. Do you think I could change my appointment from 2 to 3 oclock?_ 2. ( A )1.Sorry, my timetable is full.2. 3.No, you cant.4.5.Its not right to do so.6.7.Its up to you.8.1.Im thinking of buying these new bo
6、ots. What do you think?_ 2. ( B )1.Dont ask me.2.3. Its good for you.4.5. Id rather not.6.7.Good choice. You need some warm shoes for the winter.8. 1.How about going to see a film together this evening? Lets make it 6:30 at your place._ 2. ( B
7、0;)1.Yes, it does me good. 2.3.Ok. Ill be ready.4. 5.Id like that very much.6.7.Whats the best time to meet?8.1.I think Tom works harder than Bill._ 2. ( C )1. Im glad to hear that. 2.3.Im sorry fro Bill.4.5.Im sorry, but I cant agree
8、 with you. 6.7.Thank you for saying nice things for Tom.8.1.Can you speak any foreign languages? _ 2. ( )1.Yes, I can speak any foreign languages2.3.I dont know4.5.Yes, I can speak English very well and a little Japanese6. 7.I often speak English at home8.
9、1.Ive got two tickets for the match. Shall we go and watch it together?2. _3. 4. ( C )1.The tickets must be expensive2.3.The match must be exciting4.5.Why not? Lets go6. 7.The place is too far way8.1.who is that man? _ 2. ( C )1.He is
10、 a student2.3.He is Doctor Took 4.5.A driver, I suppose6.7.Hes drunk8.1.What do you think of this red hat? Do you think it suits me?_. Perhaps another style would be better. 2. ( B )1.I like it very much2.3.Sorry, I have no idea4.5.I really dont think it looks good on you6.
11、 7.Yes, I know what to say8.1.Have a nice trip. _ 2. ( C )1.Why not.2.3.Thank you, the same to you.4. 5.You are right. 6.7.Lets have it together.8.1.Tom is the boy _, everyone thinks, will win the first prize.2. ( B )1.who2. 3.whom4.5.
12、whoever6.7.he8.1._ we should go to the park depends on the weather.2. ( A )1.What2.3.Whether4. 5.If6.7.That8.1.Im afraid these shoes are not _ in your size.2. ( B )1.applicable2.3.available4. 5.accessible6.7. adaptable8.1.The teacher said, “What are y
13、ou thinking about?”=The teacher asked me _ thinking about.2. (B )1.what were you2.3.what you were4.5.what I was 6.7.what was I8.1.Fresh air, enough exercise and nutritious food _ to good health.2. ( C )1.add2.3.attribute4.5.distribute6.7.contri
14、bute8. 1.Can you find out _ her pen?2. ( C )1.where Alice had put2.3.where had Alice put4.5.where Alice has put6. 7.where has Alice put8.1._ is a fact that English is accepted as an international language.2. ( D )1.What2.3.This4.5.That6.7.It8. 1.Spri
15、ng is the season _ flowers are in full bloom.2. ( C )1.whose2.3.which 4.5.when6. 7.its8.1.The sun heats the earth, _ is very important to living things.2. ( D )1.it 2.3. that4.5.where6.7.which8. 1.Yesterda
16、y the teacher told the students, “You will learn two lessons this week.”=Yesterday the teacher told the students that _.2. ( B )1.you will learn two lessons this week2.3.they would learn two lessons this week4. 5.they will learn two lessons this week6.7.you would learn two less
17、ons this week8.1._ you see it, you will never forget it.2. ( B )1.Since2.3.Once4. 5.Before 6.7.As soon as8.1.Read the text slowly _ you may understand the story better.2. ( A )1. and2. 3.for4.5.since6.7.because8.1.Id like to _ h
18、er to you for the job. She is very clever and industrious girl.2. ( C )1. refer 2.3.suggest4.5.recommend 6.7.propose8.1.The man I met yesterday _ to be one of my sisters old friends.2. ( B )1.turns off
19、2.3.turns out4. 5.turn on6.7. turn over8.1.A number of theories have been put forward about the possible causes of cancer.2. ( D )1.可能造成癌症的原因已经被很多理论解释了。2.3.人们就造成癌症的可能性原因研究了很多理论。4.5.不少理论被提前拿来证明癌症的原因。6.7.人们就造成癌症的原因提出了不少理论。8. 1.We would appreciate it if you could confir
20、m your participation at your earliest convenience.2. ( C )1.如果您能在最早的方便时候批准我们参加此次会议,我们将非常感激。2.3.如果您能在最早的方便时候确认您能否出席此次会议,我们将非常感激。4.5.如果您能在方便的时候尽快确认您能否出席此次会议,我们将不胜感激。6. 7.如果您能在方便的时候尽快批准出席此次会议,我们将不胜感激。8.1.Grapes are usually either green or red.2. ( A )1.葡萄通常要么是绿的,要么
21、是红的。2. 3.葡萄都是有红有绿。4.5.葡萄通常没有红的和绿的。6.7.葡萄既不红也不绿8.1.Your house is not worth as much today as it was a few years ago.2. ( D )1.如今你的房子跟几年前相比价格差不了多少。2.3.如今你的房子和几年前一样值钱。4.5.如今你的房子比几年前值钱多了。6.7.如今你的房子也不象几年前那样值钱了。8. 1.Change, by its very nature, creates new needs constantly.2.
22、60;( C )1.改变本质常常催生新的需求。2.3.变革最本质的部分,会不断创造新的需求。4.5.变革,就其本质而言,常常催生新的需求。6. 7.变化,就其本质而言,会不断地创造新的需求。8.1.直到舞会开始他才出现。2. ( A )1. He didnt appear until the dancing party began. 2.3.He appeared until the dancing party began.4.5. He appeared, but the dancing party
23、 didnt begin.6.7.He didnt appear, but the dancing party began.8.1.好教师总是鼓励学生独立思考。2. ( C )1.Good teachers always ask the students to think.2.3.Good teachers often like the students to think independently.4.5.Good teachers often encourage their students to think for themselves. 6.7
24、.Good teacher always independently encourage their students to think.8.1.这家医院要求政府给予更多的援助。2. ( A )1.The hospital demanded that the government give more assistance.2. 3. The hospital demanded that the government gave more assistance.4.5.The hospital demanded that the government to gave more assistance.6.7.The hospital demanded the government giving more assistance.8.1
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