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1、Unit 11Sad movies make me cry. Section B(1a1e). 单词填写单词填写1. forever (adv. ) 2. realize (v. ) 3. 突然地突然地 (adv. ) 4. end (v. )(n. )结局结局; 结尾结尾5. happy (adj. )(n. )幸福幸福; 快乐快乐答案答案: : 1. 永远永远2. 意识到意识到; ; 认识到认识到3. suddenly4. ending5. happiness. 短语互译短语互译1. 写下写下 write 2. 寻找寻找search_ 3. even though 4. return to

2、 sb. 答案答案: : 1. down2. for3. 即使即使; ; 纵然纵然4. 归还给某人归还给某人. 句型填词句型填词1. 国王没有快乐人的衬衫突然变得快乐了。国王没有快乐人的衬衫突然变得快乐了。The king suddenlyhappythe shirt of a happy person. 2. 将军不能找到一个快乐的人。将军不能找到一个快乐的人。The generalfind a happy person. 3. 这个穷人正在街上做什么这个穷人正在街上做什么? Whatthe poor manon the street? 答案答案: : 1. becomes; without

3、2. cannot3. was; doingThe general could not find a happy person. The shirt could be Tonys but Im not sure. 答案答案: :句中句中, , could是是can的过去式的过去式, , 表示表示“能能; ; 会会”。句中句中could是情态动词表推测是情态动词表推测, , 意为意为“可能可能; ; 也许也许”。1. remain v. 保持保持; 仍然是仍然是; 停留停留【语境领悟】【语境领悟】*The general cannot find a happy person and the ki

4、ng remains unhappy forever. 将军不能找到一个快乐的人将军不能找到一个快乐的人, 国王就永远不开心。国王就永远不开心。*His elder brother became a doctor while he remained a peasant. 他哥哥成为了一名医生他哥哥成为了一名医生, 而他仍然是个农民。而他仍然是个农民。*Mr. Li remained in his office all afternoon. 李老师整个下午都没有离开办公室。李老师整个下午都没有离开办公室。*Mary remained standing though we repeatedly a

5、sked her to sit down. 虽然我们一再让她坐下虽然我们一再让她坐下, 玛丽还是站着。玛丽还是站着。【自主归纳】【自主归纳】(1)remain作连系动词作连系动词, 意为意为“仍然是仍然是; 保持保持(某种状态某种状态)”, 后接后接形容词、名词、分词或介词短语。形容词、名词、分词或介词短语。(2)remain作不及物动词作不及物动词, 相当于相当于stay。A few leaves remained. (树上树上)还剩几片叶子。还剩几片叶子。【学以致用】【学以致用】一些叶子落在水中并在那停留了一段时间。一些叶子落在水中并在那停留了一段时间。Some leaves fell i

6、nto the water andthere for some time. Mo Yan is famous now, but hea true son of soil(土地土地). A. keepsB. staysC. remainsD. maybe答案答案: : remained2. without prep. 无无; 没有没有【语境领悟】【语境领悟】*The king suddenly becomes happy without the shirt of a happy person. 国王没有快乐人的衬衫突然变得快乐了。国王没有快乐人的衬衫突然变得快乐了。*He went away w

7、ithout asking for leave. 他没请假就走了。他没请假就走了。【自主归纳】【自主归纳】without的用法的用法without介词介词, 意为意为“没有没有; 不用不用”, 其反义词为其反义词为with。其后。其后通常跟名词或代词通常跟名词或代词, 跟动词时要用动名词形式跟动词时要用动名词形式, 常表示伴随或假常表示伴随或假设情况。设情况。【学以致用】【学以致用】(2013广州中考广州中考)I couldnt do ityour great help. Thanks a lot!A. withB. withoutC. forD. to3. What made the poo

8、r man so happy even though he had no power, money or fame? 什么使这个穷人如此开心什么使这个穷人如此开心, 即使他没有权力、金钱和名望即使他没有权力、金钱和名望? 【句型剖析】【句型剖析】even though引导让步状语从句引导让步状语从句, 表示表示“即使即使; 尽管尽管”, 同义同义短语为短语为even if, 不能与不能与but同时出现在同一个复合句中。类似的同时出现在同一个复合句中。类似的连词还有连词还有although和和though等。等。【学以致用】【学以致用】即使明天下雨即使明天下雨, 他也要动身去香港。他也要动身去香

9、港。He will leave for Hong Kong it rains tomorrow. (2013福州中考福州中考)The boy can speak both English and Japanesehe is only ten. Wow, what a clever boy!A. ifB. becauseC. though答案答案: : even though/if. 用所给词的适当形式填空用所给词的适当形式填空Lucy was(happy) because none of her friends came to her birthday party yesterday. 2.

10、The truck(sudden) hit the big tree. What a terrible accident!答案答案: : 1. unhappy2. suddenly3. You cant buy things(with) money. 4. I(can) see the blackboard clearly last year. 5. The manager(give) him an application form two days ago. 答案答案: : 3. without4. could5. gave. 完成句子完成句子1. 入学考试结束了入学考试结束了, 但他仍然紧

11、张。但他仍然紧张。The entrance exam was over but he . 2. 士兵们正在搜索敌人。士兵们正在搜索敌人。The soldiers are the enemy. 3. 每天下午你花多长时间做作业每天下午你花多长时间做作业? How long does ityoudo your homework every afternoon? 答案答案: : 1. remained nervous2. searching for3. take; to4. 当你昨天来拜访我的时候当你昨天来拜访我的时候, 我正在购物。我正在购物。When you visited me yesterd

12、ay, I . 5. 即使没有钱即使没有钱, 我也很快乐。我也很快乐。I am happy I have no money. 答案答案: :4. was shopping5. even though/ifUnit 11Sad movies make me cry.Section B(2a2e). 单词填写单词填写1. shoulder (n. ) 2. goal (n. ) 3. coach (n. ) 4. 勇敢勇敢; 勇气勇气 (n. ) 答案答案: 1. 肩肩; 肩膀肩膀 2. 球门球门; 射门射门; 目标目标3. 教练教练; 私人教师私人教师 4. courage5. 点头点头 (v.

13、 ) 6. 使失望使失望 (v. ) 7. weigh (v. ) (n. )重量重量; 分量分量8. relieve (v. ) (n. )轻松轻松; 解脱解脱9. agree (v. ) (n. )(意见或看法意见或看法)一致一致; 同意同意答案答案: : 5. nod6. disappoint7. weight8. relief9. agreement. 短语互译短语互译1. 使失望使失望let. . . _2. 开除某人开除某人sb. off3. 对某人苛刻对某人苛刻; 对某人要求严厉对某人要求严厉beon sb. 4. 而不是而不是than答案答案: : 1. down2. kick

14、3. hard4. rather5. continue to do sth. 6. pull together 7. to sbs surprise 8. worry about 答案答案: : 5. 继续做某事继续做某事 6. 齐心协力齐心协力; ; 通力合作通力合作7. 令某人惊讶的是令某人惊讶的是8. 担心担心. 句型填词句型填词1. 他怎么没把那个球射进呢他怎么没把那个球射进呢? hemissed scoring that goal? 2. 但是不管但是不管(结果结果)怎样怎样, 不要过分苛刻地要求自己。不要过分苛刻地要求自己。Butit was, be too hard on you

15、rself. 3. 除此之外除此之外, 赢或输只是比赛的一半。赢或输只是比赛的一半。Besides, or only half the game. 答案答案: : 1. How could; have2. whatever; dont3. winning; losing is 4. 但我想只要我们继续齐心协力但我想只要我们继续齐心协力, 我们会赢得下一场比赛。我们会赢得下一场比赛。But I thinkwe continue to pull together, were win the next one. 5. 我们应该想一想下次我们怎样才能做得更好。我们应该想一想下次我们怎样才能做得更好。W

16、ethink aboutwedo better next time. 答案答案: : 4. if; going to5. should; how; canWhat did Peter feel like as he walked home alone? 2. Who helped Peter go to soccer practice with courage again? 答案答案: : 1. There was a heavy weight on his shoulders. 2. His father. 1. let. . . down 使失望使失望【语境领悟】【语境领悟】*He had

17、 let his whole team down. 他让他整个队失望了。他让他整个队失望了。*She was worried because she disappointed her parents. 因为她让她的父母失望了因为她让她的父母失望了, 所以她很担心。所以她很担心。【自主归纳】【自主归纳】let. . . down动词短语动词短语, 意为意为“使使失望或沮丧失望或沮丧”, 同义词同义词为为disappoint。【学以致用】【学以致用】哈里永远不会让你失望。哈里永远不会让你失望。Harry will neveryou. You did a good job, Jenny. I wou

18、ldnt like toyou, mom. A. take; downB. put; downC. turn; downD. let; down答案答案: : let; down2. rather than 而不是而不是【语境领悟】【语境领悟】*The next day, Peter went to soccer practice with courage rather than fear in his heart. 第二天第二天, 彼得内心并没有害怕彼得内心并没有害怕, 而是鼓起勇气去参加足球训练。而是鼓起勇气去参加足球训练。*I would rather stay at home than

19、 go shopping this weekend. 这个周末我宁愿待在家里也不愿去购物。这个周末我宁愿待在家里也不愿去购物。*Mary prefers to go swimming rather than play tennis. 玛丽宁愿去游泳也不打网球。玛丽宁愿去游泳也不打网球。【自主归纳】【自主归纳】(1)rather than连词词组连词词组, 意为意为“并非并非; 而不是而不是”。表示在两者。表示在两者之间进行选择之间进行选择, 否定后者否定后者, 所连接的并列成分可以是名词、动词、所连接的并列成分可以是名词、动词、代词或介词短语等。代词或介词短语等。(2)常用句式常用句式: 【学

20、以致用】【学以致用】(2014宜昌中考宜昌中考)What would you do for your dad on Fathers Day? I prefer to take him for a tripbuy him gifts. A. in order toB. no more thanC. rather thanD. according to3. How could he have missed scoring that goal? 他怎么没把那个球射进去呢他怎么没把那个球射进去呢? 【句型剖析】【句型剖析】(1)此句中此句中could have done表示表示“过去本能够做某事却未做

21、过去本能够做某事却未做”, 包含包含“责备责备”意义。同类用法的还有意义。同类用法的还有should have done表示表示“过去本应该做某事而未做过去本应该做某事而未做”。You should have asked what you should wear. 你本应该问一下你应该穿什么。你本应该问一下你应该穿什么。(2)miss 动词动词, 意为意为“错过错过”, 后跟名词、代词或后跟名词、代词或v. -ing形式作宾形式作宾语。语。I missed the chance to go to college. 我错过了上大学的机会。我错过了上大学的机会。【归纳拓展】【归纳拓展】miss的其

22、他含义的其他含义思念思念; 想念想念Well miss you when youre away. 你走了我们会想你的。你走了我们会想你的。称呼未婚女士称呼未婚女士(需大写需大写)Good morning, Miss Smith. 早上好早上好, 史密斯小姐。史密斯小姐。【学以致用】【学以致用】他怎么能忘记他的票在哪里呢他怎么能忘记他的票在哪里呢? How he where his ticket was? 守门员只差一点儿就能把球接住了。守门员只差一点儿就能把球接住了。The goalkeeper just the ball. 答案答案: : could; have forgottenmisse

23、d stopping. 单项选择单项选择1. He has put on(weigh) since I last saw him. 2. I heard her(sing) in the next room when I cooked dinner. (win)the first prize made Jim really happy and excited. 答案答案: : 1. weight2. singing3. Winning4. After I answered this question, my teacher (nod) without saying any word. 5. T

24、hey are in(agree) with my plan. They think its suitable. 答案答案: : 4. nodded 5. agreement. 完成句子完成句子1. 杰克为什么让他老师们失望了杰克为什么让他老师们失望了? 他本能够努力学习但他没有。他本能够努力学习但他没有。Why did Jackhis teachers? He studied hard but he didnt. 2. 昨天伯特被学校篮球队开除了。昨天伯特被学校篮球队开除了。Bert was by the school basketball team yesterday. 答案答案: : 1

25、. let; down; could have2. kicked off3. 如今一些家长对孩子的要求过于严厉。如今一些家长对孩子的要求过于严厉。Some parents today are_ _ _ _ _their children. 4. 朋友之间最珍贵的是友谊而不是金钱。朋友之间最珍贵的是友谊而不是金钱。The most valuable thing between friends is friendship money. 5. 只要我们都能齐心协力只要我们都能齐心协力, 我们就能按时完成这项任务。我们就能按时完成这项任务。If we can , we can finish the t

26、ask on time. 答案答案: : 3. too hard on 4. rather than5. pull togetherUnit 11Sad movies make me cry. Section B(3aSelf Check)1. too many太多太多【语境领悟】【语境领悟】*Fame is not very important. It can make me nervous if too many people follow me around. 名望并不是很重要。如果太多的人跟着我会使我紧张。名望并不是很重要。如果太多的人跟着我会使我紧张。*We have too muc

27、h homework to do today. 我们今天有太多的作业要做。我们今天有太多的作业要做。*The shirt is much too small. 这件衬衫太小了。这件衬衫太小了。【妙辨异同】【妙辨异同】too many, too much和和much too的辨析的辨析短语短语含义含义too many意为意为“太多太多”, 后接可数名词复数形式。后接可数名词复数形式。There are too many books in his room. 他房间里有太多的书。他房间里有太多的书。短语短语含义含义too much意为意为“太多太多”, 后接不可数名词。后接不可数名词。She ha

28、s too much salad every day. 她每天吃太多的沙拉。她每天吃太多的沙拉。much too意为意为“太太”, 后接形容词或副词。后接形容词或副词。much修饰修饰too, 强调强调“太太”的程度。的程度。Youre much too thin. 你太瘦了。你太瘦了。【学以致用】【学以致用】用用too many, too much和和much too填空。填空。They are young to go to school. I cant stay here any longer because there is noise. There are people and car

29、s on the road. 答案答案: : much tootoo muchtoo many2. Speaking in front of many people makes me nervous. 【句型剖析】【句型剖析】此句中此句中Speaking in front of many people为动名词短语作为动名词短语作主语主语, 谓语动词用单数形式谓语动词用单数形式makes。【学以致用】【学以致用】(2014黔东南州中考黔东南州中考)Climbing hillsgood for our health. A. areB. is C. was D. were(2013白银中考白银中考)

30、honest is the first thing people should learn. A. BeingB. LookC. BeD. Become【创新写作】【创新写作】3b. Write a story similar to the one in 2b using your notes in 3a. In your story, try to explain the following: What happened? When did it happen? Where did it happen? How did it make you feel? Why? What did you

31、learn from the experience? 【思路点拨】【思路点拨】(1)体裁体裁: 记叙文。记叙文。(2)人称人称: 第一人称。第一人称。(3)时态时态: 主要用一般过去时。主要用一般过去时。【写作模板】【写作模板】【妙笔成篇】【妙笔成篇】_【参考范文】【参考范文】I had an unforgettable experience with sadness and happiness. When my family moved, I had to go to a new school and study in a new class. The first test made me so nervous that I failed. I got worried and felt helpless until one of my new classmates came up to me and asked softly if I was OK. After I told him about my problem, he gave me some advice. From then on, we got to know each other and shared our ideas,


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