



1、六年级英语下册小学毕业考试卷班级分数1. A. walkB. workC. worker()2 .A 745B. 6:45C. 7:15()3 .A .pearB. bearC. hair()4 .A. rainsB. raceC. rice()5. A.glueB. blueC. grow()6 .A .whiteB. whatC. write()7 .A .shirtB. shortC. skirt()8 .A .slowB. snowC. low()9 .A .stopsB. sportsC. study()10 A letterB. littleC. litter二、听录音,选择正确的

2、应答,将序号填在题前的括号里。5分听力局部30分、听录音,选出你所听到的内容,将序号填在题前的括号内。10分1.A .It' s the eighth of March. B.lt()2. A. I' m going to play volleyball. B.lC.l watched a volleyball game.()3.A. I ' m five . B. I'()4.A.My favourite food is fish. B. Childre n's Sunday. C. It ' s on the eighth of March

3、. ' m watering flowers.m fine . C. I ' m stronger than you.'s Day.C. My favourite subject is Chin ese.()5.A Yes,I do.B. Yes, I,was. C.Yes ,I did.三、听对话,判断以下句子与对话所表达的意思是否一致,相符的打“",否那么打“X。5分()1.Mrs Brow n is thirty minu tes youn ger tha n Mrs Li .()2.There is a concert in the school to

4、morrow .()3.Because the days get shorter and the ni ghts get Ion ger in autu mn.()4.The boy in gree n is older tha n the boy in blue .()5.It' s Wednesday . Helen ' s not at school .四、听录音,完成以下对话。10分A: Excuse me , is there a near here ?B: Yes .It is about three kilometres away .You ' d bet

5、ter take a bus .A: Which bus shall I take ?B: Bus 12 . It ' ll take you right there .A: Howare there ?B: Only four .A:the bus stop ?B: It ' s.There ' s a busminutes .A:Tha nk you very much .笔试局部70分五、英汉互译10分2. my e -mail address4.So unds great !6.most of the time8. run out of the shop1. 在

6、周六上午3. 寻求笔友5. 关于天气7.去野餐9. 一位英国女孩 10.si nging con test六、选择正确的答案,将序号填在题前的括号内。16分1.ofte n go shopp ing at the weeke nds.A . Mum and I B. I and Mum C. Me and Mum. D. Mum and me .()2. The film was so.We all liked it .A .excite B.excitedC. excit ing()3. My birthday isthe 2A. on,on B. in, on C. on, inD. an

7、 excit ingndof June .Na ncyD. i n,ins birthday isJune ,too.( )4 .Are the sweaters yours? _Yes ,.re ours .A. It ' s hers B. They ' re theirs C. It ' s ours. D. they()5. I am 150cm ,Tom is 152cm .So Tom istha n me .A. taller B. youn ger C.shorter D. lower()6 .They know a lot about ani mals

8、 ,but they want to knowabout them .A. many B. much )7 Every morning Ben A .go B.goesC.more D. somefor a walk around the lake.'s grandfatherC. wentD. is goi ng()8 Walk into your bedroombecause your father is sleep ing .A. quiet B. quietly C. loud D. loudly()9 Can I havewriti ng paper ?A .a B. anC

9、. some D. any()10 There aredays .Theday is Saturday .A. seve n ; seve n B. seve nth;seve nth C. seve n; seve nth D. seve n; sixth()11 My mother candelicious food .A. cooks B.cook C. cooked D.cook ing()12 Let me, please .A. go home B. to go home C. to go to home D. to home()13 The pair of socksvery n

10、ice .A. look B. looksC. is look ingD. are look ing()14 Whereyou a mome nt ago ?A. are B. is C. were D. was()15 .The days getand the ni ghts getin win ter .A. shorter ;lon ger B.lon ger; shorter C. short; long D.long; short()16在以下这组单词中,划线局部读音与其他单词不同的单词是:A. blouse _B. houseC._cous inD. mouth七、用所给单词的设当

11、形式填空厂 8分1. He likes(liste n) to music .Me ,too.2. My En glish teacher ofte n(go) (jog) after school .3. Your classroom is on the(four) floor (层).4. My mother can(make) delicious food .She(make) some for us now .5. Yesterday my mum(come) to our school .6. (be) there any water in the bottle now ?八、 根据

12、中文提示将以下句子补充完整。6分1. 他们正在讨论他们的周末方案。They are talki ng aboutthe weeke nds.2. 你和你姐姐个子一样高吗?you asas your sister?3. 我将要去超市为我父母买礼物。I ' ll go to theto buy somefor my.4. 我父亲正在他的书房里写信。My fatherin his study .九、 按要求完成以下句子。6分1. He has a brother and a sister .改为一般疑问句 the window . 改为一般现在时 he any brothers or sis

13、ters ?2. Open the windows . 改为否认句 3. She is watching cartooons at home now . Sometimes she at home .4. Jim is good at PE . 改为同义句 Jim in PE.5. We saw a play last Sunday . 用 tomorrow 替换 last Sunday We are see a play tomorrow .6. 秋天是北京最美的季节。 汉译英It ' s the in autumn in Beijing .十、从n栏中选出i栏相对应的选项。8分A.

14、 62773688B. Peter .C. No, ID. IE. Here you are .n' m not . d like some chocolate .I 1.What would you like ?( )2.Where is the History Museum?( )3.Can I have an envelope ?( )4.Who do you want to write to ?( )5.Where are you going ?F. This way ,please .G. Only three.' re going to the theatre .(

15、 )6.Are you as heavy as your sister?( )7.What' s your telephone number ?( )8.How many stops are there?H. We十一、阅读理解。 16 分I am from the USA . My name is Helen . I am Liu Tao ' s penfriend . Liu Tao is twelve years old . I 'm as old as him . There are four people in my family . My father is

16、 a doctor . My mother teaches English in a primary school . My brother Jack is only four years old . He is lovely . We all love him very much .根据上下文内容,填入适当的单词。 每空一词 。6分Liu Tao a penfriend . name is Helen . She' s an girl .There are people in her family . Her father works in the , andher mother i

17、s a .BOne day , Mr and Mrs White go shopping by car . They stop their car near a shop . They buy many things from the shop . And the things are very heavy , so they want to put them in their car .But Mr White can ' t open the door of the car . “ Let ' s ask a policeman for help . says Mrs Wh

18、ite . They ask a policeman to help them . The policeman is very friendly to help them open the door of the car . At that time a man comes up and shouts , “ What are you doing with my car ? Mr and Mrs White look at the number of the car , then they say sorry to the man .根据短文内容选择正确答案。 5 分( ) 1. Mr and

19、 Mrs White go shopping .A. by bikeB. by car C. with their son( ) 2. They want to .A. put the heavy things into their carB. look for a policemanC. buy a car( ) 3. Mr White can' t open the door of the car .A. but Mrs White canB. but the policeman canC. but the owner of the car can( ) 4. helps them

20、 open the door of the car .A. An old man B. A woman C. A policeman ( ) 5. They look at and they know they are wrong .A. the policeman B. the man C. the number of the carCDear John,I saw your name in the newspaper .I would like to be your penfriend .I am twelve years old . I live in Shanghai .I am a

21、Pudong Primary School .We study Chinese ,English ,Maths ,Science ,Art ,PE and some other subjects .My favourite subjects are PE and Maths . I like playing basketball with my friends after school . I like collecting stamps ,too .I have a lot of beautiful stamps . I will finish primary school soon and

22、 go to middle school.I ' d lik e to know everying about you . Please write to me soon . My e-mail address is gaoshan 163 .Best wishes!Yours , Gao Shan 根据短文,判断下面的句子与短文内容是否相符,相符的写“T",不相符的写“ F "。 5分( )1.I know John' s name from the magazine .( )2. The letter is from John to Gao Shan .

23、( )3. Gao Shan' s favourite subjects are Maths and PE .( )4. Gao Shan likes collecting stamps and playing football.()5. Gao Shan doesn 't have e -mail address.附:听力局部一、听录音,选出你所听到的内容,将序号填在题前的括号里。读两遍10 分1. walk 2. 6:45 3.hair 4. rains 5. glue6. write 7. short 8. snow 9. stops 10. letter二、听录音,选择

24、正确的应答,将序号填在题前的括号里。读两遍 5分1.What date is it today ,Su Hai ?2. What are you doing now , Nancy ?3. How old are you , child ?4.I like Sping festival .What ' s your favourite holiday ?5. Were you at the computer room yesterday afternoon ?三、听对话,判断以下句子与对话所表达的意思是否一致,相符的打否那么打“X “。听两遍 5 分1. A:Mrs Brown is

25、twenty minutes younger than Mrs Li .Who is older ? B:Mrs Brown is .2. A:Do you know there is a concert in the school tomorrow ?B:Yes ,I 'll watch it .3. A:Which season do you like ?B:Ilike winter.Bcause the days get shorter and the nights get longer .4. A:Which boy is older ,the boy in green or the boy in blue ?B:The boy ingreen is .5. A:What day is it today ?B:It ' s Thursday .A:Who is abse nt today ?B:Miss Li ,Helen is ill. She' s not at schhool .四、听录音,完成以下对话。读两遍10分A:Excuse me , is there a cin ema near here ?B:Yes .It is about three kilometres away .


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