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1、【精品文档】如有侵权,请联系网站删除,仅供学习与交流CATTI三级笔译考试分类词汇必备.精品文档.CATTI三级笔译考试分类词汇必备-历史全国翻译专业资格考试 发布于2015年8月27日 10:50支,系 branch部族,部落 tribe种族 race,breed宗族,世系 lineage门第,血统 stock贵族出身 of noble birth平民出身 of humble birth家世 extraction后裔 progeny, issue姻亲 kinsmen by affinity家谱 family tree北伐战争 the Northern Expedition新民主主义

2、运动 the Neo-Nationalist Movement三民主义 the Three People' Principles (Nationalism, Democracy and the Peoples Livelihood) put forward by Dr. Sun Yat-sen百日维新(1898年) the One-Hundred-Day Reform鸦片战争 the Opium Wars玛雅文化 Mayan civilization母系氏族社会 matriarchal clan society农民阶级 peasantry地主阶级 landocracy; the lan

3、dlord class资产阶级 bourgeoisie; the capitalist class民族资产阶级 national bourgeoisie小资产阶级 petty bourgeoisie中产阶级 middle bourgeoisie; middle class官僚资产阶级 bureaucrat bourgeoisie玫瑰战争 the Wars of Roses君主立宪制 Constitutional monarchy枢密院 Privy Council诺曼征服 the Norman Conquest宪章运动 the Chartist MovementCATTI三级笔译考试分类词汇必备

4、-体育全国翻译专业资格考试 发布于2015年8月31日 11:03全民健身运动nationwide fitness program中超联赛cheering squad棒球运动记者scribe拉拉队长cheer-leader, rooter king掷钱猜先toss运球dribble擦网球net ball擦边球edge ball/ touch ball抽杀成功hit through大满贯grand slam大力扣杀hammer吊球drop shot点球penalty kick任意球free kick乌龙球own good劲射power shot第一双打first pair第一发球权fi

5、rst inning第一发球员first server队长袖标(足球) skippers armband头号种子选手No.1 seed (player); top seed二流选手scrub/second-rater锋利扣杀razor-sharp smash高难度动作stunner, stunt好出风头的运动员exhibitionist, grandstander花样游泳water ballet临时主教练caretaker coach抢跑false start; beat the gun入水时水花很少clean entry三连冠three successive championship险胜cl

6、iff-hanging win; narrow victory自行车越野赛cyclo-cross滑板车scooter减肥体操slimnastics日光浴室solarium体育酒吧sports bar申办奥运会bid for the Olympic Games新北京,新奥运New Beijing, Great Olympics绿色奥运,科技奥运,人文奥运green, high-tech and people-friendly Olympic Games球场court  前锋forwards 后卫guards 中锋center 后场backcourt

7、0;前场frontcourt 得分后卫point guard 组织后卫shooting guard 大前锋power forward 小前锋small forward 篮框rim,basket 争球jump ball 攻方offense 守方defence 计时器shot clock 打成平分tie 加时赛overtime(OT) 运球dribbling  身前快速运球speed 双手交替运球crossover 身后运球behind-the-back 腿间运球bet

8、weentheleg 转身运球spin 传球pass 胸部传球chest 反弹传球bounce 过顶传球overhead 大力传球baseballtype  身后传球behindtheback 投篮方式shooting form 直接篮下得分layup 大力灌篮the dunk shot 跳投jump shot 勾手投篮hook shot 投篮命中率field goalds(FGs) 三分球命中率3-point FGs 罚球foul shot &

9、#160;罚球线free throw line 篮板rebound 攻方篮板off.rebounds 守方篮板def.rebounds 助攻assists 内线得分points in paint 暂停timeout 卡位screens 人盯人mento men defense 区域防守zone defense 盖帽blocking 失误turnovers 撞人犯规charging 阻挡犯规holding 推人犯规pushing 技术犯规techn

10、ical offence(fouls) 常规赛regular season 季后赛playoff游泳Swimming 游泳池swimming pool 更衣室changing room 淋浴 shower 跳台diving platform 10米跳台ten-meter platform 5米跳台five-meter platform 3米跳板three-meter springboard 1米跳板one-meter springboard 跳水池diving pool 浅水

11、池non-swimmer's pool 深水池swimmer's pool 出发台starting block 出发起跳starting dive 水线rope with cork floats 泳道swimming lane 终点触线touching the finishing line 计时员timekeeper 救生员lifesaver, lifeguard 陆上练习land drill 蛙泳breaststroke 爬泳crawl stroke 仰泳b

12、ack stroke 侧泳side stroke 蝶泳butterfly stroke 海豚式蝶泳dolphin butterfly stroke 踩水treading water 潜泳underwater swimming 人工海浪泳池swimming pool with artificial waves 人工海浪artificial waves 泳裤swimming trunks 泳衣swimsuit, swimming suit 泳帽swimming cap 比基尼泳衣bikin

13、i 比基尼乳罩bikini top 比基尼式泳裤bikini bottom 冲浪surfing 冲浪板surfboard 滑水橇water ski Words of Sports: Riding and Horse Riding 赛马 骑马riding 跑马场,赛马场racecourse, racetrack 马球jockey, polo 马球运动员rider 跳跃赛show jumping competition 障碍赛steeplechase 障碍 f

14、ence 快跑的马trotter 自行车,摩托车Words of Sports: Bicycle Motorcycle 车类运动car 自行车赛车场velodrome, cycling stadium 公路赛road race 计时赛race 追逐赛chase 摩托车motorcycle, motorbike 赛车racing car 赛车驾驶员racing driver 汽车拉力赛 rally 水上运动Words of Sports: Water Sports 游

15、泳池swimming pool 游泳swimming 混合泳medley relay 爬泳crawl 蛙式breaststroke 仰式backstroke 自由式freestyle 蝶泳butterfly (stroke) 跳水diving competition 水球water polo 水橇water skiing 划船rowing 划艇canoe 赛艇boat race 游艇yacht 皮船kayak 帆船运动sailing&#

16、160;船外马达outboard boat 球类运动Games and Competitions 足球football 橄榄球rugby 篮球basketball 排球volleyball 网球tennis 垒球baseball 手球handball 曲棍球hockey 高尔夫球golf 板球cricket 冰球ice hockey 球门员goalkeeper 中线发球centre kick 球门发球goal kick 边线发球thro

17、w in, line-out 射门得分to score a goal 对方球门线后触地得分to convert a try 板球运动员batsman 击球运动员batter 单打运动员men's singles 混合双打in the mixed doubles 体育项目Individual Sports 体操gymnastics 体操器械gymnastic apparatus 单杠horizontal bar 双杠parallel bars 吊环rings 

18、秋千trapeze 肋木wall bars 鞍马side horse, pommelled horse 举重weight-lifting 重量级weights 拳击 boxing 古典式摔跤Greece-Roman wrestling 揪钮 hold, lock 柔道judo 击剑fencing 冬季运动winter sports 滑雪 skiing 滑雪板ski 速降滑雪赛,滑降downhill race 障碍滑雪slalom 跳高滑雪比赛sk

19、i jumping competition 跳高滑雪ski jump 滑冰ice skating 花样滑冰figure skating 滑旱冰roller skating 雪橇bobsleigh, bobsled 竞技Athletics 跑race 中长跑middle-distance race 长跑运动员long-distance runner 短跑 (美作:dash) sprint 400米栏the 400 metre hurdles 马拉松marathon 十

20、项decathlon 越野跑cross-country race 跳跃jump 跳跃运动jumping 跳高high jump 跳远 (美作:broad jump)long jump 三级跳triple jump,hop step and jump 撑竿跳pole vault 投掷throw 投掷运动throwing 推铅球putting the shot,shot put 掷铁饼throwing the discus 掷链锤throwing the hammer 

21、掷标枪throwing the javelin 竞走walk 网球Tennis 网球运动tennis 草地网球运动lawn tennis 草地网球场grass court 球拍racket 球拍夹racket press (球拍的)弦gut, string 触线球line ball 底线球baseline ball 边线球sideline ball 直线球straight ball 边线直线球down-the-line shot 斜线球crosscourt

22、 高球high ball,lob 低球low ball 长球long shot 短球short shot 削球cut 抽球smash 跃起抽球jump smash 旋转球spin 抽低球low drive 截击空中球volley 低截球low volley 深球deep ball 重球heavy ball 落网球net 平击球flat stroke 平抽球flat drive 重发球let 机会球fluke,set-

23、up,easy 击触地球ground stroke 打出边线的球wide 高球扣杀overhead smash,overhand smash 局game 盘set 一平fifteen all 二平thirty all 三平forty all 局末平分, 盘末平局deuce 一方得零分的一局love game 双误, 两次发球失误double fault 两跳,还击前球着地两次not up 发球线service line 前场fore court 

24、后场back court 中点centre mark 发球员server 接球员receiver 篮球运动;篮球Basketball 篮板backboard 球场的后场backcourt 后卫backcourtman 控球ball control 背后传球behind-the-back pass 前锋cornerman 中锋center 撞人charge 胸前传球chest pass 空心球clean shot <美俚>篮球运动员ca

25、ger 双方犯规double foul 运球 dribble 罚球foul shot 罚球free throw 罚球区free throw lane 罚球线free throw line 全场紧逼full-court press 投篮goal 后卫guard 打手犯规hack CATTI三级笔译考试分类词汇必备-贸易金融股票全国翻译专业资格考试 发布于2015年8月28日 14:24招商引资 attract/bid for/invite investments (from o

26、verseas)情感消费 emotional consumption大盘股 big macs, big/large-cap stock, mega-issue首次公开募股;新股首发 Initial Public Offering (IPO)证交所 bourse龙头企业 corporate champion上海证交所 Shanghai Exchange养老基金 pension fund共同基金 mutual fund对冲式共同基金 hedge mutual fund股票 share股价 valuation保险商 underwriter政府债券 government bond储蓄帐户 s

27、aving account股市 equity market股东 shareholder摘牌 delist亏损企业 money-loser存货 inventory上市公司 traded company, trading enterprise利益相关者 stakeholder透明度 transparency微软全国广播公司 Msnbc: Microsoft national broadcast市场经济基本规则 market fundamentalist安全顾问 damage-contral machinery有效市场 efficient market知识产权 intellectual proper

28、ty投机行为 opportunistic practice世通公司 WorldCom行贿 bribery企业家 entrepreneur做假帐 cook the book监管体系 regulatory systemaudit 审计accounting firm 会计事务所Great Depression 大萧条portfolio 投资组合money-market 短期资本市场capitual-market 长期资本市场volatility 波动diversification 多元化commodity 期货real estate 房地产option 期权call option 看涨期权put o

29、ption 看跌期权merger 并购arbitrage 套利Securities&Exchange Commission 美证券交易委员会dollar standard 美元本位制flight 贬值budget 预算deficit 赤字bad debt 坏帐output 产值macroeconomic 宏观经济fiscal stimulus 财政刺激a store of value 保值transaction currency 结算货币forward exchange 期货交易intervention currency 干预货币Treasury bond 财政部公债currnt-ac

30、count 经常项目pickup in rice 物价上涨Federal Reserve 美联储inflation 通货膨胀deflation 通货紧缩tighter credit 紧缩信贷monetary policy 货币政策awash in excess capacity 生产力过剩foreigh exchange 外汇spot transaction 即期交易forward transaction 远期交易option forward transaction 择期交易swap transaction 调期交易quote 报价settlment and delivery 交割buying

31、 rate 买入价selling rate 卖出价spread 差幅contract 合同at par 平价premium 升水discount 贴水direct quoation method 直接报价法indirect quoation method 间接报价法dividend 股息domestic currency 本币floating rate 浮动利率parent company 母公司credit swap 互惠贷款venture capital 风险资本virtual value 虚拟价值physical good 物质产品abstract good 抽象产品Patent&

32、;Trademark Office 专利与商标局book value 帐面价值physical capital 实际资本job machine 就业市场welfare capitalism 福利资本主义collective market cap 市场资本总值golbal corporation 跨国公司transnational status 跨国优势transfer price 转让价格General Accounting Office 美会计总会consolidation 兼并leveraged 杠杆CATTI三级笔译考试分类词汇必备-农业全国翻译专业资格考试 发布于2015年9

33、月1日 11:26三高农业 “three highs”agriculture (high yield, high quality and high efficiency agriculture)三农问题issues concerning agriculture, countryside and farmers打白条issue IOU(IOU:借款、债务、由I owe you 读音缩略转移而来)立体农业three-dimensional agriculture农业技术合作ATC: Agricultural Technical Cooperation联产承包责任制system of contrac

34、ted responsibility linking remuneration to output; countract system with remuneration linked to output老少边穷地区former revolutionary base areas, areas inhabited by minority nationalities, remote and border areas and poverty-stricken areas三下乡a program under which officials, doctors, scientist and college

35、 students go to the countryside to spread scientific and literacy knowledge and offer medical service to farmers农村剩余劳动力surplus rural labor (laborers)生态农业environmental-friendly agriculture温饱型农业subsistence agriculture退耕还林还牧convert the land for forestry and pasture; grain for green小农经济small-scale peasa

36、nt economy; autarkical small-scale farming效益农业profitable agriculture鱼米之乡a land of milk and honey草根工业grass root industry (village and township enterprises which take root among farmers and grow like wild grass)多功能性(农业)multifuncitionality农林间作agro-forestry农业生态学agricultural ecology农业增值税added value of ag

37、riculture农产品的统购派购unified purchasing of farm produce by the state according to fixed quotes农村剩余劳动力surplus rural labor(laborers)农垦agricultural reclamation农转非rural residents become urban residents土地酸化acidification土地沙化desertification of land; desert encroachment土地使用权land-use right土地承包期land contract peri

38、od粮食收购部门 (governments) grain procurement (purchasing)agencies提高农产品收购价格the governments increase in its procurement prices (for farm products)按保护价敞开收购粮食的政策a policy of purchasing grain without limitations at protective prices 粮食仓库grain depot粮食收储企业grain collection and storage enterprise粮食收购资金实行封闭运行

39、closed operation of grain purchase funds粮食销售市场grain sales market过度开垦excess reclamation技术下乡spread technological knowledge to farmers江南水乡the south of the lower reaches of the Yangtze River禁渔期closed fishing seasons经济林cash tree庄家歉收crop failure乡统筹,村提留fees paid by farmers for overall township planning and

40、 village reserve种植业crop farming白色农业white agriculture; white engineering agriculture; microbiological agriculture有机农业organic agriculture开拓农村消费市场develop consumer markets in rural areas取消国家对农产品的统购统销cancel the states monopoly on the purchase and marketing of agricultural/products土壤land,soil   

41、耕地arable land, tilled land   旱田dry soil   沃土,肥沃的土壤fertile soil   腐殖质humus   水浇地irrigable land   贫瘠土壤lean soil, poor soil   荒地wasteland, barren land   草grass   草地grassland   草甸meadow   大草原prairie  

42、; 牧场pasture land   休闲to lie fallow   休闲地fallow   亩茬地stubble, stubble field   稿杆straw, hay   农村人口rural population   农村迁徙rural exodus   土地改革land reform, agrarian reform   农业机械化mechanization of farming   机械化耕

43、作mechanized farming   农场farm   奶牛场cattle farm   大农场,牧场ranch   庄园hacienda   田产holding   地块plot, parcel, lot   合作农场cooperative farm   集体农场collective farm   农村country, countryside   农民,农夫countryman  

44、; 农民,农妇countrywoman   农学家agronomist   大农场主latifundium, large landed estate   农户farmer   农业工人producer   佃户settle   地主,土地拥有者landowner   外居地主absentee landlord   小农smallholder, small farmer   牧场主rancher  

45、 土地租用人tenant farmer, leaseholder   佃农sharecropper   农夫,犁田者ploughman   农场工人,农业工人farm labourers   (美作:farm laborers)农场短工farm hand   牧场工人cattle farmer   牛仔cowherd, cowboy   牧人shepherd   果农fruit grower   葡萄栽植者vineg

46、rower   采葡萄者vintager   农业farming, husbandry   畜牧业animal husbandry, animal breeding   乳品业,乳牛业dairy farming   园艺horticulture   商品蔬菜种植业market gardening   果树栽培fruit growing   葡萄栽培vinegrowing, viticulture   油橄榄栽培oli

47、ve growing   树艺arboriculture   造林学silviculture   农产品agricultural products, farm products   食品foodstuffs   乳制品dairy produce, dairy products   乳品加工业dairy industry   农事年crop year, farming year   季节season   农业市场agr

48、icultural, commodities market   牲畜livestock   CATTI三级笔译考试分类词汇必备-工业(一)全国翻译专业资格考试 发布于2015年9月2日 16:53优化结构optimize the structure恶性循环vicious cycle/circle良性循环beneficent/virtuous cycle对大中型国有企业进行公司制改革corporatize large and medium-sized State-owned (state-owned, state) enterprises现代企业

49、制度modern enterprise system; modern corporate system股份制the joint stock system股份合作制the joint stock cooperative system谁控股?Who holds the controlling shares?支持强强联合,实现优势互补support association between strong enterprises so that they can take advantage of each others strengths鼓励兼并,规范破产encourage mergers and s

50、tandardize bankruptcy procedures独立核算工业企业an independent accounting unit (enterprise)国家控股公司a state-controlled share company控股公司a holding company公司分离与解散separation and dissolution of a company创业园;孵化器a high-tech business incubator; a pioneer park企业孵化器an enterprise incubator联合兼并conglomeration and merger o

51、f enterprises; mergers and acquisitions树立企业良好形象foster a good and healthy company image/profile名牌产品famous-brand products/brand-named products精品top quality articles拳头产品competitive products创汇产品foreign exchange (hard-currency) earning exports畅销货marketable products; products with a good market紧缺商品commodi

52、ties in short supply紧俏货物goods in great demand滞销货unmarketable (unsalable, poor-selling) products积压产品overstocked commodities (inventories)发优惠券以促销issue discount shopping coupons to promote sales有高附加值的高新技术产品high and new technology products with high added value集散控制系统Distributed Control System(DCS) 

53、现场总线控制系统Fieldbus Control System(FCS) 监控及数据采集系统Supervisory Control And Data Acquisition(SCADA) 可编程序控制器Programmable Logic Controller(PLC) 可编程计算机控制器Programmable Computer Controller(PCC) 工厂自动化Factory Automation(FA) 过程自动化Process Automation(PA) 办公自动化Office Automation(OA) 

54、;管理信息系统Management Information System(MIS) 楼宇自动化系统Building Automation System 人机界面Human Machine Interface(HMI) 工控机Industrial Personal Computer(IPC) 单片机Single Chip Microprocessor 计算机数控(CNC) 远程测控终端Remote Terminal Unit(RTU) 上位机Supervisory Computer 图形用户界面(GUI) 

55、人工智能Artificial Intelligent(AI) 智能终端Intelligent Terminal 模糊控制Fuzzy Control 组态Configuration 仿真Simulation 冗余Redundant 客户/服务器Client/Server 网络Network 设备网Device NET 基金会现场总线foundation fieldbus(FF) 现场总线Fieldbus 以太网Ethernet 变频器Inverter 脉宽调制Puls

56、e Width Modulation(PWM) 伺服驱动器Servo Driver 软起动器Soft Starter 步进Step-by-Step 控制阀Control Valve 流量计Flowmeter 仪表Instrument 记录仪Recorder 传感器Sensor 智能传感器Smart Sensor 智能变送器Smart Transducer 虚拟仪器 Virtual Instrument 主站/从站Master Station/Slave station

57、0;操作员站/工程师站/管理员站Operator Station/Engineer Station/Manager Station电力专业英语单词电力系统 power system 发电机 generator 励磁 excitation 励磁器 exciter 电压 voltage 电流 current 升压变压器 step-up transformer 母线 bus 变压器 transformer 空载损耗:no-load loss 铁损:iron loss 铜损:copper lo

58、ss 空载电流:no-load current 无功损耗:reactive loss 有功损耗:active loss 输电系统 power transmission system 高压侧 high side 输电线 transmission line 高压: high voltage 低压:low voltage 中压:middle voltage 功角稳定 angle stability 稳定 stability 电压稳定 voltage stability 暂

59、态稳定 transient stability 电厂 power plant 能量输送 power transfer 交流 AC 直流 DC 电网 power system 落点 drop point 开关站 switch station 调节 regulation 高抗 high voltage shunt reactor 并列的:opposable 裕度 margin 故障 fault 三相故障 three phase fault 分接头:tap

60、60;切机 generator tripping 高顶值 high limited value 静态 static (state) 动态 dynamic (state) 机端电压控制 AVR 电抗 reactance 电阻 resistance 功角 power angle 有功(功率) active power 电容器:Capacitor 电抗器:Reactor 断路器:Breaker 电动机:motor 功率因数:power-factor 定子:sta

61、tor 阻抗电压: 阻抗:impedance 功角:power-angle 电压等级:voltage grade 有功负载: active load/PLoad 无功负载:reactive load 档位:tap position 电阻:resistor 电抗:reactance 电导:conductance 电纳:susceptance 上限:upper limit 下限:lower limit 正序阻抗:positive sequence impeda

62、nce 负序阻抗:negative sequence impedance 零序阻抗:zero sequence impedance 无功(功率) reactive power 功率因数 power factor 无功电流 reactive current 斜率 slope 额定 rating 变比 ratio 参考值 reference value 电压互感器 PT 分接头 tap 仿真分析 simulation analysis 下降率 droop rate

63、60;传递函数 transfer function 框图 block diagram 受端 receive-side 同步 synchronization 保护断路器 circuit breaker 摇摆 swing 阻尼 damping 无刷直流电机:Brushless DC motor 刀闸(隔离开关):Isolator 机端 generator terminal 变电站 transformer substation 永磁同步电机:Permanent-magnet Synchron

64、ism Motor 异步电机:Asynchronous Motor 三绕组变压器:three-column transformer ThrClnTrans 双绕组变压器:double-column transformer DblClmnTrans 固定串联电容补偿fixed series capacitor compensation 双回同杆并架 double-circuit lines on the same tower 单机无穷大系统 one machine - infinity bus system励磁电流:magnetizing current 补偿


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