1、.Unit4lesson4 period2地点写作教学设计一、学情分析:高22班是乐从中学实验班,学生学习根底较好,通过对Unit4lesson4 Virtual Tourism的学习,对于地点的描写有一定的积累,从地点描绘内容到描绘的表达都略知一二。本课是阅读课之后的地点写作拓展和输出。二、教材分析:写作是英语学习中很重要的一个部分,因为它在高考中占有25分的比重。如何在平时的阅读后的教学中让学生在写作上得到进步,一直是我们英语教学努力的方向。全国卷新课标卷的写作根本上是半开放性的写作,内容和话题相对生活化,学生在内容上需要进展适当的拓展。结合我们老师平时改卷和评卷的经历,得分高的作文往往是
2、在语言上很得体,表达丰富多样,文章构造明晰,内容逻辑符合常理,而且这些加分的亮点在我们的教学中是可以有针对性进展训练从而让学生得到进步的。这个需要英语老师平时结合教材,进展第二次备课,在原有教材内容的根底上进展相关话题写作的归纳和整理,对学生进展系统地分类的训练。三、学习目的:1. 可以用英语描绘一个地点2. 学生可以掌握地点描绘的根本内容和表达,并且可以学会多样化表达,如定语从句,with构造,done和doing的非谓语构造3. 通过小组合作学习,鼓励学生,积极思维,大胆表达,大胆理论四、教学重难点:1. 指导学生学会地点描写的根本内容和有关根本表达2. 灵敏运用所学词汇及句型写一篇短文通
3、过比照体验,小组合作探究、讨论等打破5、 教学方法:和谐课堂五环节教学形式6、 教学过程:Step1 Lead-in导Play a guess game Where is it ?Guessing 1With a population of about 1.3 billion, “ ? has the largest number of population in the world at present.Guessing 2“? is the second largest country in the world. It has an area of over 9.9 million squ
4、are kilometers and a population of over 30 million.Guessing 3? , the largest island in China, lies in the west of the Pacific Ocean, with the East Sea on the north and the South Sea surrounding its southwest.上面句子中有哪些漂亮的句子,分别用了什么构造或句式?小组课堂展示【设计目的】1、迅速激发学生兴趣。2、顺利地过渡到本课的主题和中心内容。Step2 Learning 学Task one
5、: 再次复习聚焦课文中有关Auckland的重点描写表达。Task two: 阅读一篇关于北京的文章,老师引导学生赏析文章并找出好的表达。 When introducing a place:what are the possible topics and useful phrases?ask students to analyze and find Beijing, the capital city of China, is located in the north of China. With a population of 21.14 million, it covers an area
6、of 16,410 square kilometers. Beijing has a dry climate with plenty of fog and the average temperature is 11.It was an ancient city with a long history of more than 3000 years and has different names in different dynasties.As a famous cultural city, Beijing is famous for many places of interest, such
7、 as the Great Wall, Tiananmen Square,the Forbidden City and so on, attracting tourists from home and abroad every year. It is in 2019 that Beijing succeeded in holding the Olympic Games, which offers a very good chance for people around the world to know more about it. It is considered as the centre
8、 of politics, economy and culture in China. 朝代 dynasty 故宫 the Forbidden City politics政治 economy 经济 Task three: 引导学生归纳地点描写的思维导图和重要表达1. 地理概况: 位于 is located in/lies in; 在的中心 in the center of在的东部 in the east of 范围之内 to the east of 范围之外 on the east of.毗邻是的首都 is / serves as the capital of.第二大城市 the second
9、 largest city由组成 is made up of / consists of2. 历史: has / with a history of 400 years 3. 人口: has / with a population of 5 million4. 面积:covers / has / with an area of 2,000 square kilometers 5. 气候:气候温和,阳光/雨量充足 enjoys / has a mild climate with enough sunshine and rainfall6. 特色:以出名 be famous for/ be wel
10、l-known for7. 名胜:有许多的风景名胜如. there are many places of interest such as. 吸引世界各地的游客 attracts tourists / visitors from all over the world8.交通: 交通便利has convenient transportationa city with convenient transportation both on land and water坐汽车、火车、飞机到 take a bus, a train or a plane togo to by bus/train/plane
11、【设计目的】1、对课文内容进展复习,稳固上一节课的学习内容。2、通过欣赏优秀地点表达的范文,可以有利于学生学会模拟,感受好的表达和构造。3、综合课文和范文的表达,归纳有关地点表达的重要表达给学生记忆Step3. Exploration 研 通过翻译句子学会运用描绘地点的表达,并且对句子进展美化,在句子翻译中学会使用定语从句,同位语,with构造,doing 和done的非谓语构造,同时同时运用所学构造进展仿写,对于典型错误进展分析。1. Location 位置 and transportation交通: 1) lie in 2 be located in/on/to 3has/with wit
12、h convenient transportation both on land and water温哥华位于加拿大的西海岸, 水陆交通便利.Vancouver is located on the west coast of Canada,温哥华位于加拿大的西海岸,是一个美丽的城市。Vancouver, a beautify city , is located on the west coast of Canada.温哥华位于加拿大的西海岸,是个美丽的城市。句子合并:Vancouver, a beautiful city with convenient transportation both
13、on land and water, is located on the west coast of Canada. Located on the west coast of Canada, Vancouver, is a beautiful city with a comfortable living condition.Typical mistakes:Vancouver, a beautiful city with a comfortable living condition, which is located on the west coast of Canada. 缺少谓语Vanco
14、uver, a beautiful city with a comfortable living condition, located on the west coast of Canada. 缺少谓语Vancouver, is located on the west coast of Canada, is a beautiful city with a comfortable living condition. 双谓语2.Area 面积:1 cover/ have an area of square kilometers.2 with an area of3.Population 人口:1
15、have a population of 2 with a population of 广州,中国第三大城市,/面积:7,434平方公里,/人口:大约一千万。Guangzhou is the third largest city in China.It covers an area of 7,434 square kilometers.It has a population of about 10 million.句子合并:Guangzhou, the third largest city in China, covers an area of 7,434 square kilometers
16、with a population of about 10 million.Typical mistakes:Guangzhou, the third largest city in China, is located in the centre of Guangdong Province , covers an area of 1,783 square kilometers with a population of 1.46million. 双谓语Located in the centre of Guangdong Province, Guangzhou, the third largest
17、 city in China, which covers an area of 1,783 square kilometers and a population of 1.46million. 缺少谓语4.History 历史 1 have a long history of years.2 be a place with a long history of years. 3 The history can date back to 佛山是一座历史很悠久的城市,可以追溯到汉代。Foshan is a city with a long history.Its history can date b
18、ack to Han Dynasty.句子合并:Foshan is a city with a long history which can date back to Song Dynasty.5.Places of interest 名胜 be well-known / famous for be a place with many famous places of interest such as悉尼是澳大利亚最大的城市,有许多名胜,比方说悉尼歌剧院Sydney Opera House。它每年吸引了成千上万的来自世界各地的游客。Sydney , the biggest city in Au
19、stralia, has many places of interest, such as Sydney Opera House, attracting millions of tourists from all over the world every year.Sydney is the biggest city in Australia with many places of interest, such as Sydney Opera House, which attracts millions of tourists from all over the world every yea
20、r.Typical mistakes:Sydney , the biggest city in Australia, has many places of interest, such as Sydney Opera House,attracts millions of tourists from all over the world every year. 双谓语6.气候特征:气候温和,阳光/雨量充足 enjoys / has a mild climate with enough sunshine and rainfall平均气温是 The average temperature of Ho
21、ng Kong is about 22【设计目的】1、 单靠“死记还不行,还得“活用,姑且称之为“先死后活吧。让学生把一周看到或听到的新颖事记下来,摒弃那些假话套话空话,写出自己的真情实感,篇幅可长可短,并要求运用积累的成语、名言警句等,定期检查点评,选择优秀篇目在班里朗读或展出。这样,即稳固了所学的材料,又锻炼了学生的写作才能,同时还培养了学生的观察才能、思维才能等等,到达“一石多鸟的效果。学会使用地点描写的重要表达,并且可以运用较为高级的构造来描写地点,对信息进展整合。同时对于一些典型错误进展纠错,进步表达的准确度。2、采用小组合作探究的形式,既可以降低难度,节约时间,从而到达小组团结一致
22、、和谐向上的目的,促进小组良好开展。Step4. Presentation 展 You are Liming. Suppose one of your American net friends Jack is going to have a trip to Foshan next month, he wrote to you by e-mail and asked you for some brief information about the city. Please reply to him and and make an introduction of the city. The beg
23、inning and the end of the letter are given and you are only required to finish the body. 包括以下内容:1. 位置和历史:珠江三角洲中心地带,毗邻广州,是广东省第三大城市,有2019多年的历史。2. 人口面积:700万,3800平方公里3. 气候:气候宜人,阳光雨水充足4. 交通:地铁与广州相连,水陆交通便捷5. 风景名胜:西樵山Xiqiao Hill、清晖园Qinghui Garden和祖庙Ancestral temple等。合理组合和添加信息,字数在120词左右。Dear Jack, Thank you
24、 for your last letter asking about my city. I am so glad to hear that you are coming to Foshan next month.Im writing to give you a brief description of the city._ I am really looking forward to your coming and I believe youll have a good time here. If you want to know further information, write to me. Best wishes! Yours, Liming 【设计目的】1、结合高考新课标卷写信的形式,本环节提供了一个生活化的情景给学生表达,希望学生在此环节中可以运用本节课所学的一些内容,检测本节课所学,并且展示本节课的所学的知识。2、 本课的设置遵循了英语教学篇章引入、篇章完毕的教学形式,让学生在篇章中感受语言的真实运用。Step5. Evaluation 评:学生写完后互评,并推荐好的作品班级欣赏。评价内容同伴互评本文佳句本文缺乏病 句建 议“师之概念,大体是从先秦时期的“师长、师傅、先生而来。其中“师傅更早那么意指春秋时国君的老师。?说文解字?中有注曰:“师教人以道者之
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