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1、WelcomeWelcome比赛规则 1.同学们不得破环课堂纪律,违者扣所在组10分一次。 2.回答抢答题时必须在老师喊开始后才能抢答,违者扣所在组10分。 3.在规定的时间内完成,超过时间0分。 4.答对加分,答错不扣分。Are you ready?RoundRound1必答题必答题Mutiple choice选择题每组两题,小组派一名队员在规定时每组两题,小组派一名队员在规定时间间2 2分钟内作答。答对加分钟内作答。答对加1010分,答错不分,答错不扣分。扣分。1.Which day is the beginning of a week?A. SundayB. SaturdayC. Mon

2、dayD. TuesdayA2.What do we call the meat of pig?B. beefA. porkC. muttonA3.What does VI(罗马数字) mean? B. sixA. sevenC. fiveD. eightB4.Which date is Americans Independence Day (美国独立日)?A. October 3rdC. June 2ndB. July 4thD. January 1stB5.We often see 2F,3F in the supermarket. What does F mean?A. foodB. f

3、ootC. fruit(水果)D. Floor(楼层)D6.American located in the north shore of the ( _) ocean.(美国位于_的北岸?)A. IndianC. AtlanticD. Arctic B. PacificC7.How many cents(美分) are there in a dollar?A.70C.90D.100B.80D8.The national flower(国花) of England is ( ).B. Sunflower(向日葵)A. Rose(玫瑰)D. Lily(百合花)C. Tulip(郁金香)A9.Whi

4、ch country send the Statue of Liberty(自由女神像) to America as a present(礼物)?(哪国把自由女神像送给美国政府庆祝美国独立100周年的礼物)A. CanadaB. FranceC. AfricaD. AustraliaB10. which countrys man like to wear a skirt ? (哪里的男人喜欢穿裙子?)A. ScotlandC. The USAB. CanadaD. ChinaA11.What do American eat on Christmas day(圣诞节)?A. Turkey(火鸡)

5、B. Dumpling (饺子)C. ZongziD. Moon cake(月饼)A12. Which day is for lovers(恋人,情侣) ?A. Christmas DayB. The New Years DayC.C. Valentines DayD. April fools DayC2必答题必答题True or false(判断)(判断) 每组两题,小组讨论派队员每组两题,小组讨论派队员作答,在规定时间两分钟内完成,作答,在规定时间两分钟内完成,答对加答对加10分每题,答错不扣分分每题,答错不扣分.RoundRound 1. American people say elev

6、ator,English people say lift. 2. Moscow is the capital (首都)(首都)of Canada.Ottawa 3.Disneyland is one of the most famous theme park (主题公园)(主题公园)in the world. 4. The USA is known as (公认为,(公认为,被称为)被称为)the country of maple leaves(枫叶之国枫叶之国).Canada 5.The most important lakes in the United States are the Gr

7、eat Lakes(五大湖)(五大湖). 6. The University of Oxford (牛津大学)(牛津大学)is a famous university (著名学府)(著名学府)in England. 7.The novel Jane Eyre 简简爱爱is written by Charlotte Bronte(夏洛蒂(夏洛蒂勃朗特)勃朗特).8. NBA is the shortened form(缩(缩略形式)略形式) of the National Basketball Association(全国篮球协(全国篮球协会)会). 9.The novel 9.The nove

8、l If You Give Me Three If You Give Me Three Days LightDays Light 假如给我三天光明假如给我三天光明 is is written by America writer written by America writer Helen Helen KellerKeller( (海伦海伦 凯勒凯勒). ). 10.The British are very punctual(准(准|守时的)守时的). 11. Americans think it is polite(礼貌的)(礼貌的) to ask personal questions (私

9、人的问题)(私人的问题). 12.New York City is called the “Big Apple”.3 抢答题抢答题 脑筋急转弯脑筋急转弯 老师念完题喊老师念完题喊“开始抢答开始抢答”,每组派代表,每组派代表站起来抢答,每题作答时间为站起来抢答,每题作答时间为30秒。答对加秒。答对加十分,答错不扣分。十分,答错不扣分。RoundRound1.Who works only one day in a year but never gets fired? (被解雇)Santa Claus(圣诞老人)2.What always goes up and never goes down?(什

10、么东西只升不降?)Your age.3.Why does the boy make his dog sit in the sun?(为什么小男孩让他的狗坐在有太阳底下?)He wants to have a hot dog(热狗).4.Can you understand ”Thek eys are ont het able.”(小明写作业的时候没有注意正确的格式。你能看懂,帮他纠正吗?)The keys are on the table.5.What letter (字母)is a question(疑问,问题)? The letter “Y”.6.Whats the end(结束,末尾)

11、of the world(世界)? The letter “D”.7.What letter is an animal?B(ee) 蜜蜂4抢答题抢答题谚语翻译谚语翻译翻译正确加翻译正确加1010分,翻错不扣分。分,翻错不扣分。有一次求助队友的机会,答错其有一次求助队友的机会,答错其余组可抢答。余组可抢答。RoundRound1.Better to do well than to say well.说得好不如做得好2.Three heads(头脑) are better than one.三个臭皮匠,顶个诸葛亮3.Where there is a will(志向。意志), there is a

12、way(方法).有志者事竟成4.Dont put off (推迟)till tomorrow what should be done today.今日事今日毕5.All work and no play makes Jack a dull boy.只会用功不玩耍,聪明的孩子也变傻6.Self-trust(自信) is the first secret (秘诀,秘密)of success(成功).成功的第一秘诀是自信。7.Love me, love my dog.爱屋及乌8.Speech(演讲,说话) is sliver(银), silence(沉默) is gold.能言是银,沉默是金。9.B

13、ooks and friends should be few(很少) and good.读书如交友,应求少而精。10.Genius(天才) is nothing but labor(劳动,努力) and diligence(勤奋)。天才就是努力和勤奋。依靠别人总要后悔依靠别人总要后悔11.Depend(依靠) on others and you always repent(懊悔或忏悔).RoundRound5GameGame(游戏)(游戏)默契大考验默契大考验 每组派两名选手,其中一人背对屏每组派两名选手,其中一人背对屏幕,另一人则用英语或动作对大屏幕上出幕,另一人则用英语或动作对大屏幕上出现的单词进行解释,解释中不能含有原词现的单词进行解释,解释中不能含有原词时间为时间为1分钟。按照答对单词的个数计分,分钟。按照答对单词的个数计分,答对一个加答对一个加10分。分。1.Teeth 2.Money3. Michael Jackson(迈克尔杰克逊)4.hot5.Ping pong(乒乓球)11.Key2.Robort(机器人)3.Bike(单车)4.Snow5.Teacher21.Bus2.Monkey


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