



1、模块5诵读翻译练习(含参考答案)课文诵读补全课文段落,每空限填一词。1. (unit 13, Lesson 4)I _1_ with relief and agreed to meet her at the convenience store down the road. I was so grateful! Of course you would have guessed who Jenny was. She was the girl I had _2_ at for singing. When I recognized her in the convenience store, I was

2、 filled with _3_ and apologized her several times for my rude behavior, I felt so _4_, but Jenny just laughed and told me she was glad to see that Id also left my _5_ in the library! I couldnt help laughing at this and I invited her back to my apartment for a _6_ cup of tea.答案:1. sighed 2. shouted 3

3、. shame 4. guilty 5. glare 6. quick2. (unit 15, Lesson 1)It all started a few months ago when postage went up. I had been sending letters to my daughter in the US once a week, but suddenly, it was so _1_. I decided that it was time I became an Internet _2_. I got my grandson to _3_ me on how to emai

4、l me and use the Internet and I really enjoyed the speed at which my message got sent and _4_. And aside from emailing, its fun to see and talk to my grandson in the US on the i-Cam. In the past, if Id wanted to see them, I would have had to _5_ them in person.答案:1. expensive 2. user 3. instruct 4.

5、answered 5. visit 3. (Unit 14, Lesson 3)“It was my mother who taught me to be _1_. She had a great love of everything in the universe and she taught me to be interested in _2_ and nature, everything from plants to insects,” Junyan told me. “We would look in old nests to find birds feathers and we wo

6、uld even turn over stones to look at the little _3_ there. I loved doing that,” remembered Junyan. She said, “My mother was a strong character. Although there were lots of difficulties to overcome, she never let her problems _4_ her. She worked extremely hard to support me _5_ school and during my t

7、ime at Fudan University in Shanghai. Her attitude towards life will never stop _6_ my thoughts and actions.”答案:1. curious 2. mankind 3. creatures 4. defeat 5. through 6. influencing 4. (unit 13, Lesson 1)It is generally _1_ that people with high EQs are open to new ideas and have _2_ attitudes towar

8、ds life. They are also less _3_ to be troubled by problems. On the other hand, there is little _4_ that people with low EQs often have problems _5_ on with other people and dealing with difficult situations; _6_ they have a harder time surviving in life.答案:1. believed 2. positive 3. likely 4. doubt

9、5. getting 6. thus补全课本缩写文段落, 每空限填3个词的词块.1. Unit 13 Lesson 4 The day I met my best friend, I was full of anxiety, I was doing some revision for an exam in the library and people _1_. So I couldnt concentrate. _2_ was when I heard someone singing behind me. I glared at her and I found she was reading

10、a book of Tennysons poems. I got angrier. I picked up my book and whispered angrily “you are so selfish!” I was _3_ that I left my book in the library. I got so upset that I almost cried. Let me tell you the rest of the story though.Later, Jenny who disturbed me in the library noticed the book I lef

11、t and asked the librarian to get my phone number from their files. After confirming that I was, she phoned me. I _4_ and we agreed to meet at the convenience store. I was so grateful. When I recognized who she was, I apologized several times for my rude behaviors. I felt so guilty.She was glad that

12、I left my glare in the library. I couldnt help laughing at this. If Jenny hadnt been a kind person who _5_ forgive my shortcomings, we wouldnt have been best friends.1. kept disturbing me 2. The last straw 3. in such a hurry 4. sighed with relief 5. was willing to 2. Unit 14, lesson 3The Road to Suc

13、cessWang Junyan is the presenter for Universe TV's news programmes. I asked her how she had achieved success and she told me that being curious, working hard, and believing in _1_ made her the success she is today.“It was my mother who taught me to be curious. She had a great love of everything

14、in the universe and she taught me to be interested in mankind and nature, everything from plants to insects,” Junyan told me. “Her attitude towards life will never stop influencing my _2_.”_3_ university, Wang Junyan became a reporter for a local newspaper. She was asked to inspect an illegal busine

15、ss when she realized the importance of being a journalist. It is important for people to grasp what is going on around them.” said Junyan. This paid off because she won an award for the report. “I discovered then that as long as I am committed and never give up I will be able to produce high quality

16、 reports.”Junyan said that as a reporter she needed many different skills and was constantly challenged to learn new things. Finally, I asked her if after many years she still felt curious. Smiling brightly, she told me, “Nothing that I learned from my mother has ever left me. Today when I'm loo

17、king for stories, I still feel like I'm _4_to see what might be hiding beneath!”1. what was true 2. thoughts and actions 3. After graduating from 4. turning over stones3. Unit 15 lesson 1Three month ago, when my manager told me that I would _1_, my mind went blank and my heart _2_. In the past,

18、if someone had worked for a company for over 20 years, they would have stayed there until retirement! Therefore, this almost made me want to cry. I felt as if I had done something wrong! I know this isnt true though. Its just the status of the job market at the moment. At first, I enjoyed being a fu

19、ll-time housewife, and then I decided to do a business course. I have always _3_ my own business. Now I have learnt so many new skills and have already prepared a business plan for setting up my own export company! I think that getting laid off will _4_ the best thing that ever happened to me.1. be

20、laid off 2. swelled with anger 3. dreamed of starting 4. prove to be 4. Unit 13 Lesson 1 It is generally believed that it is IQ that gets you hired but it is EQ that gets you promoted at work. Supported by academic research, Professor Salovey suggests that ones character matters more than his IQ. Ha

21、ve you wondered why the smartest students who you think _1_end up failing exams? In fact, it is possible for someone with a high IQ to have a low EQ. On the contrary, it is believed that people with high EQs _2_ new ideas and there is little doubt that people with low EQs often have problems _3_othe

22、r people. While IQ is determined by birth, EQ has a lot to do with education. People are studying the possibility of improving a persons EQ. In Prof. Mayers study, students who had _4_ the study have a better understanding of the disabled students feelings compared to other students. Thus schools sh

23、ould know that the students futures are not entirely determined by their IQs.1. deserve good grades 2. are open to 3. getting on with 4. been involved in翻译句子1. 在这个世界上生存并快乐、成功地生活意味着能与他人很好地相处,能够审时度势并以最好的方式作出反应。To get ahead in the world and lead a happy successful life means getting on with other peopl

24、e and being able to understand and react to the situations in the best way possible.2. 当我听到有人在背后唱歌时,我的忍耐到了极限.The last straw was when I heard someone singing behind.3拥有热情、有活力的性格很重要。Having an enthusiastic and dynamic personality is important.4现在越来越多不同年龄不同背景的人在不断地学习以提高自己。Nowadays, more and more people

25、of various ages and backgrounds are continuing to study to improve themselves.5妈妈是个坚强的人。虽然生活中有许多困难要克服,但她从不让困难打倒自己。My mother was a strong character. Although there were lots of difficulties to overcome, she never let her problems defeat her. 6直到两个小时后我回到家时,我才发现我忘记了书。It was only when I got home two hou

26、rs later that I realized Id forgotten it. 7 她对生活的态度永远也不会停止影响我的思想和行动。Her attitude towards life will never stop influencing my thoughts and actions. 8教授以自己的学术研究作为依据,认为预测一个人未来的成功,其性格(可用EQ来测量),实际上比其智力的作用更为重要。Supported by his academic research, Professor Salovey suggests that when predicting someones fut

27、ure success their character, as measured by EQ tests, might actually matter more than their IQ.9我如释重负,同意与她在这条街上的一个便利店见面。I sighed with relief and agreed to meet her at the convenience store down the road. 10职场上,一个人的智商决定了你是否被录用,而情商决定了你能否得到提拔。At work, it is IQ that gets you hired but it is EQ that gets

28、 you promoted.11现在我即将从清华大学的继续教育学院毕业,通过远程教育课程获得计算机工程专业的学士学位。Now Im about to graduate from the School of Continuing Education at Qinghua University with a Bachelors degree in Computer Engineering by distance learning.12 因为我拥有的新资质,我在工作上得以提升。Because of my new qualification, Im getting promoted at work.13我具备好的交际技能和团队精神。I have good communic


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