business negotiation case 商务谈判实例_第1页
business negotiation case 商务谈判实例_第2页
business negotiation case 商务谈判实例_第3页
business negotiation case 商务谈判实例_第4页
business negotiation case 商务谈判实例_第5页
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1、Business NegotiationA company:China Arts and Crafts Trade CorporationSales Manager: Zhaohui (赵辉: Z)The interpreter: Veronica (周宁宁:N)B company:Lenox Import Corporation of AmericaImport Manager: Isabella (王鑫蕊:W) The interpreter: Cindy (董雪: D)(Miss Zhao, the sales manager of China Arts and Crafts Trade

2、 Corporation meets Import manager Isabella and the interpreter Cindy from the Lenox Import Corporation of America to discuss the related issues of Chinese porcelain trade.)Scene1: Establishing Business RelationsZ: 下午好,我是赵辉,销售部经理。N: Good afternoon. Im Zhaohui, the manger of the sales department.W: Go

3、od afternoon, Miss Zhao. Im Isabella, the import manger of Lenox Import Corporation of America. This is my interpreter Cindy.D: 下午好,赵女士,我是伊莎贝尔, 公司进口部经理,这是我的翻译辛迪。Z: 很高兴见到你们,能与您开展业务我非常荣幸。我们展示间里的展品您看过了吗?有没有您特别感兴趣的?N: Its a great pleasure to meet you and we are pleased to start business with you. Have y

4、ou seen our exhibit in the show room? And what in particular youre interested in?W: Oh, yes, we took a round yesterday and found the exhibits so attractive. We are especially interested in your blue and white porcelains.D: 是的,我们昨天转了转,发现展品很有吸引力。尤其是你们的青花瓷,我们特别感兴趣。Z: 太好了,如你所知,中国的瓷器在世界上非常有名,而且我们是中国最大的瓷

5、器出口商,与你方地区的许多公司都有合作,希望我们也能进行友好的生意往来。N: Great, as you know, Chinese porcelain is well known in the world and we are one of the largest porcelain exporters in China. We used to do business with a lot of big corporations in your end, and I sincerely hope we can have friendly cooperation.W: We are one o

6、f the leading importers and wholesalers of Chinese porcelain, we feel confident that we can push the sale of your products in our market as long as you would cooperate with us on delivery, price, and quality.D: 我们是领先的中国瓷器进口商和批发商之一,只要你方能在装运,价格和质量等方面与我方合作,我们确信能在我方市场推销你方产品。Z: 我方很乐意与你方建立直接的商务关系。N: We sh

7、all be pleased to enter into direct business relations with you!Scene2:Price negotiation(价格谈判)W: The blue and white porcelains of China are very popular in America. We are thinking of placing a large order. We are especially interested in the series RH60. Shall we have your most favorable offer?D: 是

8、的,中国的青花瓷在美国很受欢迎,我们想大量订购。我方尤其对RH60系列的瓷器特别感兴趣,您能给我方最优惠的报盘吗?Z: 您真是眼光独到,您看中的这个系列的瓷器一共有四种不同款,他们是清代和明代青花瓷的高仿品,一流的材质结合精美的做工使之成为市场上的畅销品。这是我们最近的价目单。上面的价格以我们最后确认为准,您可以看出价格是合理的。N: You really have a unique vision, the series which you are fond of including 4 different models. Those blue and white porcelains are

9、 high imitation goods of Qing and Ming Dynasty. This is our latest price list. All the prices on the list are subject to our final confirmation. You can see the price is favorable.W: How long will you leave your offer open?D: 报价的有效期是多长时间?Z: 有效期是3天。N: Its valid for 3 days.W: Does the offer include an

10、y commission for us?D: 这个报价包括我们的佣金了吗?Z: 这个报价包括你方2%的佣金。N: This price includes a 3% commission.W: All you quotations CIF?D: 你方所有的报价都是到岸价吗?Z: 是的,但如果你方想要离岸价的话,我方也可以报。N: Yes. But we can offer you FOB if you like.Scene 3: Price Discussion 1(价格周旋1)W: You prices seem to be on the high side and out of line w

11、ith the prevailing market level. To accept the prices you quote would leave us with only a small profit on our sales since this is an area in which the principal demand is for articles in the medium price range. We hope to get your lowest prices of the relevant goods.D: 你方报价似乎偏离与现行的市场水平不符。接受你方报价我方只能

12、获取很少的利润。而且我方地区主要需求的是价格适中的商品。我们希望获悉有关商品的最低价。Z: 您知道我们的产品在市场上很有竞争力,它美丽优雅的设计结合一流的工艺定能吸引最挑剔的买家,如果你方大量订货,价格是可以讨论的,能否谈谈你方所需的数量?N: You know that our products are very competitive in the market, the beauty and elegance of our designs coupled with the superb workmanship should appeal to the discriminating buy

13、ers. If you place a large order, the prices are negotiable. Could you tell me the quantity of your order?W: We are planning to order 1000 pieces of Model RH60. As you said this series have 4 models, we are willing to order them in equally amount. D: 我们计划订购1000件RH60款瓷器。如你所说这一系列有四款,我方想等量订购。Z: 这真是一笔很大的

14、交易,我方可以考虑给您5%的折扣,希望能让你方满意。N: Well, thats a large order. we can think about offer you 5% discount of the prices, which I hope will be satisfactory to you.Scene 4: Price Discussion 2(价格周旋二)W: Im sorry to say that its still unacceptable. As there is a growing demand for this article, we have to ask you

15、 for a special discount.D: 很遗憾,这个报价我们还是不能接受,鉴于我方市场对此货的需求日增,务必请您考虑给予特殊折扣。W: Miss Zhao, to come straight to the point, our business could be mutually beneficial. We have another offer for a similar one at a much lower price. Please carefully consider our proposal, which will lead to a larger business

16、between us.D: 赵女士,坦白的说,我们的合作对双方都是有利的。我们另外得到的相似产品的报价比这低的多,请仔细考虑我方的提议,它可带动我们之间更大的交易。Z: 那么,您觉得什么价位合适?N: Well, then, what prices is proper for you?W: As we do business on the basis of mutual benefit, we suggest our commission will be raised to 5%, in addition, if you can reduce the price by 4%, we will

17、order 200 pieces more.D: 我们都是在互利的基础上做生意,我建议我方的佣金提到5%,此外,如果你方能降价3%,我方将多订购200件。Z: 这样的话,让我看看,要是这么大量,又考虑到原料成本的问题的话,我们可以给你方5%的佣金,但是4%的折扣是我方的底线了。如果你们考虑一下质量问题的话,我们的价格是很有竞争性的。这是我们所能提供的最优惠的报价了。N: Then, let me check. For the large quantity you ask, considering the cost of raw materials, your commission can be

18、 raised to 5%, but a 4% discount is our bottom line. If you consider the quality of our products, you will easily find that our prices are highly competitive, and this is the lowest prices Im offering you as I can go.W: Miss Zhao, there is no doubt that you have wide contacts in the market, we dont

19、think we have to stress that our counter-offer is well founded. It is in line with the international market.D: 赵女士,毫无疑问你们的市场联系很广泛,我们无须再三说明我们的还盘是很有依据的,它符合国际市场的行情。W: Miss Zhao, I dont see how I can pull this business though. Lets make a concession together. Mutual efforts will carry us a step forward.

20、D: 赵女士,我不知道怎样才能把这笔生意做成,让我们各让一步吧,共同努力才能让我们向前迈步。Z: 但是我们的价格是公平合理的。N: But what we have given is a reasonable price.Scene 5: Price Discussion 3 (价格周旋三)W: How about this? We accept the discount you provided. You take the commission we asked. Besides, if you accept our counter-offer, well advise our client

21、s to buy from you.D: 这样好不好?我方接受你方给的佣金,你方接受我方要求的折扣。此外,如果你接受我们的还盘,我们将推荐客户向你方购买。Z: 好吧,作为友谊的表示,我们接受你方对1000件青花瓷的还盘,我方给予你方5%的佣金。如果你方多订购200件,我方将给予你方3%的折扣,全部报离岸价。N: All right. As a token of friendship, we accept your counter-offer for porcelains for 1000 pieces that we offer you a 5% commission. If you orde

22、r 200 pieces more, we will reduce the price by 3%. All quotations FOB.W: We appreciate your efforts and cooperation and hope that this will be the fore-runner of other transactions between us in future.D: 我们感谢你方的努力与合作,我希望这笔交易将是今后更多交易的开始。Scene 6:Terms of payment (支付方式的协商)W: Im glad to say that were s

23、ettled the price, quality and quantity of the transaction. Now what about the terms of payment?D: 很高兴我们已谈妥了这笔交易的价格,质量,数量等问题。现在谈谈付款方式吧?Z: 嗯,同新客户打交道时,我们希望采用保兑的、不可撤销的、见装船单据的付款的信用证付款方式。N: Well, when we deal with a new customer, we want the payment to be made by confirmed and irrevocable letter of credit

24、, payable against shipping documents.W: Payment by L/C is the safest method, but rather complicated. Could you make an exception and accept D/A or D/P?D: 信用证付款是最安全的付款方式,但相当复杂。你们能不能破例接受承兑交单或付款交单?Z: 恐怕不行。这是我们的惯例,因为这样我们就可以保证得到正确的付款金额。N: Im afraid not. This is our usual practice, because were sure well

25、get the right amount of money that way.W: The point is that to open an L/C with a bank does mean additional expense. When we open a letter of credit with a bank, we have to pay a deposit. Thatll tie up my money and increase my cost.D: 问题是在银行开信用证意味着额外的费用。在银行开信用证时我得付一笔佣金,这样会占用我的资金,因而会增加成本。Z: 很抱歉,这没办法。

26、因为这笔交易额大,而且目前国际金融市场很不稳定,所以我们除了接受信用证付款外,不能接受其他的付款方式。N: Im sorry that cant be helped. Since the total amount is very large and the world monetary market is rather unstable at the moment, we can not accept any terms of payment other than Letter of Credit.W: If that is the case, do you think you could a

27、ccept a time L/C and allow us to delay payment, say, 40 days after sight?D: 如果的确如此,您能接受远期信用证并推迟付款期吗?如见票后40天付款?Z: 即期信用证付款在国际贸易中很常见,我们一般要求通过即期信用证付款。你和开证行商量一下,看他们能否把押金减少到最低限度。N: Payment by sight L/C is quite usual in international trade. We usually demand payment by L/C available by draft at sight. You

28、 can consult your bank and see if they can reduce the required deposit to a minimum.W: Still, there will be bank charges in connection with the credit. It would help me greatly if you would accept D/A or D/P. You can draw on me just as if there were a letter of credit. It makes no big difference to

29、you, but, does to me.D: 即使那样,开立信用证还是要支付银行手续费,假如您能接受承兑交单或付款交单,这就帮我大忙了,您就当作是信用证一样向我开汇票。这对您来说区别不大,但是对我来说就大不一样了。Z: 您应该知道,不可撤销的信用证给出口商增加了银行的担保。现在的国际市场不稳定,如果价格下跌,没有人能够阻止,这会给我们带来麻烦。N: Well, you must be aware that an irrevocable L/C gives the exporter additional protection form the bankers guarantee. The pr

30、esent international market is unstable. Nobody can stop a possible decline in prices, which would bring lots of troubles to us.W: To meet you half way, what do you say if 50% by L/C and the balance by D/P?D: 我们都各让一步吧,货价的50%用信用证,其余的采用付款交单怎么样?Z: 为了鼓励更多订货,我们可以考虑您的要求。N: In order to encourage more orders

31、, we could consider your request.W: Thank you. Youve been most helpful. We shall open an irrevocable L/C in your favor 30 days before the date of shipment.D: 感谢您的帮助,我方将在装运期前30天开立以你方为受益人的信用证。Z: 信用证的有效期是多长?N: How long is the validity of the L/C?W: It should be valid for 20 days after the date of shipm

32、ent.D: 应该是装运日期后的20天。Z: 早收到信用证就能早装货。N: The sooner we get your L/C, the sooner shipment can be effected.W: Thank you very much.D: 多谢。Z: 能帮助您我很高兴。N: Im glad to be of help.Scene 7:Packing and shipment (包装和装运)W: There is another thing we have to discuss. That is the packing for the blue and white porcela

33、ins. Id like to know the details about the packing.D: 我们还有一件事要商量,那就是青花瓷的包装问题,我想了解一些细节。Z: 好的,我们通常使用硬纸板箱包装,在纸箱内会进行很好的填充。N: Ok, we usually use cardboard boxes for porcelains. They will be well padded in the boxes.W: Why use cardboard boxes? Im afraid the cardboard boxes are not strong enough for such a

34、 heavy load.D: 为什么要用硬纸箱呢?恐怕纸板箱不够结实,经受不住这么重的货物。Z: 纸箱比较轻,因而容易搬运。纸箱不会和重物一起堆放,搬运工人会注意到这一点。此外我们还会用铁皮带加固。N: The boxes are comparatively light, and therefore easy to handle. They wont be stowed away with the heavy cargo. The stevedores will see that. Besides, well reinforce the cardboard boxes with straps.

35、W: But you know the dampness or rain will easily get into cardboard boxes.D: 但是你知道湿气和雨水很容易就会进入纸箱的。Z: 您不用担心这一点。我们已经采取了防水措施,我们所有的货物都是用纸箱包装的,到目前为止还没有任何人向我们抱怨这种包装。N: You neednt worry about this at all. We have taken measures to prevent the boxes from getting wet. All our goods were packed in this kind o

36、f boxes, and by present there has been no one who complains about such packing.W: But we are still worry about it, you know the porcelains are fragile goods.D: 但我们还是很担心,因为瓷器是易碎物品。Z: 您请放心,我们对瓷器包装进行了特殊处理,它们将被置于泡沫装置里,为确保箱内物品安全,我们还会在箱外标记“易碎品”字样。N: Take it easy. We will do some special packing for the po

37、rcelains. They are going to be wrapped in some type of bubble wrap and in order to make sure the porcelains are very secure inside. We will mark on the cartons “fragile”.W: Well, we dont want to take any risk. Beside, cardboard boxes are easy to cut open, and this increases the risk of pilferage.D:

38、额,我们不想冒险。再说,纸箱很容易被割开,这就增加了被偷盗的风险,Z: 纸箱弄破是很容易检查出来的,我说这恰恰可以防止盗窃。纸箱是很适合搬运的,对于运出口的大陆港口的货物我们广泛采用纸箱,而且我们的保险公司承担水渍险和盗窃险以及提不着货险时也同意使用这种包装。N: Tampering with cartons is easily detected. I should say that this rather discourages pilferage. And cartons are very suitable for sea transportation; they are extensiv

39、ely used in order shipment to destination ports. Whats move, our insurance company has also approved such packaging for WPA and TPND.W: If you could guarantee compensation in case the insurance company refuses to honor a claim for faulty packaging, we would be quite willing to accept cardboard boxes

40、.D: 如果保险公司以包装不当为由而拒绝接受索赔您能保证赔偿的话,我们就乐意接受纸箱。Z: 对不起,我们不能承担任何超出我们职权范围的责任。我们可以保证包装适合海运,但不能对每一种损失负责。如果您坚持,我们可以使用木箱,但包装费要高得多。N: Im sorry, but we cant take on any responsibility that is beyond our functions and powers. Well make sure that the packaging is seaworthy, but we cant commit ourselves to being re

41、sponsible for every kind of mishap. Well use wooden cases if you insist, but the cost will be much higher.W: How much should it be added?D: 会增加多少?Z: 每个木箱要多付6美元,并且还要推迟交货时间,大约要推迟一个月。N: Youll have to pay another $6 for each wooden case. And it will delay the delivery for approximately one month.W: Well

42、, in that case, I think wed better uses cardboard boxes, owing to we are in urgent need of this order. D: 好吧,那样的话,我们还是用纸箱吧, 因为我们急需此批订货。W: Now, Miss Zhao, let's come to the delivery. How long does it normally take you to ship an order?D: 现在,赵女士,我们来谈谈装运的问题吧。通常需要多长时间可以装运所定的货?Z: 差不多一个月。N: almost a m

43、onth.W: Can you make prompt shipment? If we place our goods on the market at a time when all other importers have already sold theirs at profitable prices, we shall lose out.D: 您能立即装运吗?如果我方货物投放市场时其他的进口商已经以盈利的价格在销售,我方就落后了。Z: 由于我们的生产商承诺过多,我们的工人现在正三班倒加急赶工,即便那样,恐怕我们还是很难立即装运。N: Since our manufacturers ar

44、e heavily committed, although our workers are working in three shifts, Im afraid that we still can not ship them right away.W: We know there's a great demand on shipping lately.D: 我们知道近期装运的需求很多。Z: 是这样的。昨晚我收到我们装运部门的通知,一直到下个月底运往纽约的舱位已经被预订满了,恐怕我们很难做什么。N: That is so. I was informed by our shipping d

45、epartment yesterday that liner space for New York had been fully booked up to the end of next month. I'm afraid we can do very little about it.W: Is here any chance if transshipment is allowed?D: 如果允许转船,有没有可能尽快发货?Z: 但是转船增加了费用和损坏的风险,有时还可能会延迟到达时间,因为转运到纽约的轮船舱位可能不足。不管怎样,我们会尽力试试。我们与香港的中国资源运输和存储公司有很好的

46、联系。该公司在装运界享有盛誉,而且因为它与世界许多著名装运公司都有长期代理协议,它能很容易的满足客户的不同要求。N: But transshipment adds to the expenses, risks of damage and sometimes may delay arrival, because there's also a shortage of transshipment space for New York. Anyhow, we'll try. We have good connections with the China Resources Shippi

47、ng & Storage Co.Ltd. in Hong Kong. The company has a great reputation for its competence in the shipping world. And since it has long-term agency agreements with many world famous shipping companies, it can easily meet the clients' varied demands.W: We prefer direct shipment, of course, but

48、if you can't get hold of a direct vessel, we may agree to have the goods transshipped at Hong Kong. You know, good quality, competitive price, all would mean nothing if goods could not be put on the market on time.D: 我们偏向于使用直运,当然,如果你方无法订到直达的船,我们也同意货物在香港转运。你知道,再好的质量,再有竞争力的价格,如果货物不能及时被投放到市场,一切都成空了

49、。Z: 是的,完全可以理解。我们会及时联系货轮的预订情况。N: Yes, fully understood. We'll find out the situation about the connecting steamer right away.W: In spite of this, we wonder if the goods in question will reach us earlier than the originally scheduled time.D: 尽管如此,我们仍然怀疑这批货能否比原定时间更早的到达我方。Z: 我们会尽力尽快装运。请您放心,我们公司在市场上的

50、信誉很好,货物会分两批从五月开始等量装运。N: We will try our best to make the shipment as soon as possible. Take it easy, our corporation have a good reputation in the market, shipment is to be made in 2 equal monthly installments beginning from May.W: Thank you, Miss Zhao. We are sorry if these arrangements cause you a

51、 lot of inconvenience. We are really grateful for your cooperation. D: 非常感谢您,赵女士。如果这些安排给您带去了不便我们深表歉意,非常感谢您的合作.Z: 不用客气。装船结束后48小时内,我方会将合同号、品名、数量、发票金额、船名、及出港日期等用传真通知贵方。N: You do not mention it. Within 48 hours after loading, we will inform you via fax of the contract number, commodity name, quantity, i

52、nvoice, name of vessel and date of departure, etc.W: Good. Lets call it a deal. Wish a pleasant cooperation.D: 好的,就这么决定吧。希望合作愉快!Scene 8: Signing the ContractZ: 既然我们已经商定了所有的事宜,现在来签合同吧。请看一下合同中所列的条款是否符合要求。N: Now that we have agreed on all the matters. Lets sign the contract. Please go over it and see i

53、f everything is in order.W: Okay. Let me read it over. Don't you think we should add a sentence here like this: If one side fails to observe the contract, the other side is entitled to cancel it, and the loss for this reason should be charged by the side breaking the contract。D: 好的,我仔细看一下。我觉得我们应

54、该在这儿加上一句话:如果一方不履行合同协议,另一方有权终止合同。造成的损失必须由毁约方承担。Z: 没问题。我方认为所有的条款都需双方达成共识。你对这一条款有何看法?N: That's OK. I think all the terms should meet with unanimous agreement. Do you have any comment on this clause?W: It is acceptable, but the time of payment should be prolonged 2 to 3 months.D: 我方认为这一条款没问题,但是付款时间应该延长两到三个月。Z: 我们通常习惯于一个月付款,但是为了我们双方的友谊,我方可将付款时间修改为两个月。N: Usually we accustomed to payment with one month, but for the sake of the friendship between us, we'll fix it at two months.W: You are so considerate. No wonder everyone speak


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