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1、课题】Unit4 How do you get to school? SectionA 1a-1c(1)(1课时)【学习目标】 1.识记交通工具的词汇。2.学会与他人简单交流上学的方式。【重点,难点】 识记交通工具的词汇及乘坐同一交通工具的不同表达。【导学指导】 温故知新: 与搭档谈论play sports、watch TV、surf the Internet及do homework的频率。知识链接: at(到达小地方)arrivein(到达大地方)到达之三种表达:get to reach例如:He arrives at school at 6:oo every morning. He get

2、s to school at 6:00 every morning. He arrived in Beijing yesterday. He reaches school at 6:00 every morning.He _ Canada yesterday. A. gets B. arrived C. reached D. arrived at.自主学习:1.根据第一张图片第一、第二行提示完成剩余图片第一、第二行要求。特别注意第5、第6副图片。 _train_ _ _take the train_ _ _ I take the train to school. _ _I get to sch

3、ool by train. _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _ _2.小组讨论自学结果并大声朗读。注意:第5、第6张图片的答案和其他图片有什么不同。3.积极参与老师组织的快速英汉互译活动(老师或某个学生说出以上汉语或词组或句子,学生迅速站起说出相应的英语或汉语。老师也可以其他形式来组织)4.浏览1b题目,弄清题意。并熟悉五个名字及图片中不同人所在的位置及他们上学的交通方式。5.听磁带,完成1b题意要求。6.小组讨论听力结果。7.根据所听信息及第一张图片第3、第4行提示完成其余图片第3、第4行。注意:第5、第6张图片会和其他图片一样吗?8.根据下边mode

4、l conversation所示使用以上图片中的信息进行小组活动。A: How do you get to school? B: I take the train to school./ I get to school by train.A: How does she/he get to school? C: She/he takes the train./ She gets to school by train. 9.争取机会展示你们小组的作品。【课堂练习】一、用所给词的适当形式填空。1He often (ride ) to school, but sometimes he (walk) t

5、o school.2.My mother always ( go ) to work by bus3. Tom never ( take) the train to school .4.Yesterday I ( walk) to school .5.How ( do ) your sister get to school ?二、将下列句子改为同义句1I often go to school by bus . I often a bus school.2Jane rides the bike to work on Mondays. Jane goes to work on Mondays .3

6、He gets to school on foot every day. He to school every day .【要点归纳】take 和 by 都有“乘、坐”之意。 Take 是一个动词,后面接具体的交通工具,且在该交通工具前一般应有冠词;而 by 是一个介词,它后面所跟的表示交通工具的名词前一般不用冠词等修饰语. by+交通工具的短语在句中修饰动词等作状语。如: 格林先生常乘火车去上班:Mr. Green often goes to work by train. /Mr. Green often takes a train to work. 【拓展练习】1.-_ do you us

7、ually go shopping? -By bike. A. How long B. How often C. How D. Where2. How does Mary get to school? -She gets to school _.A. by bus B. take bus C. takes a bus D. by a bus3. When did Jim _ the bus stop? A. get B. get to C. arrive to D. get on4. Do you usually _ to go to school? A. ride bike B. by a

8、bike C. by bike D. ride a bike【总结反思】【课题】Unit4 How do you get to school? SectionA 2a-2d(2)(1课时)【学习目标】 1.识记数字1-100并学会使用它们。2.学会谈论不同人上班、上学的不同交通方式及所花费的时间。3.提高自己听和说的能力。【重点,难点】 识记数词1-100。使用take表述花费时间。【导学指导】 温故知新:一、一二组、三四组同学分别用英语数出自己所在两组的男、女生数。二、写出下列数字的英语。1_;2_;3_;4_;5_;6_;7_;8_;9_;10_;11_; 12_; 13_; 14_; 1

9、5_;16_; 17_;18_;19_;20_;21_;22_;23_。知识链接:英语中“花费”之四种表达“take、spend、cost、pay”的区别主语“花费”之四种表达所搭配的介词固定搭配人spend onspend on sth (某物):某人花费在上spend(in)doing sth:某人花费 做人pay forpayfor:某人为 付了多少钱物cost / /It(习惯是形式主语)take/It takes sb.( 某人) some time/some money to do sth:做花费某人多少时间或钱 请根据以上图表选择正确单词完成下列各题。took spent pai

10、d cost1.He _ one and a half hours doing his math homework yesterday afternoon.2.This skirt _ her 200 dollars.3.My parents _ 90 RMB for that nice pet pig.4.It _ us the whole day to clean our classroom last week.自主学习:1.借助单词表的帮助将下列数字的英语写在横线上。32_; 40_; 50_; 60_; 70_; 80_;90_;100_。2.跟着磁带大声朗读以上单词并思考3-9与13

11、-19和20、30、40、50、60、70、80、90这些词之间有什么样的规律。请讨论你们发现的规律并将其写在下列横线上。_3.浏览2b题目并按要求完成2b。4.讨论2b结果并大声朗读它们。5.浏览2c题目,并根据题意要求讨论交流听音之前及听音过程中应如何做才能最大限度地帮助大家准确完成题目要求。6.按照交流经验做好准备后开始听磁带,完成题意要求。7.与其他同学及老师交流听音结果。8.小组大声朗读2d对话并找到与知识链接部分相联系的句子。如果要求你们用其它两个表花费的词来改写这个句子,又应该是什么样子的?请将你们改写的句子写在下边的横线上。_ _9.与其他小组交流改写的结果。【课堂练习】根据下

12、列图表中的内容与搭档制作属于你们自己的对话。注意我们在第一单元所学到过的号数所对应的频度副词。Family membersFatherMother SisterYouA: How do you get to school?B: I always walk to school /get to school on foot, of course I never take the plane to school.A: How does your father go to work?B: 【要点归纳】 说出1100这些数词之间的规律;表达乘坐不同交通方式的方法及用不同的词表达所花费的时间。【拓展练习】

13、一、选择正确选项1. It will take the men half a year _ the work. A. finish B. finishing C. to finish D. finishes 2. I often go to work _. A. ride my bike B. by bike C. by a bike D. on bike 二、用方框中所给词或词组的正确形式填空,每个词或词组只用一次。(10分) be different from; help. with; take the subway; think of; get to; look after; on fo

14、ot; have a picnic; forty; grow up 1. My mother was out, so I had to _ my little sister at home. 2. What about _ in the park on Sunday? 3. Miss Gao often _ to work. 4. The weather in China_ _that in America. 5. The twins were born in New York, but they_ in London. 6. He _ school at 7:30 every day. 7.

15、 -What do you _the Chinese people? -They are very friendly. 8. “Walk to school” means “go to school _”. 9. Today is my fathers _ birthday. 10. She often _ me _ my English. 【总结反思】【课题】Unit4 How do you get to school? SectionA 3a-4(3)(1课时)【学习目标】 1.学会谈论不同人上班、上学的交通方式、两地距离及所需要的时间。2.提高自己说和读的能力。【重点,难点】 使用“ h

16、ow、how long、how far”来谈论去某地的方式、距离和所需时间。【导学指导】 温故知新:1.根据图片按照提示完成下列图表。take the train to school.go to school by train 2.再次写出下列数字的英语。1_; 2_; 3_; 4_; 5_; 6_; 7_; 8_;9_; 10_; 11_; 12_; 13_; 14_; 15_;16_; 17_; 18_; 19_; 20_; 21_;22_; 23_。自主学习:1.快速浏览3a中的文章,将所给问题的答案填写在横线上。 2.根据3a中的文章,翻译下列词组。距离学校10公里_; 离开去某地_;

17、 早班车_;在六点半左右_; 公交车站_; 公交车程_;火车车程_; 多长时间_; 多远_。3.根据文章内容勾出正确的答案。1.distance(距离) from home to school15 kilometers10 kilometers2.get upat 6:20at 6:003.shower4.have a quick breakfast5.leave for school at 6:30at around 6:306.ride the bike to the bus station10 minutes20 minutes7.the early bus35 minutes25 mi

18、nutes4.根据上表复述3a的文章。5.小组讨论3b中第一幅图片和对话,找到图片和对话之间的联系。6.根据它们之间的联系及所给对话两人一组制作对话。7.争取机会展示你们的成果。8.师生共同交流2、3、4对话。【课堂练习】1.I think it may _ them about two hours to do the work. A. start B. pay C. make D. take 2.Class was over. All the students stopped _ and left.A. write B. to write C. writing D. wrote 3.-_ d

19、o you usually come to school in the morning? -By bike. A. What B. Where C. When D. How 4. _ too much is bad for your health. A. Watching TV B. Watch TV C. Taking a walk after supper D. Take a walk after supper 5.The old man goes to the park _ every morning. A. by foot B. by feet C. on foot D. on fee

20、t 6.-_ does it take? -It takes about half an hour. A. What time B. When C. How D. How long 【要点归纳】口译自主学习中2里边的词组;区别how、how long、how far。【拓展训练】 仿照3a文章,根据下列图片及下边提示写出关于你的文章。 总距离:5milesget up at 6:00 have breakfast walk/5minutes take the bus/20 minutes get to school/7:00【总结反思】【课题】Unit4 How do you get to s

21、chool? SectionB 1a-2c(4)(5课时)【学习目标】 1.识记并运用bus stop, bus station, train station, subway station这几个词。2.提高自己的听力技巧。3.能识别出宾语从句及其引导词。4.能区别特殊疑问句的语序和宾语从句的语序。【重点,难点】 在英语语速很快的情况下记录下重要的信息;宾语从句的要领。【导学指导】 温故知新:1.请回忆昨天所学内容并完成下列词组翻译。距离学校10公里_; 离开去某地_; 早班车_;在六点半左右_; 公交车站_; 公交车程_;火车车程_; 多长时间_; 多远_。2.说出how long、how

22、far、how many、how much、how often、how soon、how old、how 这些特殊疑问词的相同点和不同点。知识链接:He asked a question. He asked where the boy comes from.?主语 谓语 宾语 主语 谓语 宾语从句注:当宾语由一个句子来充当的时候,我们就把这个句子称作宾语从句。 一、请比较1、2、3中的句子,找到他们之间的不同点,并猜想为什么?并根据你找到的规律补充完成4后边的两个句子。1.Where does the boy come from? He asked where the boy comes fr

23、om. 2.What is the boy doing now? My father asks me what the boy is doing.3.What did you do last week? Could you tell me what you did last week?4.How often does she exercise? I want to know _.5.How far did it take you to get to school? Could you please tell us _?二、请比较1、2、3中的句子,找到他们之间的规律,并根据规律补充完成4、5后

24、边的两个句子。1. Can you speak French? I want to know whether/if you can speak French.2. Did he have fun playing basketball? Can you tell me whether/if you had fun playing basketball?3. Are they from Australia? She asks me whether/if they are from Australia.4. Is the alien running after the people? The rep

25、orter asks us _.5. Do the girls love playing badminton? Our teacher wants to know _.三、请比较1、2、3中的句子,找到他们之间的规律,并根据规律补充完成4、5后边的两个句子。1. Her father is an engineer. She tells us (that )her father is an engineer.2. His favorite subject is science. I know (that) his favorite subject is science.3. Lucy often

26、 exercises on weekdays. All of us disagree( that) Lucy exercises on weekdays.4. Wang Qi usually takes the train to school. Mr. Liu tells us _.5. Chairman will take No.123 Flight to Italy. The reporter says _.四、请你们根据对一、二、三的理解,完成下列问题。1. 上述一中左边的五个是_句,使用了_语序?右边的五个是_句,使用了_语序?左边的特殊疑问词在右边的句子中又充当了_词?2. 上述一中

27、左边的五个是_句,使用了_语序?右边的五个是_句,使用了_语序?相比左边,右边的句子中多了_或_, 它们也是_词,汉语意思是_。3. 上述一中左边的五个是_句,使用了_语序?右边的五个是_句,使用了_语序?相比左边,右边的句子中多了_, 它们也是_词,我们可以将它们_。4. 请在下边写出三个不同类型的宾语从句。_自主学习:1.Complete 1a with the help of the four pictures and tell the differences between “stop”and “station”(参照图片完成1a并辨析 “stop”和“station”两个词)。 2.

28、Check the answer of 1a and practice reading these words in it(核对1a答案并朗读里边的单词)。3.Pairwork to practice making conversations imitating the model conversation from 1b and try to take the chance to show your conversation.(两人一组模仿1b中的对话按要求制作自己的对话并争取机会展示你们的对话)4.Look through the five sentences in 2a and grou

29、p work to discuss what kind of sentences they are with the help of Language Link(知识链接) as well as the meaning。(浏览2a中的5个句子并在知识链接的帮助下讨论它们属于什么类型的句子及其意思) 5.Try to describe the pictures in 2b in groups and make sure that each group member understands the requirement of 2a and 2b.(小组试着描述2b中的图片并确保每一位小组成员弄清

30、楚2a、2b的题目要求)6.Listen to the tape and complete 2a and 2b. Then check the answer(听磁带,完成2a、2b的要求;然后核对答案)7.Group work to describe the checked pictures. You can look through the listening material of 2a and 2b if necessary before you describe it.(小组描述被勾到的图片。如果有必要,你可以在描述之前浏览它们的听力材料。)8.Take the chance to s

31、how yourselves.【课堂练习】A: Hi, Nancy. _ (1)? B: I live in Wuhua District. A: _ (2) do you live from school? B: I live five miles from school. A: _ (3) do you get to your school? B: By bike, sometimes on foot. A: _ (4) does it take you to get to school by bike? B: About ten minutes. 【要点归纳】回顾宾语从句的相关知识。【拓

32、展训练】 1. I dont know _. A. what does he like best B. what he like best C. what he does like best D. what he likes best 2. Can you tell me _?A. where she lives B. where does she live C. she lives where D. where she live3. He asked me _.A. what time is it B. what time it is C. what time was it D. what

33、time it was4. Do you know _?A. how much did it cost B. how much it did cost C. how much it cost D. how much does it cost【总结反思】【课题】Unit4 How do you get to school? Section B 3a-4(5)(1课时)【学习目标】 1.识记并运用3a、3b中出现的重要单词和词组。2.提高自己的阅读能力。3.提高自己的写作技巧和能力。【重点,难点】 相同交通方式的不同表达;写作技巧的把握和写作能力的提升。【导学指导】温故知新 1.小组活动罗列出所学

34、过的交通方式及其对应的另一种相同的表达方式。例如:go to school by bike = take the bike to school2.翻译下列词组。全部_; 大多数_; 许多_; 一些_; 其他_; 一小部分_。自主互助学习 一、浏览3a的文章,试一试,看看你能否快速、准确的完成下列短语的翻译。1. 在北美_; 2. 在南美_; 3. 在世界的其他地方 _;4. 视而定_; 5. 乘船去上学_; 6 更有趣的多_;7.与 不一样_; 8. 三种最受欢迎的到校方式_; 9. 最受欢迎的交通方式_。二、同老师核对答案,后大声朗读并识记它们。三、用心阅读3a中的5个句子,弄清它们的意思,

35、并对照文章判断正误。四、小组核对答案并讨论自己做出选择的原因。五、再次阅读文章并根据文章内容填写下列图表。How do students around the world get to schoolIn North AmericaIn other parts of the world In Japan5.6.In places where there are rivers and lakes like Hongshanhu and Kaishandao1.Most students3.Students usuallyStudents usually.六、对照以上图表,尝试复述课文。七、争取机会


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