



1、五年级英语期中练习姓名_ 班级_ 成绩_一. 听力A.听录音,选出与录音相符合的一项,并将其字母编号填在题前的括号里10%( )1.A. plant trees B. pick up leaves C. play sports( )2.A. write a letter B. write a report C. write an e-mail( )3.A over there B. over here C. around there( )4.A. Jack is cooking dinner in the kitchen. B. Jack is listening to music in th

2、e living roomC. Jack is reading a book in the study.( )5. A. Im taking a picture, a picture of a monkey. B. Im drawing a picture, a picture of an elephant. C. Im taking a picture, a picture of a panda.B.根据你在录音中听到的问题,将下面每组答句中最合适的答案选出来,并将其字母编号填在句子前面的括号里(10分)( )1. A. Yes, it is . B. It is in September.

3、 C. It is in the afternoon( )2. A. He is doing an experiment. B. He often does an experiment. C. We like doing an experiment.( )3. A. I like Jan. best. B. I like summer best. C. I like football best.( )4. A. They can swing in the trees. B. They can swim in the river. C. They can jump like a rabbit.(

4、 ) 5. A. I come from Britain.B. They come from Britain.C.Yes,I do.C、听短文,判断下列句子的正误。(用T或F表示) ( ) 1. Mike is a shy boy. ( ) 2. Mike lives at 12 Mill Road. ( )3 . I want to introduce Mike. ( ) 4. He likes painting very much. ( ) 5. Drawing toys is his favourite. 二、词汇A、 看图,选择正确的单词或短语。(在正确答案上画“” )聪明的法国滑稽的

5、1. smart 2. shy 3. Germany active funny France留着长头发弹钢琴唱歌 4. 5. with long hair 5. singing 6. fly a kite beautiful long hair painting play the pianoB. 根据提示填空。(每空一词)5%7. She is good at _ . (绘画)8. She _ singing very much. (喜欢)9. Im in _ Five. (年级)10. _ brother is clever. (你的)11. I have a big _ . (鼻子)C、

6、用所给词的适当形式填空。5%12. What class _ you in? (be)13. Our new PE teacher is very _. (friend)14. I _ Bob. (be)15. We all like _ in the club. (dance)16. Carl _ short hair. ( have )三、单项选择( ) 1. Do you like books?A. read B. reads C. reading( ) 2. What's name?A. he B. you C. your( ) 3. you like maths?A. Do

7、B. Are C. Is( ) 4. Can you ?A. singing B. painting C. dance( ) 5. Welcome our classroom.A. in B. to C. on ( ) 6. Is the girl good _ dancing ?A. atB. onC. in( ) 7. Lets _ a song together. A. singingB. singC. sings( ) 8. - _ Mary like playing football? - No, she doesnt. A. DoesB. IsC. Can( ) 9. My mot

8、her and I both like _ very much. A. writingB. writeC. writeing( ) 10. He sings _ , doesnt he? A. very goodB. very wellC. very smart( )11、当你觉得Tom很有趣时,你可以和别人说:A . He looks funny. B . He looks smart.( )12、你弟弟是一个聪明的男孩,你应夸奖他说:A . You're a clever boy. B . You're an active boy.( )13、你应这样表达“我们是双胞胎兄弟

9、”A . We are twin sisters. B . We are twin brothers. ( )14、你应这样表达“我们是个幸福的家庭“A . We are a family. B . We are a happy family.四、看图完成句子15%AGE: 10 1. _ _ is he? _ _. 2. I am Ben Im eleven. I _ _ Britain. 3. Where _ you _ _? I _ _ Japan. 4. _ her _? Shes an actor. 5.Whats_name? _ name is Cathy. 五、补全短文 (选词并

10、将单词填写到横线上)long comes looks big twelve playing play singing at in Let me introduce my new friend _the art club. Shes Anna. Shes_. She _ from Australia. She has yellow _ hair and _ blue eyes. She _ very friendly. Shes good _ maths. She likes _ the piano and I like _ and dancing. So we can _ together.六

11、、阅读理解并完成任务 A. 看图,阅读并回答问题。 Mr Black looks young,but he is fiftty-five.He has some children.A son is a doctor.The other Two are studying in England.The daughter is working with her father.Now Mr Black works in a school near here .He likes working in China.He thinks Chinese people are kind and Chinese

12、food is very good.He can speak a little Chinese.So he goes to Chinese classes every day.He says Chinese is not too easy.And he must study hard. Whos she? Hes _ _.78-79.How many children doe she have? He _ _children. 80-81. How old is he? He _ _.82-83.What does his son do? Hes _ _. 84-86. Does Mr Black like China? _, _ _.87-90. Is his daughter working with him? _, _ _.B. 判断( ) 91.Mr Black is a young man.( ) 92.Mr Black likes China


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