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1、.形容词和副词 (一)形容词的基本功能及其在句子中的位置说明人或事物的特征、性质或状态,常用来修饰名词或不定代词的词叫形容词。1形容词作定语,放在名词之前,不定代词之后。e.g.The beautiful girl is my sister.那个漂亮的女孩是我的妹妹。I have something important to tell you.我有重要的事情要告诉你。2作表语,放在系动词之后。e.g.Our school is big and clean.我们的学校又大又干净。I felt terrible this morning.我今天早上感到不舒服。3作宾语补足语,放在宾语之后。e.g.

2、You must keep your eyes closed.你必须闭上眼睛。I find it hard to travel around the big city.我发现在这个大城市旅行很难。4某些形容词放在定冠词之后,变成名词,表示一类人。常见词有good/bad,rich/poor,young/old,deaf/blind,black/white,living/dead等。e.g.The rich should help the poor.富人应该帮助穷人。The young should be polite to the old.年轻人应该对老年人有礼貌。(二)形容词比较等级的构成:


4、autifulmore carefulmore beautifulmost carefulmost beautiful在原级前加less,leastimportantusefulless importantless usefulleast importantleast useful不规则变化原级比较级最高级good/well(身体好的)betterbestmany/muchmoremostbad/illworseworstlittlelessleastfarfarther(较远)further(进一步)farthest(最远)furthest(最大程度)oldolderelder(较年长的)o

5、ldesteldest(最年长的)注意:不规则变化的比较级和最高级要背熟。(三)形容词原级用法1说明人或事物自身的特征、性质和状态时用形容词原级。e.g.The flowers in the garden are beautiful.这花园里的花很美。2有表示绝对概念的副词very,so,too,enough,quite等修饰时用形容词原级。e.g.The boy is too young.这男孩太小了。Math is very difficult.数学很难。3表示A与B在某一方面程度相同或不同时用形容词原级。(1)肯定句中的结构:“A+as+形容词原级+as+B”e.g.English is

6、 as interesting as Chinese.英语和语文一样有趣。Xiao Ming is as tall as Jim.小明和吉姆一样高。(2)否定句中的结构:“A+as/so+形容词原级+as+B”e.g.This book isnt as new as that one.这本书不如那本书新。I am not so careful as Lucy.我没有露西仔细。(3)表示“A是B的倍”时,用“A+倍数+as+形容词原级+as+B”结构。(一次:once,两次:twice,三次以上:数字+times)e.g.Our school is three times as big as t

7、heirs.我们学校是他们学校的三倍。This table is twice as long as that one.这张桌子是那张桌子的两倍长。(四)形容词比较级用法1表示两者进行比较时用形容词比较级,最明显的提示词是than,其结构为“A+比较级+than+B”。e.g.Li Leis room is bigger than mine.李雷的房间比我的大。This mooncake is nicer than that one.这块月饼比那块好吃。注意:为了避免重复,在从句中常用the one,that,those等词来替代前面出现过的名词。其中the one替代可数名词单数形式,the

8、ones或those替代可数名词复数形式,that替代不可数名词。e.g.The weather in Beijing is colder than that in Guangzhou in winter.北京的天气比广州的天气冷。2有表示程度的副词a little,a bit,a few,a lot,much,even,still,far,rather,any等修饰时,用形容词比较级。e.g.I feel even worse now.我现在觉得更难受了。It is much colder today than before.今天比以前冷得多。3表示两者之间进行选择“哪一个更”时,用句型“W

9、hich/Who is+形容词比较级,A or B"”表示。e.g.Who is taller, Li Ming or Wang Tao"李明和王涛哪一个高一些.Which sweater is more beautiful, the yellow one or the pink one"哪一件毛衣更漂亮,黄色还是粉红色的.4表示“几倍于”时,用“倍数+比较级+than”表示。e.g.I am three years older than you.我比你大三岁。5表示“两者之间最一个(of the two)”时,常用“the+比较级”结构。e.g.Mary is

10、the taller of the twins. Mary是双胞胎中的高个子。6表示“越来越”,用比较级重叠结构,即“比较级+and+比较级”,多音节词和部分双音节词时用“more and more+形容词原级”。e.g.Its getting warmer and warmer in spring.春天天气变得越来越暖和。Our hometown is becoming more and more beautiful.我们的家乡越来越漂亮了。7表示“越就越”时,用“the+比较级,the+比较级”结构。e.g.The more we get together, the happier wel

11、l be.我们越是在一起,就越开心。(五)形容词最高级用法1表示三者或三者以上的人或物进行比较时,用最高级形式。形容词最高级前必须加定冠词the,句末常跟一个in/of短语来表示范围。e.g.He is the strongest of the three boys.在三个男孩子中,他是最强壮的。Shanghai is the biggest city in China.上海是中国最大的城市。2表示在三者或三者以上的人或物进行选择时,用“Which/Who is+the+最高级,A,B or C"”结构。e.g.Which city is the most beautiful, Be

12、ijing, Shanghai or Fuzhou"哪个城市最漂亮,上海还是福州.3表示“最的之一”时,用“one of the+形容词最高级”结构,该形容词后面的名词要用复数形式。e.g.Zhou Jielun is one of the most popular singers.周杰伦是最受欢迎的歌星之一。4形容词最高级前面可以加序数词,表示“第几最”。e.g.The Changjiang River is the first longest river in China. 长江是中国第一大长河。5形容词最高级前面可以有物主代词,指示代词,名词所有格等修饰,但此时不能再用定冠词t

13、he。e.g.This is our last lesson today.这是我们今天的最后一节课。Yesterday was his busiest day.昨天是他最忙的一天。6形容词比较级结构可以表示最高级含义。e.g.Li Lei is the tallest student in his class.李雷是班上最高的学生。=Li Lei is taller than any other student in his class.李雷比班上其他任何一个学生都高。=Li Lei is taller than the other students in his class.李雷比班上其他所

14、有的学生都高。=Li Lei is taller than anyone else in his class.李雷比班上其他任何人都高。(六)使用形容词时易混知识1-ing形容词和-ed形容词-ing形容词-ed形容词例句surprising令人惊讶的surprised感到惊讶的This is a surprising story.I am surprised at the eresting有趣的interested感兴趣的I have an interesting book.He is interested in science.exciting令人兴奋的excited感到兴

15、奋的Have you heard of the exciting news"We are excited about the traveling.pleasing令人愉快的pleased感到愉快、满意的This is a pleasing trip.The teacher is pleased with our performance.frightening令人恐惧的frightened感到恐惧的This is a frightening story.We are frightened of the ghost.moving令人感动的moved受感动的Titanic is a mov

16、ing film.We are moved by Hong Zhanhui deeply.tiring使人疲倦的tired感到疲倦的The speech is very tiring.Are you tired of it"fascinating迷人的fascinated着迷的What a fascinating voice!Many boys are fascinated by computer games.表示主动意义,多指事物对人的影响,一般修饰事物。表示被动意义,多指人对事物的感受,主语一般是人,常用于“sb.+-ed形容词+介词”结构。We are all interest

17、ed in the interesting story.2比较的对象不能相互包容牢记下列结构:比较级+than+any other+单数名词all (the) other+复数名词any one/anybody elseany of the other+复数名词the rest of+复数名词或不可数名词注意:在同一范围内进行比较时,必须把主体排除在被比较的范围之外。e.g.China is larger than any other country in Asia.中国比亚洲其他任何一个国家都大。(同一范围内,只能和其他对象进行比较)China is larger than any coun

18、try in Africa.中国比非洲的任何一个国家都大。(不同范围内,可以和其他任意一个对象进行比较)3在两者进行比较“表示A不如B”时,多音节和部分双音节形容词除使用“notas/so+形容词原级+as”结构外,还可使用“less+形容词原级+than”结构。e.g.I am not as careful as Lily. 我没有Lily仔细。=I am less careful than Lily.4许多形容词加-ly可以构成副词,但有些-ly结尾的词不是副词,而是形容词。friendly(友好的)lonely(孤独的,孤单的)lovely(可爱的,有趣的)likely(有希望的)dai

19、ly(日常的)lively(有生气的,活泼的)上面我们复习了形容词,下面我们复习副词,副词分为“时间副词,如yesterday(昨天);地点副词,如inside(在里面);方式副词,如quickly(快地);程度副词,如very(很);疑问副词,如when(什么时候);关系副词,如why(为什么)。关系副词用来引导定语从句。有些知识如时间、地点,是非常明显的东西,只需要提一下。今天我们主要复习以下几个方面:副词用法(一)副词是用来说明时间、地点、程度、方式等概念的词,主要修饰动词、形容词、其他副词或整个句子。1作状语,用来修饰动词、形容词、其他副词和句子。e.g.Please listen t

20、o me carefully.请你认真地听我讲。The boy is too young.这男孩太小了。Luckily, he was not badly hurt.幸运地,他伤得不是太重。2作表语,表示方位上的变化。e.g.My father will be back in a week.我父亲一周后回来。3作宾语补足语。e.g.Let him in, please.请让他进来。(二)副词的位置1一般作状语时放在谓语动词之后。如果谓语动词带有宾语,副词则放在宾语后面。e.g.We all study hard.我们努力学习。He is drawing a horse carefully.他在

21、认真地画一匹马。2频度副词作状语时放在be动词或助动词、情态动词之后,行为动词之前。e.g.He is always late for school.他总是上学迟到。I oftengo to see my grandparents on Sunday.我经常星期天去看望祖父母。3某些副词是为了强调上下句的衔接,放在句子之前。e.g.Suddenly he had a good idea.突然他想出了一个办法。4enough修饰形容词和副词时,要放在所修饰词之后。e.g.The boy is old enough to go to school.这孩子够大了能去上学。He got up earl

22、y enough to catch up the train.他起得足够早能赶上火车。(三)副词比较等级用法1副词的比较级、最高级的变法和形容词的比较级、最高级变法基本相同。刚才我们已经讲过。2在两者进行比较“表示A不如B”时,部分双音节和多音节副词除使用“notas/so+副词原级+as”结构外,还可使用“less+副词原级+than”结构。e.g.Bill didnt do his homework as carefully as Jim. Bill做作业没有Jim认真。=Bill did his homework less carefully than Jim.3副词最高级前一般不加定冠

23、词the。e.g.Lin Tao did best in English of all.林涛是所有人中英语最好的。4副词比较级不规则变化表原级比较级最高级well(好地)betterbestbadlyworseworstlittlelessleastmuchmoremostfarfartherfarthestfurtherfurthest形容词和副词比较级的用法级别比较程度表达方式和意义例  句备   注原  级同等程度肯定形式As+原级+as(像一样)Art is as interesting as music.Play as well as

24、 you can. 否定形式not + so (as) +原级+as(不如那样)English is not so difficult as science.She does not study so well as I do. 比较级不同程度(用于两者比较)比较级+than(比)Jim is older than Lucy.I like pork better than beef.比较级前面可以加much, far, even, still,a lot, a little, a bit等程度加深比较级+and+比较级(越来越)The + 比较级,the + 比较级(越,

25、越)He is growing taller and taller.He studies better and better.The more books she reads, the better she understand. 最高级最高程度(用于三者或三者以上)The +最高级+of (in)(最)Spring is the best season of the year.Lin Tao jumped (the) farthest of all.副词最高级前面的the 往往省略注意:有些形容词,如 dead, empty, round, sure, woolen 等受本身含义的

26、限制,没有比较级。(四)副词易混知识清单1how long,how soon,how oftenhow long“多久,多长时间”,是对一个持续的时间段提问,常用“for+段时间”和“since+点时间”回答。how soon“多快,多久以后”,是对一个短暂性动词提问,用于一般将来时句子中,常用“in+段时间”回答。how often“多长时间一次”,对频度提问,常用“once,twice,three times a week”等回答。how far“多远”,对距离提问。e.g.How long have you lived in Beijing"你住在北京多久了.For ten y

27、ear.十年了。How soon will your father come back"你父亲多久以后回来.He will come back in a week.他一周后回来。How often do you play football"你多长时间踢一回足球.Once a week.周一次。How far is it from here to your home"这离你家有多远.Only 200 meters away.只有200米远。2hard/hardlyhard“努力地,辛苦地”;“剧烈地,猛烈地”是程度副词。hardly“几乎不”,是否定副词。e.g.W

28、e should study hard as students.作为学生,我们应该努力学习。I can hardly catch up with you, can you walk slowly"我几乎赶不上你了,你能走慢一点吗.3much too/too muchmuch too“非常,极其,太”much和too都是副词,much修饰too,用以加强语气,中心词是too,much too修饰形容词或副词原级。too much“太多”,中心词是much,too修饰much,以加强语气,too much修饰不可数名词。与too many相对,但too many修饰可数名词。e.g.Th

29、e skirt is much too dear.这裙子太贵了。Please dont eat too much ice-cream, its bad for your health.不要吃太多的冷激凌,它对身体不好。There are too many people in the supermarket.超市里人太多了。4too/also/eithertoo一般不用于否定句,常放在句尾。also用于肯定句和疑问句,常放在be动词或助动词之后,行为动词之前。either用于否定句,常放在句尾。e.g.You are a student, I am a student, too.你是学生,我也是

30、学生。They are also students.他们也是学生。I dont like the film,either.我也不喜欢这部电影。5too, enough, sotoo“太,很”,用于“tooto”结构,表示否定意义“太而不能”。enough“足够”,用于“形容词/副词原级+enough to”结构,表示“足够能”。so“如此”,用于“sothat”结构,表示“如此以致”。e.g.The man is too old to look after himself.这人年纪太大了不能照顾自己。The boy runs fast enough to win the game.这男孩跑得足

31、够快能赢。The camera is so expensive that I cant afford it.照相机太贵了,我买不起。6already/yetalready常用于肯定句。yet常用于否定句和疑问句句尾。e.g.I have already finished my homework.我已经完成了家庭作业。Have you finished your homework yet"你完成了你的家庭作业吗.I havent had lunch yet.我还没有吃午餐呢。(五)形容词怎样变成副词一般说来形容词就是形容词,副词就是副词,但也有很多形容词可以加ly来构成副词。heavy

32、heavily loudloudly carefulcarefully clearclearlybeautifulbeautifully happyhappilytruetruly luckluckilyquickquicklybadbadly同学们特别要注意副词修饰行为动词这一点。如:He is very (careful).He does everything (carefully)第一句中是作表语,用adj. careful;第二句中修饰行为动词does用adv. carefully.hard 努力hardly 几乎不 late迟的,晚的lately 近来deep 深deeply 深深地

33、 near靠近nearly 差不多wide 宽widely 广泛地high高的highly 高度地close 靠近的closely 密切地free免费的freely 自由地【基础练习】( ) 1 Your room is _ than mine. A. three time big B. three times big C. three times bigger D. bigger three times( ) 2 When spring comes, it gets_. A. warm and warmB. colder and colder C. warmer and warmer D.

34、shorter and shorter( )3 _ he read the book, _ he got in it. A. The more; the more interesting B. The less; the more interesting C. The more; the more interested D. More; more interested ()4 I like_ one of the two books.A. the older B. oldest C. the oldest D. older() 5 Which do you like _, tea or cof

35、fee"A. well B. better C. best D. most( ) 6 This work is _ for me than for you.A. difficult B. most difficultC. much difficult D. more difficult( ) 7 Who jumped_of all"A. far B. farther C. farthest D. the most far( ) 8 Li Lei is_ student in our class.A. tall B. taller C. tallest D. the tall

36、est( ) 9 Tom is one of _ boys in our class.A. tallest B. taller C. the tallest B. the tall( ) 10 English is one of_ spoken in the world.A. the important languages B. the most important languages C. most important language D. the most important language( )11. Most of the woods _ been taken good care

37、of.A. are B. is C. has D. have( )12 I'm not _ to lift the heavy box.A. short enough B. enough tall C. health enough D. strong enough( )13 Which is_, Li Lei or Wu Tong"A. strong B. strongest C. stronger D. the strongest( )14 Do you have _ to tell us"A. something newB. new something C. a

38、nything new D. new anything( ) 15. Most of the people in Guangdong are getting _.A. more and rich  B. more rich and more richC. richer and richer D. rich and rich写出下列形容词和副词的比较级和最高级。fast _ _ wide _ _ easy _ _small_ _ large_ _ dirty_ _long _ _ rude _ _ busy_ _hot_ _ thin_ _ fat _ _few _ _ go

39、od_ _ little_ _badly_ _ far_ _ difficult_ _much_ _ many _ _ nice _ _用所给形容词和副词的适当形式填空。1. Which lesson is _ (difficult) in Book 2"2. Alice writes _(carefully ) than I.3. This story is _( interesting) than that one.4. That was one of _( exciting) moments in 2008.5. This kind of food must be _( del

40、icious )than that one.6. Beihai park is one of _ (beautiful ) parks in Beijing.7. Whos _(careful), Tom,Jim or Kate"8. That is _(easy) of all.9. He is _(clever )boy in the class.10. John is _( short) than Tom.11. She is _(pretty)girl in the group.12. Which film is _ (interesting),this one or tha

41、t one"13. Can you show me_(near) shop here"14. This bridge is as _ ( long) as that one, but it is much _ (wide) than that one.15. I think English is one of _ (important )subjects in middle school.16. I am only one year _ (young) than you.17. The boy is not so _ (interesting) as his brother

42、.18. Dick sings _ (well), she sings _(well) than John, but Mary sings_(well) in her class.19. She will be much _ (happy) in her new house20. Johns parents have four daughters, and she is the _ (young) child单项选择1.Im shortsighted and I cant see the words on the notice board _.A, clear B, clearly C, ca

43、refully D, good2.Jean works hard but she doesnt work _ Mary.A, as harder than B, as hard than C, as harder as D, as hard as3.This is _ book in our library.A, the most interesting B, most interesting C, the more interesting D, more interesting4.Do you think maths is _ important than English"A, v

44、ery B, as C, more D, quite5.They got a Christmas tree and it was _ ours.A, so tall as B, so taller as C, as tall as D, as taller as6.The old soldier lived all by himself. Even though he was _, he was not _ at all.A, alone, lonely B, alone, alone C, lonely, alone D, lonely, lonely7.A taxi doesnt run

45、as _ as an underground train.A, fast B, faster C, fastest D, more fast8.Yangpu Bridge is one of _ in the world.A, bigger bridge B, the biggest bridge C, the biggest bridges D, bigger bridges10.I think the song in the film “Titanic” is _ one of all the movie songs.A, the most beautiful B, most beauti

46、ful C, a beautiful D, much more beautiful11.Her cousin can draw _ an artist.A, as well as B, not so well as C, as better as D, as good as12.Jinmao Tower is _ building in Shanghai.A, high B, tall C, highest D, the tallest13.30,000 dollars is a large amount of money, but its _ than we need.A, far more

47、 B, very much C, far less D, very little14.Mr Smith thought the Century Park was the second _ in Shanghai.A, large B, larger C, largest D, very large15.I think Yao Ming, the famous basketball player, will be _ new star in NBA.A, hot B, hotter C, hottest D, the hottest17.A: What delicious cakes! B: T

48、hey would taste _ with butter.A, good B, better C, bad D, worse18.Among all the teachersin this school, Miss Tao is one of _.A, young B, younger C, the youngest D, the most young19.Thanks to Mrs Lin! With her help, we finished our work an hour _.A, late B, later C, early D, earlier20.A: In our Engli

49、sh study reading is more important than speaking, I think.B: I dont agree. Speaking is _ reading.A, as important B, so important as C, the most important D, the same as21.Simon looks _ today and smiles _ all the time.A, happy, happy B, happily, happily C, happy, happily D, happily, happy22.Its _ to

50、send an than a regular mail.A, much more quickly B, quick C, more quickly D, much quicker23.The price of these dictionaries is _ than before.A, much cheaper B, more expensive C, much higher D, more higher24.Bob has _ to tell you.A, something important B, anything important C, important something D,

51、important nothing25.She is looking _ at her lovely son.A, happy B, happily C, happiness D, happier形容词和副词冲刺练习1He is slow in studying. I wonder how he could get good results in the exam.No wonder he is always _.AlivelyBhard-working Ckind-heartedDhelpful2It has a strange smell in your room. Youd better

52、 keep the window _.Aopen Bopens CclosesDclosed3What does your cousin look like now"Oh, he is much _ than before.AstrongBstronger CstrongestDtoo strong4Will you please speak _" Im afraid I cant follow you.AloudlyBpleasantly CslowlyDeasily5Whos _ basketball player in China now" It is Yao Ming"No. Its Sun Mingming.AtallBtaller Cthe tallest Dthe talle


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