1、2014 华章 MBA 英语基础班语法目录第一讲:从句第二讲:名词性从句第三讲:状语从句第四讲:虚拟语气第五讲:英语时态和语态第六讲:形容词与副词第七讲:倒装与强调第八讲:非谓语动词附录:长难句分类理解22014 华章 MBA 英语基础班语法第一讲从句一、从句的概念从句(Attributive Clauses)在句中做,修饰一个名词或,被修饰的名词,或关系副词)词组或即先行词。从句通常出现在先行词之后,由关系词(关系引出。关系有:who, whom, whose, that, which 等。关系副词有:when, where, why 等。问题:什么是:修饰名词或?è的、表示事物性
2、质、数量等、起修饰限定作用的成分。【笔记区】二、从句的例:The woman who talked with me just now is a doctor.【笔记区】例:A girl who is named Tianniu is waiting for you.【笔记区】三、关系与关系副词引导从句制性从句总是修饰一个词(在从句中也可能修饰一个句子)的,这个词叫做“先行词”,位于其后的从句一般由关系who, whom, whose, which, that, as 和关系副词 when, where, why 等引导。以下说说各自的用法:1.关系who, whom, whose, which
3、(所谓关系,既然是,就一定在从句中指代某一成分,即主语、宾语或。)1) 关系在从句中作主语:例:Water is a compound which consists of hydrogen and oxygen. (指物)2) 关系在从句中作宾语:例:The man whom (who) you know is a famous professor. (指人)3) 关系在从句中作介词的宾语:例:Lei Feng was a good comrade from whom we should learn.【笔记区】例:This is the pen that /which I wrote the
4、letter with.【笔记区】32014 华章 MBA 英语基础班语法4)关系在从句中作(whose 的用法)例:He sent me a book whose author visited our school last year.他送我,这本书的作者去年参观了我们学校。例:Please pass me the book whose (of which) cover is green.例:The womans son is in the army.The woman is giving us a talk.【笔记区】2.关系副词 when, where, why关系副词在句子中做状语,也
5、就是说它不能充当主语或宾语。运用这一规律可 从句/副词的选定。1) 一般当从句中主谓宾都齐全的时候,选用关系副词;2) 当从句中主语或宾语缺少的时候,选用关系。3) 但是当从句中出现不及物动词时,关键看该不及物动词后面的介词是否出现举例说明:This is the house where he lives.This is the house which he lives in. 最好写成 This is the house in which he lives.【笔记区】3.关系that 的用法That 既可以指人,也可以指物,因此可与关系用 that:who 和 which 替换。但以下情况必
6、须1)先行词前有形容词, 序数词 only, any, no, very 等时,关系用 that。例:This is the only film that I wanted to see.【笔记区】2)先行词本身为 anything, something, nothing, everything, little, much, all 等不定时,关系用 that。例如:All that glitters is not gold. 发光的不都是金子。(名句)4The woman whose son is in the army is giving us a talk. 下划线部分为整个句子的主语。
7、2014 华章 MBA 英语基础班语法3) 遇到两个先行词,一个指人,一个指物,这时只能用 that.例:Larry spoke highly of the actor and his performance that he saw at the theater.4) 关系在它引导的从句中作主语时则不能省略,但如果该从句带有 there be 结构时,即使前面的先行词含上述条件,关系【笔记区】that 也往往省略。4.关系as 的用法1)一般来说,先行词前有 the same, such , so, as 时,关系选用 as.例:During our visit to Honolulu, we
8、 saw so great a Thanksgiving Day parade as nobody hadever dreamt of in our own city.在火奴鲁鲁期间,我们见到了一次城市里的人所无法一次盛大的感恩节。You can buy as many copies of this book as you want.这本书你要买多少本就能买多少本。2)As 作为关系,还可用来指代它后面或前面的主句所表达的内容。这时 as 在所引导的从句中必须承担一个语法成分,即不是主语就是宾语。【笔记区】四、限制性从句与制性从句区别标准:有逗号的是制性从句,没有逗号的是限制性从句。1. 何为
9、“限制”与“【笔记区】制”?2. 指代对象?【笔记区】3.限制性从句可以用 that 引导;制性从句不可用 that 引导。a) I like the book, which was bought yesterday. 我喜欢这本书,这是昨天买的。b) I like the book which / that was bought yesterday. 我喜欢昨天买的那本书。4.限制性从句作宾语时可以省;制性从句不能省。5.制性从句不能用 why 引导。要用 for which 代替 why。例:I have told them the reason, for which I didn'
10、;t attend the meeting.我已经把理由告诉了他们,为此我没有去开会。6.在制性从句中,which 的替代【笔记区】52014 华章 MBA 英语基础班语法7which 和as 在制性从句中的用法区别制性从句置于句首时,不能用 which 引导;制性从句由“介词+关系代词”引导时,其中的关系不能用 as。【笔记区】8有关限制性从句和制性从句的一个经典笑话:I will wear no clothes which will distinguish me from my fellow men.(限)I will wear no clothes, which will disting
11、uish me from my fellow men.()五、从句应该注意的几个问题1关系在从句中作主语时,从句中的谓语动词用单数还是复数应取决于先行词。【笔记区】2当从句中的谓语动词是固定词组时,不可将其拆开。例:【笔记区】六、特殊关系【笔记区】常见错误分析:1. 这是我昨天买英汉词典的一家书店。误:This is the bookshop where I bought the English-正:dictionary there yesterday.2. 你拿走的毛笔是。误:The writing-brush that you have taken it away is mine.正:3.
12、 你刚才和他握手的那个人是谁?误:Whos the man with who you just shook hands?正:62014 华章 MBA 英语基础班语法4. 附近有两只他们来这个岛乘坐的独木船。误:Nearby were two canoes in that they had come to the island.正:5. 他把见过的人和事都忘了。误:He forgot the正:s and the things which he had seen.6. 在这个工作的那个人是位化学家。误:The man who work in this lab is a chemist.正:7.
13、他经常给我们讲些引人发笑的故事。误:He often tells us stories at people laugh. 正:8. 这是现在我唯一能做的工作。误:This is the only work which I can do at the moment.正:9. 在显微镜下能看到的最小的生物是细菌。误:The smallest living things which can be seen under a microscope are bacteria.正:10. 这孩子不愿意告诉我们他害怕的事情。误:The boy wont tell us the thing of which h
14、e is afraid.正:11. 我知道的就是这些。 误:Thats all which I know. 正:12. 你借给她的杂志她都看完了。误:She has finish reading all the magazines which you lent her.正:13. 如果没有空气的阻力,重的物体和轻的物体下落后的速度是相同的。这一点现在我们都知道。误:As we know now that heavy objects and light objects fall at the same speed unless air holds the back.正:14. 所有这些书都是他写
15、的,书内有美丽的图片。误:All these books, there are beautiful pictures in, were written by him.正:练习:I 改错1. Mr. John once told me thatwas the place where he had long wanted to visit.2. Pandas, that we all know, can only be found.3. Men and horses which were killed at the battle were difficult to count.4. This is
16、 the athlete whom everyone says will win the gold medal.5. I met Mary the other day, from who I learned that you had won the first prize in the race.6. The new-comer whos name I dont remember, is from the north.72014 华章 MBA 英语基础班语法7. Rice is a plant that it is planted in many parts of our country.8.
17、 The day when she would remember forever was fine.9. China has hundreds of islands, the largest of that is10. Those that break the laws should be punished.II 用从句完成下列各句..9.This is the boy(他们正在找的).The child,(他父亲是位科学家), is eight years old.They tried to find a telescope(使他们能更清楚地观察星星的). Do
18、you remember the day(我们遇见的).Great changes have taken place(在我们居住的城市里). (他们正在看的那幅图画) is well painted.He showed us the photos(他在拍的).One day an elephant was led down the road(六个盲人站在那里).I don't know the reason(为什么她这次不及格).10. What do you think of the material(你做上衣的)?III 多项选择1. The placeinterested me
19、most was the Children's Palace.A. whichB. whereC. whatD. in which2.Do you know the man?A. whom I spokeB. to who spokeC. I spoke toD. that I spoke3.This is the hotellast month.A. which they stayedC. where they stayed atB. at that they stayedD. where they stayed4.Do you know the yeartheCommunist P
20、arty was founded?D. on whichA. whichB. thatC. when5.That is the dayI'll never forget.A. whichB. on whichC. in whichD. when6.The factorywe'll visit next week is not far from here.A. whereB. to whichC. whichD. in which7.Great changes have taken place since then in the factorywe are working.A.
21、whereB. thatC. whichD. there8.This is one of the best films.A. that have been shown this yearC. that has been shown this yearB. that have shownD. that you talked9.Can you lend me the bookthe other day?A. about which you talkedC. about that you talked10. The penhe is writing is mine.B. which you talk
22、edD. that you talkedA. with whichB. in whichC. on whichD. by which11. They arrived at a farmhouse, in front ofsat a small boy.A. whomB. whoC. whichD. that12. The engineermy father works is about 50 years old.82014 华章 MBA 英语基础班语法A. to whomB. on whomC. with whichD. with whom13. Is there anyone in your
23、 classfamily is in the country?A. whoB. who'sC. whichD. whose14. I'm interested inyou have said.A. all thatB. all whatC. thatD. which15. I want to use the same dictionarywas used yesterday.A. whichB. whoC. whatD. as16. He isn't such a manhe used to be.A. whoB. whomC. thatD. as17. He is g
24、ood at English,we all know.A. thatB. asC. whomD. what18. Li Ming,to the concert enjoyed it very much.A. I went withB. with whom I wentC. with who I wentD.I went with him19. I don't likeas you read.A. the novelsB. the such novelsC. such novelsD. same novels20. Hked a lot about things andsthey rem
25、embered in the school.A. whichB. thatC. whomD. what.D. who21. The letter is from my sister,is working inA. whichB. thatC. whom22. In our factory there are 2,000 workers, two thirds ofare women.A. them23. You're the onlyA. who;/B. whichC. whomD. who I've ever metcould.B./; whomC. whom;/D./; w
26、ho24. I lost a book,I can't remember now.A. whose titleB. its titleC. the title of itD. the title of that25. Last summer we visited the West Lake,Hangzhou is famous in the world.A. for whichB. for thatC. in whichD. what26. I have bought such a watchwas advertised on TV.A. thatB. whichC. asD. it2
27、7. I can never forget the daywe worked together and the daywe spenttogether.A. when; whichB. which; whenC. what; thatD. on which; when28. The wayhe looks at problems is wrong.A. whichB. whoseC. whatD./29. This is the reasonhe didn't come to the meeting.A. in whichB. with whichC. thatD. for which
28、30. This machine,for many years, is still working perfectly.A. after which I have lookedC. that I have looked afterB. which I have looked afterD. I have looked after31. The reasonhe didn't come washe was ill.A. why; thatB.that;whyC. for that;thatD.for which;what32. He is working hard,will make h
29、im pass the final exam.A.thatB.whichC.for whichD.who33. That is not the wayI.92014 华章 MBA 英语基础班语法A ./B.whichC.for whichD.with which34. I have two grammars,are of great use.A. all of which35. I want to use the saB. either of whichC. both of thatD. both of whichlsused in your factory a few days ago.A.
30、 as wasB. which wasC. as wereD. which36. My neighbours used to give me a hand in time of trouble,was very kind of them.A. whoB. whichC. thatD. it37. This is the magazineI copied the paragraph.A. thatB. whichC. from thatD. from which38. He is not such a manwould leave his work half done.A. thatB. whi
31、chC. whoD. as39. You can depend on whatever promisehe makes.A./B. whyC. whenD. whose40. Smoking,is a bad habit, is, however, popular.A. thatB. whichC. itD. though41. - Did you ask the guardhappened?- Yes, he told me allhe knew.A. what; thatB. what; whatC. which; whichD. that; that42. I shall never f
32、orget those yearsgreat effect on my life.I lived on the farm with the farmers,has aA. when; whoB. that; whichC. which; thatD. when; which43. The number of the people whocarsincreasing.A. owns; areB. owns; isC. own; isD. own; are44. During the days, he worked as a servant at the Browns.A. followedB.
33、followingC. to followD. that followed45. Is oxygen the only gashelps fire burn?A. thatB. /C. whichD. it46. The clever boy made a hole in the wall,he could seewas going on insidehouse.A. which; whatB. through which; whatC. through that; whatD. what; that47. Issome German friends visited last week?A.
34、this schoolB. this the schoolC. this school oneD. this school where48. John got beaten in the game,had been expected.A. asB. thatC. whatD. who49. I have bought two ballpens,writes well.A. none of themB. neither of themC. neither of whichD. none of which50. All that can be eateneaten up.A. are beingB
35、. has beenC. had beenD. have been102014 华章 MBA 英语基础班语法第二讲 名词性从句一、名词性从句的概念和分类其语法意义相当于名词,可分别作主句的主语、表语、宾语和同位语。由此,名词性从句包括主语从句、表语从句、宾语从句和同位语从句。例:What we need is more time.例:The question is whether the book is worth reading.例:Do you know who invented?例:I heard the news that he had entered the university.【
36、笔记区】二、主语从句主语从句在复合句中作主句的主语。1.由从属连词引导例:That he is still alive is sheer luck.例:Whether it is true remains a question.2.由连接引导例:Who was the first man to land on the moon is clear to us.例:Whatever measures the government adopts must be kept in conformity with the interest of the public.3.由连接副词引导例:Where he
37、 is living now is unknown.例:When well leave for Shanghai has not been decided yet.【笔记区】è汉语的一些习惯用语的译法..9.人们(有家)认为普遍(一般,通常)认为有人(人们,大家)相信据说(有人说)据闻(悉) 据推测据报导 必须指出可见(可以看出)10. 不用说(谁都知道)11. 不可否认12. 人们希望112014 华章 MBA 英语基础班语法三、表语从句表语从句在复合句中作主句的表语(表语位于状态)。1 由从属连词引导例:The truth is that he has
38、 never been there.动词后面,说明主语的、特征和2 由连接引导例:Quality is what counts most.3 由连接副词引导例:This is where Shakespeare once lived.例:This is why she got up so early this morning.【笔记区】四、宾语从句宾语从句在复合句中作及物动词的宾语,也可作介词和某些形容词的宾语。1.由从属连词引导例:Do you know whether any decision has been made on that issue?2.由连接引导例:Could you t
39、ell me what you are doing now?例:He asked me whose pronunciation was the best in the class.3.由连接副词引导例:Tell me how I can get to the railway station.【笔记区】1)2)3)4)五、同位语从句以从句的形式表示的同位语成为同位语从句。(同位语位于名词或它们的性质和情况)后面,进一步说明例:Bill Clinton, the former president of America, paid a private visit to China last mont
40、h.例:All the workers, young or old, should be treated equally.1.由 that 引导例:The news that he has been murdered is not true.122014 华章 MBA 英语基础班语法2.由 whether 引导例:The problem whether heavy objects and light objects fall at the same speed has been solved.【笔记区】1)è 同位语从句在复合句中常作某些名词的同位语:news, fact, plan
41、, suggestion, idea, order, question, truth, hope, thought, belief, doubt, fear 等。2)常见错误分析:1. 我不知道为什么她不信任我。误:I wonder why doesnt she trust me.正:2.知道他是否很快会回来。误:I want to know if he comes back soon.正:3. 你知道她明天什么时候离开上海?误:Do you know when she leaves Shanghai tomorrow?正:4. 命令下来了,天亮以前必须到达山顶。误:The order tha
42、t the troops should get to the top of the mountain before the daybreak came.正:5. 她说她从来没有撒过谎。误:She said that she has never told a lie.正:6. 我怀疑他是否会来。误:I doubt that he will come.正:7. 我们讨论了是否应该收下这些礼品。误:We discussed if we should accept these gifts or not.正:8. 我担心我弟弟今晚回不回家。误:I am worried about if my young
43、er brother will come back home this evening.正:9. 她是否能和她父母住在一起,则是另一回事了。误:If she can stay with her parents is another matter. 正:10.他的话深深地感动了我。误:That he said moved me deeply.正:132014 华章 MBA 英语基础班语法练习:I 用名词性从句完成下列句子1. Do you think(污染能制止)?2. I dont remember(他说的话).3. Please tell me(住在哪儿).4. She always thi
44、nks of(如何为同事们多做事).5. The old woman was shocked by(她女儿的遭遇).6. We are glad(明年奥运会在北京举行).7. Im sure(他们会参加8. (谁将担任这个重要职务) is still a secret.9. It is possible(我们提前完成工作).)9.20.Is it true(他答应帮我复习功课)? (他上哪儿去) is not known yet.The important thing is(我们怎样提高英语成绩). My idea is(我们应该坚持每天
45、锻炼身体).That is(为什么他对工作严格要求). This is(我要买的东西)Im glad to hear the news(我父亲已成了高级工程师).She told me her final decision(她将去All of us know the fact(月亮学医).发光).Tie made a promise(谁把他放了,他就让他当世界之王)There is no doubt(近视在我国的年轻人中是一个严重的问题).142014 华章 MBA 英语基础班语法第三讲 状语从句一、状语从句的概念状语从句在句语,修饰主句中的动词、形容词和副词等。状语从句由各种从属连词引导。状
46、语从句位于句首时,从句后面一般用逗号。问题:什么是状语?è 状语:修饰动词、形容词、副词或整个句子,说明动作或状态特征的句子成分。【笔记区】二、状语从句的分类1. 时间状语从句例:Strike while the iron is hot.例:Once you begin the work, you must continue.【笔记区】è when, as, while 的区别:从句的动作发生在主句动作之前,只能用 when;强调“一边一边”,或“随着时间推移”,一般用 as;表示主从句动作同时发生,并且持续一段时间,一般用 while。时间状语从句中谓语动词不用将来时,用
47、现在例:When you have finished your work, you may have a rest. 例:Tom is listening to music as he is walking on the street.例:He was shopping while I met him. (错)I feel safe while I am here with you.(对)例:I will go out for a trip after I graduate next year.过去替。è till 和 until 意义相同,后者更加强调,故用于句首时一般用 unti
48、l,口语中多见 till。【笔记区】è表示“一 就”的结构hardly/scarcelywhen/before, no soonerthan 和as soon as 都可以表示。例:I had hardly / scarcely got home when it began to rain.例:I had no sooner got home than it began to rain.例:As soon as I got home, it began to rain.【笔记区】2. 地点状语从句由从属连词 where 和wherever 引导。152014 华章 MBA 英语基础班
49、语法例:They put a couch where the chair had been.例:Wherever you go, you should learn from others modestly.【笔记区】3.状语从句由从属连词 because, as, since 等引导。例:Dont walk fast because the road is slippery.例:Since you are leaving tomorrow, we can eat dinner together tonight.【笔记区】4. 目的状语从句由从属连词 that, so that, in orde
50、r that 等引导。例:Speak louder that we may hear what you say.例:He studies hard so that he could catch up with his classmates.5. 结果状语从句由从属连词 so that, that, so, sothat, suchthat 等引导。例:It was very cold, so that the river frosted.例:I did very well in the exam that I was praised by the teacher.【笔记区】【笔记区】比较:so
51、 和 such6. 条件状语从句由从属连词 if, unless, as long as 等引导。例:I shall go to the park unless it rains. (= if not)例:As long as we follow the Party, we can overcome any difficulties.【笔记区】7. 方式状语从句由as, just as 等引导。162014 华章 MBA 英语基础班语法例:Do as I say!例:Our bodies consist of millions of very small cells, just as a bu
52、ilding is made of many stones and bricks.【笔记区】8. 让步状语从句由从属连词 though, although, even though, even if, however, no matter who 等引导。例:Although / Though he saved money every month, Tom could not afford the house. 例:However hard I try, I cant finish the work in time.例:It is truth, whether you believe it o
53、r not.【笔记区】è no matter what + 名词 + 主谓例:No matter what job you do,well.è注意:no matter 不能引导主语从句和宾语从句。(错)No matter what you say is of no use now.(对)Whatever you say is of no use now. 你现在说什么也没用了。(错)Prisoners have to eat no matter what they're given,(对)Prisoners have to eat whatever they're given.犯们只能给什么吃什么。三、状语从句中的省略【笔记区】172014 华章 MBA 英语基础班语法常见错误分析:1. 我打算一找到别的房屋就搬家。误:I plan to move as soon as I will find another house.正:2. 直到他回来了我才离开。误:I left until he came back. 正:正:3
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