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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上八年级上册教案设计Unit 4 Our WorldTopic 2 How can we protect ourselves from the earthquake?Section D. Material analysis 本节课是本话题的最后一节课,主要通过Grammar、Functions 来复习本话题的语法重点:双多音节形容词的比较级和最高级。通过Section A, B对形容词比较级和最高级的讲解、练习及在真实语境中熟练应用,学生基本上掌握了它的变化规则和在句子中的应用。通过本课的复习巩固加深学生的记忆。本节课还会通过新闻的形式介绍汶川地震,要求学生了解汶川地震

2、,并掌握新闻写作的要素,通过本课学习,学生能够模仿汶川地震的新闻,根据新闻写作的要素,写一篇新闻。. Teaching aimsKnowledge aims:1. 引导学生复习本话题的重点词汇,并能根据音标正确地拼读下列词汇:million, whole, nation等。能正确地读出句子的语调。2. 引导学生复习总结本话题的单词,并能够正确拼写本话题的黑体词汇。3. 引导学生复习形容词的比较级和最高级的变化规则及其在句子当中的具体使用。4. 引导学生熟练谈论有关地震的话题,能用英语自由地交流如何从自然灾害中逃生。Skill aims:1. 能听懂有关灾难的话题,以及介绍如何在灾难中逃生的短文

3、。2. 能够将本单元所学内容和以前所学知识相结合,能用英语谈论在生活中发生的有关灾难的话题,如地震、火灾、暴风雪等以及用比较级和最高级谈论在灾难中如何保护自己。3. 能够读懂跟课文水平相当的文章,如介绍火灾、洪涝、旱灾的文章等。4. 根据所学内容用新闻的方式写出介绍某种自然灾害的文章,并能够写出如何在灾难发生的时候好好保护自己。 Emotional aims: 1. 通过本课的学习,学生在遇到学习、生活方面的困难时候能够冷静面对。 2. 通过了解在地震中人与人之间的互相帮助,创造奇迹的事例,学生能够体会到爱和信任的力量。. The key points and difficult points

4、 Key points: 1. 复习形容词比较级和最高级的用法以及本单元的功能句,如:I am sorry to hear that. 等。 2. 学习新闻的写作方法。 Difficult points: 根据新闻的要素写新闻。 . Learning strategies1. 在看新闻的时候注意新闻的特点,可以帮助我们写出标准的新闻。2. 在读到有关自然灾害的文章的时候,试着将它翻译成英文,哪怕见一次翻译一句都能提高我们的英语水平。. Teaching aids Computer multimedia projector,postcards. Teaching proceduresStepIn

5、teraction patternStudent activityTeacher activityIntroduction(5 minutes)1. Group work2. Individual work3. Group workand individualwork4. The whole class work and individualwork5. The whole class work1. Students searched some information on the Internet before class, then put the information together

6、. 2. Students listen to the reporter carefully. Get some information about Wenchuan earthquake. Write down some key words.3. Volunteers retell the passage with the help of the key words. Some students can just finish it beautifully, while others can remember a little.4. Students sum up the good ways

7、, trying to find the ways according to different people. 5. Students study the elements that we should pay attention to.1. Check students homework. Ask students to put their information together. 2. Ask each group to choose a reporter to share their information in class. Remind students to listen to

8、 the reporter carefully. And write down the key words.3. Invite a student to retell what the reporter said just now. This part aims to check whether students can find the key information. And it also helps us teach how to write news.4. Invite the students who can retell very well to share their good

9、 ways of learning.5. Teacher adds, “when we read a passage or listen to a conversation, time, place, event, people and result are important”.Presentation(8 minutes)1. The whole class work2. Individual work3. Group work and the whole class work4. The whole class work and individual work5. Group work6

10、. The whole class work7. The whole class work1. Students read through the passage and underline the key points according to the elements that the teacher taught just now.2. Students share the key words and sentences.3. Students read through the passage and fill in the table. Students can find the an

11、swers easily because these elements are very clearly in news.4. Students share their answers and pay attention to the elements in news.5. Students find out the new words and difficult sentences. Solve them in groups first. Then hands up to tell the teacher.6. Students learn the pronunciation of the

12、words. Read after the tape. Try to remember the spelling according to the pronunciation.7. Students retell 1 with the help of the table.1. Show 1 to students. Ask students to read the passage carefully. Underline the key points they think.2. Invite students to share the key words and sentences they

13、underlined.3. Show the first table on Page 96 to students. Make sure every student know the meaning of the table.4. Invite students to share their answers.5. Give students 1 minute to find out the new words and difficult sentences.6. Teacher writes down the new words and difficult points according t

14、o students feedback, such as “million, whole, nation, rebuild and normal”. Teacher can teach students directly here because all the words are chosen by students. They can pay attention to them.7. Show the table on Page 96. Advise students to close their books and retell 1 with the help of the table.

15、 (The part can help students finish 2.) Consolidation(7minutes)1. Individual work and the whole class work2. Group work and individual work3. Individual work and the whole class work4. The whole class work1. Students read the new words after the teacher, understanding the meanings and the usage of t

16、hese words with the help of the pictures.2. Students write the news similar to 1. They can find that just changing the elements is OK.3. Students report their news. First, they should pay attention to the elements to make their news clear. Second, they should pay attention to the pronunciation and i

17、ntonation. Try to report the news like the announcers do.4. Students like this part very much.1. Show the table in 2 to students. Choose 2 pictures from the Internet. The first picture shows some people got hurt in Tangshan earthquake and 2 words on the picture “hurt-injure”. The second picture show

18、s the army helped the injured people. “Sent the army to help the injured persons” is on the picture. 2. Ask students to write a piece of news similar to 1 about Tangshan earthquake. Remind students to pay attention to the elements in news.3. Invite students to share their news in class.4. Organize s

19、tudents to choose the best announcer and the best team. Give the group smiling faces.Practice(15 minutes)1. The whole class work2. Group work3. Group work and the whole class work4. The whole class work5. The whole class work6. Individual work 7. The whole class work1. Read through Sections A-C. Wri

20、te down some sentences on the paper. They may write down some words, phrases or some sentences, especially comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives.2. Put the six notebooks together, and classify all the words、phrases or some sentences.3. Each group chooses one student to write down their n

21、otes. Other students can add more words and revise the spelling mistakes.4. Look at the blackboard and erase the same part.5. Read and remember all the key points, making sure they can master them.6. Students should fill in the blanks without looking them up in the textbook. 7. Read and remember “Gr

22、ammar and Functions” .1. Give students 3 minutes to read through Sections A-C. Ask them to underline or write down the key points they think.2. Provide 1 minute for students to classify their notes.3. Make a competition.Which group can summarize more words, phrases and sentences? Divide students int

23、o three parts. One part writes down the new words, and another part writes down the new sentences. The last part aims to write down the phrases. There are three groups in each part.4. Choose the best three groups. One group do best in new words. One group do best in phrases. The last group is the be

24、st in sentences.5. Ask students to look at the blackboard and check whether they can remember all of these on the blackboard.6. Show “Grammar and Functions” to students. And check the answers.7. Organize students to read “Grammar and Functions”.Production(10 minutes)1. The wholeclass work2. Group wo

25、rk3. Group work 4. Group work5. The whole class work6. Group workand individualwork1. Students enjoy the film, and they may have many ideas.2. Students discuss in groups. They can do many things, like providing some books and clothes for them, encouraging them to cheer up, sending a poster to them t

26、o show their care.3. Students design their postcards with beautiful drawing. Write down the words they want to say carefully.4. Students show their postcards and explain why they designed them like that.5. Students read the new words together and remember the spelling according to the pronunciation.

27、 Remember the elements in news and try to use the comparative and superlative degrees of adjectives in the real situations.6. Students write news after class. And make a survey: How many students in your group like playing computer games.1. Choose a snippet from Tangshan Earthquake. In the snippet,

28、a young girl escaped from the terrible earthquake.2. Organize students to discuss: (1) What do you want to do for children from a disaster area?(2) What do you think people in a disaster area should do after a disaster?3. Give a postcard to each group. Ask students to write down something to send th

29、eir concern and best wishes to the children in disaster areas.4. Invite students to share their postcards.5. Teacher sums up the key points:(1) Review the new words: million, whole, nation, rebuild, normal.(2) Review the elements of news: time, place, event, result, measure, present situation. (3) Review


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