专题14 阅读无忧 阅读回答问题技巧在手(教师版)-【中考手册】2022年中考英语知识总梳理(牛津上海版).docx_第1页
专题14 阅读无忧 阅读回答问题技巧在手(教师版)-【中考手册】2022年中考英语知识总梳理(牛津上海版).docx_第2页
专题14 阅读无忧 阅读回答问题技巧在手(教师版)-【中考手册】2022年中考英语知识总梳理(牛津上海版).docx_第3页
专题14 阅读无忧 阅读回答问题技巧在手(教师版)-【中考手册】2022年中考英语知识总梳理(牛津上海版).docx_第4页
专题14 阅读无忧 阅读回答问题技巧在手(教师版)-【中考手册】2022年中考英语知识总梳理(牛津上海版).docx_第5页
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1、专题14阅读无忧阅读回答问题技巧在手L、思维导图基本解题思路初读,标题;首尾段及首尾句,过渡词O明主旨,理思路,再读,速读题干找关键词定位查找=> 整合答案L、知识梳理阅读回答问题基础"阅读理解的一种形式,考查学生信息查找能力、语篇理解能力和归纳概括能力。题目难度介 于阅读理解和写作之间,要求学生在看懂文章的基础上给出的问题答案。要求学生要有很好的 阅读理解和归纳总结的能力,并且能够根据所给题目准确找出解题依据,给出答案,注意细节。 文体主要还是以记叙文为主,其他文体为辅。其中,问题类型的设置也是比较固定的。四种疑问句组成具体形式如下: 一般疑问句例如:Did Helen he

2、lp Sahra to learn English?(上海 2010 中考真题)特殊疑问句(what, how, when, where, why提问)例如:上海2013中考真题Where was the missing college student found?Why do some experts worry most about young people?How can Internet addicts solve their problem?What might be the title of this passage?(ln no more than TEN words)反意疑问句

3、:前否后肯,前肯后否,看作一般疑问句,根据实际情况回答。(近5年中考卷没有出现过反义疑问句回答,但是一模、二模卷中近2年还是比较常见的)Reporter: Sticky, what do you look for before burglarizing a house?Fingers: Well, first, I make sure no one is home and no one is watching. I nose around neighbourhoods where people don't seem to know each other very well. That

4、way, I won't be noticed. Next, I try to find a house where the people are on holiday and not likely to return soon. I do this by looking for houses with no lights on in the evening. Then I look at doorways. They're a sure giveaway(暴露).When newspapers, mail, and deliveries are piled up, I can

5、 tell that people have been away from days. I can even count how many days from the number of newspapers.Reporter:4?Fingers: Well, usually it's easy and effortless. Lots of times people leave a window open, or doors and windows unlocked. Then I just slip in, when I have to break in, I look for a

6、 patio(露台)door on the first floor. They usually have weak locks and you can force them easily. I watch out for dogs, though. If I hear a dog barking, I go somewhere else.19. The series is mainly about how to prevent crime, isn't it?20. How long will Sticky Fingers spend behind bars?21. Where are

7、 newspapers, mail and dever-lies usually piled up?22. What best fits the blank?23. What phrase can you use if you are advising someone to take action to avoid an emergency?I would say "24. Write at least 3 ways to protect your home against burglary. The first one has been done for you.1)Get fam

8、iliar with your neighbours.2)(2022-上海浦东新一模)Answer the questions."I've seen a huge difference in Irina since she started talking to a life coach," says her mother Sylvana. " get on very well with Irina, but she can't always talk to me about everything. Talking to someone who li

9、stens but is not a close family member is very important/What is a life coach?An athlete improves because he trains with a coach. A life coach can also guide you to success. A life coach encourages you to think not only about what you want, but also about how you are going to get it. Until now, life

10、 coaches have helped adults, for example business executives who need to make decisions or parents who want some advice on bringing up their children. Now it's the turn of our young people.Life Coach Simone WaltzSimon Waltz, a former radio producer, set up her life coaching company five years ag

11、o. "I offer teenagers a place to talk, to decide on their future plans and to sort out problems,says Waltz. Jem's parents are delighted with what Waltz has done. Jem has got a place at university to study medicine but he has decided to take part in a volunteer project in central Africa firs

12、t. "Yes, we were surprised, but Jem is still very young. This experience abroad will help him grow up before he goes to university here."Life coach Tara NewhouseTara tells the story of a 15-year-old who was failing in science, until they found out she learnt best through music. Once she ma

13、de up songs to learn by, she achieved 99 percent in her tests. Tara has also helped Sylvana's daughter, Irina, who was not sure whether she would go to university. Now she hopes to get into a top university. Irina now feels more confident about everything. She has even taken up exercise for the

14、first time in years.Life coach Mo AhmedMo Ahmed has coached children as young as five years old, "It could be something as simple as leaning multiplication tablesasking them how they're going to do it, how are they going to make it fun?" Mo has also helped teenager Regina who was havin

15、g problems making friends when she moved to a new school. They talked together about the things Regina really enjoyed doing. By joining the school basketball team Regina has made several new friends.25. Irina and her mother Sylvana don't get on very well, do they?26. According to the write, how

16、can an athlete improve?27. How long has Simon Waltz worked as a life coach?28. Who helps Irina become more confident?29. What problem did Regina used to have?30. Is working as a life coach meaningful? Why or why not?参考答案1. She felt excited.2. Math/Maths.3. The most useless thing in the world.4. No,

17、she didn't.5. Because she wanted Mia to be good at Math/Maths.6. wrong. I studied hard at the English writing, I will be as good as the white kids【分析】米娅喜欢写作,而妈妈却想让她学好数学,妈妈不相信米娅的英语写作能和白人孩子一样好,米娅认为妈妈错了,她相信,如果自己努力学习英语写作,就一定会和那些白人孩子一样优秀。1.根据文中“I ran up the stairs two at a time, holding the book from

18、 the library, the one with my essay printed out in it. I couldn't wait to tell my parents.”可知,我一步两阶地跑上楼梯,手里拿着图书馆的书,上面印着我的论 文。我迫不及待地想告诉我父母。由此可推断,米娅跑上楼梯时,她感到很兴奋,因为她的论文又发表 了,她迫不及待地想把这个好消息告诉她的父母。故填She felt excited.2. 根据文中"'You know when I was your age, I used to attend my brother's math

19、s lessons.'"可知,“你知道吗,我 在你这么大的时候,经常给我弟弟上数学课."由此可推断,妈妈年轻时擅长数学。故填Math/Maths.3.根据文中"'English writing?' she asked, like it was the most useless thing in the world, like I'd said basket weaving?,"可知,“英语写作?"她问,"就像我说的编篮子一样,这是世界上最没用的事情吗?"由此可推 断,妈妈把英语写作比作世上最没

20、用的事情。故填The most useless thing in the world.4.根据文中“You just can't be as good as the white kids in their language, honey. It's their language/可知,"亲爱 的,在说白人孩子的语言时,你就是做不到。这是他们的语言。"由此可推断,妈妈不相信米娅的英语写作 能和白人孩子一样好。故填No, she didn't.5.根据文中Before I could open my mouth, my mother looked at

21、my book and frowned (皱眉)'You should be spending more time doing maths. Something you can actually get good at.'”可知,我还没来得及张嘴告诉妈妈 我又发表了论文,妈妈就看了看我的书,皱起眉说"你应该多花点时间做数学。做一些你真正擅长的 事。根据/z/l don't want to be native at maths./ I said. My mother frowned.w可知,当妈妈听到我说不想成为 数学高手时,妈妈乂皱起眉;综上所述可推断,妈妈一

22、次乂一次地对米娅皱眉的原因是妈妈想让米娅学好 数学。故填 Because she wanted Mia to be good at Math/Maths.6.根据文中“You just can't be as good as the white kids in their language, honey. It's their language.”可知,妈妈不 相信米娅的英语写作能和白人孩子一样好。结合文章最后一句"'You are.l believe that if./ I said to myself firmly."可推断,米娅认为妈妈错了,她

23、相信,如果自己努力学习英语写作,就一定会和那些白人孩子一样 优秀。故填 wrong. I studied hard at the English writing, I will be as good as the white kids.7. No, he doesn't.8. About 3,500 kilometers (long).9. Because he is worried he will be killed by bears.10. They get caught in a snow-storm.11. The book not only offers a landscap

24、e of silent forest and beautiful lakes/The book not only offers interesting and funny experiences (wonderful scenery) but also gets readers to actually care about the environmental problems/but also reminds people of serious environmental problems.12. Fun look at life on the trail.【分析】Bill Bryson从英国

25、回到美国以后,想要亲近祖国的自然,徒步阿巴拉契亚山道,并写成一本书,呼吁大家 保护自然。7.根据"Bryson returned to the US after 20 years in Britain and decided to get familiar with his native country by walking the Appalachian Trail/*可知Bryson从英国回到美国,而他是个美国人。故填No, he doesn't.8.根据zzThe trail, about 3,500 kilometers long, is popular with t

26、housands of hikers.”可知阿巴拉契亚山道长约 3500 T咪。故填 About 3,500 kilometers (long).9.根据“At the beginning, Bryson reads about the dangers of the wild and stays awake for hours each night, because he is worried he will be killed by bears."可知起初Bryson晚上都是醒着的,因为他害怕被熊吃掉。故填 Because he is worried he will be kill

27、ed by bears.10.根据"Later the two middle-aged men try to climb a mountain but get caught in a snow-storm.”可知他们遭遇 T 暴风雪。故填 They get caught in a snow-storm.11.根据“The story offers a landscape of silent forests and beautiful lakes/、"Lots of silly things happen along the way."和“Bryson also t

28、alks about acid rain (酸雨)z the hunting of birds, and damage to the ecosystem (生态系 统).可知这本书不仅介绍了美丽的景色,以及路途中发生的有趣的事,也告诉我们应该重视严重的环境 问题。故填 The book not only offers a landscape of silent forest and beautiful lakes/The book not only offers interesting and funny experiences (wonderful scenery); but also ge

29、ts readers to actually care about the environmental problems/but also reminds people of serious environmental problems.12.根据“lt,s a true story, written as a comedy.”可知本书以一种有趣的方式介绍旅行路途发生的事,同时也提醒 人们保护环境,与此有关标题均可。故填Fun look at life on the trail.13. Young children who are battling severe disease and dis

30、abilities are superheroes.14. Many emails and calls./He got many emails and calls.15. He was born with only half a heart.16. Because Kayden Kinckle uses prosthetics to walk and Cyborg had to live with robotic parts./Neither of them can walk on their own.17. It refers to his nerve cancer.18. Because

31、he suffers a lot but never complains. Because everyone will meet with difficulties or setbacks, bravery helps us face them directly and try our best to solve problems. (Any reasonable answer is acceptable.)【分析】本文是一篇记叙文。主要介绍了摄影师Josh Rossi用相机展示了世界上真正的超级英雄一一与严重疾病和残 疾作斗争的小孩子们。13.根据"Photographer Jos

32、h Rossi has used his cameras to show the world's real superheroes young children who are battling severe disease and disabilities/,可知,真正的超级英雄是那些与严重疾病和残疾作斗争的小孩子 们。故填 Young children who are battling severe disease and disabilities are superheroes.14.根据“I got so many emails and calls from families

33、who had children with diseases/'可知,Rossi 收到了孩子患有 疾病的家庭的邮件和电话。故填 Many emails and calls./He got many emails and calls.15.根据“Teagan Pettit was born with only half a heart.”可知,Teagan Pettit 出生时只有半颗心脏。故填 He was born with only half a heart.16.根据“The second member was Kayden Kinckle. The five-year-old

34、uses prosthetics (假肢)to walk."及“Kayden's perfect superhero was Cyborg, who was a healthy boy before a terrible accident, forcing his father to keep him alive with robotic parts.”可知,Kayden Kinckle和Cyborg都不能自己走路,需要借助假肢。故填Because Kayden Kinckle uses prosthetics to walk and Cyborg had to live w

35、ith robotic parts./Neither of them can walk on their own.17.根据“Simon Fullmer, who suffers from a rare type of nerve cancer (神经癌)"可知,Simon 的敌人是一种罕见的 神经癌。故填 It refers to his nerve cancer.18.根据“According to his mom, the five-year-old never complains. Since the brave boy is dealing with his "e

36、nemy” like a true superhero*7可知,虽然Simon患有神经癌,但是他从不抱怨,而是勇敢地面对并尽全力解决问 题。 故填 Because he suffers a lot but never complains. Because everyone will meet with difficulties or setbacks, bravery helps us face them directly and try our best to solve problems.19. Yes, it is.20. Six years.21. At doorways.22. Ho

37、w do you break into a house?23. better safe than sorry24. 2.Be sure to close your windows and lock them. 3.Before leaving for holiday, stop delivery of newspapers and mail.【分析】本文主要是关于如何预防入室盗窃犯罪。19.根据第一段“Part Four of our ongoing series on crime prevention focuses on protecting your home against burgl

38、ary”可知主要是关于如何阻止犯罪,故填Yes, it is.20.根据第一段'Sticky Fingers, an experienced burglar now serving a 6-year prison sentence, agreed to talk to our reporter/可知有 6 年了,故填 Six years.21.根据第二段“Then I look at doorways. They're a sure giveaway(暴露).When newspapers, mail, and deliveries are piled up, I can te

39、ll that people have been away from days.”可知报纸、信件和信件通常堆积在门口,故填 At doorways.22.根据最后一段“Well, usually it's easy and effortless. Lots of times people leave a window open, or doors and windows unlocked. Then I just slip in, when I have to break in,"可知是在说怎么闯进一个房子,故填 How do you break into a house?2

40、3.开放性作答,结合实际,言之有理即可。参考答案为better safe than sorry.24.开放性作答,结合实际言之有理即可。参考答案为Be sure to close your windows and lock them.; Before leaving for holiday, stop delivery of newspapers and mail.19. Yes, they do.20. By training with a coach./With the help of a coach.21. For five years./Since five years ago.22.

41、 Tara (does).23. She used to have problems making friends.24. Yes, it is. Because it can help people in need.【分析】本文是一篇记叙文。文章主要介绍了什么是生活教练并介绍了三个生活教练的工作内容。25.根据文章第段中的T get on very well with Irina, but you can't always talk to your mother about everything'7可 知,Irina和她的妈妈相处的很好,故填Yes, they do.26.根

42、据文章第二段中的“An athlete improves because he trains with a coach"可知,运动员的进步是因为他和教 练一起训练,故填 By training with a coach./With the help of a coach.27.根据文章第三段中的"Simon Waltz, a former radio producer, set up her life coaching company five years ago"可 知,Simon Waltz 做生活教练五年了,故填 For five years./Since

43、five years ago.28.根据文章第四段中的“Tara has also helped Sylvana's daughter, Irina, who was not sure whether she would go to university*可知,Tara 帮助 Irina 变得更自信,故填 Tara (does).29.根据文章最后一段中的“Mo has also helped teenager Regina who was having problems making friends when she moved to a new school"可知,Reg

44、ina 过去有交朋友的问题,故填 She used to have problems making friends.30.开放题。回答言之有理即可,当生活教练有意义,因为能帮助有需要的人,故填Yes, it is. Because it can help people in need.选择疑问句(避免Yes/No,选择性回答,也可以全部肯定或者否定)例如:Does Mary read space news or business news?最后一题开放型提问,要注意避免使用good, bad, great过于笼统的词汇。要根据文字进行 一些更加详细的回答信息。解题技巧:1. 读懂问题-通读全文

45、-信息定位-准确表达-避免答非所问;2. 注意以材料为本。无论是单词、词组、句子,还是人、物、时间、地点、原因等,都要根据 文章类型准确填写;3. 注意文章中的人称和时态,做到问答一致。考试时最常见的错误就是时态语态用错;4. 灵活运用同义词语的替换和各种句型的不同表达;5. 对于开放性问题的回答,应根据文章提供的素材,根据全文大意、中心思想和作者的情感、 立场展开合理的想象;6. 在对待生词的处理上,要一分为二地看待。有些不影响理解的生词(如地名,人名)可直接 忽视掉。有些生词前后会出现破折号、冒号或者出现that is to say或者that means等词时,其 实就是解释说明的作用。

46、可以注意推测出词意;7. 态度要端正,目前每年的篇幅都是呈上升的趋势,所以学生要有心理准备,务必要把握好做 阅读题的节奏。针对不同的提问形式,需要注意下列问题:what提问使用名词、to do、doing句子等回答why提问使用 Because, for, since, as, in order to 等形式回答when提问使用介词+时间,如:In 1948./On September 19, 2004where提问使用介词+地点,如In the parkhow提问使用形容词、副词、bydoing with等方式状语How long 提问How far提问反意疑问句使用For+时间段,sinc

47、e+时间点或者句子,如:For two years注:如果动词是take> spend时,时间段是动词的宾语,这时不需要介词。使用 Five minutes' walk: It's about 20 kilometers 等等按事实回答,其中陈述部分为否定的反意疑问句回答是易错点选择疑问句注意不要yes和no来回答,直接进行选择,也可以全部否定或者肯定一般疑问句注意应将简单回答书写完整(分步给分)开放式问题使用 1 think he/she ./We need to be ./I can learn . from him/her阅读回答问题提高一、专题知识梳理学生们做“阅

48、读简答”这样的题目时,普遍觉得不难,而考试结果一出来,却发现得高分 的不多,原因就在于这种题型不仅要求学生读懂文章,还要求他们用自己的语言简练的回 答有关问题;既考查了学生的阅读理解能力,也考查了他们的英语表达能力和概括能力, 另外,对同答的拼写、语法的正确性的要求,使得做简答题有一定的难度。再加上解答这 样的题型几乎没有猜题的技巧可言,也从某种意义上加大了做题的难度。要想取得较好 的成绩,好的解题步骤和技巧是非常重要的。1. 通读全文。做简答题的关键是要读懂原文,因此首先要通读全文、弄清楚段落大意及 文章的中心意思以及作者的基本观点、态度,正确理解语境。2. 按题查读,即根据问题去寻找答案。

49、认真阅读问题,充分理解问题,准确理解所问的 内容,确定需要在文章中查找的对象,避免答非所问。3. 简练作答。在基本确定了每道题的回答内容之后,就要用简练、准确的英语表达出 来。注意回答问题时要切中要点,不要画蛇添足。组织答案时,注意避免语言错误, 如:时态、主谓一致、句子结构和拼写等。如需引用原文,要作适当改动,最好不要 整句照搬.4. 认真核查。完成所填的答案以后,再将原短文和补全后的短文或句子放在一起,审读一 遍,上下对比参照,逐一检查所填的词是否符合原文主旨和细节,是否答非所问,是 否仍存在语法、词汇拼写等错误,另外还有一点也要注意:如果对字数有要求,是否 符合要求。5. 答案形式要符合

50、提问方式。不同类型的问题要求有不同形式的回答,不能仅仅为了答 案的简洁而忽略了问题与回答在形式上的对应。如原文中提问方式为“why”,那么就 要用“because”引导的从句来回答。二、专题精讲回答问题注意十大点1) 用How提问,回答要以by开头A. How did the judge solve the student's problem?B. (The judge solved the problem) By making the restaurant owner hear the sound of the falling coins.2) 用where/when提问,要以介词i

51、n/ on/ at等开头A. Where did the student live?B. In a small room near a restaurantA When did Eppie Lederer begin to write an advice column for the Chicago Sun Times?B In 1955. (or: After she won a contest.)3) 用how many提问,要注意数字前是否有限定词more than/ at least/about等。A How many readers do the two columns have?B

52、 Nearly 200 million readers (around the world).4) 用why提问,要以because(of)开头回答,或者以Todo开头回答。A Why did the student feel afraid?B Because the judge said he was wrong / he had only a few coins/ he had no money.A. Why did Lederer ask her readers to write letters to The U.S. Congress?B. To make them pass the

53、law.5) 用whom提问,要以介词with/by等回答。A. Whom did Sam live with in the Wild Catskill Mountains?B. He lived with himself.6)How long提问时要注意区分在现在完成时态中要用for+段时间(since+时间点)开头回答,其他则直接回答。A. How long have you stayed in Shanghai?B. For 3 years.A. How long did it take you to go to school by bus? B. 3 hours.7)注意回答时态:A.

54、 How was the food in the restaurant?B. The food was dclicious/good.8)反义疑问句:Example 1. Both Eppie Lederer and Pauline Phillip love their jobs, donU they?步骤:A.去掉反义部分(即don't they)B. 把前半部分的陈述句改为疑问句,即Do both Eppei Lederer and Pauline Phillip love their jobs?C. 可以正常回答了。Example 2 The student wasn't

55、 happy living in the small room, was he?步骤:A,去掉反义部分(即was they)B. 把前半部分的否定句改为肯定句,即The student was happy living in the small room.C. 再把肯定句改为疑问句,即 Was the student happy living in the small roomD. 可以正常回答了。9)选择疑问句:Based on her speaking, how do we stay young, to laugh or to cry?回答时,不以yes/no开头,直接选择其中一项回答,艮

56、J We stay young to laugh.10)主观题:要以文章中心思想为基础,通常看文章最后一段的意思,再用自己话概述A. As a teenager, will you run away from home? Why?B Because this was just the kind of forest he always dreamed about优选提升题»阅读回答问题(2022上海黄浦一模)I ran up the stairs two at a time, holding the book from the library, the onewith my essay

57、 printed out in it. I couldn't wait to tell my parents. Before I could open my mouth, my mother looked at my book and frowned (皱眉)."Another new book, Mia?" she said. "You should be spending more time doing maths. Something you can actually get good at." Then she became homesi

58、ck. "You know when I was your age, I used to attend my brother's maths lessons."Yesh, yeah, yeah. I didn't have time for this.'Tm not you, Mom," I yelled. The words came shooting out of my mouth, and my mom was shocked.'Tm sorry. I just mean. Maybe I like something els

59、e.""Like what?" she asked. She put her broom down and crossed her arms. I bit my lip."Like writing?""English writing?" she asked, z/like it was the most useless thing in the world, like I'd said basket weaving?"I nodded."You gotta be native at English. And I'm sorry, but we are just not. You can, however, be native at maths."" don't want to be native at maths." I said. My mother frowned."You're not getting it, are you?" she said. She sat down on the bed and looked at me in the


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