1、The Lessons We Learn贾真真 Class 4(1) 1)Human beings are inborn learners. Our learning experiences date back to the very beginning of human civilization: learning to walk on two feet has ultimately made man out of the ape; learning to use tools has greatly enabled man to create his own life; learning t
2、o paint and write has eventually realized the dream of passing down man s experiences; learning to sing and dance haslargely facilitated the display of man s emo, tiitoinssl.eIanrnainwgotrhdat makes mandistinctive. It is learning that makes the evolution of man possible.Human beings tend to learn fr
3、om themselves. In fact, our ancestors have always been our best teachers. Through prehistoric paintings, historical records, literary works and even legends and folktales, our ancestors teach us quietly on how to survive and how to improve. Just as Isaac Newton has said, “ If I have seen further tha
4、n others it is because I have stood on the shoulders of giants. ” The reason why human beings evolve and get mighty power is because we ve stood onthe shoulders of our ancestors. It is from them that we acquire our knowledge and wisdom. Apart from our ancestors we also learn from people around us. F
5、rom the very moment of our birth our parents begin to teach us about the world: what is a flower; what is the sun, why the earth moves around. It is with such basic knowledge that we start our journey of exploring the world. As we grow up, friends emerge as another important part of our life. How sh
6、ould we get along with others? How can we get things done? We learn the basic living principles through interactions with friends. In fact, every person whom we get in touch with will be our teacher more or less, not to mention our teachers, tutors or bosses. A C hinese saying makes sense that“ Amon
7、g any threepeople walking I ll find something to learn for sure.” Meanwhile we also learn from ourselves.Experiences speak louder than textbooks. The candies are sweet while the pills are bitter. The summer s hot whilethe winter s cold. We perceive the world with our heart. We comprehend the world w
8、ith our mind.Human beings are also learning from the nature. For first and for most, we learn by imitating the nature. Seeing the birds flying in the sky we got the idea of making an airplane. Observing the fish swimming in water we started to travel in submarines. The development of bionics is the
9、very progress of imitation of the nature. By recognizing advantages of different species and imitating them, human beings gain omnipotent power and seize the control of the world. At the same time, we learn by exploring nature. Why it is thundering? How to produce electricity? Out of great curiosity
10、 man set out exploring nature by trails, experiments or even assumptions. Eventually, the mystery of thundering was discovered, and the electricity was produced. Man begins to realize the laws of nature and regulate their behaviors with due care and attention. To a certain degree human beings are cr
11、eating the world through inventions and innovations. But every invention is a double- edged sword. Man s exploring and inventing process cuts two ends. The overuse of farmland has ultimately led to soil erosion and then floods follow. The invention of air conditioner has brought about Ozone holes re
12、sulting in skin cancer and other skin diseases. Faced with toxic air, polluted water, human beings begin to learn from the reply of nature. More trees are planted and less refrigeration equipment is used. With great respect to nature, man has learnt to ask for permission before the contemplation of
13、any further actions.The learning ability is a privilege of human beings and thus the learning process is ever-lasting. All in all, we learn, and we survive. We learn, and we improve. (640 wd)点评:说明文是人们生活中常用的文体,是人类了解世界、认识世界的一种表现形式。下定义、分析原因、介绍过程、诠释历史事件、阐明哲学体系、说明事务本质特征、阐述人生道理,都可以用到说明文。大学生英语写作多以最后一种为主,要求
14、运用娴熟的英文将生活中的常理一一道来,达到思想与语言完美结合的境界。贾真真同学的作文,气势恢弘,立意高远。从远古一路走来,在认识和成长两条主线交替变奏的旋律之中,将人类文明的启示完整演绎,首尾呼应,一气呵成。文章结构层次分明,陈述清楚,环环相扣,每一小点的都有完整的交代。排比句式滚动展开,思绪起伏,汹涌澎湃,极具震撼力。再回首,却有发现,作者的举例,皆是生活常理,再也直白不过。这种直白让人觉得言之有理。例如:.The candies are sweet while the pills are bitter. The summer' s hot while the winter '
15、; scold 贾真真同学的举例有两个特点:一是具有代表性;二是体例之间具有内在联系,属于同一项类。比如:learning to use toolslearning to paint and write . learning to sing and dance最后,作者选词用意深远、 精当。例如,Out of great curiosity man set out exploring natureby trails, experiments or even assumptions.区区三词,已经将人类从古至今、实地考察、室内实验、大胆假设等一切精神的、物质的研究探索活动统统收于囊中。词语使用统
16、计:术语次数范例动宾词组15acquire knowledge; facilitate the display ofcreate one ' s own life; realized the dream;start one ' s jouigetymighty power;explore the world; mention our teachersperceive the world; comprehend the world make an airplane; regulate their behaviors gain omnipotent power; seize the
17、 controlrecognize advantages; make sense动词短语7bring about; date back to; lead to; result in grow up; get along with; get in touch with短语动词4learn from; move around; travel in; ask for不及物动词 其他:3follow; emerge; evolve被动语态4to be discovered准系表结构1to make sth. possible;adj. + n.19prehistoric paintings现在分词短语
18、7Observing the fish swim ming in water,排比句1learning to ; learning to; learning to;修辞7E式1It is from them thatThe Truth of Life周沫 Class 4(2)I ll never forget the old man from whom I learned the truth of life. He is not a prominent president or scientist; actually he is anything but a distinguished per
19、son. He is a vendor selling pineapples by the street corner in this noisy city.The weather was perfect on May Day except for the burning sun, but it was still a good day to visit the arboretum, which I d been looking forward to for a long time. I set out late in themorning with a friend of mine. Get
20、ting off the crowded bus, we were both thirsty and hot. Then suddenly an old man selling pin eapples not far away delighted my eyes. We couldn t wait butrushed toward his stall. However we stopped just three yards away from him, astonished. How skinny he was, with a pair of bony hands busy taking ca
21、re of his business. He stood by the cart piled with appealing peeled pineapples. Studying the pineapple in his hand, he peeled it dexterously, cut it and then covered it with plastic sheets. The yellow fruit meat was very inviting on display in the front part of his cart facing the customers. He nev
22、er raised his had or stopped peeling. He was completely absorbed in the beauty of his own world, void of worldly concerns.But unfortunately, few people paid any attention to this hunch-backed man. His business was poor.Strangely enough, I felt something inside me driving me towards him, and perhaps
23、it was the same with my friend. At our arrival, he lifted his head, with no expression in the face. It was a black face full of wrinkles, the award of years of hardship and struggling.“ Two pieces of pineapples, please.”He stretched out a bony hand and took the money.“ The police! ” A passerby sudde
24、nly yelled to warn him of the approaching trouble just as he was about to give us the pineapples.With frightened expression, he jumped onto the carriage and drove away as quickly as possible.We were completely at sea before we noticed several uniformed men in hot pursuit after the pineapple man. He
25、was not fast enough, however. Held tightly, he was only partly visible in between the uniforms surrounded by his chasers. He was still putting up resistance, trying to take back his cart. But all his effort was in vain. Later, we saw him standing there helplessly, watching his cart being taken away.
26、 My heart ached, and I felt my friend s hand shaking in mine.It seemed something had occurred to him. Abruptly he began to walk toward us.“ Sorry, ” he said, taking out the two yuan note from his pocket and stretched his hand to us.I was flabbergasted and stood still.“ Here is your money, ” he said
27、again.“ No, please. Pleas keep it.” I didn t know what to say.“ I can t. ” He insisted and looked straight into my eyes. What resolute eyes!I could do nothing but took the money.While we are complaining of the boredom or toughness of life, why not take a look at those street vendors in the street? F
28、rom them I have learned the truth of life. (529 wd)记叙文当然离不开讲故事,真实的或是虚构的,都要有可读性。最大的忌讳无外乎就是写成流水账。 我们身边经常发生的事,经过作者的加工创作成了故事。读者突然间受到一份感动,谴责野蛮,同情弱者,人性得到宣泄,获得一份满足,这是本文成功的要点。不足:本文结尾流于说教,应该摈弃。“ We” 指何人?作者是何人?代圣人言?从小学三年级到高三,语文课上强调“升华 ”, 主张做文章要有“社会意义”。说教的秉性历史悠久,孔子是教育家。他追求理想社会,办法是“教育、从善”,因为他知道人性是不可以改变的。所以人类社会永
29、远不断前进,有所追求。避免说教的办法之一是从我做成起,剖析自己,这样用意也会深远一些:In the acceptance of the money, I sold myself to Satan. I was lost. I gave in. Now Iunderstand my protest will be insignificant. But there must be someone who has to stand up. In the rest of my life, I will keep a sking myself, “ Are you ready for being tha
30、?t o”neComputers Will not Replace Teachers 高攀Class 5(3)Nowadays computers have found access to almost every classroom and dormitory on campus. It seems that some day computers will replace teachers because they are becoming more and more powerful. But in my opinion, computers will not replace teache
31、rs however advanced they will become.Computers are tools for people to use while teachers are humans, the master adviser to people who want to learn. The difference here means that the computer cannot understand the needs of individual learners as teachers do. Learning is a reciprocal process which
32、not only involves the dissemination of knowledge but also the feedback from those under instruction. It is true that learners can get information from the computer and enjoy the sense of achievement to a certain degree. But learners by computers can hardly get a chance to get the information verifie
33、d and fully digested so as to get it integrated into the knowledge structure of their own. However teachers will be their good guide. They will teach the students the learning methods, making different plans for learners according to their traits and characters. Also, teachers will give in-classroom
34、 comment on students work or after class tutoring, an interaction vital to the completeness of learning that the computer is incapable of. If the learners are lazy, they will be pushed to work harder; if they fail in the exam, they will be asked to find out the cause of the failure and encouraged to
35、 do it better next time. Teachers give emotional support and arouse interest in learning. But the computer can do neither.What is more, computers cannot improve the learners potential of creativity, which hasbecome a top priority employers are looking for in the job market. A nation without creativity has to face the crisis of survival; a business corporation, the consequence of bankruptcy. Learning by computers kills creativity.
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