



1、双语阅读Comfort Food 抚慰心灵的食物Katie :So whatarethreefoods that youabsolutelyhavetohave thatyoucan'tlive without?凯蒂:哪三种食物是你必须要吃而且离不了的食物?Gilda :I wouldsaythatI could not livewithoutarepa.It's like my daily breakfast in Venezuela.吉尔达:我会说没有玉米饼我活不下去。玉米饼是我在委内瑞拉每天都要 吃的早餐。Katie : What's that?凯蒂:那是什么?G

2、ilda : Arepa ismade of corn flour, and it looks likea hamburger.So you put anything youwant inside and it'svery tasty . And I would say like 95 percent of Venezu elans eat arepasevery day. Well, it's kind of like a hi gh- carb diet in my country. So I need rice also for lunch ,and bread. Bre

3、ad is anotherthing. In the afternoon,a piece of bread, sweet bread withcoffee iskind oflike mandatory.吉尔达:玉米饼是用玉米面做的,看起来很像汉堡包。你可以在里面加你 想吃的任何食物,非常美味。我认为委内瑞拉有95%勺人每天都吃玉米饼。这在我们国家是高碳食品。我午饭要吃米饭和面包。面包是另一个我离不 开的食物。下午,吃片甜面包搭配咖啡,是我一定要做的事。Katie :So lots and lots ofcarbsin yourdiet.凯蒂:你的饮食中有很多碳水化合物。Gilda :Yes.

4、 What aboutyou?Whatabout inEngland?吉尔达:对。你呢?英国是什么情况?Katie : Well, English breakfast is not the healthiest of breakfast. It's like a big plate with friedeggs, fried s ausages, hash browns, like hash potatoes, beans, just everything fried andeverything delicious. And I would say th atI can'tli

5、ve withoutthat,but ifI ate itevery day,then Iwould probably notbe able to leavemy house because I would be so, so fat. But it'sdefinitely a food that is in my top foods of all time. That's proba bly my favorite. But recently, I've been eating lots oftofu. It's breakfast.凯蒂:英国的早餐弁不是最健

6、康的早餐。我们早上有一大盘煎蛋、煎香 肠、土豆煎饼、马铃薯泥、豌豆等,所有食物都是油炸的,非常好吃。我 想我离不开这些美食,不过如果要是我每天都吃这些,那我可能就没法出 门了,因为我会变得非常胖。不过,这些食物永远是我认为最好的食物。那是我最喜欢的食物。不过最近我早餐经常吃豆腐。Gilda : Oh, okay.吉尔达:哦,好。Katie : Yeah. So a little bit of tofu, a little bit ofsoy sauce just for breakfast, which is just -it'sa bit of a boring breakfast.

7、 But it's really healt hy, I guess. So I've been eating that a lot everyday.So I probably can't live without that recently. And also , pizza. Pizza.凯蒂:嗯。最近我的早餐是豆腐配酱油,这是有些无趣的早餐。不过我认为很健康。所以我基本上每天都吃。最近我可能离不开这些了。还有批萨。Gilda : Oh, pizza. Yes, very good.吉尔达:哦,批萨,非常好。Katie : Pizza. I think every

8、one can't live without pizza.凯蒂:批萨,我认为所有人都离不开批萨。Gilda : Yes.吉尔达:对。Katie : Pizza is the best. Pizza is definitely a food th at I can't live without.凯蒂:批萨是最棒的美食。批萨绝对是我离不开的食物。Gilda : Yeah, I try to have pizza probably once a week,I would say. Yeah.吉尔达:对,我基本上每周吃一次批萨。Katie : What's your favor

9、ite topping?凯蒂:你最喜欢的批萨配料是什么?Gilda :That would be cheese.吉尔达:应该是芝士。Katie :Cheese. Classic.凯蒂:芝士。很棒。Gilda : Definitely. Bacon.吉尔达:当然了。还有培根。Katie : Cheese and bacon. Oh it sounds good.凯蒂:芝士和培根。哦,听起来不错。Gilda : Yes. Very, very tasty .吉尔达:没错,非常非常美味。Katie :Justcheese and bacon or anything else?凯蒂:只放芝士和培根吗,

10、还有其他的吗?Gilda : No, no. I'm going for anything actually butI will always need to have cheese and baconon my pizza. 吉尔达:不是。我喜欢配料丰富的批萨,不过批萨里一定要有芝士和培 根。Katie : Pizza is not pizza without cheese.凯蒂:没有芝士的批萨不是批萨。Gilda : Yes. Yes.吉尔达:对,没错。Katie : It has to have cheese.凯蒂:必须要有芝士。3 / 7因语阅读Gilda : So what

11、else do you have? So you said tofu, piz za, what other food can you livewithout?吉尔达:还有什么食物是你离不开的?你刚说了豆腐、批萨,还有其他离 不开的食物吗?Katie : Well, my grandma is part Italian. So we have lots oflike pasta andlasagnainourfamily.So I tryandeat - well, Itry not toeat alot of pastabecause I'llget really fat. But

12、pastais definitely something that I can't live without. So good.凯蒂:我奶奶有意大利血统。所以我们家经常吃意面和烤宽面条。我尽量 少吃些意面,因为那会让我发胖。不过意面绝对是我离不开的食物,非常 美味。Gilda : Yeah. Italian food is so good.吉尔达:对,意大利食物很好吃。Katie :Yeah.And again,lots of cheese.凯蒂:没错,而且里面也有很多芝士。Gilda :Yeah.We also do alot of lasagnabut, well, wecall

13、it pasticho.吉尔达:对。我们也经常吃烤宽面条,不过我们称之为pasticho。Katie : Pasticho.凯蒂:pasticho 。Gilda : It's a differentname but it'sthe same lasagna.And it's also very tasty .吉尔达:叫法不一样,不过都是烤宽面条。非常好吃。Katie : So good.凯蒂:非常好。Gilda : Yeah. But high fat food.吉尔达:对,不过那是高脂饮食。Katie : So like a real like comfort foo

14、d, isn't it? Lasa gna.凯蒂:烤宽面条是能抚慰心灵的食物,对吧?Gilda : Yeah. Yeah.吉尔达:对,没错。Katie : So good. So what would you say is your comfort food?凯蒂:非常好吃。那能抚慰你心灵的食物是什么?Gilda : My comfort food 一thatwould bearepa,again. Yeah, definitely.吉尔达:能抚慰我心灵的食物,那应该是玉米饼。绝对是。Katie :You saidyou'regoingto have lots oflike f

15、illings in that.凯蒂:你刚说可以在里面加很多食物。Gilda : Yes. So my favorite would be black beans with ch eese inside. It sounds a little bit like amix up of th ings but it's really, really tasty . We do eat a lot of black beans every day inVenezuela. It's very common. Wh at about you?吉尔达:对。我最喜欢的是在里面加黑豆和芝士。

16、听起来像是食物的混 合,不过真的很好吃。我们在委内瑞拉每天都吃黑豆。这很常见。你呢?Katie : My comfort food, I can't eat it as much as I w ould like to these days but it's probablymy mom's spaghe tti Bolognese. So good. It's so good, like lots of past a, lots of tomato, lots ofherbs, lots of cheese.凯蒂:虽然我现在不能吃太多,不过能抚慰我心灵的食物是我妈妈做的意大利波伦亚面条。非常好。里面有意面、番茄、


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