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1、Module 2 My familyUn it 1 Is this your mum ?学习目标:1、掌握本模块重点单词和短语。2、掌握本模块的重点句型。学习重点:1、本模块的单词、短语、句型。2、掌握本模块的语法“ be”用法学习过程:I单词、词组学练(1)猜词1.a t2.ther3. cou _ n4. d _ ghter5. ther6. pnt7. s _ ter8. s _9. cle10. th_y11. m_m12. d_d13. woma n 复数)14.husb_d15.f_ my(2)写出下列单词的对应词1. father4. qrandfather7. son2. si

2、ster5. girl8. dad3. uncle6. womanII 单项选择1. Your father and mother are your.A. gran dpare nt B. gran dpare nts C. pare nt D. pare nts2. Tom' s mother is my aunt. My father is Tom' s A. grandpa B. father C. uncle D. cousin3. How many are there in the classroom?A. deskB. desks C. a desk D. desk

3、es4. My grandfather? s daughter is my.A. mother B. sister C. aunt D. A or C5. Shesome brothers a nd sisters.A. has get B. has got C. have get D. have got III 根据汉语提示完 成句子。1 我的妹妹是医生。她就站在我旁边。_ sister is a . She is sta ndingme.2他的奶奶来自美国。她是一名公共汽车司机一_ grandma isAmerica She ' s a bus .3. 杰克不是中国人。他的父亲是酒

4、店经理。JackChin ese.father is a .4. _盒子里有几个苹果? _有6个。5. 看,这些是我新自行车照片.6. 他的妈妈紧挨着爸爸Un it 2 These are my pare nts.学习目标:掌握本模块重点单词和短语。掌握本模块的重点句型。本模块的单1、词、短语、句型。掌握本模块的语法“be”用法2、学习重点:I.完成单词并说出汉语意思仁ho4.dr ver7.police n1O.jtai5.ma er8police _ m_nb8:act th6.n se9.w_IL If译句子:1 这是我的父母。2我的父亲是同一名工厂经j:jg My father is

5、a.3. 他们是工厂工人。They are 4. 我的妈妈是一家医院的医生。My mother isat the111 根据句意及首字母补全单词。1. Paul is En glish and he is from E2. r m from Class 1 .What ayou ?3. Jane works in a h But she isn a good doctor, she is a driver.4. My father is a p. He works in police statio n.5. Lily ' s mother is a n. She works in a

6、hospital.IV阅读短文,完成选择。My n ame is Lisa Gibs on. I am from the Un ited States. I am 12 years old. And I am a student at No.2 Middle School in Beijing. Mrs. Wang is our Chinese teacher. My friend is also a stude nt here. Her n ame is Maria Smith. She is from En gla nd. She is 13 years old. Maria and I

7、are new students in No.2 Middle School. We like our Chinese class.()1. Who is the writer of this readi ng?A. A teacher in Chi na.B. A stude nt from En gla nd.C. A stude nt from America.D. Maria Smith.)2. What is the writer' s family name?A. LisaB. GibsC. .Maria.D. Smithon.)3. Who is Mrs. Wang务th

8、 teacher, sB. The writer ' s English teacher.A. The writer ' chin ese teacher.D. The writer ' s student.C. The writer ' ' s friend ' s first name is)4. What' s Lisa B. Maria.C. Smith.D. Wang.)5. How old is Maria?A. Eleve n.B. Twelve.C. Thirtee n. D. Fourtee n.Unit 3 Lan g

9、uage in use学习目标:1、掌握本模块重点单词和短语。2、掌握本模块的重点句型。学习重点:1、本模块的单词、短语、句型。2、掌握本模块的语法“ be”用法。学习过程:I. 单词、词组学练(1)完成单词并说出汉语意思1. d tor3.wer5.s_p6.ts2. f m4.ma n (复数)_ 7.th他们的(2)根据汉语完成词组1 我的家庭11 来自不同的国家2 多大的家庭12 公共汽车站3 在左边13. 一些女医生4 在右边14 十二个孩子5. 一个紧挨着他的女人15. 一名公交车司机6. 一名宾馆经理16 名办公室秘书7 在相同的医院17. 一名农场工人8 在前面18 说英语9

10、与不同19 .在黑板上写10例如20 用汉语III 单项选择()1.My n ameWang Hui.A. am B. isC. areD. be()2.Tom and Petergood friends.A. am B. is C. are D. /()3.isMiss Li from?A. Where B. What C. Who()4I , mOK.A. How old are you ?C. Good morning!()5.Are you from Class One , Lucy ?She is from Chan gsha.D. HowB. How are you?A. No ,

11、 I don ' t. B. Yes , I am. C. Yes , I do . D. No , I am .()6. There are four people in my family一 my dad, my mum,A. me and my brother B. my brother and I C.l and brother D. my and I ()7. brother is seve n years old.A. SallyB. Sally isC. SallysD. Sally' s()8. Lucy12 years old .She is 13 years

12、 old.A. isn 11B. isC. aren *tD.aren !t()9. -Are you jn Grade One? A. Yes, I amB. No, I am C. Yes,丨'm not D. Yes, I ' m()10. Martin : ,please sit dow n.A. I 1 nOK.B. Nice to meet you._ Thank you. D. Goodafter noon.()11. r mA. ChinaB. AmericaC. En glishD. En gla nd()12.Is your mother a doctor?

13、A. Yes, it is. B. No, he isn't. C. Yes, she is.D. No, it isn't.()13.Let' s put this mapthesde-OK.A. to B. on C. for D. in()14.your mother now?-Shewell. Thank you.A. is, are. B. are, is C. is, is D. are, are.()15. Are these your gran dpare nts? 一A. Yes, he is. B. No, he isn 'C. Yes, They are. D. No, they aren 't.IV 用所给词的正确形式填空1 Where( be ) your parents?2. ( she ) n ame is Mary.3. (this ) are his brothers, Jim and Bill.4. Here ( be ) his family photos.5. How many(room ) are there in your house?6. M


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