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1、英语试题(满分 100 分,时间100 分钟)注意事项:1. 本试卷分第I卷和第II卷两部分,共8页。答题前,考生务必用0.5毫米黑色签字笔将自己的姓名、座号、准考证号等填写在答题卡规定的位置上。考试结束后,将本试卷 和答题卡一并交回。2. 第 I 卷每题选出答案后,都必须用2B 铅笔把答题卡上对应题号的答案标号涂黑。如需改动,用橡皮擦干净后,再选涂其他答案标号。不涂在答题卡上,答在试卷上无效。3. 第 II 卷必须用0.5 毫米黑色签字笔作答,答案须写在答题卡各题目指定的区域内,在试卷上答题不得分;如需改动,先划掉原来的答案,然后再写上新的答案。第I卷(选择题共55分)一、单项选择(共10

2、小题,满分10 分)从每小题A、 B、 C、 D 中选出一个能填入句中空白处的最佳答案。1. Which bottle is yours?一 one with blue cover.A. The; aB. The; the C. A; aD. A; the2. It s an easy job, but it needs great.A. tryB. careC. heartD. act3. - Beautiful skirt!I try it on?-Sorry. It's sold already.4.A. NeedThe boss is so _B. MayC. WillD. M

3、ustthat almost no one dares to play jokes on him.5.A. friendlyB. carefulThe high-speed train will _C. popularD. serious_ you about 2 hours from Rizhao to Jinan.6.A. saveI can hardly eatB. pay.C. useD. spendI am not feeling well today.A. nothing B. anything C. everything D. something7. When will you

4、give the novel back to me?-Sorry, I it. How about Friday?A. didn t finish B. won t finish C. haven t finished D. don t finish8. The window broke into pieces shortly after the plane .A. got offB. took upC. got upD. took off9. Smile to the world, the world will smile back to you.A. andB. orC. butD. if

5、10. There is so much noise in the next room. I wonder .A. what are they doingB. what were they doingC. what they are doingD what they were doing二、完形填空(共15小题,满分15分)阅读下面的短文,掌握其大意,然后从短文后各题所给的A、B C D四个选项中,选出最佳选项。The passengers on the bus watched with sympathy (同情)as Susan made her way carefully up the s

6、teps. She paid the driver and then, using her hands to 11 the seats, sat in one of them.She went blind a year ago. A sudden accident threw her into a world of 12 . Susan ' s husband Mark tried everything to help her.Finally, Susan felt ready to 13 to her job, but how would she get there? She use

7、d to take the bus, but she was now 14 of getting around by herself. Mark 15 to ride the bus with Susan 16 she could manage it by herself.For two weeks, Mark 17 Susan to and from work each day. He taught her how to use her other 18 , especially her hearing, to decide where she was.At last, Susan deci

8、ded that she was ready to try the trip 19 . Monday morning arrived. Before she left, she kissed her husband goodbye and, for the first time, they went their lonely ways.Each day went perfectly. She was 20 she could do it!On Friday morning, Susan took the bus to work as usual. As she was getting 21 t

9、he bus, the driver said,“ Miss, I su(ne enVyyou. "Surprised, Susan asked the driver 22 .“You know, every morning for the 23 week, a fine-looking gentleman has been standing across the corner watching you until you enter your office building 24 , “ the bus driver said.Her eyes were wet with happ

10、iness. She was so lucky. Her husband had given her a gift more powerful than 25 . That is the gift of love that can bring light where there is darkness.11. A.seeB. takeC. feelD. move12. A. darknessB. silenceC. businessD. sadness13. A. turnB. rideC. returnD. come14. A. freeB. shamedC. afraidD. tired1

11、5. A. learnedB. continuedC. affordedD. offered16. A. asB. untilC. sinceD. unless17. A. followedB. droveC. ran afterD. went with18. A. skillsB. sensesC. abilitiesD. methods19. A. in personB. on footC. of her ownD. on her own20. A. excitedB. worriedC. nervousD. ready21. A. offB. onC. awayD. in22. A. w

12、hoB. howC. whyD. where23. A. firstB. pastC. nextD. same24. A. aloneB. safelyC. slowlyD. easily25. A. sightB. praiseC. wealthD. fame三、阅读理解(共15小题,满分30分)阅读下列材料,然后从每小题A、B、C D四个选项中选出能回答所提问题或完成所给句子的最佳答案。AAs a new teacher in Denver, Kyle felt that there was something she didn't know about her students.

13、 She thought up a lesson plan called “ Wish My Teacher Knew.”For the activity, Kyle's students wrote down a thought for their teacher and shared something they'd like her to know about.The students loved this idea. Many of them were not only willing to include their names, but also enjoyed s

14、haring it with the class.“wish my teacher knew I don 't have pencils at home to do my homework, " one wrote.wish my teacher knew I don 't have friends to play with me, " another shared.wish my teacher knew sometimes my homework is not signed (签名)because my mumis not around a lot,“

15、read another.After she learnt most of her students led heartbreaking lives, Kyle shared some of the notes on social media. She hoped other teachers would use the same lesson with their own students. Soon posts and photos of notes from other schools poured in(涌入)from around the world.After one studen

16、t shared that she had no one to play with at break, the next day during break I noticed she was playing with a group of girls. Not only can I support my students, but my students can support each other,“ said Kyle.Kyle's story won the hearts of many people.I' take my hat off to this teacher.

17、 It must have been heartbreaking after reading these stories.”If every person did one nice thing for someone, no matter how small, the world would be a better place.”26. Kyle started the activity to.A. gave good lessons to the studentsB. help other teachers prepare lessonsC. know more about her stud

18、entsD. get her students to know her better27. What did the students need to do in the activity?A. Write down their wishes.B. Play at break with friends.C. Get their homework signed.D. Have more pencils at home.28. What do we know from the story?A. The students put notes on social media.B. All the st

19、udents led heartbreaking lives.C. Many people supported Kyle 's students.D. The students improved in some ways.29. How do you understand the underlined sentence?A. I look up to the teacher.B. I encourage the teacher.C. I agree with the teacher.D. I don't believe the teacher.30. Which of the

20、following words best describes Kyle?第3页(共8页)A. Imaginative.B. Polite.C. Responsible.D. Friendly.BWhat is one thing that would help parents understand their kids better? More than 8,000 US kids answered this question in an online poll ( 投票 ) by KidsH.Many US kids two out of three said they g

21、et along with their parents. But th at doesn t mean they never disagree. In fact, most kids reported arguing with their parents, at least sometimes. And two out of five kids said arguments sometimes even include shouting at each other.“ It s certainly normal to disagree and argue, arcy Lyne” ss, saa

22、nysAmDerican expert . “ But it s also important to learn how to do so respectfully ( 尊重地 ). Be patient. Don t use a raised, _ " _ ” angry voice. ”And not surprisingly, three out of four kids said they had lied to their parents sometimes. Many said they lie so they would not get in trouble or di

23、sappoint their parents. According to Lyness, lying isn t just wrong. It can actually have bad results. Telling the truth builds trust.Telling the truth, says Lyness, shows maturity ( 成熟 ). But older kids actually lie more often than younger ones. Kids aged 12 to 14 not only said they lie more, but t

24、hey also reported having less fun, feeling less close and not getting along as well with their parents.According to Lyness, those feelings are common. As kids become more independent ( 独立 ), they have more areas of disagreement with their parents. But it doesn htave to be that way. “ Kids and parent

25、s get along differently at each stage of the journey,” she says.and change, it is important for everybody t o change. ” 31. In Lyness s opinion, kidstheir parents.A. never agree withB. may argue withC. must always agree withD. can shout at32. Why do some kids lie to their parents?A. They don t trust

26、 their parents.B. They don t want to get into trouble.C. They don t think lying is wrong.D. They are disappointed with their parents.33. About out of the 8,000 students in the poll said that they have lied to their parents.A. 3,000B. 4,500C. 6,000D. 7,50034. According to Paragraph 5, older kids .A.

27、have more fun in lifeB. seldom lie to their parentsC. feel less close to their parentsD. gets along better with their parents35. The writer wrote this article to .A. explain why kids tell liesB. show how parents and kids get alongC. avoid troubles between parents and kidsD. help parents and kids und

28、erstand each other betterCDo you find it difficult to put down your mobile phone?If yes, you ' re not alone. These days, mpeyple are facing the stress in the use of mobile phones. They reach for their mobile phones when they wake up in the morning, and keep checking their social media apps to ge

29、t the latest updates (更新).A report from Google shows that 70 percent of people don't want to spend much time ontheir phones. This is why Google introduced an app called Dashboard for the new Android operating system(安卓操作系统 ).This new app includes functions (功能)that help users manage the time. Fo

30、r example, users can see how many times they've unlocked their phone, how many times they've checked their social media apps, and how much time they spend on each app every day.Once the users see this information, they'll be able to make some changes. With the App Timer (计时)function, use

31、rs can set a time limit for how long they can use each app for every day. After they ve hit the limit, they won 't be able to use the app until the next day. And with another function, the app gets incoming calls silent when the user puts the phone face down.If people truly want to make full use

32、 of their free time instead of losing hours on their phones, these new functions are just one way of doing that.After all, who needs to use an app to stop you from using other apps? The easiest answer would be just to use your willpower.36. Where does the users' stress come from?A. Too many upda

33、tes of the apps.B. Too many functions of the apps.C. Too much information they receive.D. Too much time they spend on the phone.37. Which of the followings is NOT included in Dashboard's functions?A. It stops the users from using willpower.B. It checks how much time the users spend on apps.C. It

34、 lists how many times the users have unlocked the phone.D. It shows how many times the users have checked social media apps.38. What does the underlined word limit" in Paragraph 4 mean?A.目的 B.标准 C.许可 D.限制 39. Which picture shows the phone gets incoming calls silent?ABCD第7页(共8页)A. Its design is

35、perfect.C. It needs more functions.40. What does the writer think of Dashboard?B. It may be helpful to some people.D. It has too many functions.第II卷(非选择题共45分)四、单词拼写(共io小题,满分io分) 根据首字母或汉语提示,在答题卡上 写出下列句子中单词的完全形式。41. Too much sweet can be h to kids 'teeth.42. Anyone who breaks the law will be p.43.

36、 Mary is a from class today because she is ill in hospital.44. The boy was so careless that he made a big m in the exam.45. You'll have to hurry if you want to c that train.46. Bad news(传播)faster.47. The teacher explains everything(清晰).48. She got well after a(勇敢)fight against cancer.49. Some pa

37、rents tell their kids not to speak to(陌生人).50. Tom began to show a special(兴趣)in painting at childhood.五、阅读填空(共10小题,满分10分)阅读下面的短文,在空白处填入适当的内容或括号内单词的正确形式(每空不多于三 个单词)。When doing Christmas shopping, Joy came across ( 偶遇)Nick, the least popular student in school because he wore strange clothes and had a

38、 face only a mother could love.After dinner, Joy ' s family wemt church for the Christmas Eve service. A man withBible(圣经)read a story about Jesus, who came 52 (help) people on Earth. Joy' s thoughtskept turning back to Nick. It must be terrible to be lonely on Christmas Day withhis parentsd

39、ead. 53 (tear) started to run down her cheeks but she brushed them away.That night, while everyone else 54 (sleep) like a baby, Joy was thinking ways to helpNick. As soon as she heard her parents get up, she 55 (quick) jumped out of bed. She told 56 about Nick. Then she asked, “Shalwe invite him ove

40、r today? ” S Sure, said her mother, who was always happy 57 guests came. Her father smiled.When Joy called Nick two hours later, he was deeply 58 (move). He joined them for dinner. To her surprise, Joy enjoyed 59 (spend) time with him. Joy came to understand sharing Christmas cheer is the 60 (great)

41、 joy to Nick, even to the whole world.六、阅读表达(共 5小题,满分10分)阅读下面的短文,根据要求完成文后各小题。Your schooldays should be some of the best and happiest days of your life. How can you get the most from them, and make sure you do not waste this wonderful chance to learn?Be active about school!Don' t say things are d

42、ifficult or boring. Be interested in school -life and your school subjects. Join in lots of activities. Be quick to put your hand up. Go round the school with a big smile.Expect to work. School is not a holiday camp. If you are not working, you are not learning, and you are wasting your time at scho

43、ol. Teachers cannot make everything enjoyable.62 Do not say you will do things tomorrow. Tomorrow, you have other things to do. If you get behind the class, it is very difficult to get back in front.Talk about problems sometimes they are only the result of misunderstanding. Don' t be too embarra

44、ssed to turn to others. You are young. No one thinks you can do everything!Plan your time. Don' t waste life lying in bed on Saturday morning. Go and play a sport, learn the piano, work on a project, read a book, practice English, or help someone with problems. There are always a lot of things t

45、o do.Follow my advice, and have a happy school-life!61. What's the result if you are not working at school?62. Fill in the blank with proper words.(最多 10 词)63. Translate the underlined sentence in Paragraph 5 into Chinese.64. How will you plan your time in school after reading the passage?( 至少 2

46、 条)65. Please give a proper title to the passage.七、写作(共1题,茜分15分)假如你是李华,上周末到青岛拜访你的朋友美国留学生Mike Harris,将背包遗落在他的房间里,包内有学生证、i-pad和英语词典。请你给他写一封电子邮件说明情况,让他尽 快将背包寄回,并邀请他到黄海市共度暑假。邮寄地址:黄海市红星中学9年级1班要求:1 .根据内容,可适当发挥;2 .文中不能出现真实的人名和校名;3 .词数 90 左右。Dear Mike ,I really enjoyed my stay with you last weekend.Yours,Li

47、 Hua第 # 页 (共 8 页)英语参考答案及评分说明第 I 卷 (选择题共 55 分)至三题(一)参考答案:1 5 ABBDA610 BCDAC1115CACCD1620 BDBDA21 25ACBBA2630 CADAC31 35BBCCD3640 DADAB(二)评分说明:1. 1 25 小题,每小题1 分;26 40小题,每小题2 分;2. 凡与答案不符者, 不得分。第 II 卷 (非选择题共 45 分)四、单词拼写44. mistake45. catch49. strangers50. interest(一)参考答案:41. harmful42. punished43. absent46. trave


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