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1、历届全国创新英语大赛初、复赛试题第一届初赛试题:Topic:High School Students Go Abroad for College EducationDirections: In China today, there is an increasing trend that high school student go abroad for study. Please write a composition about this phenomenon in no less than 600 words with your creativity. Writing of any sty

2、le is welcome.注:答题纸请统一用A4纸(21cm*29.6cm)手写或打印。试卷上方留出两行写明考生所属省、市、区(县)及学校班级,写明姓名。作文标题根据要求自拟。备注:因“非典”之故,未举办复赛。第二届初赛试题:Topic:What do you think are the symbols of success in todays China?Directions: The answers of what success means vary from person to person and change time to time. What do you think are

3、 the symbols of success in todays China? Please write a composition in no less than 600 words with your creativity. Writing of any style is welcome.复赛试题:Upward or Outward?Directions:At present, large crowds of people move into cities, making them bigger and bigger. Every city faces the problem wheth

4、er it should expand upward or outward. You are allowed 60 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Upward or Outward? You should write from 300 to 500 words, and base your composition on the following outline.1. Description of the city you live in2. Arguments on the expansion3. Your opinion and

5、reasons写作要求:目前大量人口涌入城市,使得城市规模越来越大。各城市都面临着应该向上发展还是向外发展的难题。请你在60分钟内,根据你居住的城市的特点,些一篇300500字的作文,按下面提纲阐述你的观点及理由。1. 描述你居住的城市状况2. 城市发展方向上的争论3. 你的观点及理由第三届初赛试题:Directions: Some people argue that English has been overemphasized in China. It seems that almost everything from entering a high school or universit

6、y to finding a job or getting a promotion depends on ones mastery of English. This has misled students at schools and universities to spend too much of their time on English rather than on other subjects or their major area studies. Do you agree with this view? Write an essay of approximately 300 wo

7、rds to support your view.复赛试题:Directions:Write a composition of 300 words within an hour according to the following graph. Your composition should cover the following points:A. Difference in annual income between teachers and businessmen;B. Difference in annual income between inland cities and coast

8、al cities;C. These differences greatly influence peoples choice of profession and home;D. Its economic interest that counts.Annual Income$12000$6000$3000Inland CitiesCoastal CitiesNote:1. $ refers to US dollars.2. refers to teachers.3. refers to businessmen.4. The above graph is a contrast of annual

9、 income between teachers and businessmen in the early 90s China.第四届初赛试题:Topic: Nowadays computers have become an important part of our lives. With the development of the Internet, computers can be used for studies, communication, news and entertainment. Give your opinions on how computers may affect

10、 your studies in the future. 复赛试题: You are to write an essay at about 300 words in 60minutes on the following situation. You may supply a topic of your own.According to a recent report from the United Nations, the world population is aging rapidly. Take China as an example, the population 60 and old

11、er has reached 134 million (accounting for 10% of the Chinese population), 70%of whom are located in the countryside. How would we respond to this social problem, in the next 20years in particular?第五届初赛试题:Write a composition of 300 words on the following topic:It is true tourism will certainly bring

12、 benefit to a nation. However, some people claim that it will also cause problem to environmental protection and cultural integrity. To what extent to you agree or disagree with this opinion?复赛试题:Writing Topic for SemifinalsDirections: We can be sure that most people have experienced failure and suc

13、cess. Most often, when we are successful we are happy. If we fail, we are sad. Now, you are asked to write an essay on the topic of Failure and Success. You can give some example and facts to support your opinion. You can give some examples and facts to support your opinion. Your essay should be wri

14、tten in English with on less than 300 words within 60 minutes.第六届初赛试题:Directions: Read the following paragraph and then write an essay at about 300 words on the following topic:The Internet in My Life According to a report from the Digital Future Project in the U.S.,the overall Internet access has r

15、isen to its highest level in the last four years; about three-quarters of Americans go online. The number of hours online continues to increase-rising to an average of 12.5 hours per week-the highest level in the study so far. What do people do online? Both very experienced users and new users spent

16、 by far the largest percentage of their time online dealing with e-mails; followed by general Web browsing, work at home for their jobs, reading news, etc. In terms of who are online, the report reveals that three quarters of the Internet users are aged 55 and under. Are you an Internet user? If yes

17、, how long are you online each week? How do you connect the Internet? What do you gain by using it? If not, why not? What do you miss by not using it? 复赛试题:Directions:Some people maintain that universities are the best place for young people to receive higher education; other people believe that you

18、ng people can be equally educated by taking correspondence courses or going to evening classes and open universities in their spare time.Write an article of about 300 words in which you compare and contrast the advantages and disadvantages of formal university education and informal higher education

19、. Which do you think is more effective and desirable? Support your argument with appropriate examples or illustrations.第七届初赛试题:Value of Exams in Schools Direction: Students have experienced a lot of exams all through their school years. They may have a lot to say about the present exam systems. You

20、are allowed 60 minutes to write a composition on the topic: Value of Exams in Schools. You should write about 300 words, and base your composition on the following outline. Role of examsYour experience of failure at one examSuggestions to better exam systems复赛试题:Directions: With the development of c

21、omputers, more and more people are working with computers. But, we know that computers are harmful as well as useful and helpful .Here, you are asked to write an essay on the topic “The Advantages and Disadvantages of Computers”. You can give some examples and facts to support your opinion. Your ess

22、ay should be written in English with no less than 300 words within 60 minutes.第八届初赛作文试题:Directions: Read the following paragraph and write a composition as stated at about 300 words in 60 minutes. Your composition will be graded according to clarity, accuracy and meaningfulness.Some experts claim th

23、at parents attitudes toward solving teenage problems are crucial determinants of child personality development. Do you agree or disagree? What role does parental attitude play in child rearing and personality development? You writing ought to contain three parts, your viewpoint, the supporting ideas

24、, and the conclusion.复赛试题:Directions:Read the following paragraph and write a composition as stated at about 300 words in 60 minutes. Your composition will be graded according to clarity, accuracy and meaningfulness.In accordance with CRI news, the spirit of Chinese volunteers, from responding to th

25、e May 12 earthquake to the 2008 Beijing Olympic Games, not only touched the Chinese people, but also generated worldwide attention. Official statistics show that china has accumulated about 8 billion hours of volunteer work from 380 million volunteers since 1993 and is going to have more and more vo

26、lunteers, especially the youth.How do you understand volunteer work? In what way(s) is it important to promote the well-being of individuals, families, communities and the world at large? Your writing ought to contain three parts, your viewpoint, the supporting ideas, and the conclusion.第九届初赛作文试题Top

27、ic: Natural DisastersDirections:Read the following paragraph and write a composition as stated in about 300 words. Your composition will be graded according to clarity, accuracy and meaningfulness.A natural disaster is the effect of a natural hazard (e.g. flood, drought, tornado, volcano eruption, e

28、arthquake, typhoon, tsunami, or landslide) that affects the environment, and leads to financial, environmental and/or human losses. Recently, we can see many natural disasters occurred home and abroad and huge damage have been made either to the environment or to our human lives. Those natural disas

29、ters urge us to reconsider our beliefs and actions toward our mother nature when we seek for clothes, food, and sheltering etc.Therefore, what is your attitude toward the natural disasters? What shall we do to prevent us from being simply destroyed? What kind of role did we play in the causes of tho

30、se dreadful disasters? Your writing ought to contain three parts, your viewpoint, the supporting ideas, and the conclusion.复赛试题Topic:Should We Follow Fashions?Directions:Some people say that fashion is just for selling clothes, so we should not follow it and we should dress what we like and feel com

31、fortable in it. How far do you agree with them? Write an essay on the following topic: should we follow fashions?Requirements:Illustrate your view on the topic with no less than 250 words and write down your opinions and reasons so long as they are reasonable.第十届初赛作文题Directions:Recently, Amy Chua, o

32、r the “Tiger Mother”, aroused heated discussions both in US and in China with her book, Battle Hymn of the Tiger Mother. The following are the ten things she lists in her book that she strictly forbids her two daughters to do:Attend a sleepover (a party for children in which they stay the night at s

33、omeones house);Have a play date (in which children hang out with their friends);Be in a school play;Complain about not being in a school play;Watch TV or play computer games;Choose their own extracurricular activities;Get any grade less than an A;Not be the No. 1 student in every subject except gym

34、and drama;Play any instrument other than the piano or violin;Not play the piano or violin.You are invited to write under either of the following two topics. The length of your writing should not exceed 300 words.Suppose you are a “tiger parent”. Write a letter to your child and explain to her/him yo

35、ur ideas about tiger parenting.Suppose you are a child who has tiger parents. Write a letter to your parents and explain to them your ideas about tiger parenting. 复赛作文题Chinese people always have the tradition of helping others; regardless of a friend or a stranger. However, in recent years, peo

36、ple find that when they try to help others, some changes are taking places. One of the most common examples is that, a passer-by who sent an injured senior people to hospital would be very likely to be recognized as the accident-maker. This kind of events is being rerun again and again. When trapped

37、 in the dilemma of tradition and trouble, what would be your choice? 作文命题思路和评分细则:该作文题目就我国近年来越来越受重视和各认同的志愿者工作,对考生的观察能力、思维能力和社会体验能力进行考察。通过该题目的写作,检查考生的语言逻辑组织能力和语言表达能力。考生可以在所给题目范围内自己命题进行写作。作文评分大致分为四等:99-90分:1.对作文题目有独到见解,并有很强的创新能力;2.语言流畅,思路清晰,有较强的英语写作能力;3.词汇和语法使用恰当,错误较少。89-80分:1.对作文题目有合理的理解,并有较强的创新能力;2.语

38、言比较流畅,思路比较清晰,有较好的英语写作能力;3.词汇和语法使用比较恰当,错误较少。79-70分:1.对作文题目有正确的理解,并有一定的创新能力;2.语言通顺,英语写作能力一般;3.有常见词汇和语法使用错误。69-60分:1.对作文题目理解尚可,创新能力比较一般;2.语言不太通顺,英语写作能力较差;3.词汇和语法错误较多。评分细则:第一档99901.对作文题目有独到见解,并有很强的创新能力;2. 思路清晰,观点明确,论证充分;3.语言流畅,词汇丰富,句式多样;4.有效地使用语句、段落间的连接成分,内容连贯,结构紧凑;5.词汇和语法使用恰当,错误较少。第二档89801.对作文题目有恰当理解,并

39、有较强的创新能力;2.思路较清晰,观点较明确,论证较充分;3.语言通顺,词汇和句式有变换;4.能使用语句间的连接成分;内容较连贯;5.词汇和语法使用较恰当,错误较少。第三档79701.对作文题目有一定理解,创新能力一般;2.有自己的观点,并加以论证;3.词汇和句式基本满足需要;4.语句较通顺;5. 有常见词汇和语法使用错误。第四档69601. 对作文题目理解尚可,创新能力比较一般; 2. 内容不太连贯;3. 句式词汇有限;4. 词汇和语法错误较多。第五档59以下1.对作文题目理解不当;2.字数不够,内容不连贯;3.语言混乱,思路不清晰;4. 词汇和语法错误很多。第十一届初赛试题Which on

40、e of them do you think is the expert? First complete the conversation. Then write down your opinion on the qualities of being an expert.Doctor: Patient:Doctor:Patient: You have to learn about thousands of diseases, but I only have to focus on fixing what wrong with ME! Now which one of us do you thi

41、nk is the expert?复赛试题 Directions: Would you expect a “thank you” when you give your seat to an old man, or a woman with her baby? How do you feel if they take your seat without even taking a look at you? Would you be angry? You are given 60 minutes to state your view on the topic within less than 30

42、0 words. You can add a title by yourself. 第十二届姓名: 学校:  考号: 说 明:本试卷满分100分。注意事项:1、答题前请参赛选手仔细阅读考试注意事项。2、建议参赛选手先在word文档中编辑作文,并且留好备份,然后拷贝到答题区,进行提交。3、参赛选手可以选择先阅读作文题目要求,但是在考试结束之前在线提交作文即可(请注意考试结束时间)。4、作文在“预览提交”后系统会提醒考生进行提交确认,从而进入下一页对文章进行预览 ,只有当进入下一页点击“确认提交”按钮之后才完成考试。5、初赛第一阶段考试时间:2012年12月1日10:002012年12月

43、20日24:00。6、初赛第二阶段考试时间:2013年5月1日10:002013年5月20日24:00。7、完成考试后,作文将只能查看,不可修改。初赛考试. Writing(本题共100分)Telling lies for a better world?     Lies have a bad reputation. Telling the truth is normally considered to be a good thing. One conventional view of lying is that it is bad in itself and should be avoided at all costs. Another conventional view is that the consequences of lying are often bad, so lying should be avoided except in extreme circumstances. In the past two decades,


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