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1、Unit 2 Hotel Accommodation章/节题目Unit 2 Hotel Accommodation学 时2教学目的shadow repeating: Learn how to do registration教学方法开发内化创新教学模式教学形式蓝墨云班课教学教学内容及进程一、课堂检验(包括提问、讨论、随堂测验内容)提问: 1)What is the procedure of check in at a hotel?2)What is the procedure of check out at a hotel?二、精讲内容(包括要点、重点、难点、创新点) 要点1.checking

2、in for booked rooms2. checking in for a group重点酒店的房间类型团队预订相关事项难点如何进行团队预订创新点Oral practice of group registrationVocabularyreservation reza'veif(a)n n.预订a double with bath一间带浴室的双人房convention kan'venj(a)n n.会议double room 双人房registration form 登记表nationality nate'nelti n.民族occupation pkju'

3、pelfon n.耶业signature 'sgnatfa(r) n.签名payment 'permant n.付款check out 退房VISA Card 维萨信用卡room card 房卡Situation 1.Checking in for Booked RoomsReceptionist :Good morning,sir.Can I help you?Guest: Yes.I would like to check in. My

4、 name is Stone James.Receptionist : Do you have a reservation? Guest  Yes,Ido.Receptionist :Oh,here you are.Mr.Stone James,a double with bathfrom the 15th to the 17th.AmI right? Guest:

5、Yes.Absolutely.Receptionist: It's on the top floor.Guest;Do you have anything on a lower floor?Receptionis:t I'm afraid nol.A convenion is being held in the city,Thiis the only doubl

6、e room left.Guest :Okay,I'll take it.Receptionist May I see your passport,please?Receptionist :Now please fill out this registration form nationality,age.occupation,passport number.and your signature h

7、ereGuest: What is this?Receptionist That's how you wish to make your payment when you check out.That'll be my VISA Card.Shall I leave the card number here?Guest Here you are.Receptio

8、nist: Yes.Thank you.Here is the room card and room-key cardto Room 808,I hope you'll enjoy your stay, sir.Situation 2:R: Good morning. May I help you?G: Yes, our company has made a reservation for this weekend.R:What is its na

9、me, sir ?Gucst:Thomas and Son Trading Corporation.R:Let me have a check.Yes,your staff of GU 30 people are on a tour, for Dec.18th,19th and 20th,two suite, 14TWBS,.Is that right?G:The suites are for the head,and the twin bed rooms for the rest of the staff.Guest:Would you please put it down on the r

10、egistration form?Receptionist;two of our colleagues have not arrived.we have no idea when they will arrive.R: Don't worry,sir.Since yours is a guaranteed reservation, we'll reserve the rooms for you for another 24 how of no-show.But the expense is on your side.G: No problem.R;I see.Is your c

11、ompany going to cover all the expenses.G:Yes.We will cover all the expenses with voucher.Receptionist: Very well.Your rooms are on the same floor.Here are the room-key cards for you to assign to your members.Guest: Thank you.三、答疑安排(时间、形式)(主要针对学生“三问”内容)1、2、 周五上午固定答疑3、课堂讲70-85分钟,教师预留大约一刻钟,就学生提出的具有代表性的

12、问题进行统一辅导答疑。四、布置三习题(预习题、练习题、复习题、参考资料内容)1、预习题:Have a preparation about next class. Read the dialogues of this unit. 2、练习题: room types double room=honey room=couple room single room standard room=TWB room=twin room suite: junior suite=standard suite luxury suite=deluxe suite superior suite=senior suite

13、 business suite executive suite=administration suite honey suite family suite triple room quad room adjoining room connecting room 3、复习题:Understand the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples in order to get ready for the oral practice for the next class.4.参考资料:1 陈恒仕,范

14、菁主编.实用酒店英语. 大连理工大学出版社,2006年2月,9787561131220。2 蔡世文. 旅游英语口译训练教程. 大连理工大学出版社,2012年,9787561173305. 3 肖璇.现代酒店英语实务教程.世界图书出版公司,2006年2月,9787506229050.课后自我小结章/节题目Unit 2 Hotel Accommodation学 时2教学目的Learn the skill of Sight Interpreting: Foreign currency exchange service教学方法开发内化创新教学模式教学形式蓝墨云班课教学教学内容及进程一、课堂检验(包括提

15、问、讨论、随堂测验内容)提问: 1.What foreign currencies do you know?2.Do you know the exchange rate for RMB AND US.DOLLARS?二、精讲内容(包括要点、重点、难点、创新点) 要点Currencies in the worldHOW to do foreign currency exchange service重点HOW to do foreign currency exchange service难点HOW to do foreign currency exchange serviceHow to ide

16、ntify RMB创新点图片展示,让学生小组合作说出各国主要货币以及汇率The first part: major world currencies(世界主流货币) As the Euro(欧元) was born in the end of the 90"s decade , Euro is the first currency in the world which is capable competing with U. S Dollar .Now I would like to introduce the worlds major currencies, including d

17、ollars, euros, yen(日元), Swiss franc(瑞士法郎), Australian dollar(澳元 ), Canadian dollar(加元), and won(韩国的货币单位).US Dollars当前汇率:1$=6.1714RMB Euro 当前汇率:1Euro=8.0640RMBJapanese Yen 1yen=0.06226RMB 千禧年纪念钞 Canadian dollar(加元C$)汇率:1加元=6.0344人民币元Australian dollar(澳元)当前汇率:1澳元=6.3715人民币元 Pound 当前汇率:1pound=9.5311RMB

18、 新版土耳其里拉 1土耳其新里拉(TRY)=3.4373人民币(CNY) South Korean wonMany people like drama, want to travel in South Korea, therefore, we should know some knowledge of the won.South Korean won当前汇率:1人民币元=179.9349韩元 South Korean won当前汇率:1人民币元=179.9349韩元The first set of RMBThe Second set of RMBThe third set of RMBThe

19、fourth set of RMBThe Fifth set of RMB先成文,后找对立观点适用:有明确论点;不适用:无明确论点How to identify RMBChanging Foreign CurrenciesGuest:Could you change some U.S. dollars for me?Staff:Certainly, sir. What kind of currency do you want?Guest:I'd like to convert U.S. dollars into Chinese RMB?Staff:Please tell me how

20、much you want to change.Guest:500 U.S. dollars, please. Staff:According to todays exchange rate, 100 U.S. dollars is equal to RMB 819 Yuan.Guest:Thats quite OK. Staff:How would you like it?Guest:I hope you'll give me at least ten 50 Yuan banknotes.Staff:May I see your passport? Guest:Here you ar

21、e. Staff:Would you kindly sign the exchange form, giving your name and address?Guest:Yes, let me take care of it. Is it OK?Staff:Yes, here is your money and take the memo with you. Guest:Why do I need to keep this exchange memo?Staff:You may need it when you wish to change your RMB left back into U.

22、S. dollar. You must show the memo at the Bank of China. Guest:Oh, I see. Thank you for your help. Goodbye. Staff:My pleasure. Goodbye, sir. 三、答疑安排(时间、形式)(主要针对学生“三问”内容)3、4、 周五上午固定答疑3、课堂讲70-85分钟,教师预留大约一刻钟,就学生提出代表性问题进行统一答疑。四、布置三习题(预习题、练习题、复习题、参考资料内容)1、预习题:Have a preparation about next class. Read the d

23、ialogues of this unit. 2、练习题:中英互译1 Asking Directions to the Exchange Office (询问去货币兑换处的路)Excuse me, where can I change my money?对不起,我可以在哪里换钱?You can change money at any bank here in the international airport.你可以在国际机场内的任何一家银行换钱。Where is the nearest bank?哪里最近?There's one right upstairs.楼上就有一家。Go up

24、 the escalator then turn right.搭自动扶梯上去再右转。You'll see it in the corner.它就在角落上。Which bank is it?楼上是哪家银行?I believe that one is a CitiBank.我想是花旗银行。Okay, Thanks very much.好,十分感谢您。Situation 情境Finding your way to the exchange office or bank.如何找到钱币兑换所或银行。Culture 文化It may be advisable to exchange your fo

25、reign currencies at the airport.建议你在机场换外币.Not all banks provide foreign currency exchange services.并非全部银行都有兑换外国货币的服务项目.3、复习题:Understand the important words, phrases, expressions and sentences with some examples in order to get ready for the oral practice for the next class.4.参考资料:1 陈恒仕,范菁主编.实用酒店英语.

26、大连理工大学出版社,2006年2月,9787561131220。2 蔡世文. 旅游英语口译训练教程. 大连理工大学出版社,2012年,9787561173305. 3 肖璇.现代酒店英语实务教程.世界图书出版公司,2006年2月,9787506229050.课后自我小结章/节题目Unit 2 Hotel Accommodation学 时2教学目的Learn live interpreting skills of checking out:1.paying in cash2.paying with credit cards教学方法开发内化创新教学模式教学形式蓝墨云班课教学教学内容及进程一、课堂检

27、验(包括提问、讨论、随堂测验内容)提问: 1. Do you know the service procedure for checking out?2. What should a receptionist do respectively when the guests check out in cash / by credit card / with Travelers check? 二、精讲内容(包括要点、重点、难点、创新点) 要点退房结账程序不同的结单方式重点不同的结单方式难点不同的结单方式创新点service procedure:1) Greet the guest.2) Ask a

28、bout the name and the room number.3) Ask the guest to give you the room keycard.4) Draw up the bill.5) Tell the guest the total and give the bill to the guest for checking.6) Explain the items if necessary.7) Ask the guest how to pay and handle making the payment.8) Bid farewell to the guest.settle

29、the bill=make the payment=pay the bill =check out -Id like to settle the bill. -How would you like to pay the bill, in cash or by credit card? 请问你怎么付款,是用现金还是刷卡?基本用法valid: able to be acceptedMy credit card is valid until this May.Every credit card has its valid date. You cant use it any more if it is

30、 expired.You have to show your valid identifications when going abroad.基本用法Receipt /rsit/ n. v. receive (US also sales slip) a piece of paper which proves that money, goods or information have been received . 1) Dont forget to ask for the receipt when shopping.基本用法Salary slipSkill PointsChecking out

31、 in cash, ask the guest to give you the receipt of deposit.Checking out by credit card, firstly you should make sure whether the credit card can be accepted or not in the hotel. Secondly you must pay special attention to the valid date and credit limit.Checking out with Travelers Check, first exam w

32、hether the check is good; pay more attention to asking the guest to sign his name in correct place. If the guest signs his name in wrong place, the hotel can not cash the check.Abbreviations on the billROOM= ROOM CHARGE 房租SERV = SERVICE CHARGE 服务费RESTR =RESTAURANT 餐饮费L. DIST = LONG DISTANCE CALL 长话费

33、LNDRY = LAUNDRY 洗衣费MISC. = MISCELLANEOUS 杂费TR. CH. = TRANSFER CHARGE 转出TR. CR. = TRANSFER CREDIT 转入ADJ. = ADJUSTMENT 调整PD. OUT = PAID OUT 代付PAID = PAID 付现CIA(Cash in Advance) 预付现金Useful Expressions1. 结账基本应对(1)我帮您结算账单。I will calculate / draw up your bill for you.(2)让您久等了,*先生。这是您的账单。请您核对一下好吗?Thank you

34、 for waiting, Mr. *, here is your bill. Would you like to check it?(3)您的账目要细分吗?Would you like a breakdown of the bill?(4)要我解释什么收费款项吗?Shall I explain some items for you?(5)如果您认为账目有错,我们可以为您核对一下。If you think there is any error in your bill, we can check it for you.(6)“L”表示洗衣费,而“T”表示电话费。“L” stands for l

35、aundry, and “T” means telephone call charge.(7)恐怕那不够付账。Im afraid it is not enough to cover the amount. / Im afraid it cant cover the amount.(8)您打算如何付款呢?How would you like to settle the bill / make payment?(9)这是您的零钱和收据/发票。Heres your change and receipt / invoice.(10)我会叫个服务员把您的行李拿下来。Ill call the bellma

36、n to take your baggage down.2.由第三方付款的结账事宜(1)您的账单由*公司支付。Your bill will be paid by * Company. / * Company has arranged to pay your bill.(2)请您签个名好吗?May I have your signature, please?(3)请您在这儿签名好吗?Could you sign your name here, please?(4)请给我两张名片好吗?May I have two of your business cards, please?(5)请问每张账单包括

37、哪些费用?What charges does each bill cover, please?3.付款时出现问题(1)对不起,根据酒店规定,我们不接受个人支票。Im sorry, but we dont accept personal checks according to the hotel policy.(2)我们恐怕不能接受这种货币。Im afraid this currency is not accepted in our hotel.(3)这个数字跟您支票上写的英文不相符。The figure and the words on the cheque do not agree.(4)维

38、萨卡的信用限额是1500美金。The credit limit set by the Visa Card office is US$1,500.(5)您愿意用现金支付差额吗?Would you like to settle the difference in cash?4.算错了账款(1)我去跟有关部门核对一下,您介意等一会儿吗?Ill check it with the department concerned. Would you mind waiting for a minute?(2)是我们搞错了。There has been an error.(3)我在开账单时忽略了那个细节。I n

39、eglected that detail when I drew up your bill.(4)我们将把账单改正过来,从总额中减去180元。Well correct your bill by deducting 180 yuan from the total.(5)这是您多会的钱。Here is the money you overpaid.三、答疑安排(时间、形式)(主要针对学生“三问”内容)5、6、 周五上午固定答疑3、课堂讲70-85分钟,教师预留大约一刻钟,就学生提出的具有代表性的问题进行统一辅导答疑。四、布置三习题(预习题、练习题、复习题、参考资料内容)1、预习题:Have a preparation about next class


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