新概念课堂笔记 第一册 Lesson 89-90_第1页
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1、新概念英语课堂笔记 第一册 Lesson 89-90Word Study4 / 4believe【用法】v. 相信 ,认为【词组】believe in 信仰;信赖 believe it or not 信不信由你用在句前【扩展】believer n. 信徒 believable adj. 可相信的 belief n. 信念【辨析】 believe in的意思是“信任某人 ,指人的品格、作风、为人等方面的情况。如: We usually believe in him, but it doesnt mean we always believe him. 我们通常是信任他的 ,但这并不意味着我们总是相

2、信他的话。 believe表示“认为 ,相当于think ,这时 ,后面一般接that从句。如:I believe that its going to be fine soon. 我认为不久会放晴。sell【用法】v. 卖 ,出售 sell sold sold【词组】sell out 卖光 sell sb. out 出卖某人 ,背叛某人 sell well 畅销【扩展】seller n. 销售者;卖方 best-selling adj. 最畅销的best-seller 畅销书或唱片 ,畅销书作者buy v. 买buyer n. 买方because【用法】conj. 因为【词组】because

3、of 因为【辨析】because和because of because是连词 ,后面要连接句子;because引导的是原因状语从句。 We stayed indoors, because the weather is cold. 因为天气冷 ,我们呆在家里。 because of是介词短语 ,后面要连接名词或名词短语。 Because of the coldness of the weather we stayed indoors. 我们因天气寒冷呆在家里。retire【用法】v. 退休 ,离职;退出 ,隐退【词组】retire from 从撤退出 retire from ones job 退

4、休【例句】He retired at the age of 60. 他60岁时退休了。 Hes going to retire soon from the sea. 不久他将退休 ,结束航海生涯。cost【用法】v. 花费 n. 价格 ,费用【例句】这本书多少钱?How much does the book cost? = How much is the book? = Whats the price of the book?【辨析】spend, pay, cost和take“四大花费 人 + spend + 钱 + on sth.时间 (in) doing sth. 人 + pay + (钱

5、) + for + sth. 物 + cost + 人 + 钱 It takes + 人 + 钱 + to do sth. 时间【例句】我花了100美元买这条裙子。I spent 100 dollars on this dress. I spent 100 dollars (in) buying this dress.I paid 100 dollars for this dress.This dress cost me 100 dollars.It took me 100 dollars to buy this dress.他昨天用了两个小时做作业。He spent two hours on

6、 his homework.He spent two hours (in) doing his homework.It took him two hours to do his homework.worth【用法】adj. 值钱 n. 价值【词组】be worth doing 值得做 be worth little/nothing 毫无价值【扩展】worthless adj. 无价值的 ,不值钱的 worthwhile adj. 值得的 worthy adj. 值得的;应受的【例句】The question is not worth discussing again and again. 这个

7、问题不值得一次又一次地讨论。 The new house would be worth 50,000 pounds. 这座新房子会值50 ,000英镑。Names Nigel /naidl/ 奈杰尔男子名 Ian /in/ 伊恩男子名Text ExplanationI believe that this house is for sale.【译文】我想这房子是要出售的吧。【用法】 believe后接的是由that引导的宾语从句 ,that this house is for sale. sale n. 销售 ,出售 ,销售量销售额 for sale 待售 on sale 出售 ,上市 ,减价T

8、hats a long time.【译文】这个时间可不短。【用法】time的含义: “时间 ,不可数名词:Time and tide wait for no man. 时间不等人。 在本句中表示“一段时间 ,是可数名词。Twenty years is a long time. 20年是一段很长的时间。 time还表示“次数、倍数 ,可数名词 I have been there three times. 我已经去过那里三次了。 表示“时代、时期 In Victorias Times 在维多利亚时代 times prep. 乘以 Three times four is twelve. 3乘以4等于

9、12.Well, I like the house, but I can't decide yet.【译文】啊 ,我喜欢这房子 ,但我还不能决定。【用法】but是并列连词 ,引导并列句。 decide to do sth. 决定做某事 decision n. 决定 make a decision 做决定 ,下决心Women always have the last word.【译文】女人总是最后说了算。【用法】have the last word 最后拍板 have a say 有发言权Grammar Analysis情态动词may might【用法】表示“要求或给予许可 May I

10、come in? 我可以进来吗?Yes, please. 可以 ,请进。 May I have your name? 我可以问问你的名字吗? You may go there. 你可以去那儿。现在完成时中for和since引导的时间状语【用法】1. 现在完成时还可以描述发生在过去且一直延续到现在的动作 ,这种动作甚至有可能延续下去。 for + 段时间 “有时间 since + 点时间 或 since + 句子一般过去时 “自从到现在 用疑问词组how long对以上结构进行提问。e.g. How long has Ian lived in the house? 伊恩在这幢房子里住多久了。 H

11、e has lived here for twenty years. 他在这里住了20年了。 He has stayed here since 3 oclock. 他自从3点就呆在这里。 He has taught English since he came here. 自从他来这里就开始教英语。 注意:since后的句子用一般过去时。 2. 除了for和since之外 ,常和现在完成时连用的时间状语还有in the past few years在过去的几年中 ,over the last thirty years在过去的30年中 ,so far/up to now/till now迄今为止

12、,recently近来 ,these days这段日子等。 e.g. Great changes have taken place in China in the past few years. 在过去的几年中 ,中国发生的巨大的变化。 I have never been abroad up to now. 到现在为止我还没有出过国。3. 在此种情况中 ,现在完成时的谓语动词必须是延续性动词 ,如果是瞬间性动词 ,要转换成延续性动词。转换如下:buyhaveget upbe upborrowkeepbegin/startbe onleavebe awaymove tolive indiebe

13、deadcatch a coldhave a coldopenbe openjoinbe in/be a member ofclosebe closedgo outbe outfinishbe overput onbe onarrivebe herebegin to workwork实战演练:瞬间性动词转换成持续性动词 一、同义句转换1. He came here three years ago.He _ _ here for three years.2. School finished a month ago.School _ _ _ for a month.3. He borrowed t

14、his book a week ago.He _ _ this book for a week.4. The factory opened ten years ago.The factory _ _ _ for ten years5. The man joined the army two years ago.The man _ _ a soldier since two years ago.6. Mary arrived in Shanghai last year.Mary _ _ _ Shanghai since a year ago.7. She got up an hour ago.S

15、he _ _ _ for an hour.8. He bought this book three weeks ago.He _ _ this book for three weeks.9. The film began an hour ago.The film _ _ _ for an hour.10. How long _ you _ this book? (borrow)11. I bought the pencil about three months ago.I _ _ the pencil since three months ago.12. Jim left England th

16、ree years ago. Jim _ _ _ _ England for three years.13. He left here last yearHe _ _ _ here for a year.14. Li Lei came back two weeks ago._15.The man died five years ago._二、根据中英文提示完成句子1. 史密斯来中国已经三年了。Mr. Smith _ _ in China _ 3 years.Mr. Smith _ _ in China _ 2019.Mr. Smith _ to China three years _ .2.这

17、辆自行车我已买了五年了。I _ _ this bike _ 5 years.I _ _ this bike _ 2019.I _ this bike 5 years _.3. 我哥哥参军已经两年了。My brother _ _ _ the army _ two years.My brother _ _ a soldier _ 2019.My brother _ the army two years ago.4. 两个小时前我到的上海。I _ _ in Shanghai _ two hours.I _ _ in Shanghai _ two hours ago.I _ in Shanghai t

18、wo hours ago.5. 会议已经开始一个小时了。The meeting has _ _ _ an hour.The meeting has _ _ _ an hour ago.The meeting _ an hour ago. 参考答案: 一、同义句转换 1.has been 2.has been over 3.has kept 4.has been open 5.has been 6.has been in 7.has been up 8.has had 9.has been on 10.have kept 11.have had 12.has been away from 13.has been away 14.Li Lei has been back for two weeks. 15.The


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