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1、艾宾浩斯遗忘曲线 复习点的确定 人的记忆周期分为短期记忆和长期记忆两种。 第一个记忆周期是5分钟。 第二个记忆周期是30分钟 第三个记忆周期是12个小时 这三个记忆周期属于短期记忆的范畴。 下面是几个比较重要的周期。 第四个记忆周期是1 天 第五个记忆周期是2 天 第六个记忆周期是4 天 第七个记忆周期是7 天 第八个记忆周期是15天 以上的8个周期作为一个大的背词的循环的8个复习点, 可以最大程度的提高 背单词的效率。 schoolkindergartenprimary schoolmiddle Schooljunior middle school senior middle schoolc

2、ollegeteachers collegeinstituteuniversityboarding school巩固单词的几种巩固单词的几种方法方法1.同类归纳同类归纳2.同意同意/近义拓宽近义拓宽announcedeclarestate stressemphasize3.反意词反意词uncountableincorrectirregularimperfectmeaninglessdislike4. 词根开花词根开花technologytechnicaltechnologicaltechniciantechniquehi-tech5.动词词组动词词组 第一批规定:.上新单元前,先学单词并听写.

3、积极参与课堂活动,期末成绩根据课堂发言的主动和被动适当加减.平时作业也纳入期末总评.平时写作先请同学改错后再上交并有专供写作的作业本.平时考试不按规定涂写(如打叉,圈等),改错不符合要求的,不再给分良好的学习习惯是进步的基础,可能会使你终生受益天下无难事,只怕有心人Happy New YearNew yearNew ProgressNew chance(challenge)理想的北极之光Whats your dream?StepIStepI Lead-in Lead-inDo you know some scientists?Can you remember their names and t

4、heir scientific achievements?Alexander Bell electricity Thomas Edison the First telephonethe Wright Brothers the electric LampMadame Curie black holes in UniverseFranklin Theory of GravitySteven Hawking the First PlaneElbert Einstein RadiumIsaac Newton the Theory of RelativityEdisonEdisonIt took Tho

5、mas Edison 15 years to invent thelight bulb. Genius is 1 percent Genius is 1 percent inspirationinspiration and and 99 percent 99 percent perspirationperspiration. .Maglev Train Issac Newton 1642-1727Nuclear scienceWhich one do you think is Which one do you think is the most important? Why ?the most

6、 important? Why ?vElectricity vCars vAeroplanesvRadio and televisionvThe InternetvCloning vThe Theory of GravityvNuclear sciencevSolar energySentence Patterns:1.The most important achievement is because2. Of all the inventions, is considered the most important. The reasons are as follows: 3. In my o

7、pinion, is the most important. There are several reasons for this. First, Second, 4. What I think the most important is because 5. It is hard for me to decide because achievementsImportance /Reasons electricitycarstelevisionthe internetcloning solar energy*without it ,without modern industry*make tr

8、ansportation easy and convenient. *provide entertainment and education *keep people well-informed of the news* Provides education and entertainment * easy way for people to communicate with each other.* help us find cures for disease * may help save rare animals * clean and safe energy source, can h

9、elp reduce pollution What are some other scientific achievements that you think are important? the invention of steam enginethe discovery of “uranium”the invention of telephoneDo these achievements have anything in common ? If so, what ?vThey have a great effect on peoples life. vThey change the lifestyle


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