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1、5 geographicalChapter 1 The Populatio nI 2 populous 3 race 4 origi n distPreliste ningB 1 cen sus ributi on6 made up of 7 comprises8 relatively progressively9 Metropolita n den sely11 birth rate in creas ing10 decreased death rate12 life expecta ncyD 1 a 18.5 mill b 80% c 1/2 d 13.4 mill e 2: 10 f 4

2、%g 1990 h 40% i 3/4j 33.1%2 a 3 b 1 c 2 d 5 e 4II First Liste ningST1 populati on by race and origi nST2 geographical distributi onST3 age and sexIII Postliste ningA 1. People ' s Republic of China, India2. 281 mill3. Hispa ni cs(12.5%)4. Texas5. the South and the West6. 20%7. by more tha n 5 mi

3、llio n8. about 6 years9. 2.2 yearslife10. a decreas ingbirth rate and an in creas ingexpecta ncyChapter 2: Immigrati on: Past and Prese ntPRELISTENINGB. Vocabulary and Key Con cepts immigratedn atural disasters/ droughts/ famines persecuti onsettlers/ coloni stsstageswidespread un employme ntscarcit

4、yexpa nding/ citize nsfailuredecreaselimitedquotassteadilytrendskills/ un skilledD Notetak ing Preparati onDates: Teens and Tens18501951The 1840sFrom 1890 to 1930Betwee n 1750 and 18501776188213291860From approximately 1830 to 1930Lan guage Conven tio ns: Coun tries and Nati on alitiesCountryPeopleF

5、raneeFrenchGerma nyGerma nsScotla nd; Irela ndScotch-IrishGreat Brita inBrit ons: the BritishDenmarkDanesNorwayNorwegia nsSwede nSwedesGreeceGreeksItalyItalia nSpai nSpanishPortugalPortugueseChi naChi nesePhilippi nesFilip inosMexicoMexica nsIn diaIn dia nsRussiaRussia nsPola ndPolesThe Scandin avia

6、 ncoun triesare Swede n,Norway, andDenm ark. The Southern Europea n coun tries are Italy, Greece,Spain, and Portugal. The Eastern EuropeancountriesareRussia and Pola nd.LISTENINGFirst Liste ningMajor SubtopicsST1 the Great Immigrati onST2 reas ons for the Great Immigrati on and why it en dedST3 immi

7、grati on situati on in the Un ited States todayPOSTLISTENINGA. Accuracy Checkcoloni sts or settlersDutch, Fren ch, Germa n, Scotch-Irish, BlacksThe third, 1890-1930Souther n Europe and Easter n EuropeThepopulati ondoubled, there was widespreadun employme nt, and there was a scarcity of farmla ndfree

8、 land, plentiful jobs, and freedom from religious and political persecuti onthe failure of the potato crop in Irela ndlaws limit ingimmigratio n from certa inarea, the GreatDepressi on, and World WarIIThey are largely non-Europea n.Industry doesn' t need a large number of unskilled workersChapte

9、r 3 America n TrademarksI B 1 statistics2 goods produc ing / service3 stricter / illegal4 per capita5 ben efits / health in sura nee6 wages / workweek7 roma nticize8 study / productive9 rising / opposite10 outproduce11 stressed12 matched13 stag nated14 CEOs / profits15 unions / favorDa2b1c3d4II A ST

10、1 a historical look at work in AmericaST2 how U.S. workers are doing today皿 A 138%2 3%3 service in dustries4 19% in 1900; 60% in 19995 $ 4,200 in 1900;$ 33,700 in 19996 health in sura nee7 U.S. workers8 They are less stressed (more vacati on weeks)9 No10 to CEOs, the stock market, and corporate prof

11、itsChapter 4 Family in the Un ited StatesI .PRELISTENINGB.Vocabulary and Key Con cepts1. dis in tegrat ing2. domestic role3. nature/drastically4. se nsitive barometer5. predo minant con figurati on6. commitme nt/revere nee7. c on formity/ge nder8ack/liberati on9. self-fulfillme nt10. cohabit ing cou

12、ples11. tripled/quadruppled12. decli ne/in itial13. bala nce/i ndividualism14. flexible/o n-site15. ma ndate/allowa ncesD.Notetak ing Preparati on2. Rhetorical Cuesa. 2b. 5c. 3d. 1e. 4H .LISTENINGMajor SubtopicsST1 traditio nal familism: mid-1940s to mid-1960sST2 period of i ndividualism: mid-1960s

13、to mid-1980sST3 the new familism: mid-1980s to prese nt皿.POSTLISTENINGAccuracy CheckNo, they aren ' t.decli ning birth rates, risi ngdivorce rates, disc ontentofwome n with domestic rolea married couple with childre nIt ' s closer to self-relianee.sexual revolution,women s liberation.,and th

14、e movementaga inst the Viet nam Warthe idealization of career and the drive for self-expression and self-fulfillme ntSin gle-pare ntfamilies tripled;cohabit ingcouplesquadrupled.in the sec ond periodcommitme nt to family, equality of men and wome n, fulfillme ntquality day care, pare ntal leave, fam

15、ily allowa ncesChapter 5 Religi onI . PRELISTENINGB. Vocabulary and Key Con cepts1. man datory2. surve/Protesta nt3. moder ni zed4. values5. guara nteed6. establishes7. un derestimated8. role/played9. decli ne/revival10. con servative11. con troversial/politicized12. phe nomenon13. secular/authorita

16、ria nD. Notetaking Preparation1. Com mon ly Used Symbols and Abbreviati ons1. pop. of China> India > U.S.2. death rt.+ birth “ft. 卢 bin pop.3. pop. in U.S. c.281mill.4. some people imm. to U.S. v nat. disaster , e.g., droughts, famines5. situatio n diff today people from Lat in Am.+ Asia imm t

17、oU.S. >from Europe6. After WWII , most Am. Families still trad., i.e., w/ working father , housewife, & children7. Today many child. Raised w/o father in homeRhetorical Cues24135I .LISTENINGFirst Liste ningMajor SubtopicsST1 facts and figuresST2 Un ited States compared to other moder ni zed n

18、 ati onsST3 in creas ing role of religio n in U.S. politics particularly inrece nt years皿.POSTLISTENINGAccuracy CheckThe media, e.g., televisionand movies, usually ignore thispart of America n culturecoun triesProtesta nts, 52%, Catholics, 24%Immigrants to America came from many different and religi

19、ous backgro un ds.the Un ited States, 60%; Italy, 7%; France, 4%freedom of worship (religio n)that church and state must be kept separatecon servativethe rise of the religious rightIIaborti on and prayer in public schoolsmore secularChapter 6 Passages: Birth Marriage and DeathI . PRELISTENINGB. Voca

20、bulary and Key Con cepts1. bewilderi ng / ingrained2. shower/ expecta nt3. mother- to -be / pretext4. expressi ons of envy / reassured5. un heard of6. bani shed / delivery7. baptism8. observed / fianc e es9. empowered / civil10. bride / groom / superstitious11. banned / hazardous12. cremated13. memo

21、rial / wake14. eulogy / deceased15. con dole nces / bereaved皿.POSTLISTENINGA. Accuracy Checkmenand1. shortly before the baby is due2. (1) baby showers not always a surprise, and (2) sometimes atte nd3. baptism4. the bride ' s family5. a religious cere mony6. something old, something new, somethi

22、ngborrowed,somethi ng blue7. the groom8. in case of cremati on9. a sympathy card and flowers10. whiteUnit 7 MulticulturalismPreliste ningB.1. skeptically/homoge neous2. de ny/impact3. melt in g/metaphor4. alloy/myth5. excluded/discrim in ati on6. viewed/prejudice7. mosaic/aut onom ous8ntermarriage/a

23、doptio n9.implied/exceptio n10.i nherit/absorb11. assimilatio n/gen erati on12. fragme ntatio n/prop onents13. domi nan t/reflects14.Opp onen ts/Lati nosD.2. a. however; on the other handb. In fact;c. For in sta need. however; n everthelesse. Rather; I nsteadf. On the other hand; However; Neverthele

24、ssg. furthermore; alsoListe ningAMajor subtopicsST1 the mono eulturalist viewST2 the multieultualist viewST3 the pluralistic viewAccuracy checkNoharderthe mono culturalist viewAfrica n, Asia n,and Native America nsas well as each n ewlyarrived groupthe patchwork quiltNo17%We in herit, absorb, and ch

25、oose itfragme ntati on or destructi on ofU.S.cultureope n to cha ngeChapter8 Crime and Viole nee in the Un ited States1 Preliste ningB Vocabulary and key con cepts1. viole nt/aggravated2. en forceme nt/stri ngent3. white-collar/embezzleme nt4. aggressive/predisposed to5 .to blame/shortco mings6. roo

26、t/proliferati on7. deprived of/strike out8. un derclass/disproporti on atedly9. curbs/socializi ng10. values/compassi on11. con scie nce/bri ng up12. puni shme nt/deterre nt13. finan ciers/lacki ng14. takes over/leads to15. ben efits/take for gra ntedD Notetak ing Preparati on1 Structuri nga Crime s

27、tatistics match public' s perception of less crimeb Three sec on dary support ideas1 1994-2001:viole nt crime decreased 52%2 possible reas ons for decrease3 statistics on white-collarcrime(embezzlement,bribery,etc.) not as clearc Two details for each point1. 1994:51 victims per 1000/in 2001, 24

28、victims per 10002. stricterlaw enforcementin cities/ stringentpenaltiesonrepeat offen ders3 statistics hard to get and/ It doesn' t scare people2 Rhetorical cuesA 2 b5 c1 d6 e3 f4 Liste ningA first liste ningMajor subtopicsST1 liberal theory of crimeST2c on servative theory of crimeST3 some solu

29、ti ons to the crime problem in the U.SPostliste ningA Accuracy Check1 52%an d/or2 embezzleme nt, bribery, political corrupti on,dan gerous corporate policies3 racism, poverty, and injustice4No5 the liberal theory6 by giving them values, a con scie nee7 socializati on by the family and fear of puni s

30、hme nt8 They ' ve enjoyed the ben efits of society9 good educati on, health care, and employme nt10 con servativeUnit 9 Public Educati on: Philosophy and FundingI PRELISTENINGB Vovabulary and Key Con cepts1 compulsory2 secular3 curriculum/sta nddardized4 fun ds/ha ndicapped5 exercised locally6 e

31、lected7 fluctuates8 a great degree9 con troversial10 non sectaria n/compete11 con tract/acco un table12 supporters13 opp onen ts/violates14 bill/ adequate yearly progress IID Notetak ing Preparati on1 Structuri ng: Outl iningST1 Three levels of con trolA State departme nt of educati on1 sets basic c

32、urriculum2 sets nu mber of creditsB School district1 Numbers depe nd on size of populatio n and state2 Resp on sibilitiesaSpecific content of coursesB Decides electivesC Operati on of schoolsC In dividual school1 Teaches ' responsilitiesA Dedidi ng how to teachB Prepari ng and giving exam in ati

33、 ons2 Rhetorical CuesA1B5C4D2E6F3II LISTENINGA First Liste ningMajor SubtopicsST1 three levels of con trolST2 how funding con tributes to local con trolST3 three issues related to fundingIII POSTLISTENINGA Accuracy Check1 no n ati on widecurriculum set by the gover nment,non ati on wide exam in ati

34、on set by the gover nment2 state departme nt ofeducatio n,the schooldistricts ,in dividual schools3 basic curriculm requireme nts/a nu mber of credits4 they are elected by the citize ns of a school district.5 federalgover nmen t-7%,stategover nmen t-49%,localschool district-44%6 religious orga ni za

35、ti ons7 nin etee nth cen tury8 charter schools9 private schools(usually religious schools)10 as a dan gerous step away from local con trol of schoolsChapterlOI Preliste ningB. Vocabulary and Key Con ceptsPostsec on dary/commu ni ty/coeducatio nalaccredited/sta ndardsprestigious/competitivetran scrip

36、t/sta ndardizedextracurricular/eth nic backgro undwere en rolledbreak dow n/proporti onsupgrade/skillswell versed/well in formedlen ie nt/tra nsferD. 1. ST3 Com mun ity colleges differ from four-year colleges.A. Admissi ons requireme nts are much more lenient.1. Eno ugh to graduate from high schoolB

37、. Cheaper to atte nd1. Tuiti on and fees are lower2. Most stude nts live at homeC. Two-year programs1. Lead to A.A. degree2. Many programs vocatio nal but not allConclusion: Different purpose some part-time for interest, others full-time prior to tran sferII. Liste ningST1. facts and figuresST2. adm

38、issi ons requireme nts vary greatlyST3. com mun ity colleges differ from four-year collegesST4. makeup of stude nt bodyIII. Postliste ningA. Accuracy Check4,182from less tha n 100 to more than 50,000from less than $5,000 to as much as 30 or 40 thousand dollarshigh school transcriptsof grades and tes

39、t results from asta ndardized exam such as the SATGRE, GMAT , and/or LSATworkextracurricular activities, eth nic backgro und,an d/orexperie neeyesAssociate of Arts65.2%42.6%Chapter 11 Dista nee Educati onI. PRELISTENINGB. Vocabulary and Key Con cepts1. sett ing foot2. i nstructio n/separated3. corre

40、sp ondence4. accredited/commu nity5. upgrade/c on ti nu ous6. budget crun ches7. access/tech no logy8. modes/vary9. via mail/dow nl oad10. reside ncy11. dropout/traditi onal12. un scrupulous/allur ing13. crede ntialsD. Notetaki ng Preparati on1. Decipheri ng Notes1. No, many distanee education requi

41、reme nts.2. No, admissi onrequireme ntson-campus programs.3. Three examples of computerprograms have residencyare the same as forrequireme nts that on li nestudy might require are the latest version of Windows,amicroph one and a modem.(A nswers may vary.)4. Stude nts are more likely to complete trad

42、iti onal programstha n dista nee educati on programs. (Dropout rate is higher fordista nee educati on.)2. Rhetorical Cuesa. 2 b.5 c.1 d.6 e.3 f.4 ".LISTENING First Liste ningMajor SubtopicsST1 reas ons why dista nee educati on is grow ing so rapidlyST2 how dista nee educatio n works, that is, w

43、hat the modesof delivery areST3 some things people consideringdistanee educationn eed to be aware ofHI.POSTISTENINGAccuracy checkby time and by dista neeby corresp onden ce(by mail)189290%at the same time(An swers may vary.)No(There are time limits)No(There are about the same)cable modem, DSLNo(The

44、dropout rate is higher for distanee courses andprograms.)Unit 12 The Role of Gover nment in the EconomyI. PRELISTENINGB.Vocabulary and Key Con ceptsI. ow nership/property2. free en terprise3.1 nterfere/laissez-faire4. co ntracts/natio nal defe nse5. c on trol/comply with6.1 ncome/public assista nce/

45、welfare7. competitive/a ntitrust/m ono poly8. stability9. taxati on/in flati on10. u nemployme nt/bala neeII. expe nditures/i nterest12. c on servative/favor13. static/compositi onD. Notetaki ng Preparati onI. Prelecture Readi ngcentralcentrala. No.Theywere suspicious of stronggover nment.b. The Con

46、 federati on was un able to solve many problemsfacing the new nationand needed a strongergover nment.c. N one. In a laissez-faire economy, the gover nment does notin terfere with the economy.d. The gover nmentimposed an in come tax for the first time.After the Civil War, the gover nmenthad money for

47、 in ter nalimproveme nts to the coun try.e. The gover nment usually took the side of big bus in ess.f. It provided employment for large numbers of unemployed people and welfare for others, and instituted the Security system.2. Rhetorical Cuesa.4b.5c.1d.7e.2f.6g.3II. Liste ningFirst Liste ningMajor S

48、ubtopicsST1 to protect the en vir onmentST2 to help peopleST3 to keep the marketplace competitiveST4 to mai ntai n econo mic stabilityIII. POSTLISTENINGAccuracy Checkson gs,poems,books,i nven ti onsThe freedom to produce, buy, and sell goods and laborwithout gover nment in terve ntio n.laws gover ni

49、ngcon tractsand property rights;defe nse; and providi ng sunch things as roads and can als. greaterto protect itThey are too young, old, or sicka good thi ngthe teleph one compa ny AT&Ttaxatio n,expe nditure,a ndcon troll ingthe in terestmoney it lends to bus in essesIt raises itUnit 13 Gover nm

50、ent by Con stituti onI.PRELISTENINGB. Vocabulary and Key Con cepts (Script)1. divisio n/checks/bala nces2. bra nches/legislative/judicial3. e nacti ng/e nforced4. accused of break in g/legal disputen ati onalrate on5. trials/c on siste nt with6. tasks/abuse7. power of veto8.override/put an end to9.

51、suspected/resig ned10. uncon stituti on al/legal11. civil rights/racial discrimi natio n12. desegregati on13. nomin ates a can didate/approve14. bala nee of powerD. Notetaki ng Preparati onI.Prelecture Readi nga. Judicialreview is the power of the judicial branch ofgovernmentto examine and determine

52、 the constitutionalityof laws passed by the legislative bran ch.b. No, it is not explicitly mentioned in the Constitution. The Supreme Court interpreted the Constitution to mean that it had this power in a famous case, Marbury v.Madis on, in 1803.c. Britai nd. They exercise it less frequently.Although both countrieshave provisi ons for judicial review, they are relucta nt to useit.II.LISTENINGFirst Liste ningModel Orga ni zati onThere bran ches of gover nmentPri nciples of the Con stituti onDivisi on of powersChecks and bala nces1. (exa nples)2. (etc.)HI.POSTLIS


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