



1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上情态动词can ,must 句型改写答案一翻译1. 我能从墙上跳下来。I can jump off the wall.2. Sue 会骑自行车。 Sue can ride a bicycle.3. Sandy 和Sue 能打印这份信。Sandy and Sue can type this letter.4. 他们能看见那只鸟。 They can see that bird. 5. 我必须回家。 I must go home.6. Emma必须写作业。 Emma must do her homework.7. 我们必须从墙上跳下来。 We must jump off t

2、he wall.8. 他们必须写字。 They must write. 9. 不允许他们在街上玩。 They mustnt play in the street. 10. 禁止他们玩火。 They must not play with the fire. 二 改写句型。1. I can sing. 改否定句: I can not sing. 改一般疑问句: Can you sing? 作肯否定回答: Yes, I can. No, I can not. 划提:What can you do?2.Peter can ride a bike. 改否定句: Peter can not ride a

3、bike. 改一般疑问句:Can Peter ride a bike? 作肯否定回答:Yes, he can. No, he cant.划提:What can Peter do?3.Tom and Billy must do their homework. 改否定句: Tom and Billy mustnt do their homework. 改一般疑问句:Must Tom and Billy do their homework.作肯否定回答:Yes, they must. No, they neednt.划提:What must Tom and Billy do?4.You must s

4、tay at home. 改否定句: You must not stay at home. 改一般疑问句:Must I stay at home? 作肯否定回答:Yes, you must. No,you neednt.划提:What must I do?1. Sophie must read a novel. 改否定句: Sophie must not read a novel. 改一般疑问句:Must Sophie read a novel? 作肯否定回答:Yes, she must. No, she neednt.划提:What must Sophie do?2. He can see

5、that nest. 改否定句: He can not see that nest. 改一般疑问句:Can he see that nest? 作肯否定回答:Yes, he can. No, he cant.划提:What can he do?They must listen to the stereo. 改否定句: They mustnt listen to the stereo. 改一般疑问句:Must they listen to the stereo?作肯否定回答:Yes, they must. No, they neednt. 划提:What must they do?三 Must mustnt can cant 填空1. “_Must_ I come at 6 oclock?”Oh no, you neednt.”2. A blind man _cant_ judge colours.3. “May I go there?”No,you_mustnt_.”4. Two eyes _can_ see more than one.5. I _must_ be off. Thank you very much for supper. 6. You _must_ be careful. You _mustnt_ be careless.7. _Cant_ I stay


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