高中英语必修一第4讲:Unit2 Heroes-词汇篇1(学生版)_第1页
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高中英语必修一第4讲:Unit2 Heroes-词汇篇1(学生版)_第5页
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1、.Unit 2 Heroes 词汇篇1 _1、掌握第二单元第一课及第二课的重点单词,短语及句型。2、灵敏运用第二单元第一课及第二课的重点单词,短语及句型。1. clam adj. 平静的,镇静的,沉着的stay/keep/be calm 保持平静calm sb./sth. down 使某人/某物平静下来,镇静下来易混辨析:calm, quiet, still, silentcalm:“沉着镇静的,指人不冲动;“风平浪静的,指气候,海洋无风浪quiet:“安静的,宁静的,指不吵闹或心理没有烦恼,忧虑still:“静止的,一动不动的,指没有运动或动作的状态silent:“沉默无言的,寂静无声的,指

2、没有声音或不讲话 2. generous adj. 大方的,大方的,宽厚的短语拓展:be generous to sb. 对某人宽容Be generous to him. He has been ill. 对他宽容些,他一直在生病。be generous with sth. 用钱等大方The rich man is generous with money. 那位富人出手大方。be generous in doing sth. 乐于做某事He is generous in giving help. 他乐于助人。be generous of sb. to do sth. 某人做某事是大方大方的It

3、 was generous of you to share your food with me. 你将食物与我一起分享,真大方。3. character n. 书籍,戏剧或电影中的人物,角色n. 书籍,戏剧或电影中的人物,角色You have a gamer directory which identifies the gamer associated with each character.你有一个玩家目录,它识别与每个角色相关联的玩家。n. 特色,性格The twins look like but have very different characters. 这对孪生儿长得像,但有着截然

4、不同的性格。n. 书写,印刷或计算机的文字,字母,符号The characters on my typewriter are too small. 我打印机上的字太小。短语拓展:in character 符合某人的性格out of character 不符合某人的性格4. separate v. 使分散,使别离词汇拓展:separation n. 分开,别离易混辨析:separate, divideseparate: 只把原来连在一起或靠近的分割开来。separate.from. 把.和.分开You should separate good apples from bad ones. 你应该把

5、好苹果和坏苹果分开。divide: 常指把某个整体划分成假设干部分。o.把.分成.The class is divided into five groups. 这个班级被分成四组。5. found vt. 建立,创立His family founded the college in 1985. 他的家族于1895年创办了这所大学。温馨提示:found与find的过去式及过去分词的形式一样,found的过去式和过去分词都是founded。6. struggle n. & v. 争斗,努力n. & v. 斗争,抗争The old man has been str

6、uggling with illness. 这位老人一直在与病魔斗争。n. & v. 努力 She struggled to keep back the tears. 他努力忍住泪水。n. & v. 挣扎He struggled to his feet and went on. 他挣扎的站了起来并继续前进。短语拓展:struggle to do sth. 困难的做某事,挣扎着做某事struggle for. 为.而斗争struggle with/against 与.做斗争,同.搏斗struggle to ones feet 挣扎着站起来7. equal adj. 相等的,平等的

7、词汇拓展:equally adv. 平等地,同样地equality n. 平等短语拓展:be equal to doing sth. 胜任做某事equal sb. in sth. 在某方面与某人匹敌8. fight v. & n. 打架,战斗,作战短语拓展:fight for. 为.而战Shes fighting for a place in the national team. 她正努力争取参加国家队。fight against 与.搏斗,打架,作战My grandfather fought against the Fascists in Spain. 我的祖父曾在西班牙与法西斯分子

8、作战。fight ones way 艰辛奋斗,奋力前进9. lift off 火箭,有时也指飞行器起飞,升空,发射短语拓展:lift up 举起ask for a lift 恳求搭便车give/offer sb. a lift 让某人搭便车take the lift 乘电梯10. in ones opinion 在某人看来=in the opinion of sb. =in ones viewIts a great ides, in my opinion. 在我看来这是一个好主意。短语拓展:give/express ones opinion 发表某人的意见Have a good/bad/low

9、/high opinion of 对.评价好/坏/高/低the boss has a very high opinion of her. 老板对他评价很高。Have different opinions about sb./sth. 对某人/某事有不同的评价11. in prison 坐牢,监禁短语拓展:be in prison 在坐牢be in the prison 在监狱不一定是犯人be in hospital 在住院be in the hospital 在医院里不一定是病人be at church 在做礼拜be at the church 在教堂不一定是做礼拜be at school 在

10、上学be at the school 在学校不一定在上学sit at table 在吃饭sit at the table 坐在桌边不一定是在吃饭by sea 乘船by the sea 在海边12. to complete 作定语I have lots of work to do. 我有许多工作要做。温馨提示:不定式做定语时,假如和修饰词之间是被动关系,同时和句子主语之间又是主动关系,要用主动表被动;假如不是那么用被动构造。试比较:Have you got anything to send? 你有什么东西要寄吗?不定式to send的动作执行者是“你Have you got anything t

11、o be sent? 你有什么要寄得东西吗?不定式to send的动作执行者是“我或“别人13. expressing the wishes of the Chinese people to explore 作伴随状语Some students came into the lab, following the teacher. 一些学生随着老师进了实验室。温馨提示:如今分词短语除了做伴随状语外,还可以做时间,原因,结果,条件,让步等状语。Working in the factory, we learned a lot from the workers. 我们在工厂劳动时,从工人们那儿学到了很多

12、东西。时间Being too old, he couldnt walk so far. 由于年龄太大,他不能走那么远。原因It rained heavily in the south, causing serious flooding in several provinces. 南方下大雨,导致许多省份出现了严重的水灾。结果14. as 当.时候,连词,引导时间状语从句,强调at the same timeAs I looked, someone came near. 正当我看的时候,有个人走上前来。温馨提示:as除了作“当.时候讲外,还可以表示“照.方式;因为;正如,如同;尽管,虽然。The

13、y did as I had asked. 他们是按照我的要求做的。She may need some help as shes new. 因为他是新来的,他可能需要一些帮助。Much as I like it, I wont buy it. 虽然我很喜欢它,但我不会买的。The work is not so difficult as you imagine. 这项工作并不像你想象的那么难。15. waiting for him 做定语The students performing on the stage are from Cass1. 在舞台上表演的学生是1班的。16. when =and

14、 at this/that time 在这时,在那时,并列连词表示动作发生的突然性温馨提示:when 做并列连词时,常用于以下句式:sb. was doing sth. when . 某人正在做某事,正在那时sb. was about to do/on the point of doing sth. when. 某人正要做某事,正在那时.sb. had just done sth. when. 某人刚刚做完某事,正在那是.例1. The police chief advised his men to keep _ and not lose their temper.A. calm B. qui

15、et C. still D. silent例 2. Color-blind people often find is difficult to _ blue from green.A. judge B. tell C. divide D. separate例3. He smiled politely _ Mary apologized for her drunken friends.A. As B. If C. Unless D. though例4. 2019北京东城第一学期期末_ the size of the universe, some researchers believe that

16、there is life beyond our planet.A. Consider B. To consider C. Considered D. Considering 例5. 2019北京海淀高三第一学期期末the glorious moment would live in my mind _ our football team won the championship.A. When B. where C. that D. which根底演练一,用括号里词的适当形式填空。1. I find all the _ character in his new play amusing and

17、 interesting.2. Their _ separate lasted over 20 years.3. What are you busy with?the exhibition _ hold in the city next week.4. _ find the course very difficult, she decided to move to a lower level. 5. Laura was away in Pairs for over a week. When she got home, there was a pile of mile _wait for her

18、.二,完成句子。1. 疯狂买盐的举动提醒我们,在紧急的时候保持镇静是必要的。The panic of buying salt reminds us that it is necessary to _ _ in an emergency.2. 他虽穷,但对朋友出手大方。Although he was poor, he _ _ _ his friends _ money.3. 科学家说嫦娥五号探月卫星准备在几分钟后发射。The scientists say that the Change-5 lunar probe will be ready to _ _ in a few minutes.4.

19、请把大苹果和小苹果分开。Please _ the big apples _ the small ones.5. 因为你不在,所以我留了一张字条。_ _ _ _, I left a message.6. 那个人正在公园里漫步,突然,他听到了呼救的尖叫声。The man _ _ in the park _ he heard a scream calling for help.稳固进步单项选择。1. On receiving a phone call from his life _ she had a fall, Mr. Gordon immediately rushed home from his

20、 office.A. SaysB. saidC. sayingD. to say2. It is reported that the floods have left about _ people homeless.A. two thousandB. two-thousandC. two thousandsD. two thousands of3. It was most _ of you to lend me the money when I was in trouble.A. SelfishB. generousC. relievedD. outgoing4. Do you have an

21、ything more _, sir?No, You can have a rest or do something else.A. typingB. to be typedC. typedD. to type5. The foreign student listened with full attention, _ to miss any important point.A. not tryingB. not to tryC. to try notD. trying not6. The water of the lake was so _ that it looked like glass.

22、A. SilentB. calmC. stillD. quiet7. The boy was wandering through the street _ a bike hit him.A. WhenB. onceC. whileD. as8. My friend John is always making promises and breaking them _.A. afterwardsB. howeverC. otherwiseD. therefore 一,用括号里所给词的适当形式填空。1. She is an _ explore who works in the South Pole.

23、2. There is too much _ violent on TV.3. My mother was crying as I _ wave her goodbye.4. He has a _ peace life.5. The Chinese Communist Party was _ found on July 1st, 1921.6. They _ march 20 miles to reach the capital.7. All men are born equal, so we should be treated _ equal. 二,单项选择。1. 北京通州高三一模He go

24、t up late and hurried to his office, _ the breakfast untouched.A. LeftB. to leaveC. leavingD. having left2. _ they decide which college to go to, students should research the admission procedures.A. AsB. whileC. untilD. once3. In this lecture, I can only give you a purely _ view of how we can live l

25、ife to the full and make some suggestions about the future.A. privateB. personalC. uniqueD. different4. Great changes have taken place in China since the Peoples Republic of China _ in 1949.A. was foundB. foundedC. was foundedD. found5. It was snowing hard and they had to _ strong winds all the way.

26、A. struggleB. fightC. struggle againstD. meet with6. As is often pointed out, knowledge is a two-edged weapon which can be used _ for good or evil.A. similarlyB. properlyC. equallyD. widely7. you speak very good French!Thanks. I _ in Paris for four years.A. liveB. livedC. was livingD. had lived8. 北京

27、朝阳高三上学期期末His wife didnt allow him _ any drink or tobacco.A. touchingB. to touchC. touchD. touched9. 北京石景山高三上学期期末Dont run red lights, _ you may get run over by a car.A. soB. butC. forD. or10. Its a terrible shame, _, that the building was knocked down.A. I thinkB. in my opinion C. personallyD. all ab

28、ove_一,完形填空。The night was dark, though sometimes the moving clouds allowed a star or two to be seen in the sky. The poor men held on to any bit of 1 they could find. They called to the Marie for 2 but she was far beyond the reach of the human voice. At one o'clock in the morning suddenly some 3 w

29、ere seen in the distance: another ship! The shouts of the 4 were heard on board, and willing hands pulled them out of the water. The 5 of the ship that had arrived at the scene in time to 6 their lives was the Ellen. What had 7 her to the exact spot through the darkness and the pathless sea Her capt

30、ain had known 8 of the wreck沉船and had, 9 ,attempted to sail away from it. But let him speak for 10 ." 11 I was forced by the wind to change course航线,a small bird flew 12 the ship once or twice and then flew at my face. I took no 13 of this until exactly the same thing happened a 14 time, which

31、caused me to think it rather 15 . While I was 16 this, the same bird, for the third time, made its appearance and flew about in the 17 way as before. I was then persuaded to change my course back to the original原先的one. I had not gone far 18 I heard a strange voice; and when I tried to 19 where they

32、came from, I found I was in the middle of people who had been shipwrecked. I 20 did my best to save them."1. A. landB. grassC. waterD. wood2. A. foodB. helpC. hopeD. life3. A.1ightsB. shipsC. peopleD. houses4. A. swimmersB. sailorsC. fishesD. rescuers5. A. ownerB. captainC. nameD. diver6. A. ma

33、keB. loseC. keepD. save7. A. broughtB. causedC. carriedD. helped8. A. somethingB. nothingC. anythingD. everything9. A. howeverB. insteadC. indeedD. therefore10. A. itselfB. ourselvesC. themselvesD. himself11. A. Just asB. Even ifC. Only becauseD. As seen as12. A. belowB. underC. acrossD. out13. A. n

34、oticeB. attentionC. lookD. interest14. A. firstB. secondC. thirdD. long15. A. unusualB. friendlyC. funnyD. surprising16. A. thinkingB. searchingC. wonderingD. considering17. A. differentB. sameC. wrongD. direct18. A. untilB. whileC. whenD. after19. A. make sureB. look outC. learn fromD. be certain20

35、. A. carefullyB. immediatelyC. bravelyD. probably二,阅读理解。The following is a true story. It happened in the northern end of Queensland, Australia, where all kinds of animals live in the forest.Lisa, a 33-year-old woman, went to prepare lunch in the kitchen, leaving Barney, her three-year-old son, play

36、ing by himself in the back garden.Suddenly, a sharp cry of Barney came into the mothers ears, and Lisa rushed into the backyard in a hurry and found a big snake entwining缠绕the little child with its terrible body and trying to eat the boy as its delicious dish! It was a boa蟒!Lisa was terrified and quite angry. She made up her mind to save her son from the snakes mouth.It was fearlessnot afraidmother love that made Lisa forget what she faced. She took up an old hoe锄from the ground and beat the boa


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