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1、东莞市2015-16学年度第一学期教学质量检查高一英语试题(A卷)第一部分 听力(共两节,满分15分)第1节 听力理解(两段共5小题;每小题2分,满分10分)每段播放两遍。各段后有几个小题,每段播放前每小题有5秒钟的阅题时间。请根据各段播放内容及其相关小题,在5秒钟内从题中所给的A、B、C项中选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。听第一段话题,回答第12题。1. What happened to the speakers? A. They couldnt find the map. B. Their car broke down. C. They were lost.2. Where will

2、 they stop next? A. A telephone booth. B. A lecture hall. C. David and Lauras house.听第二段话,回答第35题。3. Whats the relationship between the 2 speakers? A. Husband and wife. B. Doctor and patient. C. Mother and son.4. How did the woman feel. A. Painful. B. Tired. C. Sick.5. What will the man probably do n

3、ext? A. Go to the hospital with the woman. B. Send the children to school. C. Call the womans office for leave.第二节 听取信息(共5小题:每小题1分,满分5分)下面你将听到一段独白。请根据题目要求,从听到的内容中获取必要的信息,填入答题卡标号为610的空格中。听录音前,你将有10秒钟的答题时间。录音读两遍。你将有60秒的答题时间。San Francisco RestaurantsIn 1849Restaurant meals were _6_ cooked and very expe

4、nsive.At hotel dining rooms, a dinner might cost five to _7_ dollars, without beer or wine._8_, butter and fresh products ere very expensive.In the 1850sMost San Francisco restaurants were not as fine as those in _9_.By the _10_They were receiving national praise.第二部分 阅读理解(共两节,满分40分)第1节 (共15分,每小题2分,

5、满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的四个选项(A、B、C和D)中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。A The Senior Project at St. Mary High School is a program that shows a seniors ability to apply knowledge and skills, solve problems and practice their life skills of time management, organization and risk taking.Here are the main parts of the pro

6、ject:1) A researching paper A 6-to-8 page research paper on a topic chosen by the students. The research paper builds up their writing skills learned in English class. Because the papers is persuasive, students should choose a topic about which they have a strong opinion. They should use knowledge l

7、earned and prove it through research.2) A real product and fieldworkA real product and fieldwork (15-hour is required) about some aspect (方面) of the paper. The 15 hours can be got through community service, or making an actual project. Students search for topics that are academic in nature, a hobby,

8、 or possible future career.3) Information collection Information collection is that combines the first two parts and records hours spend on the filedwork. The collection contains evidence of the filedwork presented through letters from the students advisers, pictures showing the process of the proje

9、ct or anything else that could prove the work is completed.4) PresentationA 15 minutes speech presented before a group of school staff, former students, and people from the community. The speech is a chance to show the students senior project. Students are to dress formally and summarize their senio

10、r project journey. Students will talk briefly about their research paper, their project, and what they learned.The Senor Project is a way allows students to use the knowledge and skills they have learned in a “real-world” situation It aims to encourage the students connect the school with the commun

11、ity, and create pathways from school to future career. B. Make a speech C. Encourage other students. D. Write the details of the project.BThe moment when I got on the plane to China will probably stay in my mind for the rest of my life. I was leaving my best friends in Germany. A feeling of worry ru

12、shed through ma as I struggled to get a last look at them. They tried to make me believe it was time to say goodbye and that we would meet again. But the truth had already started to appear in my somewhat simple mind: I was leaving and they were staying, so I was losing them forever.Thus, when I set

13、 foot in my new class on a cold winter morning, I didnt feel excited. Staring at me were 40 pairs of curious eyes. My cheeks immediately turned red. A lot of people talked to me on my first day, but I was afraid to look them in the eye. Not only was I frightened by them, but I also felt that if I ma

14、de new friends I would be abandoning my old friends in a way.Things turned around on a sunny afternoon. I was stuck with my Chinese homework and had no choice but to ask my classmates for help. I thought they wouldnt be nice to me as I had kept my distance from them before. To my surprise, however,

15、they were quite friendly. Gradually I started to make friends with them and weve had countless great memories since then.Now I still miss my old friends terribly but I dont feel that Ive abandoned them. I know theyd want this for me: to enjoy every single day of my life and make it a story worth tel

16、ling. True friends are never apart, maybe in distance but not in heart.So dont be afraid of losing something. Just let it go. During the process youll discover that you never really say goodbye to it. Instead, it becomes a part of you, helping and guiding you in life. Trees lose their leaves, but th

17、ose leaves fall to the ground and help the trees grow. Let our lives grow as trees do.14. Which of the following is mentioned in the passage? A. The authors new classmates kept a distance from him. B. The author was afraid to make new friends in the beginning. C. The authors old friends want to hear

18、 his stories every day. D. The author had no difficulty with his Chinese homework.15. When did the authors attitude change towards making new friends? A. After his classmates helped him with his homework. B. The moment when he waved goodbye to his old friends. C. The first day when he stepped into t

19、he new classroom. D. After he learned not to be afraid of losing anything.16. We can learn from the passage that _. A. all the Chinese are very friendly to others. B. new friends are better than old ones. C. we should learn to welcome new friends in our life. D. distance is a big problem in keeping

20、friendship.17. What is the best title for this passage? A. How to Make New Friends B. True Friends Are never Apart C. Saying Goodbye to Old Friends D. Getting Used to My New LifeCThe new Paris Philharmonic concert hall was open to the general public earlier this year. It is the home of the Paris Sym

21、phony Orchestra. Maybe more importantly, it is a brave social experiment. President Laurent Bayle says the aim is to sell classical music to the poor and brdge the social divide.The concert hall offers music that is usually li citys rich neighborhoods. But the Philharmonic does not lie in the center

22、 of Paris. Instead, it is in an art and science center in northeastern called Parc de la Villette. The heart of Philharmonic is its concert hall. It looks like a large golden bowl, with a theater in the middle. It seats 2,400 people, but the feeling is friendly. Every seat is a good one, so everyone

23、 can enjoy the shows.Large meat-processing centers operated on the grounds a century ago. Today, the park is a peaceful hideaway in a area filled with roads and working-class families. Now the Philharmonic is bringing classical music to the park, too.Philippe Provensal is a spokesman. He takes visit

24、ors on tours of the building. They walk past an exhibition about pop music star David Bowie. There are also classrooms where people can learn to play any number of musical instrument.The cost of a class is only a few doallars per person. Mr Provensal says the goal is simple: music should be availabl

25、e to everyone in the best condition. It is not necessary to have years of training to play an instrument.On the buildings top level, visitors can see a lot - not of Paris, but of the neighborhoods around it. To reach people in these areas, the concert hall keeps prices low on tickets for its perform

26、ances. It is also setting up childrens orchestras in poor neighborhoods.20. The hall charges low for attending a training class because _. A. it takes a long time to learn it well B. everyone should be able to enjoy music C. it is the order of the president D. the hall does not lie in the center of

27、Paris21. What can be inferred from the passage? A. Visitors can get a good view of Paris on the top. B. The performance prices are not low at all. C. The hall performances are popular with poor people. D. The hall plans to attract more tourists to Paris. DIt is reported that half of the food the wor

28、ld produces is never eaten but thrown away instead. Wasteful people in rich nations, however, are not the only food buyers. Poor countries, too, are throwing out perfect good food. According to Elliot Wooley, a professor who studies at Loughborough University, what should be noticed is that develope

29、d and developing countries have different causes for their waste.Because of few food production methods, in developing countries, food is usually wasted while it is still in the field or during the storage and transportation process, but once food is sold, people usually eat everything they buy. In

30、the United States ad other developed countries, people throw away as much as half the food they buy.Such a change among countries calls for special solutions. Professor Wooleys answer to food waste is a smart-phone app that he created. It would inform people of how many goods they have bought, how l

31、ong they will last and so on. At the international meeting held last month in Vietnam, the professor said the result from an experiment shows that people who used the app cut down the amount of food they wasted by 34 percent.But Jeremy, a student from Germany thinks Professor Wooleys app is not enou

32、gh to prevent food waste. “It might help those who already want to change the way they use the food they buy, but it could also encourage them to waste more because they no longer have to pay attention to how much food they buy,” Jeremy said. “The problem is that as food is getting cheaper, people a

33、re buying more food than they need, which will surely result in a huge waste,” Jeremy added, “so one way to prevent food waste is to persuade people to stop buying too much food in their first place.”22. Which of the following is TRUE about food waste? A. People in rich countries are more likely to

34、waste food. B. People in poor countries dont value food at all. C. Some countries waste food before it is sold. D. Some countries waste food before it is sold.23. According to Professor Wooley, how could we prevent waste? A. By using his app, food waste could be reduced. B. By encouraging people to

35、save food. C. By informing people of the amount of food they buy. D. By educating people to save food since childhood.24. The student Jeremy doesnt think much of the app because _. A. he has developed another app to prevent food waste B. the app could only apply to those who plan to save C. it will

36、surely decrease more food waste D. people still havent realized how serious waste is25. According to Jeremy, what might be the best way to prevent food waste? A. Buying food without control if it is cheap. B. Persuading people not to throw away food. C. Making laws to forbid people to waste food. D.

37、 Persuading people not to buy more than they need.第二节 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中选出能填入空白处的最佳答案,选项中有两项为多余选项。It is easier to agree than disagree. A lot of people often cant deal with it properly. _26_.l Dont make it personal.If you get upset, it can help to remember that youre mad at the persons

38、 idea, not the person.l _27_Instead of saying “Thats a stupid idea!”, try “I dont agree, and heres why.” never shout loudly and youll have a much better chance of getting your idea across.l _28_Using “you” can sound argumentative. For example, telling your mom “You always ask me to do some housework

39、 when I have a lot of homework.” has a very different tone from “Im under pressure because I have a lot of homework tonight. Can I do some housework tomorrow?”Being a good listener is a way of showing that you respect and understand the other persons opinion. _29_.l Stay calm.This is the most import

40、ant thing you can do to keep a conversation go on well. _30_. You may need to be calm even if the other person is a parent or a friend.A. Never criticize (批评) the other persons idea.B. Dont argue with others in difficult conversations.C. We can learn a lot when we dont face each other.D. The followi

41、ng tips can help keep disagreements properly.E. That makes it more likely for them to do the same for you.F. Use “I” to communicate how you feel and what you think.G. Its a huge challenge to stay calm when you feel angry about something.第三部分 英语知识运用(共两节,满分45分)第一节 完型填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面的短文,从短文后

42、各题后所给的四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答案上将该项涂黑。Lindsay and Erica are students from fourth grade. One day, they were sitting in Lindsays house, working hard an a science project about _31_. Lindsay was a hard worker like Erica, so the two girls were _32_ to have each other as partners. They were writing about

43、 rain a nd were amazed to learn that Hawaii is the worlds _33_ place.Lindsay found that Mount Waialeale, gets about 40 inches of _34_ a year! In 1982, Mount Waialeale set an all-time world record when it _35_ 666 inches of rain! The girls knew that their classmates would find all these _36_ interest

44、ing.The girls were enjoying the _37_ facts they were finding when all of a sudden, Lindsay saw Erica _38_. Erica had been chewing on a pen cap and had _39_ moved it down the throat from the mouth! Erica started pointing to her _40_. Lindsay asked her if she was choking. When Erica nodded to say yes,

45、 Lindsay quickly _41_ and did the Hemlich-manuver (海姆利克氏操作法) to try to help Erica _42_ choking.Lindsay _43_ hurting her friend, so the first time she tried the Hemlich-manuver, she did not do it very _44_. She tried a second time, and nothing _45_. After trying it a third time, the pen cap _46_ out

46、of Ericas mouth!Erica was very _47_ to Lindsay. She was terrified when she _48_ she had moved the pen cap down the throat and could not _49_. Lindsay was very brave and saved her friend. This was one _50_ project that both girls would never forget!31、A、weatherB、lifeC、riverD、waterfall32、A、frightenedB


48、eadC、stomachD、nose41、A、broke upB、brought upC、stood upD、got up42、A、beginB、riskC、enjoyD、stop43、A、looked forward toB、pay attention toC、was afraid ofD、suffered from44、A、softlyB、faithfullyC、brieflyD、hard45、A、happenedB、disappearedC、recoveredD、responded46、A、blewB、flewC、droveD、drew47、A、generousB、kindC、grate

49、fulD、sensitive48、A、realizedB、recognizedC、pretendedD、saw49、A、hearB、eatC、speakD、breathe50、A、artB、scienceC、musicD、technology第二节 (共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)根据句子的语法性,在下面空格处填入一个适当的词或使用括号中词的适当形式填空,并将答案填写在标号为5165的相应位置上。51. I sat next to the man and introduced myself. We had _ amazing conversation.52. Im more than w

50、illing to tell you what you _ (concern) about.53. Mr. Smith, _ whom the book belongs, lent it to his friends generously.54. No one was injured in the explosion, but the building _ (destroy) completely.55. Though the little boy is young, his mother insisted that he _ (wash) his clothes by himself.56.

51、 I promise it will be an _ (extreme) rewarding experience.57. The number of the people invited to the party _ (be) fifty last night, but a number of them were absent for different reasons.58. I have many hobbies such as _ (write) poems and novels.59. He said they should not be kept _ studying for th

52、eir degrees.60. There is no doubt _ his plan sounds very good but Im doubtful whether it will be practical or not.61. Id like a house _ window faces the sea.62. It might take several years _ a company begins to make money.63. I would much appreciate _if you could come to my birthday party this weeke

53、nd.64. Sometimes they may play to passers-by in the street or subway so that they can earn some extra money for _.65. To be honest, a lot of people attach great _ to becoming rich or famous.第四部分 写作(共三节,满分50分)第一节 句子考察。(共8小题。6670题,每空0.5分;7173题,每小题3分。满分15分)根据下面各个句子的要求,完成、盖子额或翻译句子。66. We were put in a p

54、osition. We had to depend on ourselves in this position.(用定语从句合并句子) We were put in a position _ we had to depend on ourselves.67. He said, “Dont make so much noise, boys” He told the boys make so much noise.68. He is taller _ _ _ student in the class.(他是班上最高的学生。)69. Mary is too stubborn, so she is n

55、ot popular in our class. (句型转换) Mary is _ stubborn _ she is not popular in our class.70. People are killing antelopes for the wool beneath their stomachs. (改为被动句) Antelopes _ _ _ for the wool beneath their stomachs.71. The students had a meeting in the big hall last weekend. (对划线部分强调) _.72. You can get all the information you need to know only if you ask many different questions. (改为倒装句) _.73. 曾经有一段时间他很沮丧,想离开这里。(翻译) _.第二节 单句改错(每小题只有一个错误)。每小题1分,满分10分)注意:每个单据均有移除错误。错误仅涉及到一个单词的增加、删除或修改;增加:在缺词处加一个漏字符号(),并在其下面写出该增加的词;删除:把


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