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1、教学内容Unit6 Whose dress is this?教材分析本单元通过谈论化妆舞会的服装,呈现了物品的所属关系。教师可以结合学生的具体穿着进行教学与操练,也可以让学生们用身边的物品进行对话交流,在自然具体的情境下谈论物品的所属关系。教师在教授gloves,jeans,shorts和trousers等复数形式的词汇时可以结合pair一词的用法。在名词所有格的语法教学方面,教师可以结合学生手边的物品,创设真实的语用情景,帮助学生们理解和运用所有格结构。教学目标1.能听懂、会说、会读、会写句型和日常用语 Whose  is this/that? Whose are these/th

2、ose?及其回答Its/Theyre my fathers/ . I think so. Whats the matter?2.能听懂、会说、会读、会写单词dress,party,coat,shirt,sweater,hand  3.能听懂、会说、会读单词too,trousers,gloves,so,jeans,shorts,wrong,move,hurt   4.能诵读歌谣Whose cake is this?  5. 能听懂、会说字母i在单词中的读音,发音准确。教学 重点1.在听说读练中,学会单词dress,party,coat,

3、shirt,sweater,hand2.在听说训练中,学会句型Whose is this/that? Whose are these/those?及其回答Its/Theyre  s.3.字母i在单词中的发音教学 难点1.句型: Whose is this/that? Whose are these/those?  Its/Theyre s.2.词汇:trousers,gloves,shorts3.字母i在单词中的发音课前准备光盘、卡片、图片、PPT等课时分配第一课时:Story time第二课时:Fun time和Cartoon time第三课时:Sou

4、nd time ,Rhyme time,Checkout time和 Ticking time第四课时:Workbook教学内容Unit6 Whose dress is this? (Story time)时间教学目标1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词:too, trousers, gloves, so, dress, party. 2. 能初步用以下句型 Whose is this/that? Whose are these/those? Its / Theyre my fathers/ 询问和交流物体的主人。3. 能正确理解课文内容。4. 能够较准确的朗读课文并在教师的指导下尝试表演。

5、教学重点1. 能听懂、会说、会读单词:too, trousers, gloves, so, dress, party. 2. 能初步用以下句型 Whose is this/that? Whose are these/those? Its / Theyre my fathers/ 询问和交流物体的主人。3. 能正确理解朗读课文内容教学难点能够较准确的朗读课文并在教师的指导下表演。课前准备PPT,卡片,衣服教 学 流 程教 学 调 整Step1 Warm up1.师课前安排男女生各一名和教师一起盛装打扮进入教室。T: Hello! Boys and girls!Ss: Hello! (兴

6、奋)T: We dress up in beautiful clothes today.T: Look at my sweater. Its my mothers.Boy: Look at my cap. Its my fathers.Girl: Look at my skirt. Its my sisters.T: Do you like our clothes today?Ss: Yes. How nice! Its great.T: We are going to a Fancy Dress PartyLearn: Fancy Dress Party 齐读若干遍理解意思即可T: Woul

7、d you like to go to the Fancy Dress Party?Ss: Sure.T: Lets go to the shop to buy some clothes first.Step 2 Sing a song The clothes shop1. T: Here we are. 课件出示服装店图和音乐Ss: OK. (Sing a song The clothes shop四上歌曲)2. T: What clothes are in the shop?S: Blue skirts and T-shirts, yellow shoes and socks.T: Wha

8、t other clothes in the shop?S: (简单列举之前学过的服饰类单词)T: Lets go and see.PPT 出现动画服饰礼盒打开:dress gloves trousersStep 2 Presentation1. 单词配以夸张的服饰图片学习(1)T: What are these?S: Theyre gloves.T: (通过动作和图片引导学生说) Theyre Ss: Big.(2)T: What are those?S: Theyre trousers.T: (通过动作和图片引导学生说)The trousers are .S: Long.(3) T: Wh

9、at is it?S: It s a dress.T: The dress is (通过动作和图片引导学生说)S: Short2. Chant T: These clothes are fun. Lets chant about it. Learn: too太强调读音try this on 和try these onS: Chant together. Step 3 Enjoy the story T: Good, some children are going to the Fancy Dress Party, too. Who are they? (出示图4)S: Theyre Yang

10、Ling, Mike, Su Yang and Su Hai.2. Listen and tick.T: They dress up in funny clothes at the party. What clothes are they talking about? Lets listen and tick. (出示图片)Tips: 仔细听一听,找出孩子们谈论的服饰。3.T: You have magic ears. Now its time to open your books and scan the story. Find out: What do these children wea

11、r at the party? Tips: 快速浏览故事,找出孩子们身上装扮的服饰。Ss: Read and match(课件中以图片形式出现)T: Look at Sun Yangs gloves. Theyre (师利用夸张的动作引导学生回答)S: Theyre (so) big. T: Look at Helens dress. Its(师利用夸张的动作引导学生回答)S: Its beautiful.T: Whose gloves? S: Fathers.T: Whose dress?S: Cousins.T: How do you know?Please find relative s

12、entences and underline.Tips: 请把谈论gloves和dress主人的语句勾划出来。Ss: Read and underline4.S: 当问单数物品用Whose is this?;当问复数物品用Whose is this?。Whose is this? Its s. Whose are these Theyre s.5.Listen and repeat.6.Read the story togetherStep4 Act the story Read fluently Read fluently and beautifullyAct it out emotiona

13、lly Step5 ConsolidationMake a new dialogue.Liu Tao, Wang Bing,Yang Ling and Tim are at the Fancy Dress party, too. Look! 他们也穿上了有趣的服饰。他们在说些什么?试着模仿今天学的故事,编一段对话吧。Lets go to the party.Look at Its / Theyre so Whose is this / are these?Its / Theyre s. Its / Theyre so Thank you.Step6 Homework1.听磁带,有感情地模仿熟读

14、课文并尝试背诵。2.试着将编的新故事说给父母听。板书设计Unit 6 Whose dress is this? Whose dress is this? Its my cousins. Whose gloves are these? Theyre my fathers. 教学反思教学内容Unit6 Whose dress is this?( Cartoon time和Fun time) 时间教学目标1.能够熟练说出服饰类单词dress, coat, shirt, sweater, trousers, gloves, jeans, shorts.2.能用句型Whose is this/that?

15、 Its s. Whose are these/those? Theyre s.谈论物品的所属。3.能够读懂Cartoon time 部分内容,体会其中的趣味性。教学重点1.能够熟练说出服饰类单词dress, coat, shirt, sweater, trousers, gloves, jeans, shorts.2.能用句型Whose is this/that? Its s. Whose are these/those? Theyre s.谈论物品的所属。3.能够读懂Cartoon time 部分内容,体会其中的趣味性。教学难点1.能用句型Whose is this/that? Its s

16、. Whose are these/those? Theyre s.谈论物品的所属。2.能够读懂Cartoon time 部分内容,体会其中的趣味性。课前准备卡片, PPT教 学 流 程教 学 调 整Step1 Free talk and revision1.Greetings.2.Retell the text. Step2 Fun time1.T: Helen, Mike, Su Hai and Su Yang are at the Fancy Dress Party. Would you like to go to the party?Ss: Sure.T: Lets go to the

17、 shop to buy some clothes first.S:(简单列举之前学过的服饰类单词)T: What other clothes in the shop? Lets go and see.PPT 出现动画服饰礼盒打开:coat shirt jeans shorts sweater2.shirt 和T-shirt比较,重点通过图片展示词义; sweater 通过和bread, breakfast归纳ea读音规律,自主拼读sweaterT: Can you read these two words: coat, shortscoat 和boat比较,自读shorts 学生自己通过旧知

18、short,容易掌握发音,强调shorts 和jeans, trousers一样都是以复数形式出现。3.Listen and repeat all the words after the tapeStep3 Guess and say1.T: Lets play another game: Guess and say.Tips:出示Story time图5和6,提醒学生注意单复数板书句型并带读游戏句型:Whose is this/that? Its s. Is it s?Whose are these/those? Theyre s. Are they s?2. Make an example

19、 (T, S1, S2, S3)T: Whose sweater is this? Guess!S1: Is it S4s?T: No. Youre wrong.S1: Is it S5s?T: Yes. Youre right.猜出主人之后,由S1问S2, 接着由S2问S3,依次进行游戏。3. Play the game in groups.Tips: 每个成员一次猜中记录 两次猜中记录 三次或三次以上猜中记录4. SummaryT: How many can you get?Step4 Cartoon time1.T: Its a guessing game. Guess: Whats t

20、his?课件出示cartoon time第一幅图的大刺球S: Is it a ball? Is it a toy? T: I dont know, either. Its your cartoon time. Lets watch then tell me: Whats this?Ss watch the cartoon and check.T: Whats this? S: 刺猬。T: Oh, its a hedgehog.Learn: hedgehog2.Read the story, Get the answer to the question: Can Bobby play with

21、the hedgehog? How do you know?S: No. His hand hurts.(中文回答也可以) 3. 提醒孩子们注意图三Learn:Whats the matter? My hand hurts.T: So how does Bobby feel?S: 疼;unhappy.T: He is very painful. (动作表情帮助学生理解painful) How to read these sentences?S: (学生讨论揣摩语气)Bobby(惊吓、疼): Ouch!Sam(关切、关心): What s the matter?Bobby(流血、疼): My h

22、and hurts.Practice in pairs4. Listen and repeat. Try to imitate the intonation and emotion. Learn the new word: (1) move /mu:v/ Who can move? 让学生做动作理解意思(2) I think so. 语境中理解意思It means I think its a ball.5.Practice reading in pairs.6.Set an example for Ss to act the cartoon. Try to act it in pairsSte

23、p5 Homework1.Copy the new words.2.Read and recite Cartoon time.板书设计 Unit 6 Whose dress is this?Whose is this/that? Its s. Whose are these/those? Theyre s. 教学反思教学内容Unit 6 Whose dress is this?(Sound time,Rhyme time,Checkout time和 Ticking time) 时间教学目标1.能够熟练说出有关服饰类词。2.能熟练地运用本单元所学句型进行交际。3.能诵读歌谣Whose cake

24、 is this?  4.字母i在单词中的读音教学重点1.能熟练地运用本单元所学句型进行交际。2.字母i在单词中的读音教学难点1.能熟练地运用本单元所学句型进行交际。2.字母i在单词中的读音课前准备光盘、PPT教 学 流 程教 学 调 整 Step1 RevisionTips: 四人小组在规定时间内,在各自Clothes单词卡上尽可能多写下你所知道的服饰单词。写对最多组获胜。Ss T: Lets see how many words can you write?Ss: Ticking time:I can say and write the names of some cl

25、othes.Step2 Checkout time1.Show the pictures of checkout timeT: Look at these clothes. Whose clothes are they? Can you discuss and guess in pairs.Pair work.3.Open your books and fill in the blanks.4.Invite Ss to write on the blackboard.Check the answers5.Summary: Note the s 注意s的用法1. 词组中is或us的缩写(1) S

26、hes = She is; Hes = He is; Its = It is; Whats = What is; Whos = Who is; Wheres = Where is; Hows = How is.(2) Lets = Let us2. 在人名后加s可以表示所属关系,如本单元中出现的my fathers my cousinsStep3 Rhyme time 1.T: There is some delicious food at the party. Can you guess what is it?S: T:Look! S:Its a cake.T:Yes. Its a birt

27、hday cake. Whose cake is this?2.Watch the cartoon and find the answerT: Whose cake is this?S: Its Chriss.3.Lets say the rhyme sentence by sentence.4.Say the rhyme together5.Say the rhyme in groups6.Rewrite a new rhymeStep4 Sound time1.标注小诗中部分单词中的iOh, Chris! Oh, Chris!Whose cake is this?Its my cake.L

28、ets eat it by the lake.T: Look at these words. They all have the letter i, what does i pronounced as? S: /i/T: Look at my mouth, open it big or small. Try to imitate.S: Read one by one.2.T:Last unit, we have learnt another pronunciation of i, what is it? /ai/T: Whats the difference between them? Whe

29、n is it pronounced as /ai/, when is it pronounced as /i/?出示:Chinese, kite, like, time, white English, fish, him, music, pigT: 教师讲解:开音节中发/ai/,重读闭音节中发/i/。Step5 Summary & Evaluation1.T:What can we learn from this lesson? S:I can 2.T: Discuss in groups, see how many stars have you got together?Step6 Homework .1.听录音,跟读Unit6的内容。2.寻找更多字母i发音为/i/的单词,记在书上。3.给小组单词卡配上简笔画插图,贴在英语角里。板书设计Unit 6 Whose dress is this?Whose is this/that? Its s. Whose are these/those? Theyre s. English fish him music pig教学反思教学内容Unit 6 Whose dress is this? (Workbook) 时间教学目标能够在


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