



1、科目En glish年级Grade eight主备人课题Unit 6 An old man tried to move themountains. Secti on B ( 1a-1e)上课人知识与技能目标gold, silk, cheat, stupid过程与方法目 标Liste ning and speak ing情感态度与价值观目标多阅读中外传统文学名著,让学生们明白中国传统文化的博大、精深,并吸取中国传统文化中的精华。了解外国的文化,开阔自己眼界。教学重点1)掌握本课时出现的生词及用法。2)进行听力训练,提高综合听说能力教学难点Liste ning教具与教法Teachi ng Meth

2、od: Liste ning method, Speak ing method, Pair work,Teachi ng Aid: A tape recorder, a computer, blackboard and an En glish book教学过程教师活动学生活动I . Greet ings and Review1 Greet the stude nts as usual.2 Let some Ss talk someth ing about the Mon key King.n. Warm ing up1. T: Show one picture of the storyThe

3、Emperors'New Clothes.2. Ask some questions about it.e.g. 1. Look at the picture. Do you know this story?What' s the n ame of this story?Greeti ngsTalk ingLook at the pictureAn swer questi ons课时编号NO授课时间:第周星期年 月曰S1: The Emperors New Clothes.2. Can you tell the story briefly?S2:ALOolnatanaswerT

4、: Once upon a time, an emperor loved new clothes very much. One two brothers came to the city and made a special clothes for the emperor. They asked for much gold and silk, but they kept them for themselves. They pretended to work for a long time every day. The at last, the special clothes was OK. B

5、ut n obody could see it.Fi nish 1bPrese ntati ononCheck an swersSum upBut No one said it until one young boy shouted that theemperor wore no thi ng.川.Prese ntati on1. Prese nt the new words on the big scree n and lear n thenew words together.Lear n new wordsRead together2. Ss read and try to remembe

6、r the new words.silk emperor un derwear gold stupid cheatIV. Matchi ngWork on 1a x k b1 .cRemember these new words1. Ask one stude nt read words in 1a. Tell Ss to match thewords with the letters in the pictures in 1b.2. Let some Ss tell their an swers. Then check together.3. Try to remember the new

7、words.V. ListeningWork on 1b:1. Tell Ss to look at the pictures in 1c. Tell them these are thepictures from the story: The Emperors'New Clothes.Liste n toLook at 1c Do liste ning In dividual workthe tapes and nu mber the pictures.2. Play the recording for the Ss. Ss just listen for the first tim

8、e.Play the recordi ng aga in and nu mber the pictures.3. Check the an swers:Prese n tati onCheck an swersW. Work on 1c:1. Let Ss read the sen ten ces in 1c first. Tell Ss to liste n aga inand fill in the blanks with the right words.Read senten ces in1cFill in the bla nks2. Play the recording again f

9、or the Ss to listen and write the3. Check the an swers with the class.Group work (Telling the story)1. Work in groups. Tell the story of TheEmperor sNewClothes. Use the information in 1c and 1d.2. Let some groups tell the story to the class.SummaryIn this class we practiced liste ning skills. You sh

10、ould liste n tothe tapes if don't know the meaning. And you should master thenew words gold, silk, stupid, cheat ”IX. Homework:1 Review the phrases and senten ces.2 Liste n to the tape twice after class.Unit 6 An old man tried to move the mountains.gold, silk, cheat, stupidListe n aga inCheck an swersGroup workTell the storySum upSile nee is gold.They w


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