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1、精选优质文档-倾情为你奉上单项选择。1. I found _ dead dog in the river yesterday. But at first I thought it was my pet.A. a B. an C. the D. one2. If you work hard, youll get _“A” in the exam. A. a B. an C. the D. /3. They often take_ walk after dinner. A. a B. C. the D. an4. Lilys mother is _ teacher in a school. A.

2、a B. an C. the D. /5. _Browns were having dinner when the telephone rang. A. A B. An C. The D./6. Jenny goes to school on foot. It takes her about half _ hour to get there.A. an B. a C. the D. (不填)7. My best friend Neil is _ honest boy. You can believe him.A. a B. an C. the D./8. What are you going

3、to do tomorrow? I will play _ football with my friends.A. a B. the C. an D. /9. Could you please help me to play _ guitar?A. a B. the C. an D. /10. My little brother likes to eat _ red apples. Please give him _ apple.A. a; a B. a; an C. an; / D. /;an11. We should plant more trees in _ spring and we

4、often plant trees on _ Sunday.A. a; / B. /; the C. /; / D. the; a12. As _ honest boy, you should tell _ truth to your father.A. an; the B. an; a C. an; / D. a; the13. Peer is _ honest boy and _ good friend of mine.A. a; the. B. the; an C. a; an D. an; a14_old man in _ brown coat over there is Mr. Ja

5、cksonAAn, a BAn,the CThe,a DThe,the15. Look at _ eraser on the floor. Whose is it?A. a B. an C. the D./16. Maria, here is my new house.Wow, you have beautiful house!A. a B. the C.不填17. What cold weatherYes. But its unusual experience for us, we normally live in a hot place.A. /; a B. a; an C. / ; an

6、 D. a; the18. What are you going to be in the future?I want to be _ actor.A. a B. an C. the D. /19. This is _ interesting movie and its also_ most interesting one Ive ever seenA. an; a B. an; the C. a; the20. Hurry up! If we miss _ last bus, well have to get home by _taxi.A. a; 不填 B. the; a C. the;不

7、填 D. a; a21. Help others whenever you can youll make the world a nicer place to live. A. and B. or C. unless D. but22. These story books for children are awfully written. They are interesting exciting. A. either, or B. neither, nor C. both, and D. not only, but also 23. Would you like to go to the c

8、oncert with me? Id love to, Im afraid I have no time. A. so B. or C. and D. but24. Where was your brother at this time last night? He was writing an e-mail I was watching TV at home. A. as soon as B. after C. until D. while 25. you your brother can join us. We want one of you. A. Both, and B. Neithe

9、r, nor C. Either, or D. Not only, but also26. _ the story is short and there are no new words in it, it is difficult to understand.A. But B. Though C. And D. For27. Mom, shall we have supper now? Oh, we wont have supper _ your dad comes back. A. until B. since C. while D. after28. He wont pass the e

10、xam _he works hard. A. whenever B. because C. if D. unless29. Tony is a quiet student, he is active in class. A. so B. and C. but D. or 30. They will lose the game they try their best, A. unless B. once C. since D. after 31. You wont feel happy at school _ you get on well with your classmates. A. th

11、ough B. when C. unless D. because 12. This is my twin sister, Lucy. Not only she but also I _ good at drawing. A. is B. am C. are D. can33. The restaurant is nice and the food is not bad. _I still prefer eating at home. A. And B. But C. So D. Or 34. Be quick, well be late for school. A. and B. or C.

12、 so D. but35. The rain is very heavy_ we have to stay at home. A. but B. because C. so D. and36I dont think your uncle really likes drama series No, _ he still watches the programme Aand Bso Cor Dbut37. You have coughed for several days, Bill. Stop smoking,_ youll get better soon. A. but B. after C.

13、 or D. and 38. _Rose _Jack watched Prince Williams wedding on TV yesterday. What a pity! They missed the exciting moment. A. Both, and B. Not only; but also C. Either; or D. Neither, nor 39. The box was too heavy for me to carry, _I pulled it into my room. A. so B. and C. but D. or 40. I _ believe i

14、t _ I see it with my own eyes. A. wont; and B. will; but C. will; until D. wont; until 【答案与解析】1. A。本题考查冠词的用法,泛指一类用a,因为dead不是元音因素开头,不用an。本题不着重强调数量,不用one。2. B。因为字母A发音是元音因素,所以只能用an,表示“一个”,泛指。3. A。take a walk 固定搭配,意为“散步”。4. A。本题考查冠词的用法,泛指一类用a,因为teacher不是元音因素开头,不用an。5. C。本题考查定冠词the后接姓氏的复数,指一家人。6. A。half

15、an hour固定搭配,hour中的h不发音,所以是元音因素开头,用an。7. B。honest的h不发音,所以用an不用a,意为“一个诚实的男孩”。8. D。本题是考查冠词的用法。球类运动前不用冠词,所以用play football表示“踢球”。9. B。本题是考查冠词的用法,演奏的乐器前要用冠词the,所以用play the guitar表示“弹吉他”。10. D。本题是考查冠词的用法。在名词apple的前面用冠词an,但在red apple的前面用冠词a。此句中red apples是用复数表示一类事物,前面不用冠词。11. C。本题是考查冠词的用法,在四季和星期的名词前一般不用冠词。12

16、. A。在honest的前应用冠词an,因为h不发音,表示“一个”。第二个空用定冠词the表示特指。所以选择A。13. D。因为honest的h不发音,所以是元音音素开头,用an,a good friend表示“一个好朋友”。14. C。名词man后面的介词短语提示man表示特指意义,用定冠词the;“穿着一件”,表示数量有“一”,辅音音素开头的单词前用不定冠词a表达。15. C。eraser是元音音素开头,表示泛指时,用an,指"一块橡皮" 。 这里指地板上那块橡皮,表示特指,用the。16. A。“a beautiful house”表示泛指,一个漂

17、亮的房子。17. C。由于weather是不可数名词,不用a或an。,unusual是元音音素开头,所以用an,an unusual experience意为“一次不寻常的经历”。18. B。actor是元音音素开头,所以前面应用an,an actor意为“一名演员”。19. B。an interesting movie意为“一部有趣的电影”,因为interesting是元音音素开头,所以用an修饰。the interesting movie意为“一部最有趣的电影”,形容词最高级前面要用the。20. C。the last 意为“最后的”,by taxi意为“坐出租”,by后面接交通工具时,不

18、用冠词。21. A。由于前后句子表示顺接关系,所以选择and。句意为“无论什么时间你能帮助别人,你都能使世界更美好”。22. B。句意为“这些书对于孩子们来说,写得太糟糕了,它们既不有趣,也不让人兴奋”。所以应该选B项,意为“既不也不”。23. D。答语表示转折关系,所以选用but。句意为“我想去,但我担心没有时间”。24. D。表示两个并列的动作同时进行,答语意为“他在写邮件,而我在看电视”。25. C。 句意为“你或者你弟弟可以加入我们,我们想要你们其中一位”。前后句表示选择关系,所以选eitheror,意为 “或者或者”。26.B。本题是考查引导词though的用法表示“虽然、尽管”的意

19、思。注意选项D作连词连接并列句不能放在句首。27. A。until用于否定句中,表示句子的动作直到until短语所表示的时间才开始发生,即表示动作的起点。While跟连续性的动词;since连接的句子主句一般用现在完成时,从句用过去时。28. D。 根据句意“他将不会通过考试,除非他努力学习”。whenever无论何时,because因为,if如果,unless除非。故选D。29. C。 考查but用法,quiet和active正好相反,用but表示意思的转折。 30. A。句意为“如果他们不努力,比赛就会失败。”unless意为“如果不”。故选A。 31. C。句意:你在学校不会感到快乐,除非与同学处得很好。unless意为“除非,如果不”。32. B。Not onlybut also意为


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