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1、淀粉废水处理工程简介胡威夷提要介绍了北京红星淀粉厂生产废水的水质特点、处理工艺及技术参数。提出了常温下UASB 反应器+二级好氧生物处理在淀粉废水处理中的应用, 并调试、运行成功。结果表明:该工艺投资省、运行费用低, 操作简便, 产生的沼气可利用。处理后的废水均达标排放, 获得了较好的经济效益和环境效益。关键词淀粉废水升流式厌氧污泥床反应器UASB 厌氧反应器厌氧颗粒污泥接种污泥好氧活性污泥0概况北京红星淀粉厂是一家以玉米为原料生产淀粉的中型企业, 年生产淀粉60007000t , 能满足北京市近70%的淀粉需求。该厂采用亚硫酸法生产玉米淀粉, 主要生产流程为:在亚硫酸溶液中浸泡玉米籽粒, 然

2、后将其破碎, 从中分离胚芽, 剩余物细磨碎成玉米糊, 而后筛分, 使粉渣与淀粉、蛋白浆分开, 将淀粉、蛋白浆悬浮物分离成淀粉和麸质, 最后洗涤淀粉。经过上述各道工序后, 从玉米籽粒中得到的玉米湿淀粉用作生产干淀粉, 胚芽用作生产玉米油, 渣用于生产干玉米饲料或用作牲畜的饲料, 麸质既可用作饲料, 又能用作配制蛋白膏(粉 和谷氨酸的原料。生产废水主要包括气浮槽排水、淀粉洗涤水、玉米浸泡水及少量地面冲洗水。1水量与水质设计处理的废水量为500m 3/d 。废水水质:COD为7000mg/L ;BOD 为4000mg/L ; SS 为5001000mg/L ; 总氮为30120mg/L ;pH 为4

3、5; 温度为2025。处理要求:根据北京市颁布的污水综合排放二级标准, 其主要排放指标为COD 80mg/L ; BOD 40mg/L ;SS 70mg/L ; 氨氮25mg/L ;pH 615815。2工艺流程(见图1图1淀粉废水处理工艺流程浓缩、脱水外运。3主要设备及构筑物设计参数该工程的主要设备及构筑物设计参数见表1和表2。表1主要设备及参数名称提升水泵型号参数Q :72120m 3/h H :121015m N :715kW数量2台(1用1备曝气池充气泵IS150-125-200型Q :200m 3/h H :1215m N :11kW Q :100m 3/h H :1215m N :

4、515kW Q :25m 3/h2台(1用1备配电机Y160M -4接触氧化池充气泵IS100-80-100型2台(1用1备配电机Y312S1-2污泥泵B G 65-20H :20m N :3kW2台(1用1备流程说明:废水首先进入调节罐, 在此均质、均量后由泵提升送入UASB 厌氧反应器, 进行厌氧发酵处理, 产生的沼气经脱硫处理, 储于气罐待利用, 废水则进入曝气池和接触氧化池, 降解剩余的大部分有机物, 出水达标后外排; 污泥部分回流, 部分经给水排水V ol 129N o 13200350过滤面积:20m 2板框压滤机BAJ Z20/810框内尺寸:810mm ×810mmN

5、 :515kW1台(原有设备表2主要构筑物及设计参数名称调节罐UASB 反应器尺寸/m ! 219×21614×6×5159×5×4155×5×33×5×4155×5×33×3×4有效容积/m 3/kgCOD/(m 3d 停留时间/h3材质钢制钢砼钢砼钢砼钢砼钢砼钢砼钢制压力容器备注原有充气泵供氧竖流式纤维填料充气泵供氧斜板式竖流式814417209215曝气池沉淀池生物接触氧化池二次沉淀池污泥浓缩池储气罐2113215污泥量200kg/d 沼气量700m /d 甲

6、烷含量50%60%3! 8×5表3处理效果指标实际进水量日期UASB 厌氧处理器曝气池沉淀池进水COD 出水COD/mg/L 259265268263245258252223243252接触氧化池二沉池去除率水温/28282730292831272828p H 进水COD 出水COD/mg/L去除率进水COD 出水COD/mg/L 259265268263245258252223243252/mg/L 73767675636765596365去除率69507025703070006500680067386032658459444运行及处理效果411污泥驯化及运行该工程的运行重点在UA

7、SB 反应器。首先向UASB 反应器投加取自北京高碑店污水处理厂脱水需向调节池中投加Na 2CO 3或CaCO 3进行调节(考虑到价格问题, 采用CaCO 3 。在以后的实际运行中, 因有部分生活污水进入调节池, 废水酸性减弱, 可生化性加强, 同时UASB 反应器具有较大的缓冲能力,p H 发生波动不会明显地影响处理效果, 所以对于进水的p H 也就不特意加以控制, 只要酸性水不是大量、连续地涌入反应器破坏缓冲能力, 就不会影响厌氧消化过程。在生产过程中, 有时由于事故排放水酸性增强, 此时应加CaCO 3进行调节。曝气池、接触氧化池无需另加接种污泥, 靠UASB 反应器自然流失到该两池的污

8、泥进行培菌。曝气池运行开始时, 池内废水呈暗黑色, 正常曝气运行后, 废水渐成暗黄色。接触氧化池填料表面挂有大量褐色胶粘物质, 经取样镜检发现种类繁多的微生物, 如有变形虫、钟虫、轮虫、线虫等。412处理效果系统运行几年来, 处理效果一直比较稳定。现给水排水V ol 129N o 132003后的好氧活性污泥, 污泥接种量68kgVSS/m 3, 体积20m 3。污泥用水化开并经筛网过滤后, 泵入UASB 反应器。投泥完毕后立即投配淀粉废水进行浸泡。污泥驯化期内采用间歇进水。待出水COD 降至进水COD 的75%时, 再增加进水时间和频率, 并逐步缩短进料的时间间隔, 直至满负荷连续运行。运行

9、一段时间后, 反应器的底部形成一层颗粒污泥层, 颗粒污泥多为黑色, 部分为灰色, 颗粒较为均匀, 属丝菌颗粒, 大部分粒径为15mm , 有机物容积负荷稳定在8kgCOD/(m 3d 以上,COD 去除率达到75%以上。在UASB 反应器调试过程中,p H 控制在618712之间, 以创造一个最适于甲烷菌生长的环境, 故51油田稠油污水深度处理后回用于热采注汽锅炉的试验研究雷乐成陈琳何锋提要针对热采注汽锅炉用水水质要求, 将常规处理后的油田稠油污水经化学除硅、精密过滤及软化工艺处理后污水二氧化硅含量小于50mg/L , 悬浮物和油含量小于2mg/L , 硬度未检出。经过规模为10m 3/h 中

10、试连续试运行, 热采锅炉炉管未发现有结垢或任何损坏现象, 证明采用深度处理后的稠油污水代替清水作为注汽锅炉补给水是可行的。关键词油田稠油污水热采锅炉化学除硅精密过滤软化0前言污水资源化, 不仅是保护水生态环境的需要, 也是油田降耗节能、水量平衡、安全生产, 实现油田可持续发展和清洁生产的当务之急。对于稠油污水深度处理, 国内外也有部分报道19, 在除油和悬浮物去除技术的研究中, 开发了很多新工艺, 如试验采用膜分离, 果壳过滤和活性炭吸附等深度处理技术。研究认为国产膜材料耐温性能、抗污染尤其是抗油污染性能差, 反洗困难; 果壳和活性炭吸附、过滤易饱和, 再生困难, 尤其是截留原油过高引起滤层板

11、结, 导致过滤器失效。而在稠油污水的除硅、精密过滤、软化等技术的工程研究方面, 国内外还很少有这方面的成功报道。为此, 我们在辽河油田进行了处理能力为10m 3/h 的稠油污水深度处理中试, 主要解决除硅、精(2 获得了较好的经济效益, 厌氧处理提供的沼目前, 我国东部油田大多进入高含水期开发阶段, 采出的原油含水率高达60%70%。以辽河油田为例, 目前该油田产生的含油污水主要以回注或回掺的方式消纳, 剩余部分处理排放。尽管污水回注是目前油田消纳含油污水的主要手段, 但回注水量越多, 原油含水率越高。同时, 油田开采的稠油粘度高(>5000MPa s , 密度大(>0196g/c

12、m 3 , 相, 流动性能差, 开采此类稠变温度拐点高(>58油大都采用热采方式, 即蒸汽吞吐驱油, 这意味着原油开采过程中需要消耗大量的淡水资源。由于油井相对分散, 又处于人烟稀少之地, 难以提供优质的淡水以作注汽锅炉用水。因此, 将稠油污水进行深度处理达到注汽锅炉用水标准后代替清水, 实现含油将2001年4月110日运行数据列于表3。从表3可以看出, 二沉池出水COD 低于80mg/L ,p H 在615815范围内, 其他出水指标也均达标。5工程总造价和处理成本(1 工程总造价为214万元。(2 处理成本(考虑动力、药剂、工资、折旧、维修等 为1147元/m 3。UASB 产生的沼

13、气可利用, 也产生一定的经济效益。6结论与建议(1 成功地采用了以UASB 为主的工艺处理淀粉废水, 在常温条件下实现了UASB 反应器接种活性污泥的颗粒化, 在国内淀粉行业尚属首次。运行结果表明工程处理效果稳定可靠。给水排水V ol 129N o 13200352气使整个污水处理厂能做到能量自给有余。但沼气的利用, 也增加了站区的安全隐患, 建议严格管理, 确保安全。(3 淀粉废水中含有大量的淀粉和蛋白质, 具有很高的回收价值, 回收这部分物质, 既可以削减大量不溶性COD , 减轻后续处理的压力, 又可以获得一定的经济效益。目前北京红星淀粉厂还没有回收这部分物质, 造成物质的浪费, 泥量的

14、增加, 这需在以后的工程中加以考虑。作者通讯处:100044北京海淀区增光路中国纺织工业设计院电话:(010 68395421修回日期:2002715WATER &WASTEWATER ENGINEERINGVol 129No 13March 2003when the raw wastewater had the concentrations of 1564mg/L , 475mg/L , 500times for COD , BOD and colourity respectively , 90. 9%, 96. 6%, 90%of removals for COD , BOD an

15、d colority could be obtained.B rief on Starch W astew ater T reatment Hu Weiyi (50Abstract :In this paper the wastewater quality and the technical topic of wastewater treatment facility of Hongxing Starch Manufactory in Beijing are presented. The facility with normal temperature UASB reactor plus se

16、condary aerobic biological treatment has been started u p and gone into operation successively. This project has advantages of low investment and operating expenses , and easy to operate. Also a lot of environmental and economical benefits have been brought by the high methane production and fair ef

17、fluent , which meets the wastewater discharge standard. R euse of Deeply T reated Oil Field W astew ater for H eat Su pply Boiler L ei L echeng et al (52Abstract :Heavy crude oil wastewater was treated by chemical silicon removal , precise filtration and softening to meet the water quality standards

18、 of steam boilers. After treatment , the content of silicon in wastewater was controlled under 50mg/L , and the oil and sus pended solid was about 2mg/L , whereas the hardness was not detectable. In the pilot plant experiment with capacity of l0m 3/h , the clear water could be re placed by treated h

19、eavy crude oil wastewater to supply the steam boiler. After about half year successful operation , no scale or any harmful conditions were observed at the steam boiler tubes ,it seems work well. Principles of W ater T ank Design Ren Fang et al (60Abstract :The investigation made for compilation of t

20、he standard drawing album of water tanks has shown that the designed and pre 2fabricated water tanks of various materials designed are not perfect to meet the requirement of users. The rules and standards in water tank design and fabrication are presented , including the material , design parameters

21、 , accessories and installation indications. On W ater System Design for H ospital Building L i Hongkui (64Abstract :The hospital building and its installations have been im proved more and more with advanced instruments for diagnosis and therapy in clinics. The author thinks that the automatic s pr

22、inkling fire control system should be installed for any hospital building with centralized air condition system and the nozzles should be installed not only at the public space , but also at the ward. S ome personal opinions related to water system design for hospital building , including some speci

23、al attentions , the selection of heat exchangers and classification of hos pital wastewater are described. Application of S and Filled Fiber G lass R einforced Plastic Pi pe in R a w W ater Conveyance Line fora Nuclear Pow er Station W u Hongbing et al (74Abstract :The sand filled fiber glass reinfo

24、rced plastic pipe was adopted for the raw water conveyance line in a nuclear power station. This decision was confirmed under investigation and comparison of many factors such as the location of the pipeline , the water pressure , the nature and corrosion of the soil , construction convenience and m

25、arket availability. S ome key technical issues faced in design of this pipeline with full distance of 3815km , including the river 2crossings , connection lines , intermediate boosting pumping stations and water hammer buffering etc are presented in this paper briefly. Beside these also the treatmen

26、t of field engineering affairs such as the flooding of trench , soil slip , installation of steel sleeve , ground base treatment in various s oil conditions and set u p of pipe abutments are discussed in detail. R epair of Large Size River C rossing Steel Pipe He Jiang et al (76Abstract :Both wet an

27、d dry underwater welding operations are presented to repair the burst at the welding seam of large size crossing steel pipe. Taking a practical repair operation as example , the size and structure of an atmos pheric pressure caisson are described and the stress pattern of this caisson are discussed

28、as well. Also the full o perations including the safety protective precautions in repair process are elaborated in detail. Computer Aided Dynamic W ater Distribution Modeling Chen Qian et al (86Abstract:The dynamic analysis and extended period simulations are more im portant during the designing or managing of wa


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