六年级英语下册 Unit 9《Look at these beautiful places in the world》3 湘少版_第1页
六年级英语下册 Unit 9《Look at these beautiful places in the world》3 湘少版_第2页
六年级英语下册 Unit 9《Look at these beautiful places in the world》3 湘少版_第3页
六年级英语下册 Unit 9《Look at these beautiful places in the world》3 湘少版_第4页
六年级英语下册 Unit 9《Look at these beautiful places in the world》3 湘少版_第5页
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1、have a party 举行聚会举行聚会a class party一个班级聚会一个班级聚会play games 玩游戏玩游戏have a rest 休息休息go to the theatre去电影院去电影院go to the museum去博物馆去博物馆Unit 9Look at these beautiful places in the worldEiffel Tower 埃菲尔铁塔埃菲尔铁塔埃菲尔铁塔(埃菲尔铁塔(Eiffel Tower)矗立在法国)矗立在法国巴黎巴黎的的战神广场战神广场,是,是世界世界著名建筑,是法著名建筑,是法国文化象征之一,也是国文化象征之一,也是巴黎巴黎最高建筑

2、物,最高建筑物,高高300米,天线高米,天线高24米,总高米,总高324米,于米,于1889年建成,年建成,法国法国首都巴黎(首都巴黎(Paris)是)是欧洲欧洲大陆上第二大城市,也是世界上最繁大陆上第二大城市,也是世界上最繁华的都市之一。华的都市之一。Its in France. 它在它在法国。Where is it ?Big Ben 大本 钟 伊丽莎白塔,也称大本钟,BIG BEN),是世界上著名的哥特式建筑之一,英国国会会议厅附属的钟楼(Clock Tower)的大报时钟的昵称。是坐落在英国伦敦英国伦敦泰晤士河畔的一座钟楼,是伦敦的标志性建筑之一。钟楼高95米,钟直径7米,重13.5吨。

3、每15分钟响一次,敲响威斯敏斯特钟声。Its in London。它在伦敦它在伦敦Where is it ? London 伦敦伦敦金门大桥金门大桥(Golden Gate Bridge)是世界著名的桥梁之一,)是世界著名的桥梁之一,也是近代桥梁工程的一项奇迹。大桥雄峙于也是近代桥梁工程的一项奇迹。大桥雄峙于美国加利福尼亚州美国加利福尼亚州长长1900多多米的米的金门海峡金门海峡之上,历时之上,历时4年和年和10万多吨钢材,耗资达万多吨钢材,耗资达3550万美元建成,万美元建成,由桥梁工程师约瑟夫由桥梁工程师约瑟夫施特劳斯设计。施特劳斯设计。Its in the USA.它在美国。the Gr

4、eat Wall 长城长城in Chinaplaces of interest (风景名胜风景名胜)连一连: the Eiffel Tower 1,France the Golden Gate Bridge 2,London the Great Wall 3,the USA Big Ben 4,China 抄写B部分词组4英2中 过关B部分 熟读并背诵C部分Unit 9Look at these beautiful places in the world看看世界上这些美丽的地方。看看世界上这些美丽的地方。I went to _I saw_I want to_I enjoyed_Act it o

5、ut! Peter:Look ! I have a picture of the beautiful EiffelTower. Its in France .My family went there last year.Anne: My family went to the USA last winter.I took a picture of the Golden Gate Bridge.My family likes travelling. USA-美国美国Lingling: Last week,my mother took me to Beijing by train.We went t

6、o the Great Wall.Many people enjoyed walking on the Great Wall. by 乘坐乘坐 by bus/plane/trainMingming:I have a picture of Big Ben in London.Its very old but the clock is still working.Act it out!选一选:1,He went to Shanghai_Sunday. A . next B. last C. on2,I go to school_bus. A. on B. in C. by3,Many studen

7、ts enjoy_songs. A sing B sang C singing4,I come from the _. A city B usa C London5,Last week,my mother _me to Beijing. A take B taked C tookHomework 熟读A部分并背诵C部分 模仿C部分,写三个句子。 明天听写B部分Unit 9Look at these beautiful places in the world看看世界上这些美丽的地方。看看世界上这些美丽的地方。1.过去式过去式2.like/enjoy + doing3.want to+do(原原)

8、Where is it ?Its in London.它在伦敦它在伦敦Its in the USA.它在美国。Its in China.Its in France. 它在它在法国Look at these beautiful places in the world travel to London 到伦敦旅行到伦敦旅行 take pictures 拍照拍照 go to places of interest 去风景名胜地去风景名胜地I went to _I saw_I want to_I enjoyed_连词成句: 1,in it is France. 2,went the Great we to Wal


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