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1、2013年哈尔滨市第三中学第一次高考模拟考试第一节 单项填空(共15小题,每小题1分,满分15分)从A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。21Many people in western countries go to church on , as do some Chinese.A ;a SundayBthe; SundayC ;SundaysDthe; Sundays22I have an old friend my respect has grown because he has realized he dreamt of all his lif

2、e.Ainto whom ; whichBfor whom ; whatCfor whose ; whichDto which ; what23The new kind of pen which smoothly is quite popular with students. Ais writtenBwrittenCwritingDwrites24In fact, hardship is beneficial because it helps build a strong mind, , I think ,that can lead you to great achievement in li

3、fe.AoneBthisCthatDit25No worker and no engineer who it is that is for the explosion of the chemical factory.Aknow ; to blameBknows ; to blameCknow ; to be blamedDwould know ; blamed26Why hasnt Steve contacted us up to now? anything have happened to him? Im not sure ,but I guess something .AMust; may

4、BCould;mightCMay; must haveDCan; may have27The highspeed railway service linking Shanghai and Nanjing has _ the traveling time by half.AremovedBdeclinedCrelievedDcut28 his great love for the works of Shakespeare, he has a broad range of interest in other English writers as well.AApart fromBIn terms

5、ofCExcept forDIn addition29Mary, you look confused. Have you made sense of the poem we are talking about? Yes, I another problem just now.Athought ofBwas thinking ofChave thought ofDhad thought of30Despite her old age, she is always adaptable and to new knowledge and others viewpoints.AadequateBwill

6、ingCopenDready31On hearing the news, the manager his trip to Sydney and returned to the company immediately.Abroke offBwent offCkept offDtook off32Online shopping sometimes causes us trouble more than provides us with convenience and a refreshing way of life.AcasuallyBespeciallyCspeciallyDsimply33It

7、s very funny that many people who lose weight gain it back after some time and end up back _ they strated.AwhenBafterCwhereDsince34The new airport under construction , three times as large as the old one,is due to be accomplished next year.AmeasuredBmeasuringCmeasuresDto measure35 Excuse me, but may

8、 I have access to the WiFi here? Id like to take some photos of the delicious food and update my microblog. Here is the key to it.AAllow me,sirBYou said it.CBy all means.DOut of the question!第二节 完形填空(共20小题,每小题1.5分,满分30分)阅读下面的短文,从短文后各题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出可以填入空白处的最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。Its All How You Look at

9、 ThingsRex Barker, a columnist of the local newspaper, shared a story with us here,“Its All How You Look at Things” sent to us by Karin L of Denmark.It was three years since an old lady had been diagnosed with severe cancer. Now 67,after receiving 36 medical treatments, she suffered from loss of her

10、 hair. One morning,she looked in the mirror. She had three 37 hairs on her head, and being a positive 38 , she said,“I think Ill braid my hair today.” So she braided her three hairs, 39 she had a great day.Some days 40 , looking in the mirror one morning, 41 for her day, she saw that she had only tw

11、o hairs left. “Hmm, two hairsI 42 a center parting today.” She fully 43 her two hairs, and as 44 , she had a great day.A week 45 passed and she saw that she had just one hair left on her head.“One hair huh,” she mused, “I know, a ponytail will be 46 .”And again she had a great day.The next morning,

12、she looked in the mirror. She was completely bald. “ 47 bald huh!” she said to herself, “How 48 ! I wont have to waste time 49 my hair any more”This is Rex Barker 50 you to always look for the positive side in things. A positive attitude, more than positive 51 , makes a person much happier. And main

13、taining a positive attitude will 52 to let you see the bright side of life, become optimistic, and except the best to happen. So why 53 yourself and your sense of happiness by looking for what is 54 ? It is much easier finding wrong than right but what is the 55 ?36AstableBconstantCfreeDtemporary37A

14、leftBremainingCstandingDtired38AsoulBghostCnutDpeach39AandBbutCasDthough40AoverBbeforeCafterDlater41AgettingBpreparingCwaitingDseeking42AhateBopposeCfancyDimagine43AdivorcedBcollectedCpartedDgathered44AeverBneverCagoDpast45AaboutBor elseCaroundDor so46AuglyBperfectCsurprisingDdelighted47AFirstlyBIns

15、tantlyCMerelyDFinally48AterribleBfunnyCupsetDwonderful49AcreatingBmakingCdoingDworrying50AremindingBrecallingCsuggestingDassuring51AdiseasesBaccidentsCeventsDeffects52AinspireBhappenCserveDintend53AinjureBhurtCdamageDdiscourage54AwrongBrightCstupidDjoyful55AmatterBadvantageCfavorDpoint第三部分 阅读理解(共20小

16、题,每小题2分,满分40分)第一节 选择题(共15小题,每小题2分,满分30分)阅读下列短文,从每题所给的A、B、C、D四个选项中,选出最佳选项,并在答题卡上将该项涂黑。ASleeping in ClassI can still remember it as if it happened yesterday. I was a college freshman and had stayed up most of the night before laughing and talking with friends. Now just before my first class of the day

17、 my eyelids were feeling heavier and heavier and my head was drifting down to my desk to make my textbook a pillow. A few minutes nap time before class couldnt hurt, I thought.BOOM! My head jerked up and my eyes opened wider than saucers. I looked around with my heart beating quickly trying to find

18、the cause of the noise. My young professor was looking back at me with a mischievous, boyish grin on his face. He had intentionally dropped the pile of textbook he was carrying onto his desk. “Good morning!”,he said, still smiling. “I am glad to see everyone is awake. Now lets get started.”For the n

19、ext hour I wasnt sleep at all. It wasnt from the shock of my professors textbook alarm clock either. It was instead from the fascinating discussion he led. With knowledge and good humor he made the material come alive. His insights were full of both wisdom and lovingkindness. And the enthusiasm and

20、joy that he tanght with were contagious(有感染力的).I left the classroom not only wide awake, but a little smarter and a little better as well.I learned something far more important than not sleeping in class that day too. I learned that if you are going to do something in this life, do it well, do it wi

21、th joy, and make it an expression of your love. What a glorious place this world be if all of us did our work joyously and well. What a beautiful world we could create if every doctor, teacher, musician, preacher, cook, mechanic, waitress, businessman, fisherman, poet, miner, farmer, and laborer mad

22、e their work an expression of their love. Dont sleepwalk your way through life then. Wake up ! Let your love fill your work and love fill your soul. Life is too short not to live it well.56What happened to the student just before his first class of the day?AHe had stayed up most of the night.BHe was

23、 not himself at the moment.CHe got painful eyes and a heavy head.DHe wanted to take a nap before class.57What does the underlined word in Paragraph 2 mean ?Abadly behavedBevilCnaughtyDunconscious58Which of the following I TURE ?AAlthough the student was frightened awake, he was not clearheaded in th

24、e class.BThe student was fascinated with the professors wisdom and enthusiasm.CThe professor often kept his students sharp by using a textbook alarm.DThe student left the twohour period not only wide awake, but a little smarter.59What else did the student learn that day ?APeople from all walks of li

25、fe should do their jobs with wisdom and love.BEveryone should love his job and sleepwalk his way through life.CStudents should not sleep in class and they should respect their teachers.DLife is too limited to make your work an expression of your love.BWhy should ear, nose, tongue and eyes be called

26、special senses? The basic reason is that these are the channels through which we maintain contact with the surroundings. Though apparently it may feel like these are individual sensory organs, they do show some connections. Interestingly, our hearing is less sharp after we eat a heavy food. Isnt it

27、good for a sound nap after a stomachfull meal? That does not mean we go deaf after a heavy meal, but the hearing pitch(强度)does change after that.We usually owe it to our tongue that we have taste, but do you know that unless saliva(唾液)dissolves something, our tongue cannot recognize the taste of the

28、 food eaten. Taste is nothing but the food chemicals dissolved in the saliva being sensed by the taste buds present on the tongue. Try to dry off your tongue and mouth with a tissue paper and then taste something.Woman are much better smellers than man. They are born with this characteristic ability

29、 and can correctly make out the exact fragrance of the sample. We all can store almost 50,000 different scents, which are strongly tied to the memories.Pupils(瞳孔) do not respond to light alone, but to the slightest bit of noise around too. Thus surgeons, watchmakers and those professionals who have

30、to perform a very delicate job do prefer to have a soundfree environment. Even a small noise can enlarge their pupils, change the focus and make them see less clearly.Each and every one of us has an individualistic or characteristic smell, which is unique to us, except for the identical twins. This

31、smell isnt very noticeable yet can be sensed even by a newborn. It may be due to this scent that the newborn recognizes the presence of his parents around. Many of us can point out the smell of our significant friends and colleagues. This is guided, to a great degree, by genetics but it is also infl

32、uenced by the environment, diet and so on. This all together creates the unique chemistry that is individualistic for each person.60What may happen after you have had a rich lunch?AYour eyes become weak and cant see well.BYou may feel fresher and more energetic.CYour hearing pitch may be decreased.D

33、Your tongue may lose the function of taste.61We can infer from the underlined sentence that _.Ayour tongue must be dried so as to taste something.Bif your tongue is dried without any saliva on it, it will not work.Cyour tongue alone can recognize the taste of food eaten.Dif your tongue is dried with

34、 a tissue paper, it may work as well as before.62What makes each person different from anyone else except for twins according to the passage?AThe particular smell of a person.BThe characteristics of a person.CThe style of ones behavior.DThe ability to distinguish various scents.63Which of the follow

35、ing may be the best title of this passage?AThe Sensitivity of Sensory OrgansBThe Functions and Connections of Sensory OrgansCA Newborns Sensory OrgansDDifferent Senses Between Men and WomanCMom was right! If you say thank you, for even the smallest gift or slightest show of kindness, youll fell happ

36、y.Gratitude(感谢), says Robert A. Emmons, a professor of psychology at the University of California, is an extremely important element of happiness, In his most recent book, Thanks! (Houghton Mifflin, 30.95), Emmons uses the first major study on gratitude to prove moms point. In acknowledging and prom

37、oting this muchignored expression of thankfulness, he explains how people have benefited even improved their health.As one of the leading scholars of the positive psychology movement, he admits gratitude may be difficult to express. He recommends you begin by acknowledging that life is good and full

38、 of events and elements that make daily existence a wonder.Second, recognize that the source of lifes goodness is more than just you. That source may be your mom, a friend, partner, child, colleague at work or play, a caregiver or God or any combination of these.Expressing gratitude should not be a

39、reaction. Instead, it should be a state of mind, To feel grateful when life is a breeze and you have more than what you need is easy, To be grateful in times of crisis anger, hatred and bitternessis easier. Also, too many people are aware of lifes blessings only after these are lost.Its crisis and c

40、haosdanger, disease, disability and death that bring many individuals to realize just how dependent they are on others. Yet its the way each of us begins life and ends it. Its too hard that so many people waste those decades in between laboring under the illusion(幻觉) that they are selfsufficient, sa

41、ys Emmons.Im not a reader or advocate of selfhelp books, but I am thankful for the reference I found in a newspaper article to the research Emmons was conducting on gratitude involving organ donors and recipients(接受者). The chance discovery led me to this book.Mom implied that kindness seems to find

42、its way back to the giver because life really is all about giving, receiving and repaying. So Ill follow her advice and say: Thank you, Professor Emmons.64What is mainly discussed in the text?ABeing thankful will keep you fit.BMom is great for her being thankful.CThere are many ways of being thankfu

43、l.DGratitude is of vital importance to happiness.65It will be easier for you to feel grateful when Ayou live a comfortable lifeByou receive gifts on your birthdagkstkou get help during your hard timesDyou are congratulated on your success66Mom may most probably agree with the following point that .A

44、it is easy to express your gratitudeBkindness may somehow be repaidCpeople should always think of giving rather than receivingDonly deeds like organ donation are worth your gratitudeDBirds have long been known to be the disease carries for years, but now they are receiving so much pressure due to Av

45、ian Bird Flu. Bird cause health danger to humans and animals in or around their droppings.Bird Buffer Q2, is designed to protect your facility from unwanted troublesome birds naturally, and is especially effective for sparrow control. When birds keep coming back and youve tried everything imaginable

46、. Then its time for Bird Buffer Q2.Bird control is now safe, easy, and economical with Bird Buffer. The Bird Buffer is also simple to operate. Just hang it with Bird Buffer cables or set it on the roof. Fill it with the speciallyprepared liquid, and turn it on. It is that simple. Bird Buffer Q2 is a

47、 permanent, automatic and costeffective commercial process for indoor and outdoor bird control. Contact Bird Buffer LLC www. B or call 8665574274.Bird Buffer Q2 Frequently Asked Questions:a) How does Bird Buffer Q2 work?It is operated by an electricallycontrolled sprayer(喷雾器) to spread the vapor at

48、90 mph over larger areas. A time releases the vapor every 2 minutes into the air to keep fresh vapor in the area for birds. When birds fly through the area, the tiny particles(颗粒) of vapor enter the birds breathing system, making the birds fly away. When the birds come back, they once again breathe

49、the particles and fly away. After a few weeks, birds remember their responses and stay away.b) How much water is needed per month?About one gallon a mouth c) How long does it take to get bird control?Usually two weeks is enough to control flocks of birds from the treated area. It takes time for the

50、birds to find a new home and new feeding grounds.67It can be inferred that the text is used .Ato promote the productBto warn people not to go near birdsCto remind people of the present situation of bird control is Dto inform people what the present situation of bird control is68Where can Bird Buffer

51、 Q2 be most likely used?AIn basements. BIn wild forests.CIn wildlife zoos. DIn outdoor restaurants.69Which of the following words can be best describe Bird Buffer Q2?AAttractive BInexpensive CTimesaving DA little dangerous70All of the following aspects of bird control using Bird Buffer Q2 are mentio

52、ned except .Athe time taken Bthe amount of water neededCthe way it works Dthe side effects brought about第二节 (共5小题,每小题2分,满分10分)根据短文内容,从短文后的选项中能填入空白处的最佳选项。选项中有两项为多余选项。注意:请将答案转写到答题卡上,写在本试卷上无效。EHow do people analyze and solve worry problem? The answer is that we must equip ourselves to deal with differe

53、nt kinds of worries by learning the three basic steps of problem analysis. The three steps are:Get the factsWhy is it so important to get the facts? Unless you have the facts, you cant possibly attempt to solve your problem intelligently. Without the facts, all you can do is wandering around in conf

54、usion. Its not an easy job to get facts. When you are worried, your emotions are riding high. 71 .When trying to get the facts, you can pretend that you are collecting this information not for yourself but for some other person. 72 You can also pretend that you are a lawyer preparing to agree. Try t

55、o get all the facts both on your side and the other side of the case. You will generally find the truth lies somewhere in between. 73 Whenever you are worried, write down the questions that make you worry. And write out all the various steps you could take and then the probable consequences of each step. For example, what am I worrying abo


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