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1、Traditional Chinese Culture齐齐哈尔医学院外语部齐齐哈尔医学院外语部Food and Drink the Dragon Boat Festival 端午节端午节 Mid-autumn Festival 中秋节中秋节 poultry家禽家禽 相关词汇相关词汇 1. 中国的传统节庆膳食是节日必不可中国的传统节庆膳食是节日必不可少的伴侣。例如,我国的端午节是纪少的伴侣。例如,我国的端午节是纪念古代诗人屈原的日子。那一天,人念古代诗人屈原的日子。那一天,人们通常要赛龙舟、吃粽子。中秋节是们通常要赛龙舟、吃粽子。中秋节是观赏满月的日子。圆圆的月亮象征着观赏满月的日子。圆圆的月亮

2、象征着圆满,象征着家庭团聚。因此,中秋圆满,象征着家庭团聚。因此,中秋节的特制食品是一种圆形的月饼。春节的特制食品是一种圆形的月饼。春节是中国节是中国 的农历新年,除了常见的家的农历新年,除了常见的家禽和肉类之外,人们还要按各自的地禽和肉类之外,人们还要按各自的地方习俗烹制传统食物,如饺子和年糕。方习俗烹制传统食物,如饺子和年糕。 Traditional Chinese holiday meals are indispensable on some festivals. For example, the Dragon Boat Festival is a day established in

3、memory of the ancient poet Qu Yuan and people usually hold dragon boat races and eat zongzi, or rice dumpling on that day. The Mid-autumn Festival is an occasion for viewing the full moon. The round moon is a symbol for completeness and family reunion, the special food of theday is yue bing, a round

4、 cake known as the mooncake. The Spring Festival is the Chinese lunar New Years holiday. Besides the popular poultry and meat, people cook traditional food according to regional customs, for example, jiaozi, or boiled dumplings, and niangao, or the “new year cake”. oolong tea 乌龙茶乌龙茶 scented tea 花茶花茶

5、 poultry家禽家禽 a tyrannical leader 暴君 相关词汇相关词汇 2. 2. 在中国,饮茶已经形成一种文化,在中国,饮茶已经形成一种文化, 称茶文化。喝茶不仅是人们生活中的称茶文化。喝茶不仅是人们生活中的一种习惯,也是待客的一种习俗。供一种习惯,也是待客的一种习俗。供人们日常饮茶人们日常饮茶| |、品茶的茶馆遍布中国、品茶的茶馆遍布中国城镇,茶馆里还可进行社交和文化娱城镇,茶馆里还可进行社交和文化娱乐活动。乐活动。 茶是一种植物,它的芽叶经过加茶是一种植物,它的芽叶经过加工就成了可冲泡的茶叶。早在工就成了可冲泡的茶叶。早在15001500多多年前,中国茶叶就开始运往亚洲

6、一些年前,中国茶叶就开始运往亚洲一些地区,地区,400400多年前欧洲也开始有了来自多年前欧洲也开始有了来自中国的茶叶。中国的茶叶。 常见的茶叶品种有绿茶、红茶、乌常见的茶叶品种有绿茶、红茶、乌龙茶、花茶等。在中国茶文化中,沏龙茶、花茶等。在中国茶文化中,沏茶、敬茶、饮茶都有一定的程式和要茶、敬茶、饮茶都有一定的程式和要求,形成了一定的技法和艺术氛围,求,形成了一定的技法和艺术氛围,这就是茶艺。沏茶时,对茶具、茶叶、这就是茶艺。沏茶时,对茶具、茶叶、水质也有不同的要求。水质也有不同的要求。 In China, tea-drinking is part of the Chinese cultur

7、e: Tea Culture. To drink tea is not only a way of life, it is also a custom. Teahouses where tea-drinkers could also socialize and entertain themselves are all over the country. Tea is a kind of plant. After processing, tea leaves with hot water become drinkable. Tea was exported to parts of Asia as

8、 early as 1500 years ago, and it arrived in Europe about 400 years ago. Common tea can be classified into such varieties as green tea, black tea, oolong tea and scented tea, etc. In the Chinese tea culture, there are certain rituals and rules to follow, either at the stage of preparing, drinking or

9、treating a guest. Theres also a set of criteria for the quality of water, tea, and tea-making utensils. brewing 酿造酿造 archeological excavations 考古发现考古发现 liquor 白酒白酒 saccharification 糖化作用 fermentation 发酵发酵 distillation 蒸馏蒸馏相关词汇相关词汇 3. 3. 中国酒中国酒 早在早在30003000多年前,多年前, 中国中国的酿酒技术就很成熟了。在挖掘出的的酿酒技术就很成熟了。在挖掘出的

10、古代文物中,古代文物中, 有不少是饮酒器皿。自有不少是饮酒器皿。自古以来,民间婚庆佳节的餐桌上都离古以来,民间婚庆佳节的餐桌上都离不开酒。根据酿造工艺和原料不同,不开酒。根据酿造工艺和原料不同,中国酒分为黄酒、白酒、葡萄酒和啤中国酒分为黄酒、白酒、葡萄酒和啤酒。酒。 黄酒黄酒 中国特有的用谷物酿造的酒,中国特有的用谷物酿造的酒, 是营养价值很高的低度酒。主要长于是营养价值很高的低度酒。主要长于长江下游一带,以浙江绍兴黄酒最为长江下游一带,以浙江绍兴黄酒最为有名,品牌有状元红、花雕等。有名,品牌有状元红、花雕等。 白酒白酒 白酒用谷物或薯类经过糖化、白酒用谷物或薯类经过糖化、发酵蒸馏而成,是中国

11、传统蒸馏酒,发酵蒸馏而成,是中国传统蒸馏酒,又称烧酒或白干。虽然中国各地都能又称烧酒或白干。虽然中国各地都能生产白酒,但以贵州、四川和山西等生产白酒,但以贵州、四川和山西等地的产品最为著名。地的产品最为著名。 As early as over 3000 years ago, Chinas brewing technology was already quite advanced. We can see that the majority of the countrys archeological excavations are of drinking utensils. Since ancie

12、nt times drinking has been an indispensable part of holidays and celebrations in China. Based on the variety of brewing technology and materials used, the Chinese liquor are classified as: yellow wine, white liquor (distilled spirit), grape wine, and beer. Yellow wine is made from grain, which is lo

13、w in alcohol high in nutrition. The better know brands include Zhuang yuan hong, Hua diao, all made in Shao xing, Zhe jiang province. White Liquor In making white liquor (distilled spirit), either grain or potatoes are used. They are made with the whole process of saccharification, fermentation and

14、distillation. As a traditional way of wine making, white liquor is made all over the country, with that from Guizhou, Sichuan and Shanxi leading the way. spirits 烈酒烈酒 genres 类型类型 etiquette 礼节礼节 相关词汇相关词汇4 中国是酒的王国。酒,形态万千,色泽纷呈,品种之多,产量之丰,皆堪称世界之冠。中国是酒人的乐土,地不分南北,人不分男女老少,饮酒之风,历经数千年不衰。每逢佳节,或封功庆典,或宴请宾客,或祭奠逝者

15、,或饯别亲朋,或迎亲嫁娶,上至王公贵族,下至庶民百姓,几乎生活的每一个方面,都以酒助其兴。古往今来,许多文人墨客更喜欢借酒当 歌、酒后赋诗。曹操酒后赋诗。曹操短歌行短歌行中说中说“何以解忧,唯有杜康何以解忧,唯有杜康, 即指杜康即指杜康酒。杜牧用酒。杜牧用”借问酒家何处有?借问酒家何处有? 牧童牧童遥指杏花村遥指杏花村“来指明杏花村汾酒,等来指明杏花村汾酒,等等。等。 因此,时时处处在中国人的生活因此,时时处处在中国人的生活中都可以寻找到酒文化的踪迹。中都可以寻找到酒文化的踪迹。 酒,酒,作为一个文化符号,一种文化消费,作为一个文化符号,一种文化消费, 用来表示一种礼仪,一种气氛,一种用来表示

16、一种礼仪,一种气氛,一种情趣、一种心境。随着历史的演进,情趣、一种心境。随着历史的演进, 形成了中国对特的就文化现象。形成了中国对特的就文化现象。 China is a country known for its production of spirits of various genres, colors and flavors. Reputed for their love of spirits, Chinese people, regardless of birthplace, age, and nationally, are proud of the countrys 1000-yea

17、r spirit-drinking tradition. Drinking spirits was so popular among both the nobles and common citizens that they became drunk during banquets, memorial ceremonies, wedding ceremonies, farewell banquets and festivals. Since ancient times, poets in China have tended to compose poems while drinking. In

18、 his poem Duan Ge Xing, Cao Cao, a military strategist, statesman and writer during the Three Kindoms hailed Dukang spirits as capable of alleviating ones depression. Du FU, another prominent people during Tang dynasty, also sang high praises of Xinghua Cun Spirits in his poetry. On many occasions,

19、spirits serve as a cultural symptom and cultural consumption. It also represents etiquette atmosphere and mood. Unique Chinese spirits culture gradually took shape as history developed. offering 祭品祭品 usurp 篡夺;篡夺; 侵占,霸占侵占,霸占 sesame 芝麻芝麻相关词汇相关词汇 5 月饼不仅象征着家人、朋友的团聚,月饼不仅象征着家人、朋友的团聚,也是献给土地神的一种祭品。民间认也是献给土地


21、发给了汉人,他们在切只分发给了汉人,他们在切 开月饼的时候发现了一条开月饼的时候发现了一条“于八月初于八月初十五起义十五起义”的信息。后来,人们在八的信息。后来,人们在八月十五那天集合起来推翻了元朝统治。月十五那天集合起来推翻了元朝统治。从那以后,月饼成为中秋节不可或缺从那以后,月饼成为中秋节不可或缺的元素。的元素。 月饼有四种类型:京式、苏式、广式、月饼有四种类型:京式、苏式、广式、台式。京式月饼起源于北京,与芝麻台式。京式月饼起源于北京,与芝麻饼类似,皮脆而味美。苏式月饼味甜、饼类似,皮脆而味美。苏式月饼味甜、皮薄而多层。广式月饼以馅料精致而皮薄而多层。广式月饼以馅料精致而著名。台式月饼也

22、叫著名。台式月饼也叫“月光饼月光饼”,用,用甜土豆做为馅料,味甜酥软而不油腻。甜土豆做为馅料,味甜酥软而不油腻。 Mooncakes symbolize the gathering of friends and family and are an indispensable part of the offerings made to the Earth God, Tu Ti Kung. According to popular belief, the custom of eating mooncakes began in the late Yuan dynasty. As the story

23、goes, the Han people of that time resented the Mongol rule of the Yuan Dynasty and revolutionaries, led by Chu Yuan-chang, plotted to usurp the throne. Chu needed to find a way of uniting the people to revolt on the same day without letting the Mongol rulers learn of the plan. Chus close advisor, Li

24、u Po-wen, finally came up with a brilliant idea. A rumor was spread that a plague was ravaging the land and that only by eating a special mooncake distributed by the revolutionaries could the disaster be prevented. The mooncakes were then distributed only to the Han people, who found, upon cutting t

25、he cakes open, the message Revolt on the fifteenth of the eighth month. Thus informed, the people rose together on the designated day to overthrow the Yuan, and since that time mooncakes have become an integral part of the Mid-Autumn Festival. There are four types of mooncakes : ping, su, kuang, and

26、 tai. Ping style mooncakes originated in Peking and resemble sesame outer crust. The su style of mooncakes are sweet with a thin, delicate layered crust. The kuang style are famous for their meticulously prepared fillings. The tai style is also known as Moonlight Cakes. These cakes use sweet potatoe

27、s for filling and are sweet, tender, and tasty without being oily. prickly ash 花椒花椒 cuisines 烹饪,菜肴烹饪,菜肴spicy 辛辣的辛辣的pungent辛辣的辛辣的prolific 众多的,富饶的众多的,富饶的chili 红辣椒红辣椒Cantonese 广东人广东人相关词汇相关词汇 prickly ash 花椒花椒 cuisines 烹饪,菜肴烹饪,菜肴spicy 辛辣的辛辣的pungent辛辣的辛辣的prolific 众多的,富饶的众多的,富饶的chili 红辣椒红辣椒Cantonese 广东人广东人

28、相关词汇相关词汇 crisp 脆脆 raptor 猛禽猛禽 stir-frying 炒炒 sauteing 煸煸 braising炖,焖炖,焖 stewing煨煨;炖炖;煲煲 相关词汇相关词汇 6 中国地域辽阔,民族众多,因此各中国地域辽阔,民族众多,因此各种中国饮食口味不同,却都味美,令种中国饮食口味不同,却都味美,令人垂涎。因为中国地方菜肴各具特色,人垂涎。因为中国地方菜肴各具特色,总体来讲,中国饮食可以大致分为八总体来讲,中国饮食可以大致分为八大地方菜系,这种分类已被广为接受。大地方菜系,这种分类已被广为接受。当然,还有其他很多著名的地方菜系,当然,还有其他很多著名的地方菜系,例如川菜和

29、广东菜。四川菜系,是世例如川菜和广东菜。四川菜系,是世界上最著名的中国菜系之一。界上最著名的中国菜系之一。 四川菜系以其香辣而闻名,味道多四川菜系以其香辣而闻名,味道多变,着重使用红辣椒,搭配使用青椒变,着重使用红辣椒,搭配使用青椒和花椒,产生出经典的刺激的味道。和花椒,产生出经典的刺激的味道。此外,大蒜,姜和豆豉也被应用于烹此外,大蒜,姜和豆豉也被应用于烹饪过程中。野菜和野禽常被选用为原饪过程中。野菜和野禽常被选用为原料,油炸,无油炸,腌制和文火炖煮料,油炸,无油炸,腌制和文火炖煮是基本的烹饪技术。没有品尝过四川是基本的烹饪技术。没有品尝过四川菜的人不算来过中国。菜的人不算来过中国。 广东菜

30、源自于中国最南部的省份广广东菜源自于中国最南部的省份广东省。大多数华侨来自广东,因此广东省。大多数华侨来自广东,因此广东菜也许是国外最广泛的中国地方菜东菜也许是国外最广泛的中国地方菜系。系。 广东人热衷于尝试用各种不同的肉广东人热衷于尝试用各种不同的肉类和蔬菜。事实上,中国北方人常说,类和蔬菜。事实上,中国北方人常说,广东人吃天上飞的,除了飞机;地上广东人吃天上飞的,除了飞机;地上爬的,除了火车;水里游的,除了船爬的,除了火车;水里游的,除了船儿。这一陈述很不属实,但是广东菜儿。这一陈述很不属实,但是广东菜是各类丰富的中国菜系之一。使用很是各类丰富的中国菜系之一。使用很多来自世界其他地方的蔬菜

31、,不大使多来自世界其他地方的蔬菜,不大使用辣椒,而是带出蔬菜和肉类自身的用辣椒,而是带出蔬菜和肉类自身的风味。风味。 广东菜系,味道清,淡,脆,鲜,广东菜系,味道清,淡,脆,鲜,为西方人所熟知,常用猛禽走兽来为西方人所熟知,常用猛禽走兽来烹饪出有创意的菜肴。它的基础烹烹饪出有创意的菜肴。它的基础烹饪方法包括烤,炒,煸,深炸,烤,饪方法包括烤,炒,煸,深炸,烤,炖和蒸。其中蒸和炒最常用于保存炖和蒸。其中蒸和炒最常用于保存天然风味。广东厨师也注重于菜肴天然风味。广东厨师也注重于菜肴的艺术感。的艺术感。 China covers a large territory and has many nati

32、onalities, hence a variety of Chinese food with different but fantastic and mouthwatering flavor. Since Chinas local dishes have their own typical characteristics, generally, Chinese food can be roughly divided into eight regional cuisines, which has been widely accepted around. Certainly, there are

33、 many other local cuisines that are famous, such as Chuan Cuisine and Guangdong Cuisine. Sichuan Cuisine is one of the most famous Chinese cuisines in the world. Characterized by its spicy and pungent flavor, Sichuan cuisine, prolific of tastes, emphasizes on the use of chili. Pepper and prickly ash

34、 also never fail to accompany, producing typical exciting tastes. Besides, garlic, ginger and fermented soybean are also used in the cooking process. Wild vegetables and animals are usually chosen as ingredients, while frying, frying without oil, pickling and braising are applied as basic cooking techniques. It cannot be said that one who does not experience Sichuan food ever reaches China. Guangdong Cuisine is Cantonese food originates from Guangdong, the southernmost province in China. The majority of overs


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