1、了解你的行业Understanding Your Industry企业名称Business NameBusiness Performance Improvement Program3.2 Porter Industry Rivalry and Competition概况Overview了解你的行业 Understanding Your Industry新的潜在进入者Potential New Entrants原材料和资源供应商Suppliers of Raw Materials & Resources产品或服务的替代品Substitute Products or Services行业竞
2、争Industry Rivalry客户Customers分析你的行业Analysing Your IndustryIFC-CPDFBusiness Performance Improvement Program3.2 Porter Industry Rivalry and Competition了解你的行业Understanding Your Industry了解你的行业性质是非常重要的It is critical to understand the nature of the industry in which you operate行业分析是确定企业未来战略的第一步中的一部份Industr
3、y analysis is one of the first steps in defining your future strategy包括了解企业的经营环境和制约企业发展的要素It involves understanding the environment in which your business operates and the forces that affect your performanceIFC-CPDFBusiness Performance Improvement Program3.2 Porter Industry Rivalry and Competition了解
4、你的行业Understanding Your IndustryMichael E. Porter 认为以下5点是影响行业性质的要素:According to Michael E. Porter there are 5 forces that affect the nature of your industry:-产品或服务的替代品-Substitute products or services; -行业竞争;-Industry rivalry;-供应商讨价还价的能力;-Bargaining power of suppliers;-客户;以及-Customers; and-新进入者的威胁。-Th
5、e threat of new entrants.IFC-CPDFBusiness Performance Improvement Program3.2 Porter Industry Rivalry and Competition了解你的行业Understanding Your Industry行业竞争的激烈程度行业竞争的激烈程度Level of industry rivalry between competitors原材料和原材料和资源供应商资源供应商Suppliers of raw materials and resources产品或服务的替代品产品或服务的替代品Substitute p
6、roducts or services潜在的进入者潜在的进入者Potential new entrants客户客户Customers供应商讨价供应商讨价还价的能力还价的能力Bargaining power of suppliers客户讨价还价客户讨价还价的能力的能力Bargaining power of customers新的竞争对手带来的威胁新的竞争对手带来的威胁Threat of entry of new competitors产品或服务替代品带来的威胁产品或服务替代品带来的威胁The threat of substitute products or servicesPorters 的五因
7、素的五因素Porters 5 ForcesIFC-CPDFBusiness Performance Improvement Program3.2 Porter Industry Rivalry and Competition新的潜在进入者.Potential New Entrants.新进入者的威胁大小,很大程度上取决于行业进入障碍的大小The extent of the threat of new entrants to the market is generally considered to be dependent upon the level of the “barriers to
8、entry” into the industry-行业退出壁垒也会产生影响Exit barriers can also have an impact你应确定哪些是行业进入的障碍大还是小?You need to ascertain what the barriers to entry are are they high or low?IFC-CPDFBusiness Performance Improvement Program3.2 Porter Industry Rivalry and Competition新的潜在进入者Potential New Entrants.行业进入的障碍包括 Ba
9、rriers to entry could include:-启动资金; Start-up capital; - 许可和规定 Licensing and regulation;-规模经济和知识积累 Economies of scale and cumulative learning;-专利技术、产品和专利 Proprietary technology, products and patents;IFC-CPDFBusiness Performance Improvement Program3.2 Porter Industry Rivalry and Competition新的潜在进入者Pot
10、ential New Entrants.行业进入的障碍包括 Barriers to entry could include:-分销网络 Distribution networks;-原材料来源渠道Access to raw materials;-客户转换成本; Customer switching costs; and-行业竞争 Industry rivalry 。IFC-CPDFBusiness Performance Improvement Program3.2 Porter Industry Rivalry and Competition新的潜在进入者Potential New Entr
11、ants.如果行业进入的障碍小,竞争可能会很激烈When barriers to entry are low, competition is likely to be intense-尤其当潜在进入者意识到该行业极具吸引力并且盈利率很高的时候Particularly if potential entrants perceive the industry to be attractive and profitability to be highIFC-CPDFBusiness Performance Improvement Program3.2 Porter Industry Rivalry a
12、nd Competition新的潜在进入者Potential New Entrants.市场退出的障碍包括:Barriers to exit could include:-资本设备处置成本;-Disposal costs of capital equipment;-行业转变成本; -Industry switching costs; and-进入其他行业的潜力。- Potential to enter other industries.IFC-CPDFBusiness Performance Improvement Program3.2 Porter Industry Rivalry and
13、Competition新的潜在进入者Potential New Entrants.如果市场退出的障碍大,竞争对手就不太愿意撤离原行业When barriers to exit are “high,” competitors are less likely to leave the industry-这样行业里会产生过剩的生产能力,竞争加剧会带来价格战Therefore excess capacity will remain in the industry and price wars become more likely as businesses compete for market sha
14、reIFC-CPDFBusiness Performance Improvement Program3.2 Porter Industry Rivalry and Competition原材料和资源供应商Suppliers of Raw Materials& Resources考察你的原材料供应商对你的影响力大小是十分重要的It is important to examine the amount of power that suppliers of raw materials and resources have in their relationship with you许多因素影
15、响这种能力This power will be the result of a number of factorsIFC-CPDFBusiness Performance Improvement Program3.2 Porter Industry Rivalry and Competition原材料和资源供应商Suppliers of Raw Materials& Resources考虑以下几点Consider the following-行业中供应商的数量The number of suppliers in the industry-少还是多?Are there few or ma
16、ny?-你能选择和其他供应商合作吗?Could you choose to deal with other suppliers?IFC-CPDFBusiness Performance Improvement Program3.2 Porter Industry Rivalry and Competition原材料和资源供应商Suppliers of Raw Materials& Resources考虑以下几点Consider the following-你对你的供应商的重要性The importance of your custom to their business-你在你的供应商
17、的销售份额中占的比重大吗?Does your business account for a large proportion of their sales?-你不与供应商合作带给它的影响?What would happen to them if you were no longer a customer?IFC-CPDFBusiness Performance Improvement Program3.2 Porter Industry Rivalry and Competition-你的转换成本 Your switching costs- 转换供应商会产生的成本Would it cost y
18、ou anything to switch suppliers?-你有什么特殊的设备,造成你只能使用这家供应商吗? Have you invested in any special equipment that you can only use with this supplier?-供应商进一步生产的潜在能力 The potential for them to forward-integrate-供应商是否很容易向前整合,从而变成你的竞争对手吗?Could the supplier easily forward-integrate their processes and in fact be
19、come your competitor?原材料和资源供应商Suppliers of Raw Materials& ResourcesIFC-CPDFBusiness Performance Improvement Program3.2 Porter Industry Rivalry and Competition-你自己成为供应商的潜在能力The potential for you to backward-integrate-你能扩大营业范围而成为自己的供应商吗,就是说,你有能力生产从供应商处购买的产品吗?Could you expand your business so that
20、you become your own supplier i.e. could you effectively produce what you are buying原材料和资源供应商Suppliers of Raw Materials& ResourcesIFC-CPDFBusiness Performance Improvement Program3.2 Porter Industry Rivalry and Competition产品或服务的替代品Substitute Products or Services各种形式的替代品(服务) Substitute products (or
21、 services) can take many forms-可能是明显的,也可能是不明显的,两种情况都需考虑They can be obvious or subtle both categories need to be considered- 去欧洲旅游的明显替代品是去澳大利亚;而不太明显的替代品是买辆新车An obvious substitute for a trip to Europe may be a trip to Australia. A less obvious substitute may be a new car!替代品的存在直接影响客户的选择The availabilit
22、y of substitutes directly affects the number of choices available to customersIFC-CPDFBusiness Performance Improvement Program3.2 Porter Industry Rivalry and Competition产品或服务的替代品Substitute Products or Services涉及以下方面:Consider the following:-替代品的数量The number of substitutes-替代品越多,客户的选择越多The more substi
23、tutes there are the more choices that customer has-替代品的市场供应情况Level of availability of substitutes-替代品越多,产生的竞争越强The more available these substitutes are the greater the competition for the customerIFC-CPDFBusiness Performance Improvement Program3.2 Porter Industry Rivalry and Competition产品或服务的替代品Subs
24、titute Products or Services-替代品的优点The benefits of the substitute products-客户如果选用替代品,会获得什么额外的好处?What extra benefits would the customer receive if they purchased the substitute product?-替代品有什么优点和功能?Has the substitute got extra benefits or functionality?-替代品更便宜吗?Is the substitute cheaper?IFC-CPDFBusine
25、ss Performance Improvement Program3.2 Porter Industry Rivalry and Competition产品或服务的替代品Substitute Products or Services-客户转换成本 Customer switching costs-.客户购买替代品会导致产生额外成本吗?.Will the customer suffer any switching costs if they were to purchase the substitute?IFC-CPDFBusiness Performance Improvement Prog
26、ram3.2 Porter Industry Rivalry and Competition行业竞争.Industry Rivalry.行业竞争是指行业内竞争的激烈程度Industry rivalry refers to the intensity of competition within the industry竞争的激烈程度会影响赢取市场份额的战略安排The intensity of the rivalry has an impact on the types of tactics that are used in order to secure market share如果竞争激烈,可
27、采用市场促销活动,如打折降价If rivalry is intense aggressive marketing activities such as price discounting are more likely to be usedIFC-CPDFBusiness Performance Improvement Program3.2 Porter Industry Rivalry and Competition行业竞争.Industry Rivalry.涉及以下几方面Consider the following-竞争者的数量The number of competitors-竞争者越多
28、,行业竞争越激烈The more competitors there are the more likely that industry rivalry will be intense-市场成长空间Market growth-如果市场收缩或停滞,竞争会越激烈If the market is stagnant or shrinking rivalry is likely to be more intenseIFC-CPDFBusiness Performance Improvement Program3.2 Porter Industry Rivalry and Competition行业竞争.
29、Industry Rivalry.-客户转换成本Customer switching costs-如果转换成本高,竞争者会积极的举办促销活动,以赢取市场份额If switching costs are high, competitors will be more likely to engage in activities designed to increase their market share-行业进入障碍 Barriers to industry entry -障碍较小,竞争者会越多,竞争会越激烈If they are relatively low, the industry wil
30、l attract more competitors and rivalry will be more intenseIFC-CPDFBusiness Performance Improvement Program3.2 Porter Industry Rivalry and Competition行业竞争.Industry Rivalry.-固定成本的范围The extent to which costs are fixed;-固定成本越高,销量就应越大,以求保本。这会导致竞争者狂热的追求市场份额The greater the level of fixed costs, the higher
31、 the volume of sales that will be required in order to break-even. This will result in competitors aggressively chasing market share-对其他行业的兴趣 Business interests in other industries -行业的容量水平Industry capacity levelsIFC-CPDFBusiness Performance Improvement Program3.2 Porter Industry Rivalry and Competi
32、tion客户. Customers.考察你的客户关系对你的影响力有多大,是十分重要的It is important to examine the amount of power that customers have in their relationship with you许多因素影响这种能力This power will be the result of a number of factorsIFC-CPDFBusiness Performance Improvement Program3.2 Porter Industry Rivalry and Competition客户. Cust
33、omers.考虑以下几点 Consider the following-行业中直接竞争者的数量 The number of direct competitors in the industry;-这关系到客户有多少选择,就是说,如果有许多竞争者提供同样的产品,那你的客户对你依赖性不强 This affects the number of choices that the customer has i.e. if there are many competitors offering identical products the customers are not very dependent
34、upon you-你的产品或服务对你的客户有多重要 The level of importance the product or service is to the customer;IFC-CPDFBusiness Performance Improvement Program3.2 Porter Industry Rivalry and Competition客户. Customers.考虑以下几点 Consider the following-如果你不提供产品给他们,会对其产生什么影响? What would be the impact on the customer if you co
35、uld not supply the product?-客户转换成本 Customer switching costs-如果客户换用另一家供应商,会产生什么转换成本吗?If the customer used another supplier would they experience any switching costsIFC-CPDFBusiness Performance Improvement Program3.2 Porter Industry Rivalry and Competition客户. Customers.-客户自己供货的潜在能力 The potential for c
36、ustomers to backward-integrate-客户对你的重要性 The importance of the customers custom to you- 你的客户多还是少? Do you have few or many customers?-每个客户对你的重要程度 How important is each customer to you?1.如果丢掉一个客户对你的影响? What would happen if you lost a customer?IFC-CPDFBusiness Performance Improvement Program3.2 Porter I
37、ndustry Rivalry and Competition行业分析工作表Industry Analysis Worksheet产品或服务的替代品产品或服务的替代品SUBSTITUE PRODUCTS OR SERVICES1.潜在的竞争对手潜在的竞争对手POTENTIAL NEW ENTRANTS1.客户客户CUSTOMERS1.原材料和资源供应商原材料和资源供应商SUPPLIERS OF RAW MATERIALS & RESOURCES1.行业竞争行业竞争INDUSTRY RIVALRY1.
38、CPDFBusiness Performance Improvement Program3.2 Porter Industry Rivalry and Competition了解你的行业Understanding Your Industry你的行业中经营要素有哪些?What are the forces operating within your industry?-完成工作手册Please complete your workbook-每个要素列出5条最重要的影响因素List the 5 most significant factors for each forceIFC-CPDFBusiness Performance Improvement Program3.2 Porter Industry Rivalry and Competition了解你的行业Understanding Your Industry对你最重要的要素是什么,它对你意味着什么?What is the most significant force and what does this mean for your business?-请完成工作表P
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